Утилитарни и хедонистични възприятия на потребителите към цената
Utilitarian and hedonistic perceptions of consumer to the price

Author(s): Borislav Atanasov
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: utilitarian; hedonistic perceptions; price; consumer behavior
Summary/Abstract: To a certain extent, the consumers’ perceptions for the price level in the retail trade predetermine also their decisions for purchase because the price is an element, which is compulsory present in all sale-trade. The consumers’ decision for purchase is associated with the action of both utilitarian and hedonistic price perceptions because they built up their general assessment for the price. On the other hand, the consumers’ perceptions to the price are associated also with the manifestation of internal and external reference prices influencing on consumer choice. In this study, the utilitarian and hedonistic perceptions of the consumers to the price and their manifestation in the purchase process are identified based on the literature review and analysis of conducted empirical studies.

  • Page Range: 492-500
  • Page Count: 9
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Bulgarian
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