Структура на интелектуалния капитал в търговията на дребно
Structure of intellectual capital in retail trade
Author(s): Ivanka Nikolova
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: intellectual capital; chains of stores
Summary/Abstract: In a knowledge economy competitive advantages are achieved and retained mostly through the strategic management of intellectual capital. The aim of the paper is to present the current structure of intellectual capital in leading consumer goods chains of stores in Bulgaria. Descriptive analysis of a questionnaire survey, conducted among managers at different managerial levels in established chains of stores in the country, is used. The specialized literature related to intellectual capital suggests structures of intellectual capital in different economic sectors which are based on the methodology of Goeran Roos, Stephan Pike and Lisa Fernstroem. In a previous publication the author presents a model for the identification of intellectual capital in retail trade. The present paper presents the results from the verification of the suggested model for identification of intellectual capital in retail trade. The practical contribution relates to outlining the significant elements of intellectual capital in chains of stores.
Book: Търговия 4.0 - наука, практика и образование. Сборник с доклади
- Page Range: 423-431
- Page Count: 9
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Bulgarian