Обучението и науката по търговия – традиции и предизвикателства
Commerce Education and Science – Traditions and Challenges

a paper dedicated to 65 years since the establishment of the Department of “Economics and Management of Trade” (1953-2018) and 70 years of the specialty "Economics and Commerce" (1948-2018)

Author(s): Violeta Dimitrova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: economics of commerce; education in commerce; trade science
Summary/Abstract: Celebrating the anniversaries is a good opportunity to address again with gratitude the founders of the University of Economics - Varna and the Department of Economics and Management of Trade who have realized the fundamental role of commerce for the development of the economy and society as a whole. The report follows the history of education and science at the University of Economics - Varna, the creation and development of the Economics and Trade university course and the Department of Economics and Management of Trade, focusing on the educational and scientific results of the last five years. In the light of the new information and communication technologies, the electronisation and digitization of trade processes the challenges facing commerce education and science have highlighted.

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