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The Importance of Guilt in the Implementation Educational Measures

Author(s): Dragan Blagić
Subject(s): Education, Criminal Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Guilt;Education measures;Juveniles;
Summary/Abstract: It is necessary to emphasize that despite the existence of differences in terms of age and maturity, as well as other properties of minor in comparison to adults, the fact is that the principle of guilt in some way is represented in the juvenile criminal law. Thus, a juvenile offender for an offense may be imposed criminal sanction if guilty, namely for his offense can be attributed to guilty because only then such an unlawful act constitutes a criminal offense. Unlike educational measures, where guilt is not legally prescribed as a criterion for pronouncing, with the juvenile prison sentence in article 28 ZOMUKD provides the requirements for its implementation, and a high degree guilt subjective criteria necessary for the application juvenile prison sentence.

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