Примена и одмеравање казне малолетничког затвора
Enforcement and Sentencing Juvenile Prison

Author(s): Dragan Blagić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminology, Penal Policy
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Juvenile prison; Sentence; Juvenile offender;
Summary/Abstract: General rules on sentencing juvenile detention refer to all those circumstances that influence the sentence, firstly, in the context of its overall minimum and maximum general, and within the limits prescribed punishment for an offense. The use of mitigating and aggravating circumstances, in addition to specific, causes the minor offender in determining take into account all the circumstances surrounding that may affect the sentence to be lower or higher. One circumstances affecting juvenile offender to impose a more lenient sentence within the general minimum and maximum overall juvenile prison, called mitigating circumstances while affecting to impose stricter punishment as an aggravating.All of mentioned circumstances are those that re the most common, the most typical and that, objectively speaking, the most significant factors in determining the penalties in general and juvenile prison. In this regard, it is necessary to expose how and what significance given the circumstances in sentencing juvenile prison, in order to finally achieve the proper purpose of punishment.

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