Подходи за повишаване на готовността и способностите на ГД „Пожарна безопасност и защита на населението“ и нейните териториални структури за реагиране и бързо възстановяване след наводнения
Approaches to increase the readyness and ability of the fire safety and protection of the population DG and its territorial structures for responding to quarry and quick

Author(s): Stiliyan Ognyanov Krotnev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: General Directorate „Fire Safety and Protection of the Population“; hydrological hazards – floods; operational activities; readiness; ability
Summary/Abstract: General Directorate „Fire Safety and Protection of the Population“ – Ministry of Interior is a national specialized structure of the Ministry of Interior for ensuring fire safety, rescue and protection in case of disasters under the terms and conditions of the Ministry of Interior and the Disaster Protection Act.

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