Сборник с доклади от международната научна конференция „Изкуственият интелект в сферата на сигурността – предимства и заплахи“. Том 2
Collection of the International Scientific Conference „Artificial Intelligence in Security – Advantages and Threats“. Volume 2
Author(s): Tiana Atanasova Kaleeva, Vladimir Petrov Petrov, Ivelina Dimitrova Dimitrova, Yani Slavchev Yanev, Stiliyan Ognyanov Krotnev, Ivanka Nenova Nikolova, Victoria Dimitrova Dimitrova, Hristo Dimitrov Varin, Boris Zarkov, Iliyan Iliyanov Iliev, Alibek Sabirovich Eshev, Zebo Safoyevna Shokhujayeva, Antonina Djakona, Kaspar Kikste, Emil Georgiev Stoilkov, Ilian Ivanov Yordanov, Tatyana Ivanova Evtimova, Silvia Boyanova Aleksandrova, Dimitrina Petrova Stefanova, Dimitar Lazarov Urdev, Diyan Mariyanov Dimitrov, Nonna Metodieva Ilieva, Valentin Penchev Vasilev
Contributor(s): Georgi Lyubenov Manolov (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Media studies, Agriculture, Communication studies, Security and defense, Criminology, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: AI; state security; National Security; environmental security; immigration; terrorism; security system; security protection; education; Sustainable Development; automation and banking; circular economy; online trading; "smart" cities; criminal process
Summary/Abstract: The present collection of the Higher School of Security and Economics (Volumes I and II) captures the highly fruitful international scientific conference on Artificial Intelligence in Security - Advantages and Threats, which took place in September 2022. The edition contains keynote and plenary papers. They are divided into three scientific panels focusing on topics such as "Artificial Intelligence Systems in Security", "Economic Growth and Sustainable Development" and "Artificial Intelligence in Administration, Public Management and Social Sciences". Speakers include academic authorities from Europe, Asia and Africa. The proceedings of the VUSI conference are published in two volumes by VUSI Publishing. There is also an online abridged version of the publication available on the VUSI website – www.vusi.bg.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7343-71-7
- Page Count: 154
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English, Bulgarian
Изкуственият интелект като инструмент за повишаване на сигурността (приложение на поведенческия анализ)
Изкуственият интелект като инструмент за повишаване на сигурността (приложение на поведенческия анализ)
(The Artificial Intelligence as аn Instrument for Improvement of the Security (Implementation of Behavioral Analysis))
- Author(s):Tiana Atanasova Kaleeva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Sociology, Security and defense, Methodology and research technology, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:6-12
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:artificial intelligence; behavioral analysis programs; security; protection
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the current article is to present the artificial intelligence under the form of behavioral analysis programs in the protection of entities of critical or strategic importance. Theoretical and practical aspects are introduced in connection to the behavioral analysis in general as an instrument for improvement of security and preserving safety. Based on documentary and comparative analysis are outlined different issues and challenges that could arise during the implementation of such programs. Last but not least, the article presents two already existing behavioral analysis programs in order to ensure the practical orientation of the material and to study their mechanism of functioning.
Изкуственият интелект в сферата на сигурността и корупцията
Изкуственият интелект в сферата на сигурността и корупцията
(Artificial intelligence in the field of security and corruption)
- Author(s):Vladimir Petrov Petrov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
- Page Range:13-18
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:national security; corruption; artificial intelligence
- Summary/Abstract:The report looks at basic concepts and aspects related to artificial intelligence in the field of security and corruption. Attention has been paid to the role of artificial intelligence in identifying corrupt officials in individual countries. Examples are given of how artificial intelligence can threaten the national security of the country.
Изкуственият интелект – фактор за развитието на енергийната сигурност на България
Изкуственият интелект – фактор за развитието на енергийната сигурност на България
(Artificial intelligence – a factor that drives the development of the energy security of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Ivelina Dimitrova Dimitrova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:19-25
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:energy security; artificial intelligence; circular economy; digitalization; automatization; linear economy; renewable energy; energy risks; smart systems; energy self-sufficiency; energy resources
- Summary/Abstract:Artificial intelligence has decisive role for the economic development, for the transition from linear to circular economy and for the improvement of the well-being of people worldwide. Artificial intelligence is also closely connected to digitalization, automatization, smart systems, etc. Being everywhere around us, artificial intelligence enters in all sectors of the economy, including the energy sector. It improves economic performance, helps in forecasting and prevention, provides timely information and saves costs. In this sense, artificial intelligence is a valuable instrument also for the development and ensuring of the energy security in Bulgaria. It can be applied in all levels of the energy cycle – the upstream, midstream and downstream stages of production of energy resources, in the energy transport infrastructure, in the energy storage and also in the energy consumption. As a conclusion, it can be said that the timely application of artificial intelligence can reduce energy losses, optimize energy consumption, decrease energy expenses and give accurate and timely information for planning and forecasting.
Изкуствен интелект в корпоративната сигурност
Изкуствен интелект в корпоративната сигурност
(Artificial intelligence in enterprise security)
- Author(s):Ilian Ivanov Yordanov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:26-32
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:artificial intelligence; corporate security
- Summary/Abstract:The synergy between technical advancement, the search for higher business results and human intelligence is mandatory as a factor for corporate security, and the intersection between artificial intelligence as an innovation and corporate security is only possible through the bridge of human judgment.
Възможности и заплахи в корпоративната сигурност
Възможности и заплахи в корпоративната сигурност
(Opportunities and threats in the corporate security)
- Author(s):Yani Slavchev Yanev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Business Economy / Management, Labor relations, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:33-39
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:corporate intelligence; intelligence; organizations; leadership; motivations; style of leadership; company management; digitalization; information technologies
- Summary/Abstract:Corporate security is a complex of strategies and activities within an organization that aim to foresee, identify, counteract and analyse threats and risks of any character. With the globalization of economy, the competition for markets shares and customers, the implementation of information technologies and artificial intelligence in all economic activities, corporate security has become of paramount importance in the recent decades. Nowadays, threats for the corporate security could arrive from everywhere – included from the other parts of the world. In the present times, corporate security expanded to not only the physical protection of the companies know-how and assets but mainly on the protection in the virtual space. For this reason, the role of the corporate security officers is key in every organization, and this figure more than ever should be with complex knowledge, management skills, cutting edge knowledge and vision for business field in general.
Извънредните ситуации и Министерството на вътрешните работи
Извънредните ситуации и Министерството на вътрешните работи
(Emergency situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
- Author(s):Stiliyan Ognyanov Krotnev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Sociology, Security and defense, Studies in violence and power, Conference Report
- Page Range:40-44
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:emergency situations; Ministry of Internal Affair
- Summary/Abstract:The study reveals the essence of the participation of the structures of the Ministry of Interior in emergency situations.
Съвременни предизвикателства пред финансовия мениджмънт в здравеопазването и националната сигурност от приложението на изкуствен интелект
Съвременни предизвикателства пред финансовия мениджмънт в здравеопазването и националната сигурност от приложението на изкуствен интелект
(Contemporary challenges for financial management in healthcare and national security from the application of artificial intelligence)
- Author(s):Tatiana Ivanova Evtimova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Sociology, Security and defense, Health and medicine and law, Conference Report, Public Finances, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:45-54
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:financial management; healthcare funding; artificial intelligence; national security
- Summary/Abstract:Modern challenges to financial management in the field of health care are related to the organization of the health insurance system. Financial management in health care based on artificial intelligence technologies also brings advantages that arise from the accumulation of a more complete set of knowledge, from the streamlining of the process and the elimination of emotional instability in decision-making, from the reorientation from the routine of activities and dissatisfaction from certain repetitive work tasks to another type of creative activities, from expanding the scope and scale of action, from solving more complex problems in a shorter time, etc.
Имидж и репутация на МВР
Имидж и репутация на МВР
(Image and reputation of the MIA)
- Author(s):Ivanka Nenova Nikolova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Sociology, Security and defense, Military policy, Studies in violence and power, Conference Report, Social Norms / Social Control
- Page Range:55-59
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:image; reputation; Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Summary/Abstract:In the selected topic our attention is focused on outlining the existing problem areas and factors influencing the determination of a positive image of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a situation of communication during a crisis of confidence. The emphasis on PR is placed in order to overcome the existing problems with the internal and external audiences of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a number of sociological studies report that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is among the institutions with the lowest values of public trust, whose structure is the National Police.
Съвременни предизвикателства пред националната сигурност на Република България и опити за алтернативното им решаване
Съвременни предизвикателства пред националната сигурност на Република България и опити за алтернативното им решаване
(Modern challenges to the national security of the Republic of Bulgaria and attempts to solve them in an alternative way)
- Author(s):Victoria Dimitrova Dimitrova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report
- Page Range:60-65
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:national security; challenges; Republic of Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:Alternative methods of prevention and protection of national security must be extremely precisely specified. Accuracy is of the utmost importance, as with blood pressure. High and low levels are equally dangerous and harmful. It must be a precisely determined value commensurate with adequacy.
Изкуственият интелект в сферата на сигурността – предимства и недостатъци
Изкуственият интелект в сферата на сигурността – предимства и недостатъци
(Artificial intelligence in the field of security – advantages and disadvantages)
- Author(s):Hristo Dimitrov Varin
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:66-69
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:artificial intelligence; data; human capabilities; cybersecurity; cyber attacks; war
- Summary/Abstract:As technology advances, improves, and enters our daily lives, it seems that artificial intelligence will be an important part of the world's technological future. That is why it is important to know and study the subject in depth. In the presented work, we will first consider what artificial intelligence is, how it works, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its „presence“ in cyber security and warfare.
The role of the artificial intelligence in Surveillance and Reconnaissance
The role of the artificial intelligence in Surveillance and Reconnaissance
(The role of the artificial intelligence in Surveillance and Reconnaissance)
- Author(s):Boris Zarkov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Sociology, Security and defense, Military policy, Methodology and research technology, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:70-73
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:artificial intelligence; OSINT; data and databases; analyzing algorithms
- Summary/Abstract:The current report examines the place of artificial intelligence and its level of development in the field of OSINT, as well as the advantages, disadvantages and dangers associated with it. The report begins with an introductory statement aimed at those unfamiliar with the concept of OSINT and continues with an introduction to its functions, current use, and later its advantages, disadvantages, and dangers. This report does not claim to be exhaustive on the subject and aims only to present the current state of artificial intelligence in the specific field.
The artificial intelligence in the intelligence analysis
The artificial intelligence in the intelligence analysis
(The artificial intelligence in the intelligence analysis)
- Author(s):Iliyan Iliyanov Iliev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Military policy, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:74-77
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:artificial intelligence; intelligence analysis; intelligence services; intelligence cycle; creativity; logic; human
- Summary/Abstract:This report examines and presents the role of artificial intelligence and human factors in the analysis of intelligence acquired for use by intelligence services. The report begins with an introduction that introduces the reader to what intelligence analysis is and why this stage of intelligence work is most important. It then examines the benefits and threats associated with AI and intelligence analysis.
Clusters – the main system for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products
Clusters – the main system for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products
(Clusters – the main system for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products)
- Author(s):Alibek Sabirovich Eshev, Zebo Safoyevna Shokhujayeva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Business Economy / Management, Agriculture, Sociology, Economic policy, Economic development, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:78-84
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:cooperation; cluster system; strategy; supportive cluster policy; intervention cluster policy; concept; clustering; competitiveness; agro-industrial enterprises; public-private partnership
- Summary/Abstract:Cluster development is important with the specificity of the modern innovative economy as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of agriculture and the agro-industrial complex in general. In this regard, this article explains the development of proposals for the introduction of a cluster system in improving the competitiveness of agricultural products.
Integral assessment of the impact of the military sector on the development of the national economy of the countries of the Black Sea and Baltic regions
Integral assessment of the impact of the military sector on the development of the national economy of the countries of the Black Sea and Baltic regions
(Integral assessment of the impact of the military sector on the development of the national economy of the countries of the Black Sea and Baltic regions)
- Author(s):Kaspar Kikste, Antonina Djakona
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Military policy, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:85-91
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:military conflict; military alliances; political alliances; security system
- Summary/Abstract:Military alliances are an important part of the development of political alliances in the modern world, which is primarily caused by the presence of open military conflicts in Europe. The impossibility of solving problems only by political means, their settlement by using the tools of international organizations, causes the need for the formation of new mechanisms and tools for conflict resolution. The article examines the possibilities of forming military alliances and their economic efficiency, which is especially relevant for countries that can be considered as objects of conflict in modern conditions.
Кръговата икономика и нейната роля за обезпечаване на енергийната сигурност на България
Кръговата икономика и нейната роля за обезпечаване на енергийната сигурност на България
(The circular economy and its role for ensuring the energy security of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Ivelina Dimitrova Dimitrova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Energy and Environmental Studies, Sociology, Economic development, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:92-99
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:circular economy; energy security; renewable energy; energy risks; linear economy; energy self-sufficiency; energy resources
- Summary/Abstract:In order to demonstrate how circular economy could contribute to the energy security in Bulgaria, it is important to analyse and explain the model of the circular economy itself. It is also of utmost importance to investigate how this model is planned to be applied in Bulgaria and what are and would be in future its benefits for the energy field. Considered that this is a new economic model, different from the linear economy, which is still diffused all over the world, a definition of circular economy will be offered in the present article. Also, the term energy security and its definition on global and national level will be analysed in details. Once the scientific terms are explained, the interdependency between these concepts will be outlined and analysed with the purpose of demonstrating the positive contribution that circular economy could have for ensuring the energy security in Bulgaria.
Управление на човешките ресурси в сферата на сигурността – предизвикателства в общество, насочено към иновации и устойчиво развитие
Управление на човешките ресурси в сферата на сигурността – предизвикателства в общество, насочено към иновации и устойчиво развитие
(Human resource management in the field of security – challenges in a society focused on innovation and sustainable development)
- Author(s):Emil Georgiev Stoilkov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Business Economy / Management, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:100-106
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Chief Directorate „Security“; „Security“ sector; human resource management; motivation; artificial intelligence; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:„Human resources“ is the most important „asset“ that an organization can possess. Effective human resource management is based on the understanding that people are a key factor in any organization's competitive advantage. Building relationships based on values such as honesty, justice, and trust, is an element of the new management culture of the administration, aimed at the individual, the teamwork, and the performance of the tasks. It requires leaders who have high morals, values, and behaviors that match the stated values of the administration, who understand the significant impact of improving the management, and who work to improve the human resource system to achieve better results. For organizations to survive and prosper in a dynamically changing environment, they must rely on their employees – their skills and abilities, as well as their efforts and willingness to put their energy into the workplace. If organizations are unable to motivate their employees, make them engaged, make them feel part of a larger whole and give meaning to their work lives, they are doomed to failure. The ability to motivate people and guide their work behavior in accordance with the organization's goals and aims is a key to the success and prosperity of any organization, both in the private and public sectors. That is why for a force organization such as the Chief Directorate „Security“ of the Ministry of Justice, which needs highly qualified, reliable, and dedicated employees, it is of particular importance and significance to apply motivational techniques and develop suitable motivational methods for its composition. To be effective, they should not be copied by other organizations from the public sphere, but it is necessary methods of motivation, oriented specifically to the needs of the employees of the directorate to be developed and adapted to its resources. They must be introduced and conducted systematically according to a plan to prevent resource wastage or staff overload. The topics related to human resource management in the „Security“ sector are poorly developed in the literature in Bulgaria and there is to be seen a scientific vacuum in the direction of good practices. In today's rapidly changing, dynamic environment, 20th century approaches are no longer effective, efficient, and economically justifiable. This issue is subject to in-depth study, research, and the proposal of new modern approaches to human resource management, so that they are not only at the center of theoretical debates, but also in the practice of managers of the structures from the Security sector.
Иновации, предприемачество и изкуствен интелект в корпоративната сигурност
Иновации, предприемачество и изкуствен интелект в корпоративната сигурност
(Innovation, entrepreneurship and artificial intelligence in enterprise security)
- Author(s):Ilian Ivanov Yordanov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Security and defense, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Business Ethics
- Page Range:107-113
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:innovation; entrepreneurship; artificial intelligence; corporate security
- Summary/Abstract:The intersection points in the triad – innovation, entrepreneurship and artificial intelligence and corporate security show that a balance is needed between the pace of development of innovation and artificial intelligence and the adaptation of different social groups, as well as the retraining of the workforce in accordance with the technological changes of business processes and change in the business environment as a whole.
Изкуствен интелект, финансиране и управление в здравеопазването – предимства за сигурността
Изкуствен интелект, финансиране и управление в здравеопазването – предимства за сигурността
(Artificial intelligence, financing and governance in healthcare – security benefits)
- Author(s):Tatyana Ivanova Evtimova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Security and defense, Health and medicine and law, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:114-118
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:artificial intelligence; healthcare funding; governance; guidance; national security
- Summary/Abstract:Undoubtedly, AI technologies can be applied in various areas of the economy. Regarding the state of health care in the EU countries, Bulgaria is characterized by catch-up development, which requires the creation of appropriate conditions for the functioning of our health system, development and implementation of an adequate health policy. All these questions prompt various researchers to seek and propose new directions for improving the system of financing and management in the field of health care.
Предимства на изкуствения интелект в кризисния PR
Предимства на изкуствения интелект в кризисния PR
(Advances in artificial intelligence in crisis PR)
- Author(s):Silvia Boyanova Aleksandrova, Dimitrina Petrova Stefanova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Media studies, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Communication studies, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:119-123
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:crisis PR; online platforms; AI
- Summary/Abstract:Crisis PR is a functional mechanism for supporting and maintaining crisis management and together they are a factor in overcoming and dealing with the crisis and minimising damage. Spreading of false information is an accompanying effect during systemic crises and is not just a threat to the reputation of organisations in general, but is a risk factor in managing the crisis. The article analyzes and presents the more well-known and accessible platforms for news distribution in a crisis period.
Модели на лидерски профил и тяхното проявление в корпорацията
Модели на лидерски профил и тяхното проявление в корпорацията
(Models of leadership profile and their manifestation in the corporation)
- Author(s):Yani Slavchev Yanev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Social psychology and group interaction, Conference Report, Social Norms / Social Control, Business Ethics
- Page Range:124-129
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:leadership; organizations; motivations; style of leadership; style of management
- Summary/Abstract:The businesses are aware of the models of leadership, the styles of management andorganizational paradigms which could impede the economic growth. Most of the organizations try tochange themselves and adapt to the style of leadership in accordance with the business environment. Leadership,culture and motivation of the employees define the organizational capacities and become more andmore complex in the last years. The understanding for the organizations changes in the process of globalization.The true leader, according to the style of management takes care of the welfare of his employees,helps them feel good and tries to create good working atmosphere, creating a path for achieving the organizationalpurposes and the organizational success.The businesses are aware of the models of leadership, the styles of management and organizational paradigms which could impede the economic growth. Most of the organizations try to change themselves and adapt to the style of leadership in accordance with the business environment. Leadership, culture and motivation of the employees define the organizational capacities and become more and more complex in the last years. The understanding for the organizations changes in the process of globalization. The true leader, according to the style of management takes care of the welfare of his employees, helps them feel good and tries to create good working atmosphere, creating a path for achieving the organizational purposes and the organizational success.
Ролята на дигитализациите и смарттехнологиите за повишаване на прозрачността и доверието в местната власт
Ролята на дигитализациите и смарттехнологиите за повишаване на прозрачността и доверието в местната власт
(The role of digitalisations and smart technologies in increasing transparency and trust in local authorities)
- Author(s):Dimitar Lazarov Urdev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Public Administration, Sociology, Conference Report, Social Norms / Social Control, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
- Page Range:130-134
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:digitalization; smart technologies; public management; local government
- Summary/Abstract:The thesis claiming human progress is directly proportional to technological progress has become a paradigm in modern management. The knowledge of technologies, the degree we use them, the fields it is impossible not to use them, determine not only our quality of life, but also sometimes the possibility of its existence at all. Human potential can unfold on a scale unimaginable until now, thanks to the use of technology to work more efficiently, to connect us with our loved ones and friends, to have fun, to learn, to create. All this is happening in a twinkling of an eye, thanks to technology. That is why there is almost no area of human life they do not take an important place or are absolutely necessary. In this context, their importance is equally significant for public administration and local government.
Ефективно лидерство в кризисни ситуации – роля и значение
Ефективно лидерство в кризисни ситуации – роля и значение
(Effective leadership in crisis situations – role and importance)
- Author(s):Diyan Mariyanov Dimitrov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Business Economy / Management, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:135-139
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:leadership; competence frameworks; crisis situations; development; sustainable practices
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, crises of any nature are a part of the daily life of organizations. They become an element of the management environment. In this regard, the role of leadership and the lack thereof proved the importance of this issue. Good leaders are made, not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never-ending process of self-learning, skilled training, practice and experience. In order to inspire people to reach higher levels of teamwork there are several things you need to be, to know and to do. These things do not come ready-made, but are acquired after persistent work and training. The best leaders study and work continuously to improve their leadership qualities in order to turn leadership into a competency for the future.
Подходи за повишаване на готовността и способностите на ГД „Пожарна безопасност и защита на населението“ и нейните териториални структури за реагиране и бързо възстановяване след наводнения
Подходи за повишаване на готовността и способностите на ГД „Пожарна безопасност и защита на населението“ и нейните териториални структури за реагиране и бързо възстановяване след наводнения
(Approaches to increase the readyness and ability of the fire safety and protection of the population DG and its territorial structures for responding to quarry and quick)
- Author(s):Stiliyan Ognyanov Krotnev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:140-144
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:General Directorate „Fire Safety and Protection of the Population“; hydrological hazards – floods; operational activities; readiness; ability
- Summary/Abstract:General Directorate „Fire Safety and Protection of the Population“ – Ministry of Interior is a national specialized structure of the Ministry of Interior for ensuring fire safety, rescue and protection in case of disasters under the terms and conditions of the Ministry of Interior and the Disaster Protection Act.
Зелено управление на човешките ресурси и мотивация – иновации, традиции и добри практики
Зелено управление на човешките ресурси и мотивация – иновации, традиции и добри практики
(Green human resource management and motivation – innovations, traditions and best practices)
- Author(s):Nonna Metodieva Ilieva, Valentin Penchev Vasilev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Social psychology and group interaction, Psychology of Self, Social development, Economic development, Environmental interactions, Conference Report, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:145-151
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:organizational development; crisis; green human resource management; motivation; best practices in green HRM; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:For the first time in its history, contemporary society is facing challenges so diverse in nature – from the protracted pandemic of the Covid-19, to the crisis of hostilities in Ukraine; serious challenges based on the energy crisis, and complex economic relations. In this context, the complicated political situation throughout the world seems to be the scene of the search for new solutions in all spheres of socio-political life. In these turbulent times, there is still talk of 'sustainability' – of solutions, policies, strategies. Employers and employees face joint challenges to reconcile sustainability and profitability. This paper aims to present key ideas related to the concept of Green HRM and to highlight some key features in making sense of the applicability of this concept in the practice of modern organisations. It focuses on the current state of Green HRM practices in Germany and Bulgaria, where HRM has been a leading theme in recent years and where good practices and ideas can be drawn out.