Регламентирането на изкуствения интелект в аграрното законодателство на Република България – назряла необходимост
The regulation of artificial intelligence in the agrarian legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria – a ripe necessity

Author(s): Valeri Yordanov Velkovski
Subject(s): Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Agriculture, Conference Report, Law on Economics, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: artificial intelligence; agricultural sector; agricultural legislation; digitization
Summary/Abstract: Artificial intelligence with its many possibilities is relevant to the needs of the agrarian economy, insofar as it is a basic branch in the structure of the national economy. Ensuring sustainability in the development of the agrarian economy is closely related to one of the manifestations of artificial intelligence – digitization. As stated in the Strategy for Digitization of Agriculture and Rural Areas of the Republic of Bulgaria [5], „digitalization allows the agrarian economy to realize its high potential and reap the same successes as the high-tech spheres of the economy: increasing productivity, adding value, improving quality and safety, and thus income and quality of life, drastically reducing pollution to sustainable levels, flexible and quick response to market trends“. The application of artificial intelligence in this regard needs to bring the Bulgarian agricultural legislation in line with the specifics of artificial intelligence, respectively the creation of new up-to-date legal norms in this area.

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