"Асизки сонети" на Христо Огнянов - прочити между превода и непреведеното
"Assisi Sonnets" by Hristo Ognyanov - Reading Between Translations and the Untranslated
Author(s): Lyubka Lipcheva-Prandzheva
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: poetry translation; intercultural transfer; Catholic hagiography; religious poetry; Orthodox iconography
Summary/Abstract: The German and Bulgarian versions of the poetry collection “Assisi Sonnets” by the political émigré Hristo Ognyanov appeared in a rarely encountered disposition – the translation (1986) came out before the original (1992) in reaching their respective readers. The essay strives to elucidate a number of questions that arise from such a discrepancy but its primary goal is to reconstruct the complex range of cultural relations in the dialogic network of the Assisi sonnets. The juxtaposition between the canonical hagiography of St. Francis of Assisi, the poetic texts and their renditions in translation throws into relief the presence of Bulgarian Orthodox Christian iconography but at the same time reveals the attempts of the German translation to “discipline“ the sonnet visions, to bring them closer to what is considered acceptable for the Catholic audience of readers.
Book: В безкрая вечен и незрим
- Page Range: 316-328
- Page Count: 13
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Bulgarian