В безкрая вечен и незрим
In the Infinity - Eternal and Invisible
Anniversary Collection of Academic Papers in Honour of Prof. Zhorzheta Tcholakova, D.Sc.
Contributor(s): Borislav Borisov (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Historical Linguistics, Bulgarian Literature, Czech Literature, Translation Studies
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Comparative Literary Studies; Bulgarian Literature; Czech Literature; Translation Theory and Practice
Summary/Abstract: This anniversary collection is dedicated to Prof. DSc. Zhorzheta Cholakova’s research contributions. She works in the fields of Czech literature, Comparative Slavic Literary Studies, Translation and Translation Reception, and Literary Theory and publishes in Bulgarian, Czech and French. Contributors to this book include academic researchers from Bulgaria and abroad (Czech Republic, France, Republic of Srpska and Great Britain) who work in the above-mentioned fields or whose research has common ground with topics and problems explored by Prof. Cholakova. The texts are in Bulgarian, Czech, English and French.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-202-612-7
- Page Count: 550
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English, Bulgarian, French, Czech, Serbian
Има ли славянство днес?
Има ли славянство днес?
(Is There Any Slavdom Nowadays?)
- Author(s):Vladimir Penchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:13-24
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Slavdom; Slavic ethnic identity; Slavisms
- Summary/Abstract:The text looks at the increasing number of contemporary references to various studies stating more or less the non-Slavic ethnic character of a number of Slavic ethnicities, including those in the Republic of Bulgaria. A counterpoint to these public attitudes is the so-called Slavic idea spread widely in the Slavic world in the 19th century and to an extent in the 20th century as well. In other words, an attempt is made to offer a comparative perspective here. The different forms of expression of Slavic ethnic identity and their different mechanisms of public influence in various Slavic countries and societies are discussed. With this in mind, the current situation is also analyzed to conclude that the factors that would stimulate Slavonic unity today are less than those that work against such unity.
Poznámky ke komparativní poetice
Poznámky ke komparativní poetice
(Some Notes Towards a Comparative Poetics)
- Author(s):Zdeněk Hrbata
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:27-36
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:comparative poetics; interrelations; intersemiotics
- Summary/Abstract:Starting with a reflection on one part of Cervantes’ novel (Part I, Chapter 18 – Don Quixote describes what he sees: imaginary knights and their coats-of-arms or armours), this paper traces the possibilities of interrelationship between different kinds of arts as they appear in historical poetics and aesthetics. It mentions main tendencies in interdisciplinary and semiotics (intersemiotics) studies from the 18th century to the contemporary period. Besides the intermediality or transmediality, e.g. their projects of semiotics macromodes, we propose as a considerable and constant possibility for comparative poetics (and according to Jan Mukařovský) the comparison of themes considered, in the words of Gérard Genette, as generic essences.
Киркегор и Достоевски - Pro et Contra
Киркегор и Достоевски - Pro et Contra
(Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky - Pro et Contra)
- Author(s):Nikolay Neychev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature
- Page Range:37-70
- No. of Pages:34
- Keywords:Kierkegaard; Dostoevsky; chronos; kairos (caerus); eternity; paradox; verbal icons
- Summary/Abstract:The work deals with the elucidation of the temporal problems (the questions of Chronos, Kairos and Eternity) in the worldview concepts of Kierkegaard and Dosto evsky. The text argues that the two authors are of the same mind only with regard to the detrimental effect of prophanic time (chronos) on human existence. But they are full antagonists on the issue of how the kairotic moment transforms meaningless time into the fullness of Divine Eternity. According to Kierkegaard, this is only possible through a vague revelation of man's inner subjectivity, while for Dostoev sky this is impossible to achieve without the act of divine incarnation, that is, with out the visible iconic presence of the Divine Person.
Пасторалните светове в културата на Сребърния век
Пасторалните светове в културата на Сребърния век
(The Pastoral Worlds in the Silver Age of Russian Culture)
- Author(s):Diyana Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Language and Literature Studies, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:71-101
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:pastoralism; locus amoenus; Russian Modernism; Silver Age, art synthesis; “Mir iskusstva“; Ballets russes; D. Merezhkovsky; M. Kuzmin; N. Evreinov; S. Sudeikin; W. Kandinsky; M. Larionov
- Summary/Abstract:This essay offers an analysis of the uses of the pastoral in the art of the Silver Age. The emphasis falls on the most pronounced tendency in the European culture of the period – art synthesis. The expressions of the synthesis are sought along the lines of the uses of the pastoral code in literature, painting, and theatre, as well as in works that mark the beginnings of ballet modernism.
Interrogating Modernity
Interrogating Modernity
(Interrogating Modernity)
- Author(s):Galin Tihanov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:102-119
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:literary studies; post-romanticism; Hermann Broch; ; modern literature
- Summary/Abstract:Zhorzheta Cholakova has written extensively on Czech Romanticism; I thus thought that perhaps an article in her honour that focuses on post-Romanticism would not be entirely amiss, all the more so since in Broch’s trilogy one finds an important character from Bohemia.
Фронтови опит и литература при Ернст Юнгер, Иван Мешеков и Гео Милев
Фронтови опит и литература при Ернст Юнгер, Иван Мешеков и Гео Милев
(War Experience and Literature by Ernst Junger, Ivan Meshekov and Geo Milev)
- Author(s):Vladimir Sabourin
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:120-131
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:World War I; war experience; war diary; expressionism; Ernst Jünger; Ivan Meshekov; Geo Milev
- Summary/Abstract:This essay examines Ernst Jünger’s war books focusing on War as Inner Experience (1922). The war experience recorded for the first time in Jünger’s War Diary (1914 – 1918) goes into his war books following a “massive stylization” (Helmuth Kiesel) and a Nietzschean philosophy-of-life conceptualization. This literary shaping and rewriting in War as Inner Experience is contrasted with the literary approaches to World War I in Ivan Meshekov’s diary In the Trenches (1917) and Geo Milev’s expressionist prose poems On the Doiran Lake (1916) and The Horror of the Fire Scourge (1916?).
I am Mad, Therefore I think
I am Mad, Therefore I think
(I am Mad, Therefore I think)
- Author(s):Rumyana Cholakova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Fiction, Studies of Literature, Short Story, Other Language Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:132-140
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:modern Chinese short story; persecution mania; the voice of madness; Foucauldian analysis of madness; Confucianism; Lu Xun’s criticism of Chinese tradition
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyzes the first modern Chinese short story, Lu Xun’s “Diary of a Madman” with the help of some ideas from modern psychology and literary theory. My theoretical frame of reference is Foucault’s idea that madness is a particular lack of language (voice). Both Foucault and the American psychiatrist Thomas Szasz see psychiatry as a discipline for the scientific protection of society and an instrument of oppression. In Lu Xun’s short story “madness” is also related to the castigation of society, not to health and reason. Descartes divides reason and madness, Foucault tries to restore the voice of madness and its right to speak. Lu Xun, however, goes a step further than Foucault. He equates thinking with “madness.”
K obrazu ženy ve starší české literatuře
K obrazu ženy ve starší české literatuře
(On the Image of Woman in Old Czech Literature)
- Author(s):Michaela Soleiman pour Hashemi
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:143-149
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Old Czech literature; literary figure of woman; woman good and bad
- Summary/Abstract:The study focuses on the image of woman in Old Czech literature as s. c. good and bad one. Some modifications of the two afore-mentioned types of woman are discussed: namely, woman as sinless and helpful and woman as sinful and envious.
"С елените и дунавските лебеди": история и колективна психика
"С елените и дунавските лебеди": история и колективна психика
("With the Deer and Swans of the Danube": History and Psyche)
- Author(s):Xavier Galmiche
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:150-161
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Manuscripts; reception; France; historiography; comparative literature; Edgar Quinet; Giambattista Vico; Johann Gottfried von Herder; Claude Fauriel
- Summary/Abstract:Released in 1817 and 1818, the Manuscripts of Zelená Hora and Hradec Králové in Bohemia are part of the literary mystifications whose vogue spread across Europe from the end of the eighteenth century. They remain until today the most often pre sented among the Czech literary corpus: this exceptional reception extends for over a hundred and fifty years. Among the philologists and scholars who first devoted texts of modest but decisive scope to them, the French poet and Romantic thinker Edgar Quinet brings a comparative perspective in his article “From the Epic of the Bohemi ans” (1831). This essay proposes to read this early chapter of the French reception of modern Czech literature as an example of historiography based on analogy and empa thy. It is indeed possible to understand these early analyses in the context of the “pre history” of French comparative literature, philosophically influenced by Vico, Herder and the French Ideologues and initiated by Claude Fauriel, but also in a subjective understanding of the history in which Quinet includes his own experience of the Napo leonic wars: an individual and collective psychoanalysis?
Бог - милосърдният друг за човека в сборника чешки народни песни и поговорки от К. Я. Ербен
Бог - милосърдният друг за човека в сборника чешки народни песни и поговорки от К. Я. Ербен
(God, the Merciful Other to Man, in Erben's Collection of Czech Folk Songs and Proverbs)
- Author(s):Tanya Yankova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:162-170
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:recurring folkloric representations of God; subjectivisation of the relationship with the sacred
- Summary/Abstract:This paper compares and contrasts recurring folkloric representations of the sacred as recorded in written form (cf. Czech National Folk Songs and Proverbs com-piled by K.J. Erben) with the literary interpretations of the images of God, the Mother of God, and Christ in Erben’s cycle of ballads entitled A Bouquet of Folk Legends. The focus is on man’s addresses to the anthropomorphic images of the sacred and the quest for a dialogue with them. In this process, the role of inherited family kinship is perceived as important, and the layering of human psyche is revealed in light of the integration that creates inner moral imperatives.
Winterův román ůistr Kampanus a některé jeho významové souvislosti
Winterův román ůistr Kampanus a některé jeho významové souvislosti
(Zikmund Winter's Novel "Master Kampanus" and Some of Its Meaning Relations)
- Author(s):Jiří Kudrnáč
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Local History / Microhistory, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:171-179
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Zikmund Winter; historical novel; sense of Czech history; Alois Jirásek; Mika Waltari
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is devoted to the historical novel Master Kampanus (publ. in book form in 1909) by the Czech writer and historian Zikmund Winter (1846–1912), and to its comparison with some similar Czech and foreign books, namely, Darkness by Alois Jirásek, Salammbô by Gustave Flaubert, The Egyptian by Mika Waltari and some recent Czech historical novels. Master Kampanus is one of the books of fiction that belong to the debates on the sense of Czech history. It is characterized by a close relation between the protagonist and his milieu, thematization of the conflict between the great and small history, tragicomism, and the rich use of irony.
Сюрреалистичното зове
Сюрреалистичното зове
(The Call of Surrealism)
- Author(s):Monika Yaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:180-191
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Marko Ristić; “Putevi”; pre-surrealism; Serbian surrealism; French surrealism; modernism; avant-garde; Andre Breton; “Pokret”
- Summary/Abstract:This text follows the initial activity of Marko Ristić, the main ideologist of Serbian surrealism. It looks at the pre-surrelist journal “Putevi”/“Paths” (1922 – 1924), co-founded and edited by Marko Ristić, and at his collaboration in the journal “Pokret”/“Movement” (1924). The discussion takes into consideration the initial cooperation between the Serbian post-war modernists and pre-surrealists, as well as the reasons for their separation. The essay emphasizes the ties between the Serbian pre-surrealists and the French group around Andre Breton, as well as the complete orientation of the Serbian group to surrealism in 1924.
Nikde není řečeno
Nikde není řečeno
(It's Never Said Anywhere)
- Author(s):Svatava Urbanová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:192-200
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Petr Hruška; poetry; Ostrava; topoi; signs; concepts; the signification of myths and mythization
- Summary/Abstract:The poet Petr Hruška (1964), a native of Ostrava, has published his eight coll ection Nikde není řečeno (Itʼs Never Said Anywhere), in which we not only come across motifs from his previous work, which have become part of the myth of Ostra va as an industrial magical city, but we also encounter the notion of it being a pulsa ting locale, filled with artistic fervor. We step over the threshold of home along with the poet and find ourselves in a reality that offers analogues to the mythical extinction of civilisation of ancient Mesopotamia. The collection is interspersed with fictional fragments of texts written on clay tablets, thereby enhancing the artistic quality and intensity of the account provided by the collection as a whole.
Lyrické drama Františka Hrubína
Lyrické drama Františka Hrubína
(František Hrubín's Lyrical Drama)
- Author(s):David Kroča
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Language and Literature Studies, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Studies of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:201-205
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Czech literature; Czech theatre; poetics; the 1960s; František Hrubín
- Summary/Abstract:The study deals with an interpretation of a play by František Hrubín, Křišťálová noc. The year 2021 will mark sixty years since its premiere on the stage of the National Theatre in Prague. The present work discusses the public reception of the drama right after the release and its standing in the context of contemporary theatre with a special account of the response after the ambitious Prague staging in Švando vo divadlo in 2011. The significance of this almost forgotten play by Hrubín lies mainly in presenting non-idyllic characters along with the theme of the revolting youth and provocative daily ordinariness introduced to the Czech theatre by Hrubín at the beginning of the 1960s.
Българската рецепция на "Задушница" от Адам Мицкевич
Българската рецепция на "Задушница" от Адам Мицкевич
(The Bulgarian Reception of Adam Mickiewicz's "Dziady" ("Forefathers' Eve"))
- Author(s):Margreta Grigorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Other Language Literature, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:206-221
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Adam Mickiewicz; Forefathers’ Eve; Bulgarian theatrical adaptation; translation; Leon Schiller; Slava Shtipliewa; Blaga Dimitrova; Nikolaj Georgiev
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper dwells on two instances of the Bulgarian theatrical adaptation of Dziady in 1937/1938 and two later contemporary performances in 2009 and 2014. These stage adaptations demonstrate the ongoing Bulgarian interest in both the translatability of the text and its stage life as a work that has a persisting vitality in the context of Bulgarian reception. More immediately, the study focuses on the connectedness of the first and only comprehensive translation of Dziady (by Slava Shtiplieva, whose translated version becomes subject to further modifications and assessments by the philologist Lyubomir Andreychin and the poet Nikolay Liliev when intended for stage dramatization) and the visiting theatrical performance set on the stage of the Bulgarian National Theatre by Leon Schiller и Andrzej Pronaszko, with Bulgarian actors, in 1937. The performance represents a significant achievement in the Bulgarian reception trigger ing far-reaching media responses and gathering a large number of prominent Bulgar ian authors and intellectuals. The event sparked heated debates. Slava Shtiplieva’s translation itself, published in 1938 as a separate book, has been subject to numerous critical assessments. The second point of concern here is the writer and translator Blaga Dimitrova’s translation of Conrad’s famous monologue known as “Wielka improwizacja” (“The Great Improvisation”), which is considered more accomplished in terms of poetic achievement and which provides the basis of two subsequent theatrical interpreta tions directed by Nikolay Georgiev, the founder of Alma Mater Sofia University Theatre and the disciple of Kazimierz Dejmek and Jerzy Grotowski. In 1968 (when Dejmek’s adaptation of Dziady was officially banned in Poland) Georgiev was like wise compelled to suspend his lecturing activities and had to leave for the country side. In 2009 and 2014 he set two theatrical performances based on Dziady. The included interview with the stage director offers further insight into the Bulgarian reception of the play and its forms of continuous reassessment.
Прага и чешката литература в поезията на Йосип Ости
Прага и чешката литература в поезията на Йосип Ости
(Prague and Czech Literature in Josip Osti's Poetry)
- Author(s):Liudmila Mindova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Serbian Literature, Other Language Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:222-230
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Prague; Slav literatures; comparative Slav literatures; inter-literary contacts; poetry
- Summary/Abstract:Josip Osti (1945 – ) is one of the contemporary writers whose works reveal remarkably pronounced openness towards, and dialogic connection with, World Literature. Prague and Czech literature occupy a special position in his poetic world. Since he transforms every single poetry volume of his into a “literary home”, Osti re-instils literature with its sacral meaning and role as a defender of meaning and memory. His wonderful verses remember places and landscapes, authors and works. Thus, Golden Prague as well as Jaroslav Hašek, Milan Kundera, Bohumil Hrabal, Miroslav Holub and other Czech writers have their vivid presence in the books of the Bosnian-Slovenian writer, reminding us that for Josip Osti books are much more than fine art objects; they are “angels and home deities”.
"Sent to Mama..."
"Sent to Mama..."
("Sent to Mama...")
- Author(s):Yana Rowland
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature, British Literature
- Page Range:233-246
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Elizabeth Barrertt Browning; juvenile poetry; dedication; mother; memory
- Summary/Abstract:This paper examines some of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s earliest written dedications to her mother (up till 1815). These provide sufficient material to stress the stimulating influence of the parent in the young poetess’s interest in writing as existence. I indicate a direct relation between parental care and literacy in the juvenile writer’s growing appreciation of time. The narrative essence of many of these early commemorative verses endorses the humanizing impact of memory which emerges alongside a sense of belonging and filial duty. The first poems suggest the poetess’s inability to be without an Other, without a guide in her aesthetic self-recognition. In the later dedications (up till 1828) Barrett gauges in a more dialectic manner the fruitfulness and rate of filial dependencies in the creation of a poetic selfhood of one’s own.
Of Words and Water
Of Words and Water
(Of Words and Water)
- Author(s):David Jenkins
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:247-262
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:archetypal imagery; pond; river; lake; ocean; Baudelaire’s “L’Invitation au Voyage” and “Le Voyage”; Rimbaud’s “Le Bateau Ivre”; Wallace Stevens’ “The Idea of Order at Key West”
- Summary/Abstract:To honor Professor Cholakova on the occasion of her 60th birthday, I am happy to contribute this study of some fifteen pages, which I call “Of Words and Water.” This essay touches on many of the areas suggested in the invitation for the Fest schrift: aesthetic, psychological, philosophical, and spiritual problems and their provisional mythopoetic solutions, in exemplary poems by two French symbolist poets – “Invitation to the Voyage” by Charles Baudelaire and “The Drunken Boat” by Arthur Rimbaud – and “The Idea of Order at Key West” by Wallace Stevens, and refers the understanding of archetype, as developed by Carl Gustav Jung and Northrop Frye, to comments by the poets themselves, and to other scholarly insights. The “academic excursus” is introduced by a personal and general introduction.
Bénarès de Barlen Pyamootoo entre le minimalisme et le nouveau roman
Bénarès de Barlen Pyamootoo entre le minimalisme et le nouveau roman
(The Novel "Bénarès" by Barlen Pyamootoo Between Minimalism and the Nouveau Roman)
- Author(s):Zlatorossa Nedeltcheva-Bellafante
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, French Literature
- Page Range:263-273
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Mauritian literature; plurilinguism; multicultural; minimalism; lacking in plot
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper undertakes to trace some specificities of the novel Bénarès by the French speaking writer from the island of Mauritius Barlen Pyamootoo. With its clear-cut form and plot, as well as with the simplicity of its language, the work presents certain features which position it closer to minimalism, yet at the same time there are also some others which resonate with the characteristics of the so-called Nouveau Roman.
Жан Оризе - Азбука на междувремието
Жан Оризе - Азбука на междувремието
(Jean Orizet - Alphabet of Entretemps)
- Author(s):Sonya Aleksandrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature, French Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:274-288
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:entretemps; Rimbaud; Jean Orizet; alphabet
- Summary/Abstract:The current text presents Jean Orizet’s point of view toward the basic concept of his works for “entretemps”. The specific understanding of this concept allows transitions across different by nationality creators and works, which are individually utilized so as to serve as an alphabet for the new creation. Their insertion in the author’s text is regarded here as building elements without which “the awakening” of the subjective voice would not be possible. The artistic parameters of the selected “stories from entretemps” allows for the building of a “concentric-circular work with quotations, echoing and references, leaning towards universal human union”.
Обединена Европа - "откритие" на Петко Славейков?
Обединена Европа - "откритие" на Петко Славейков?
(United Europe - a 'discovery" of Petko Slaveikov's?)
- Author(s):Elena Getova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:291-297
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Petko Slaveikov; newspaper “Macedonia”; Revival period images of European politics; Revival period journalism
- Summary/Abstract:The study focuses on a string of publications in the newspaper “Macedonia” between 1867 and 1869. In the traced overall evaluation of past political events one can detect ideas that Petko Slaveikov had been preoccupied with for a long time and to which he had dedicated numerous journalist pieces. Here I dwell in detail on some essen tial characteristics of the political thinking of the Revival period intellectual, especially with regard to the issues concerning his take on the image of united Europe that touches upon his vision of the fate of European peoples and their short or long term future.
Критика потчињавања и породичног насиља у приповијетки "Наказао је бог" Љубена Каравелова
Критика потчињавања и породичног насиља у приповијетки "Наказао је бог" Љубена Каравелова
(Criticism of Subjection and Domestic Violence in the Short Story "Nakazao je Bog" by Lyuben Karavelov)
- Author(s):Saša D. Šmulja, Suzana Peševiћ
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Bulgarian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:298-308
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Lyuben Karavelov; “Nakazao je Bog”; domestic violence; subjection; feminism; emancipation of women
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyzes the socio-critical aspects of the short story “Nakazao je Bog” by the Bulgarian writer Lyuben Karavelov (1834–1879), published in Serbian in 1870. The fact that this short story features strong criticism of subjection and domestic violence, which, so far, has not been discussed in theoretical terms, represents the basic hypothesis of the paper. The authors rely on the feminist approach as the point of departure with regard to the theory and methodology applied, that is, for the theoretical, terminological, and critical framework as laid out by feminism concerning the literary issue in question. Thus, the paper points to the role Lyuben Karavelov played in Serbian social circles of the second half of the 19th century, to his activism in the “United Serbian Youth” organisation, as well as to his significance within the context of the emergence of the women’s suffrage movement in Serbia.
Списанията "Везни" и "Пламък" сред периодичните издания за литература и изкуство между двете световни войни
Списанията "Везни" и "Пламък" сред периодичните издания за литература и изкуство между двете световни войни
(Journals "Vezni" and "Plamak" Among the Literary and Art Periodicals During the Interwar Period)
- Author(s):Vladimir Yanev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:309-315
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:literary periodicals; avant-garde; expressionism; radicalism
- Summary/Abstract:The essay addresses the intentions and inventions of Geo Milev vis-a-vis Bulgarian literary and cultural periodicals in the interwar period. The emphasis falls on the project dimensions of his intentions and the manifestations of the avant-garde thinker in the journals “Vezni” and “Plamak” against the background of the natural hetero-speak of Bulgarian periodicals.
"Асизки сонети" на Христо Огнянов - прочити между превода и непреведеното
"Асизки сонети" на Христо Огнянов - прочити между превода и непреведеното
("Assisi Sonnets" by Hristo Ognyanov - Reading Between Translations and the Untranslated)
- Author(s):Lyubka Lipcheva-Prandzheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:316-328
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:poetry translation; intercultural transfer; Catholic hagiography; religious poetry; Orthodox iconography
- Summary/Abstract:The German and Bulgarian versions of the poetry collection “Assisi Sonnets” by the political émigré Hristo Ognyanov appeared in a rarely encountered disposition – the translation (1986) came out before the original (1992) in reaching their respective readers. The essay strives to elucidate a number of questions that arise from such a discrepancy but its primary goal is to reconstruct the complex range of cultural relations in the dialogic network of the Assisi sonnets. The juxtaposition between the canonical hagiography of St. Francis of Assisi, the poetic texts and their renditions in translation throws into relief the presence of Bulgarian Orthodox Christian iconography but at the same time reveals the attempts of the German translation to “discipline“ the sonnet visions, to bring them closer to what is considered acceptable for the Catholic audience of readers.
Několik poznámek k plovdivskému samizdatu
Několik poznámek k plovdivskému samizdatu
(Some Notes on Plovdiv Samizdat)
- Author(s):Jakub Mikulecký
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:329-336
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Bulgarian samizdat; Vasil Urumov; Krasimira Aleksieva; Antitotalitarian literature
- Summary/Abstract:The following paper focuses on the origins and development of samizdat literature in the city of Plovdiv in the 1980s. First of all it draws attention to two books of verse: Vasil Urumov’s Poetry (Poeziya) and Krasimira Aleksieva’s Against the Wall (Do Stenata). Besides outlining the genesis of samizdat and its role as an unofficial literary channel, this paper focuses on a specific anti-totalitarian poetics of both authors and their role in the general context of the Bulgarian literary samizdat.
Verbum de verbo sive sententia desententia
Verbum de verbo sive sententia desententia
(Verbum de verbo sive sententia desententia)
- Author(s):Georgi Kapriev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Special Branches of Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Translation Studies
- Page Range:339-351
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:translation; Latin theology; Byzantine theology; cultural model; Anselm of Havelberg; Gerhoh of Reichersberg
- Summary/Abstract:Two translation procedures from the 12th century are the subject of consideration in this critical essay: the way in which Anselm of Havelberg’s debates were translated in Constantinople in 1136 and the reading by Gerhoh of Reichersberg and his followers of the resolutions of the Synod of the Church in Constantinople in 1166. The aim of the analysis is to refute the widely held view that the nature of Latin translations in the 12th century was constantly the execution verbum pro verbo.
Синергетичен подход към най-старите библейски текстове и техните преводи
Синергетичен подход към най-старите библейски текстове и техните преводи
(A Synergetic Approach to the Oldest Bible Texts and Their Translations)
- Author(s):Antoaneta Dzhelyova, Maria Anastasova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:352-377
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:translation; anthropocentrism; anthropicity; attractor; fractal; bifurcation; fluctuation; dissipative structures; holism; emergence; coherence; tetragrammaton
- Summary/Abstract:The paper focuses on the oldest Bible texts and their translations treated as an open complex self-developing sign system. We apply the synergetic approach so as to study: 1) the manifestations of basic synergetic categories – attractor, fractal, bifurcation, fluctuation, dissipative structures, holism, emergence, coherence – in a word, a word group, a sentence or a text; 2) the concepts anthropocentrism and anthropicity – two complementary principles as far as the creation, existence and development of Bible texts and their translations are concerned. God’s names – El/Elohim, Adonai and Yahweh are presented by means of the properties of the attractor whereas the translation differences are considered as a fractal
Česká přebásnění Botevovy balady-rapsodie o nesmrtelnosti Хаджи Димитър
Česká přebásnění Botevovy balady-rapsodie o nesmrtelnosti Хаджи Димитър
(Botev's Ballad-Rhapsody About Immortality "Hadhi Dimitar" in Czech Translations)
- Author(s):Marcel Černý
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Bulgarian Literature, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:378-396
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Czech-Bulgarian literary contacts; translatology; literary reception; Bulgarian poetry; Hristo Botev; V. Rabský (Jan Wagner?); Vladislav Šak; Zdeněk Broman (František Rut Tichý); František Kožík
- Summary/Abstract:The essay deals with the issue of the Czech translations of Botev’s balladic poem Hadzhi Dimitar on the occasion of its new translation by Ludmila Kroužilová, which hasn’t been published yet. Eight translations are being analyzed in their chronological order of appearance. From the oldest one by V. Rabský (pseudonym, perhaps of J. Wagner, 1881), followed by the translations by V. Šak (1909), Z. Broman (= F. Tichý, 1913), F. Kožík and A. Leštov (1930), J. Pilař and Z. Hanzová (1950), J. Pilař and D. Hronková (1974) and I. Dorovský (2010) to the aforementioned translation by L. Kroužilová (2018). The full text of the most recent translation is available at the end of this paper. Praised are its poetical impressiveness, modern diction and formal and contextual closeness to the original text.
Паремиологични съответствия в превода на романи от испански на български език
Паремиологични съответствия в превода на романи от испански на български език
(Paremiological Equivalents in the Translation of Novels from Spanish into Bulgarian)
- Author(s):Véselka Nénkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Translation Studies, Phraseology
- Page Range:397-407
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:paremias; phraseological units; translation; translation equivalence
- Summary/Abstract:Paremias are phraseological units (PUs) that constitute speech acts in their own right. With the help of examples taken from contemporary Spanish novels translated into Bulgarian, we demonstrate that, just like other phraseological units, paremias have variations and different connotations that sometimes require the translator to consider different possibilities in order for the paremia to fit in the context.
"Тоска" у Ф. П. Достоевски
"Тоска" у Ф. П. Достоевски
(F. M. Dostoevsky's "Toska")
- Author(s):Yuliana Chakarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Cognitive linguistics
- Page Range:408-425
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Russian concept TOSKÁ; F. Dostoevsky; conceptual metaphor; melancholy/melancholia
- Summary/Abstract:Building on Lakoff and Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) and on the specificity of TOSKÁ in Fedor Dostoevsky’s discourse, in this paper I explore metaphorical models of the concept by outlining numerous experiential gestalts for it. As a basis for constructing conceptual metaphors such as TOSKÁ IS ENEMY, these gestalts provide insight into Dostoevsky’s (and his characters’) understanding of this emblematic Russian concept. A significant number of examples is provided to support each of the gestalts. In addition, the study outlines the microzones in the semantic macrofield of Dostoevsky’s TOSKÁ and their constituents in Bulgarian and English with focus on melancholy in one of the subzones. This semantic cognitive approach proves to be reliable in arguing the pertinence of using melancholy when translating toská into English (resp. меланхолия into Bulgarian) in some contexts. At the same time, the translator has to be aware of numerous other possibilities that exceed the boundaries of direct analogues in bilingual dictionaries and the terms used in academic studies of the phenomena.
Kocourkovská fikce v českém a slovenském kontextu
Kocourkovská fikce v českém a slovenském kontextu
("Kocourkov/Kocúrkovo" Fiction in Czech and Slovak Context)
- Author(s):Pavel Krejčí
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics, Eastern Slavic Languages
- Page Range:426-435
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Kocourkov in Czech context; Kocúrkovo in Slovak context
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the quasitoponym “Kocourkov”, also “Kocúrkovo”, which not only occurs in Czech and Slovak phraseology, but also works as a specific allegory. “Kocourkov/Kocúrkovo” is a fictional locality characterized by a specific structure of its population. In the paper we map its occurrence in Czech and Slovak literature and film and we also reveal the motivation for naming fictitious localities with these quasitoponyms.
Изкуството на специализирания превод, изисквания към неговото качество и подготовка на бъдещите преводачи
Изкуството на специализирания превод, изисквания към неговото качество и подготовка на бъдещите преводачи
(The Art of Specialized Translation, the Requirements for Its Quality and the Preparation of Future Translators)
- Author(s):Elena Krejčová
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:436-442
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:translation; specialized texts; translation of specialized texts; qualification of translators
- Summary/Abstract:The paper consentrates on the problem of translation of specialized texts – the requirements on the quality of the texts, the methods and the specifics of the work of the translator.
Здравна политика на Европейския съюз
Здравна политика на Европейския съюз
(European Union's Health Policy)
- Author(s):Zhana Stancheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Translation Studies, Phraseology
- Page Range:443-454
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:EU legal terminology; public health; source and outer form of a term; Bulgarian; Polish; English
- Summary/Abstract:Thе paper investigates the terms in Regulation (EU) 2017/746 in three language versions: Bulgarian, Polish, and English, as a representative case of the Public health terminology in European Union law. The source and the outer form of the terms are being compared. All Slavic terms in the Regulation are calques, whereby phraseological calques and loan blends are most frequent. The main difference between the grammatical structures of the terms in the compared languages is due to conversion as a typical morphological operation in English. The dominant structural type in all three languages is multi-component terms, with the prevalence of two-component terms.
Подходи при периодизацията на историята на чешкия книжовен език
Подходи при периодизацията на историята на чешкия книжовен език
(Approaches in Chartering Periods in Czech Language History)
- Author(s):Borislav Borisov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Eastern Slavic Languages
- Page Range:457-465
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:periodization; history of Czech language; approaches to periodization
- Summary/Abstract:Periodization is a method of categorizing systematically the processes in a given field with regard to its historical past. The central issue that emerges here is how to approach the task so as to bring to the fore those phenomena that delineate one period from another. This text outlines the various visions of eminent Czech scholars who have aimed to charter the periodization of Czech literary language.
"Устройство" на славянския език
"Устройство" на славянския език
(Basics of the Slavonic Language)
- Author(s):Tanya Neycheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Eastern Slavic Languages
- Page Range:466-478
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Josef Dobrovský; Meletius Smotritsky; Church Slavonic; grammar; criticism
- Summary/Abstract:At the beginning of the 19th century, the “father of Slavic philology” Josef Dobrovský published his work entitled Basics of the Old Slavonic Language (1822). In doing so, he did not step on a previously untrodden ground but took as a basis the famous Slavonic Grammar (1619) by Meletius Smotritsky. The present text attempts to compare the point of view of the two authors, separated by 200 years, towards the same literary language – the Church Slavonic. It appears that while Meletius looked forward to the future, Dobrovsky looked back to the oldest state of an already classical language.
Езиковият естетизъм в историческите романи на Змей Горянин
Езиковият естетизъм в историческите романи на Змей Горянин
(The Linguistic Aesthetism in Zmey Goryanin's Historical Novels)
- Author(s):Diana Petrova Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
- Page Range:479-489
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Zmey Goryanin; historical novels; linguistic aestheticism; linguistic and stylistic analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The study focuses on Zmey Goryanin’s historical novels and its aim is to reveal the author’s creative inclination by analyzing the linguistic and stylistic features of his works. The rich palette of linguistic means, exquisite style and aestheticism determine the significant place of the writer in Bulgarian fiction in the first half of the 20th century.
Препрочитайки Нушич
Препрочитайки Нушич
(Rereading Nušić)
- Author(s):Vyara Naydenova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Serbian Literature, Stylistics
- Page Range:490-502
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:comedies; Nušić; linguo-stylistic strategies in Nušić’s poetics
- Summary/Abstract:The strategies in Branislav Nušić’s comedies, observed in analysis from the perspective of linguistic stylistics, through the interdisciplinary method, described, named and justified in the present work, are: the effect of fireworks, a/symmetry; the effect of expecting the unexpected; the co-ordinate system for the development of comedic action; the sign character of objects; the “closed” rondo-composition, against the background of the linguistic and stylistic techniques typical of the writer of comedies and elements of his poetics: cumulation, abundance, aberration, irradiation and integration of stylistic means from all linguistic levels forming the stylistic code of the comic (not considered in detail). The key scenes that served as a basis for reflection are from the comedy “A Member of the Parliament”, but the conclusions are also based on “A Suspicious person”, “PhD”, and “The Cabinet Minister’s Wife”.
Раз/единението като категория в творчеството на Бруно Шулц
Раз/единението като категория в творчеството на Бруно Шулц
(The Dis/union as a Category in the Work of Bruno Schultz)
- Author(s):Dimitrina Hamze
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:503-522
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:semantic; dis/union; reality; repetition; ambivalence; substance; language; space; universe; synthesis
- Summary/Abstract:This text explores both the semantic volume, the semantic differentiation and the ambivalence of the prefix dis, acting as a “methodological tool” for both the study of reality and of our presence in it. It also contributes to the study of our future Ontological and Existential perspectives via the oxymonrone combination of disintegration and the dis-association as the sign of development of the scope as a sign for the restoration of unity.
Звук и емоция в лексикографията
Звук и емоция в лексикографията
(Sound and Emotion in Lexicography)
- Author(s):Katerina Iv. Tomova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics
- Page Range:523-531
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:vocal gesture; interjection; sound; emotion; lexicography; pragmatics
- Summary/Abstract:The paper focuses on the concept of vocal gesture – its nature and characteristics. Initially, it offers an analysis of some theoretical problems related to the identification of vocal gestures in a literary text. Thereafter, the main vocal gestures that are present in the lexicographic metalanguage used in the vocabulary description of interjections in the compiled Czech-Bulgarian dictionary of interjections are described. The argument charters and emphasizes the expediency and relevance of pragmatic information in such dictionaries.
Семантични особености на степените за сравнение при някои темпорални наречия в българския и полския език
Семантични особености на степените за сравнение при някои темпорални наречия в българския и полския език
(Semantic Characteristics of the Degrees for Comparison of Some Temporal Adverbials in Bulgarian and Polish Languages)
- Author(s):Lilia Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics
- Page Range:532-542
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:temporal adverbs; gradation; рано/wcześnie; късно/późno
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with some adverbials for gradation of time in Bulgarian and Polish (especially рано/wcześnie, късно/późno). Some temporal adverbs have only formal meaning of gradation, since it vanishes in certain cases, and remains in others. We discuss the means for expressing gradation of time of the adverbs рано / wcześnie and късно /późno. These temporal expressions denote the object localization ‘before’ or 'after' a temporal localizator.