New Normal Beyond The Pandemic: Pandemiyle Birlikte Yerelden Küresele Yabancılaşmayı Yeniden
New Normal Beyond The Pandemic: Rethinking Alienation from Local to Global
Contributor(s): Zeynep Banu Dalaman (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Literary Texts, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology, Marketing / Advertising
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: alienation; branding; education; global politics; Göran Therborn; Pandemic; research; social policy
Summary/Abstract: The Covid-19 crisis, with all the horrors it has caused, has offered humanity an opportunity to reflect on itself and evaluate its point, even if it is delayed. In a very short time, we found ourselves worried about whether we could reach the objects we needed, whether we would lose our jobs or keep our freedom.Alienation is described as withdrawing or separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of former attachment: alienation viewed as a sense of detachment from the values of one’s society, family, and even from one’s own feelings from the values of one’s society and family (S. L. Halleck). Different forms of alienation, such as cultural alienation, professional alienation, and religious alienation, are among the current issues. It is obvious that we need to define different forms of alienation along with the pandemic.I believe this book will not be the first nor the last research book published on the Covid-19 pandemic. Our aim is to leave a resource on the subject for the next generation of researchers. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the book and hope it will be beneficial for the academic community.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-086-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-085-3
- Page Count: 403
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Turkish, English
Covid-19: The Great Unequalizer
Covid-19: The Great Unequalizer
(Covid-19: The Great Unequalizer)
- Author(s):Göran Therborn
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social differentiation, Health and medicine and law, Geopolitics
- Page Range:13-21
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Covid-19; pandemic; landmark; planetary simultaneity; geopolitical; social effect; privileges; post-Western century;
- Summary/Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic 2020-2021 will be a landmark of world history, because of its planetary simultaneity and because of its geopolitical and social effects, which have had more impact than its contagion and mortality. In the latter respects, the so-called Spanish flu of 1918-1922 was more devastating. The pandemic has been, and is, an experience of suffering and loss for millions of people around the planet. For us, privileged survivors, it has been a life-engraving learning experience. It has shown us the historical impact of contingency, the planetary commons and its eradicable divisions, a sharpening of social and political alternatives, and an acceleration of the current dynamic of the world, towards ever more inequality and privileges for a few, towards a post-Western century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Protective Face Mask-Wearing Behaviour Patterns in Turkey and Across the Globe in the Context of The Covid-19 Pandemic
Protective Face Mask-Wearing Behaviour Patterns in Turkey and Across the Globe in the Context of The Covid-19 Pandemic
(Protective Face Mask-Wearing Behaviour Patterns in Turkey and Across the Globe in The Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic)
- Author(s):Nilufer Narli, Beyza Narlı Evenstadb
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Sociology of Culture
- Page Range:25-44
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:face-mask; pandemic; social contract; communication; semiotics;
- Summary/Abstract:This article explores diversity in the mask-wearing behaviour patterns, including motivations for accepting or rejecting mask usage, various maskwearing practices and the types of face masks used for communicating messages. The data was collected from semi-structured interviews with 24 participants from Istanbul in 2020 summer, and the global data gathered from internet. Turkish case well represents the global trends and reveals that face mask is a semiotic cultural code, and a new medium of communication for personal, political, and commercial messages, a social contract, and a dispositif, which empowers people in many ways: diminishing anxiety of contamination and providing a medium for political statements and signalling personal and sexual preferences at a time when people face many restrictions. The data suggest that a sense of responsibility to fellow citizens, thrust in the national and international health authorities, and distancing from COVID-19 scepticism are associated with adopting a protective face-mask
- Price: 4.50 €
Mexico's Health System in the Face of Neo-Liberalism, its Commodification and Covid-19
Mexico's Health System in the Face of Neo-Liberalism, its Commodification and Covid-19
(Mexico's Health System in the Face of Neo-Liberalism, its Commodification and Covid-19)
- Author(s):Rodolfo García Zamora, Selene Gaspar Olvera, Dellanira Ruiz de Chávez Ramírez, Cristina Almeida Perales, Pascual Gerardo García Zamora
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Health and medicine and law, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:45-59
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:national health system; neoliberalism; commodification and universal and free public system;
- Summary/Abstract:Since 1982, with the establishment of neoliberalism in Mexico, the health system experienced a growing reduction in federal budgets and the growing commercialization of many of the medical services previously offered by the public health system. In this paper, there will be an analysis of how the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 deepened the limitations of the national health system to serve the population of the country and increased the serious structural problems of the health system, such as the scarcity of financing, deficiencies in the quality of services, and unequal effective access. Given this, a restructuring of Primary Health Care (PHC) with actions and public health functions is urgent, not only through a clinical care approach but also with a comprehensive vision of building a unique, universal, and free public health system as a priority of the López Obrador government in the following years.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pending Agenda for Post-Pandemic Social Protection - An Integral Systematic Interdisciplinary Look From the Law of Emergency
Pending Agenda for Post-Pandemic Social Protection - An Integral Systematic Interdisciplinary Look From the Law of Emergency
(Pending Agenda for Post-Pandemic Social Protection - An Integral Systematic Interdisciplinary Look From the Law of Emergency)
- Author(s):Jorge Isaac Torres Manrique
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Psychology, Governance, Sociology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:61-74
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:agenda post-pandemic; post-pandemic protection law; law of emergency; post-covid-19 state policies;
- Summary/Abstract:The health situation has been taking a heavy toll on the people of the world. We are witnesses of the exception of the astronomical figures of infections, deaths, economies of the countries, loss of employment, increase in poverty rates, among others. The effect of the pandemic is presented in an irrepressible and worrying way in every order.The policies of the different governments have not been successful, since they cannot control or stop the advance of COVID-19. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the additional problem that is coming is the one that will arise after the virus has been overcome.In this installment and in that order of ideas, we explain and develop in a comprehensive, systemic and interdisciplinary way, the challenges that different governments must assume when the health situation of the world has been overcome. Additionally, it is noteworthy that we have developed our proposal in the form of a package of measures to be taken. We do it not only from the world of law but also, from an interdisciplinary approach, in order to find an explanation for the failed policies assumed, as well as, to be able to overcome them. The great value, importance, and significance of our study are based on it.
- Price: 4.50 €
Riskler ve Belirsizlikler Kıskacında Pandemide Araştırmacı Olmak: Otoetnografik Bir Çalışma
Riskler ve Belirsizlikler Kıskacında Pandemide Araştırmacı Olmak: Otoetnografik Bir Çalışma
(Being a Researcher in a Pandemic in the Grip of Risks and Uncertainties: An Autoethnographic Study)
- Author(s):Cemre Erciyes, Aleyna Yıldırım, Meryem Erol
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Psychology, Methodology and research technology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:75-93
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Pandemic; risk; uncertainty; researcher; autoethnography
- Summary/Abstract:The Covid-19 pandemic with its psychological, physiological, economic and social risks has become a crisis that threatens human life rather than being only a biological threat. The environment of uncertainty stemming from the invisible nature of the virus and its appearing as a pandemic has also affected societies in many ways. In the multidisciplinary social study on “Social Services in Istanbul during the Pandemic” that aims to find out the effects of the pandemic on social service delivery and to develop a proactive work plan for similar crises situations, the problems caused by these effects in accessing services were discussed. In this study, we aim to convey our personal experiences and observations about the measures and practices taken against the risks and uncertainties brought by the pandemic, while researching and experiencing them simultaneously in the field. A qualitative research method, autoethnography, is preferred in this study because it will let us reflect our experiences from an insider perspective in a systematic way. In this regard, our experiences in the research and reporting process as the people affected by the possible risks of the pandemic and the difficulties of being a researcher during the pandemic will be discussed from a subjective point of view in terms of preparation, fieldwork, online organization and inter-team communication. The difficulty of obtaining scientific research approval during the period when some of the institutions were temporarily closed due to quarantine and taking some precautions for planning of interviews and field study will be evaluated in this context. Additionally, the physical conditions of the institutions where the interviews would be conducted do not have the same standard and research participants' awareness levels about the virus were not known in advance. On the other hand, the differences in the anxiety levels of the participants and the researchers in the project team; the way they reflect this difference; protecting the researcher identity during the interviews without reflecting bias and maintaining the study process without damaging the organizational structure and inter-team communication to minimize the negative effects of the online process will be questioned as the factors affecting the research process.
- Price: 4.50 €
Aggrievement and Identity During a Pandemic Due to Conflicts, Policy Decisions and the Media
Aggrievement and Identity During a Pandemic Due to Conflicts, Policy Decisions and the Media
(Aggrievement and Identity During a Pandemic Due to Conflicts, Policy Decisions and the Media)
- Author(s):William L. Rosenberg
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Media studies, Government/Political systems, Health and medicine and law, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:95-107
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:aggrievement; identity; political information systems;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to bring together the diverse literatures related to the issues of aggrievement and politics, showing how the pandemic exacerbated the problem. The effect is due to limitations of social interaction, shrunken social networks, and selective exposure to news. Fukuyama’s (2018) work on conflict and aggrievement suggests that these concepts may be tied to a sense of one’s identity. Aggrievement can form along multiple dimensions tied to racial, gender, religious and other group identities. A sense of nationalism may contribute to aggrievement. The threats posed to identity are found around the world. People find involvement in Identity politics gratifying, but also makes them more alienated and resentful. A number of potential solutions are explored such as broader information networks and media literacy efforts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Covid-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Yakın Çevrede Türkiye’nin Güvenliğiyle İlgili Gelişmeler
Covid-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Yakın Çevrede Türkiye’nin Güvenliğiyle İlgili Gelişmeler
(Developments Related to Turkey's Security Nearby of iIts Region During the Covid-19 Pandemic)
- Author(s):Celalettin Yavuz
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, International relations/trade, Health and medicine and law, Geopolitics
- Page Range:111-129
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:pandemic; conflict; security problems; nearby geography; regional and global problems;
- Summary/Abstract:Due to Covid-19 exports of countries has fallen, and their production hasdecreased accordingly. The service sector, especially tourism revenues, suffered considerably. Treasures of the gross domestic product of the states decreased significantly as unemployment increased further. Almost all states and nations except China became poorer compare to the previous year. With these adverse events, countries were expected to "stretch their feet according to their quilt". In this context, some countries (such as Germany) reduced their defense budget by 25%. In many places, conflicts, tensions, or "sanctions" continued to be experienced in order to protect national interests. Turkey was also affected by these adverse events. What affected Turkey the most were, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Jurisdictions, disturbing policies of the United States in the region, and the Nagorno-Karabakh War. While the Biden administration; which came after the Trump administration that started a "Trade War" with China; is showing China and Russia as a "threat", the search for to sitting at the table has begun with Iran, which the Trump administration imposed "sanctions" on. Another important development in Turkey's hinterland was in the spring of 2021 with the Biden administration in the US, increasing tension in Ukrainian-Russian relations. While the NATO membership of Ukraine was brought to the agenda, such activities came from Russia to increase the tension. As the fight against the PKK terrorist organization continues in Turkey's southern border in the north of Syria and Iraq, the US continues to support the Democratic Forces in Syria that mainly involve PKK extension PYD/YPG. Despite reached Astana and Sochi agreement with Russia, in Idlib, Afrin, and al-Bab, the Assad regime, Iran, and Russian-sided paramilitary groups are causing the loss of lives of civilians and properties in the places nearby Turkey, with air and artillery. Despite the Covid-19 pandemics causing economic and social paralysis beginning with the first quarter of 2020 all over the world, all these developments that interested Turkey directly or indirectly have been observed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Covid-19 Salgınında Türkiye’deki Hava Yolcu Trafiğinin Durumu: Sosyo-Ekonomik Açıdan Bir Değerlendirme
Covid-19 Salgınında Türkiye’deki Hava Yolcu Trafiğinin Durumu: Sosyo-Ekonomik Açıdan Bir Değerlendirme
(The Situation of Air Passenger Traffic in Turkey in the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Socio-Economic Evaluation)
- Author(s):Gülaçtı Şen, Erhan Bütün
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Socio-Economic Research, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:131-147
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Aviation industry; Covid-19 Outbreak; Air Passenger Traffic; Socio-economic factors;
- Summary/Abstract:The Covid-19 pandemic, which emerged in the first quarter of the 21st century and negatively affected the whole world, countries' economic, political, social, etc. has caused problems. Many sectors were negatively affected by the pandemic, which was first seen in Wuhan, China in 2019 and affected the whole world in a short time. The aviation industry is one of the sectors negatively affected by the countries closing their border gates and the suspension of air traffic. Every strategic decision to be taken for the continuity of aviation activities and the survival of businesses has become important. While governments' support for businesses in the sector can be considered as a solution in the short term, what strategy will businesses implement in the long term remains a problem due to the continuing pandemic. While the pandemic continues, it is obvious that the aviation activities of the countries have increased with the start of normalization and the vaccination process worldwide. However, despite this increase in air traffic, the negative effects of the countries in terms of socioeconomic aspects will be felt in the long term. The socio-economic impact, which was carried out on the estimation of air traffic passenger numbers and ticket fees before the pandemic, started to be evaluated within the framework of different scenarios with the flight ban that occurred worldwide after the Covid-19 pandemic. Factors such as the continuation of the pandemic, the economic situation of the countries, fluctuations in ticket prices, change in the job market, changing preferences and attitudes of customers will determine the socioeconomic effects. Considering that the total economic impact of the global aviation industry worldwide has reached 2.7 trillion USD and the sector supports 65.5 million jobs, the damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is very significant. During the course of the world list with aviation activities in the first row in place of Turkey, it is remarkable how well it will continue to follow a path in this process. The main focus of this work, travel restrictions within the scope of the analysis of the impact on the aviation industry to collect data on air passenger traffic in Turkey in the pandemic process and to compare them with air passenger traffic in Europe. Hence, the aviation sector is of socio-economic reveals how that affected the aviation activities and to assess the socio-economic point of view in Turkey. This study, the first quarter of 2021. All the outbreaks continue to increase rapidly, the aviation sector in Turkey is the first study of the socio-economic evaluation. With the findings obtained, it is aimed that airline companies take the right decisions and determine a good policy within the scope of their exit strategies from the global crisis.
- Price: 4.50 €
Yeni Düşman Pandemiden Sonra Uluslararası Sistem
Yeni Düşman Pandemiden Sonra Uluslararası Sistem
(The International System After the New Enemy Pandemic)
- Author(s):Poyraz Gurson, Can Telemeci
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:149-162
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:pandemic; covid-19; international relations; international system;
- Summary/Abstract:Major breaks in history have been experienced as a result of great disasters, wars and epidemics. Humanity, who experienced two great world wars in the 20th century, has faced with the Covid-19 epidemic that emerged in Wuhan, China and spread to the whole world in a short time. Transnational organizations established to prevent wars, improve diplomacy between countries and find solutions to global problems together have been inadequate to solve the crises that broke out in the world today, as in the past. As a result, trust in international organizations has been deeply damaged.The Covid-19 outbreak, which was declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, can be defined as a new enemy for states. The virus, which affected the whole world and spread rapidly regardless of race, language, religion, gender, rich and poor, affected all social life. In addition, in the international system, especially globalization, nation-state, country borders, international institutions, freedom-security dilemma, health, neo-liberal policies and social security concepts have been discussed again.Although it is an exaggerated point of view that the pandemic is seen as a factor that will transform the international system alone, it has enabled all the problems caused by the neo-capitalist order to emerge even more. States tried to protect their citizens by withdrawing to their own borders against the pandemic that could not be solved on a global scale. Countries such as the USA, China, Germany, Russia and the UK have managed to develop a vaccine against the virus in a short period of one year. However, there is a ruthless and unfair competition between countries, even regarding the vaccine which is the most fundamental right of humanity.In this study, the struggle of countries against the new enemy pandemic and the effect of the pandemic on the international order in the world where a great historical break occurred with the epidemic disease was examined.
- Price: 4.50 €
Küresel Sistem ve Korona Virüs Salgını: Yerelleşen Küreselleşme
Küresel Sistem ve Korona Virüs Salgını: Yerelleşen Küreselleşme
(Global System and Corona Virus Outbreak: Localized Globalization)
- Author(s):Suat DÖNMEZ
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Globalization
- Page Range:163-174
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:globalization; corona virus outbreak; localization; international cooperation;
- Summary/Abstract:The Corona virus outbreak, the largest epidemic the world has faced in recent times, has reached dimensions that will have an impact on the future of the global system. The fact that -as of today- the epidemic has been affecting the whole world for more than a year and that it is expected to continue in the near term has been a factor that strengthens this effect. This epidemic has led to serious speculation about the shape of the globalization phenomenon, which is already a highly controversial issue, and the structure of the international system in this context. In particular, the unilateral attitudes and behaviors of the states in the early stages of the epidemic (closing borders, restrictions on international trade, vaccine nationalism, travel bans, authoritarianism tendencies, etc.) have reignited the debate between the pro-globalizationists and their opponents. On the one hand, opponents of globalization have started to defend that with this epidemic, the phenomenon of globalization will no longer continue as expected, and that states will seriously inhibit globalization by pursuing policies in one area as introverted and self-sufficient. On the other hand, the pro-globalizationists have started to defend that the world now appears to be completely intertwined with the influence of globalization, that globalization is now on an irreversible path and that the international community has to cooperate more due to the difficulties encountered in the epidemic. However, the conclusion is that the discussions on the field will take place between these two opinion supporters in the near future. In this context, the structure of international organizations and their future roles will be determined within the framework of these discussions. After all these discussions, it is also possible that a middle ground will emerge between both approaches. While globalization was going on, there were already segments that wanted to preserve local values (identity culture, etc.), and these developments could lead us towards the localization of globalization. With the risk of homogenization melting in the crucible of globalization disappears, it may be possible to enter a period that can be expressed as a 'localized globalization' movement.
- Price: 4.50 €
A Crisis Like No Other: Will Covid-19 Change Capitalism?
A Crisis Like No Other: Will Covid-19 Change Capitalism?
(A Crisis Like No Other: Will Covid-19 Change Capitalism?)
- Author(s):Gökhan Ak
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social development, Health and medicine and law, Economic development, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:175-185
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:covid-19 pandemic; capitalism; globalization; economic and social change;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this research is to explore how the Covid-19 pandemic will likely affect and change the future paths and implementations of the capitalism which is universally the last and most effective economic system of the globe. The intention in trying to make an examination like this lies in the fact that a global crisis like Covid-19 pandemic seems to no other risks or threats that humanity faced since the end of World War II. The importance of this research lies in the crystal clear global situations that international relations and globalization will never be the same as they were once in the past after Covid-19 pandemic resolution. The methodology for this research will make use of applying the content and document analysis research techniques as well as hermeneutic approach by achieving literature survey through scientific books, articles, reports and thesis. Recent decades clearly showed up to international community that capitalism and globalization were in crisis. However, it seems likely that the Covid-19 pandemic could change it forever, in favor of workers and those in greatest need. The reason behind is that Covid-19 pandemic has put a magnifying glass over the many inequalities of the global economy and society. The World Economic Forum has already called for a “great reset” of capitalism. It’s emblematic of today’s capitalist society that groups of people get left behind, and it’s the job of policy makers to try to fix that. The possible findings of this research may recount that it will be hard to sweep all the global economic issues under the rug again when the pandemic is over since “We are pregnant with change,” as said by MIT economics professor Daron Acemoglu.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kamu Diplomasisi Olarak Türkiye’nin Covid-19 Yardımları
Kamu Diplomasisi Olarak Türkiye’nin Covid-19 Yardımları
(Covid-19 Aid and Public Turkish Public Diplomacy)
- Author(s):Abdulmennan Baycar
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:187-196
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:public diplomacy; soft power; smart power; Covid-19 aids; disaster diplomacy;
- Summary/Abstract:Joseph Nye defines "smart power" as the most efficient use of soft and hard power. While hard power uses pressure and intimidation tools, the soft power aims to influence the decisions of the interlocutors thorough soft power means by "winning heart". As public diplomacy is a tool in which soft power is manifested, such a diplomacy becomes more meaningful especially in times of disaster. Greece's assistance to Turkey in the 1999 earthquake has gone down in history as one of the most well-known examples in Turkish foreign policy and has been regarded as a milestone for the melting of the ice in Turkish-Greek relations. The Covid-19 outbreak, which started in China in the last months of 2019, and was seen in countries such as Iran and Italy in the first months of 2020, captured even the most developed countries in surprise. During this pandemic, an explosion of demand for masks, gloves and other hygiene items to combat the disaster. Due to the globalization of the disaster, the advantages of globalization that were accumulated for years have been replaced by a nationalist supply race. In this process, disaster diplomacy has gained importance as a public diplomacy that includes the materials aid required for the epidemic against nationalism. There is no doubt that traditional and pessimistic news on the internet have a great impact on this importance. While the mask race has become inevitable even within national borders, disaster relief of states to other nations has been seen as an effective method of winning heart. However, one aspect of these aids that is unique to Covid-19 is that contrary to what is expected, it includes not only developing African and Asian countries, but also global powers such as the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and China. This study deals with the ways in which Covid-19 aid is used as a public diplomacy tool. However, while this disaster diplomacy aims to win the hearts of the helped party, it is also effective in creating the goal of development and being a great state in the domestic public opinion. This study reports the national and international media and think tanks, news and other broadcasts using Turkey's soft power tool, especially its public diplomacy as applied in the first period of the epidemic demonstrates the disaster diplomacy. National publications subject of domestic public opinion reflects the direction of international publications with pictures that Turkey wants to build outside the "heart gain" will exhibit their purpose.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pandemide Kadınların Durumu ve Artan Ev İçi Şiddet
Pandemide Kadınların Durumu ve Artan Ev İçi Şiddet
(Women in Pandemic and Increasing Domestic Violence)
- Author(s):Aslıhan Ardıç Çobaner
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Studies in violence and power, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:199-213
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Covid-19 outbreak; violence; woman; gender; secondary data analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:As more than a year has passed since the global Covid-19 epidemic, the effects of the pandemic on different social groups have begun to be discussed. While the pandemic affects people in many different ways, psychologically, culturally and economically, among them, the effects it has on women has been one of the most talked about. Among the serious economic and social effects of the pandemic on women, it was seen that it worsened the already disadvantaged position of women in the labor market, increased unpaid care work and housework, as well as spreading domestic violence and abuse faced by women and children. In addition, because of the confinement to the house due to thepandemic, the separation between the public and private spheres has disappeared, as well as the work moving to the home, domestic violence and abuse have also increased. In this study, the research, evaluation and media content conducted by various institutions and individuals regarding the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on women and the increasing domestic violence will be reviewed with secondary data analysis and content analysis. Based on these investigations: 1) The situation of women in the Covid-19 pandemic, 2) Findings of the increasing violence against women in the pandemic, 3) The media coverage of the increasing violence during the pandemic process, and 4) A comprehensive information about the implementation and policy recommendations to prevent violence will be revealed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Impact of Covid-19 on Female Labour Force in Turkey
Impact of Covid-19 on Female Labour Force in Turkey
(Impact of Covid-19 on Female Labour Force in Turkey)
- Author(s):Zeynep Banu Dalaman
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Labor relations, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:215-229
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:COVID-19; female labor force; working conditions; Turkey;
- Summary/Abstract:COVID-19 has emerged as a crisis that has impacted all spheres of human life. Emerging evidence shows that women are more severely affected by this change. The pandemic, however, may have an impact beyond the immediate restructuring of employment and shift gender-role attitudes within households as a result of changes in the division of household labor. Turkey witnessed a massive crisis among women wage workers both at the workplace and home. This study is based on the research by Ekmek and Gül [Bread and Rose], an emagazine on women’s networks and solidarity during the pandemic period. In this context, this study explores the impact of COVID-19 on female wage workers and their families, analyzing qualitative interviews in 22 cities of Turkey (Adana, Adıyaman, Ankara, Antalya, Antep, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bursa, Çorum, Denizli, Tunceli, Eskişehir, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Malatya, Manisa, Mersin, Nevşehir, Tekirdağ, and Tokat), 23 different business line (banking, press, municipality, office, glass, warehouse, education, entertainment, household services, food, service, communication, mining, merchandising, metal, petrochemical, health and social services, defense, agriculture, transportation, textile and, tourism). During the research, in-depth interviews and surveys with structured questions were conducted with 680 female wage earners. Six themes were developed from the interview data about the impacts on, and experiences of, female wage workers: Pandemic measures in their workplace, changes in working conditions, pressure and control, changes in terms of burdens at home, relationships with family members, and changes in mood and risks of violence at home during the pandemic period and who they see as responsible for what they experience during the pandemic period. The study underlines the depressed state of female workers in Turkey and their families and argues that urgent policy interventions are required to address the impoverishment they are experiencing. Strengthening social security measures is of utmost importance.
- Price: 4.50 €
Covid-19 Pandemisinde Uzaktan Çalışma, 7/24 Mesai ve Gözetim: Sıradan Bir Yabancılaşmanın “Olağan” Anatomisi
Covid-19 Pandemisinde Uzaktan Çalışma, 7/24 Mesai ve Gözetim: Sıradan Bir Yabancılaşmanın “Olağan” Anatomisi
(Teleworking, 24/7 Working and Surveillance in the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Extra “Ordinary” Anatomy of an Ordinary Alienation)
- Author(s):Hacı Hasan SAF
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Communication studies, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:231-241
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Covid-19; telework; surveillance; alienation;
- Summary/Abstract:The work action which is necessary for people to survive; based on obtaining food, shelter, protection and building a better life in the traditional society. These mandatory situations were originally planned according to the sunrise and sunset conditions and seasonal changes. With its modern life style and production relations, work has become one of the most important factors affecting the life of the individual, which is determining his social status and organizing his life in the post-modern society. In the Covid-19 pandemic, which is an extraordinary situation, a style that seems temporary but is unknown when it will end is carried out with tele and home working models. This model, which is different from the practices that the work has continued for thousands of years, causes many negative effects on the employee. In this model, which is carried out only with internet and communication technology, away from the working environment, the individual both builds his whole day on working and is surrounded by surveillance practices. Such situations affect the socio-psychological status of the employees, and cases such as physical and psychological problems emerge. The aim of the study is to analyze the 24/7 remote working model applied during the pandemic period, which is an extraordinary situation, and the surveillance practices that appear in this model, and to reveal their effects on alienation. At the end of the study, the negative consequences on the individual caused by the surveillance practices that cause employee alienation will be listed.
- Price: 4.50 €
School and Lockdown in Italy – Pandemic and Education
School and Lockdown in Italy – Pandemic and Education
(School and Lockdown in Italy – Pandemic and Education)
- Author(s):Anna Di Giusto
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Government/Political systems, Security and defense, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:245-254
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:distance learning; drop out; adolescence;
- Summary/Abstract:While the Covid pandemic is still going on, it is difficult to imagine the consequences for our society in both the short and long term. Certainly, the way that the European Union and Italy, in particular, has so far addressed this global challenge is not very encouraging in terms of future expectations. This research, which is a work in progress, aims at collecting and confronting the existing data on the effects of several lockdowns on Italian adolescents. There is still a lack of statistical documentation at a national level, so it is hard for us to draw a complete picture of the situation. This work focuses on adolescents aged between 11 and 19 and analyzes the following points: 1. It summarizes the situation of the different lockdowns that have resulted in the interruption of teaching programs for middle and high school students in Italy; 2. It compares the data collected so far on school dropout and the incidence of social class and ethnic origins; 3. It collects the most important research related to the increase in disorders and difficulties suffered by adolescents; 4. Finally, it tries to find possible ways to prevent a worsening of the situation in the coming years. As a work in progress, in the future, this research will continue to develop through those surveys addressed mainly to teachers involved in projects organized by the Italian Society of Historians and the Historical Institute of Resistance.
- Price: 4.50 €
Eğitimde Hizmet Kalitesinin Ölçüm Metotları ve Covid-19 Süreci
Eğitimde Hizmet Kalitesinin Ölçüm Metotları ve Covid-19 Süreci
(Measurement Methods of Service Quality in Education and the Covid-19 Pandemic)
- Author(s):Bora Gündüzyelia
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Education, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:255-267
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:education; service; quality; service quality;
- Summary/Abstract:Service is an abstract concept with a wide range and is consumed without waiting. Because of this feature, the perception of quality towards the service received is significantly affected by the physical assets used during the provision of the service and the communication between the service recipient and the individuals providing the service. It is very difficult to define and determine the quality of service as a result of its abstract nature, complex structure and inclusion of individual communication as mentioned. The service quality of education, which covers an ongoing process in the whole life of the individual, is a difficult concept to measure for the same reasons. Constantly changing conditions bring quality to the fore in education, as in all other services. As in most developing countries, the fact that education services can be provided by private sectors in our country has brought competition, especially the conditions caused by the Covid-19 outbreak have changed the intensity and direction of competition. The pandemic process has had negative consequences in the education sector, as in all sectors. In this challenging process, the distance education system has become one of the most important solutions to ensure continuity in education and toprevent student deficiencies. On the other hand, education, whether distance or not, is a service, and as a result, the quality element is of the same complexity and importance. In the light of this information, the aim of the study is to examine the literature on the measurement methods of service quality in education. For this purpose, the concepts of service, quality and service quality, the factors that determine service quality, the dimensions of service quality and measurement methods are included in the study.
- Price: 4.50 €
Education in 'New Normal': Problems and Prospects of Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh
Education in 'New Normal': Problems and Prospects of Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh
(Education in 'New Normal': Problems and Prospects of Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh)
- Author(s):Manzuma Ahsan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:269-290
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:education; new normal; tertiary level students;
- Summary/Abstract:The human race of the world at present has been confronting an 'uncertainty' because of the Pandemic situation of novel coronavirus (known as covid-19). This Pandemic has invaded almost every country of the world and has given rise to the concept of 'new normal' through which human life has been shaped in new modalities. Like the other pandemic-stricken countries, Bangladesh has been undergoing the second phase of lockdown. With that, there is an exponential resurgence of the virus with a new variant that has literally stopped everything attached to everyday life. The students have been alienated as the education institutions remain closed, but many of those have opted for learning through online platforms. By employing a mix-method, the present study has made an effort in exploring the problems faced by the tertiary level students in availing education through online platforms in this pandemic situation. Based on a purposive sampling, an online survey has been conducted by using a semistructured questionnaire. Some case studies have been collected and few key personnel interviews have been conducted through online. The study has found out that the students face many barriers in terms of internet availability, speed, and cost including non-compatibility with the online learning platforms. The issue of discontinuation of education coupled with issues of mental health have been of grim concerns in line with the previous problems. To mitigate these problems, the universities should be provided with policies and guidelines from the government and stakeholders so that the students can be benefitted and cope up with the 'new normal'.
- Price: 4.50 €
Using Classroom Pedagogy to Promote Mental Health in Secondary School Setting
Using Classroom Pedagogy to Promote Mental Health in Secondary School Setting
(Using Classroom Pedagogy to Promote Mental Health in Secondary School Setting)
- Author(s):Madhuvanti Mukherjee, Priyanka Ghosh, Indrani Banerjee
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Psychology, School education, Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
- Page Range:291-302
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:school-based intervention; alienation; literacy; in-school support services; education;
- Summary/Abstract:The developed curricula covered subjects like mental-health awareness, support systems, stigma, and/or discrimination. Each lesson provided students with a general overview of mental health facts and strategies for stigma identification. Qualitative measures were also utilized. We conducted semistructured interviews with staff, peer educators, and parents in India. The interviews, lasting between 30-75 minutes, were audio-recorded and transcribed. Furthermore, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQs) were completed by the parents and teachers of students who accessed the curricula. In the SDQs, parents reported steady increases in their children’s social engagement levels throughout the course of the trial. They also reported steady declines in their children’s emotional, attention, behavioral, and social difficulties. Teachers and parents also noticed a positive rise in their children’s kind and helpful behavior following their interaction with and usage of the classroom curricula. Without exception, every interviewee reported that they had noticed an increase in general wellbeing, either in their child, themselves, or in the school overall. Teachers discussed how the curricula “encouraged students to participate more in class” and “interact more with the material”. Following the implementation of the curricula in classrooms, parents and administrators noticed that their children were ‘calmer’, ‘more confident’, and ‘more focused on their learning’. Further development of this syllabi is needed to implement it on a large scale. However, this project has shown that classroom intervention has the potential to transform school culture into an environment where children can learn and achieve, irrespective of any social, emotional, or behavioral challenges they may face. We recommend the utilization of a curriculum of this nature in schools to stimulate students’ social engagement and raise awareness of mental health issues common to children and young adults.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pandemi Sürecinde Marka İletişimini Analiz Etmek: Kiğili
Pandemi Sürecinde Marka İletişimini Analiz Etmek: Kiğili
(Analyzing Brand Communication in The Pandemic Process: Kiğili)
- Author(s):Arzu Kızbaz, Bahşende Çoban
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Communication studies, Health and medicine and law, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:305-318
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:brand communication; brand awareness; perception; KİĞILI; pandemic;
- Summary/Abstract:Brand strategist Scott Talgo describes the relationship with a brand as follows:"A brand that captures your mind gains behavior. A brand that captures your heart gains commitment." It points to the relationship established with a brand and the brand's loyalty when it touches our emotions. Brands want to be perceived correctly by both their employees and their customers. However, perception is all the codes that are formed in the mind and it is variable, so when brand communication is structured correctly, it can be talked about stability of the brand perception.If the perception of the target audience can be maintained and does not change in times of crisis, it is possible to talk about brand loyalty. Because the change of perception in times of crisis manifests itself as the image and reputation of the brand that can be lost or protected, and the lost image and reputation can hardly be restructured. In this study, communication studies of the ' KİĞILI' brand will be discussed. While describing itself as “Turkey’s Men Clothing Brand”, it has fallen away from the brand association it created in the minds of its target audience by selling food and cleaning products on its website during the pandemic period. However, the two most important concepts that stand out in strategic brand management are brand association and brand awareness. KİĞILI, who also supported very important corporate social responsibility projects, was criticized for this decision it made during the pandemic.Every institution has a crisis management plan in case of a crisis. However, it was not possible for every brand to carry out the process with a crisis management plan at the beginning of the pandemic, which is uncertain how long it will last. For this reason, brand communication has gained importance in pandemic conditions. In a crisis environment where uncertainty factors are intense, being able to manage brand communication skillfully without harming the brand makes a difference. In this study, examples from the advertising, marketing and public relations studies of the ' KİĞILI ' brand will be selected and analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. As writer Richie Norton said, " A brand is a person that has a voice, evokes emotion and spreads a message.." While analyzing the examples, the voice of KİĞILI, the emotions it and the messages it spreads will be traced.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pandemi Sürecinde Sürdürülebilir Pazarlama: United Colors of Benetton Marka İncelemesi
Pandemi Sürecinde Sürdürülebilir Pazarlama: United Colors of Benetton Marka İncelemesi
(Sustainable Marketing During The Pandemic: United Colors of Benetton Brand Review)
- Author(s):Bahşende Çoban, Arzu Kızbaz
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:319-330
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:sustainability; marketing, pandemic; United Colors of Benetton;
- Summary/Abstract:The fact that the world we live on does not have enough resources for all humanity and being conscious of consuming these resources by thinking of future generations is the main issue of sustainability. Sustainability, which is the subject of various conferences, summits and agreements globally; It is shaped around three concepts: social, environmental and economic. In this study, the environmental dimension of sustainability will be discussed. Because environmental problems have emerged as a result of a human-centered understanding of life, and these problems can only be solved by the awareness of people and the precautions they take. The "stay at home" rule, which has transformed the human-centered understanding of life and that we have to abide by with the Covid-19 epidemic that we have been experiencing for more than a year, has protected nature, albeit for a while, from the damage caused by humans, just as we have protected humanity from this epidemic. In this direction; It is seen that the brands serving in the fashion sector, as in many other sectors, produce recycled and recyclable products in order to protect natural resources and contribute to sustainability, and implement social responsibility activities within the scope of sustainability. These activities of brands are also included in the subject of sustainable marketing. United Colors of Benetton, which is the leading brand in the collection of second-hand clothing and also one of the first brands to participate in the negotiations on fossil fuels and climate change, carries out many practices under the name of sustainability. The campaign, application and communication activities implemented by the United Colors of Benetton brand within the framework of sustainability during the pandemic process constitute the research subject of this study and will be examined by content analysis method. It is a fact that the consumption habits of individuals have changed with the pandemic and the pandemic has reduced the consumption of clothing products. In this study, while determining how the United Colors of Benetton brand reaches the consumer in this process, the changing role of the marketing mix and sustainable marketing at this point will also be analyzed
- Price: 4.50 €
Covid-19 Salginini İklim Krizi ile Birlikte Düşünmek: Türkiye’de İklim Haberleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
Covid-19 Salginini İklim Krizi ile Birlikte Düşünmek: Türkiye’de İklim Haberleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
(Thinking Climate Crisis with The Covid-19 Pandemic: Reflecting on Climate News in Turkey)
- Author(s):Aslıhan Ardıç Çobaner
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Communication studies, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:331-344
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Covid-19 pandemic; climate crisis; news; climate reporting; content analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:This study proposes to look at the Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected the whole world, from a broader perspective as part of the climate crisis. There are many common points between the Covid-19 pandemic as a global crisis and the climate crisis (just like the SARS and Ebola diseases). The pandemic, which is thought to be caused by a live animal market in Wuhan, China, has become global in a short time, news about quarantine decisions, curfews and slowdown in production and industry let air pollution reduce and revitalization of natural life and the beginning of the appearance of wild animals in nature. have exposedthe ecological dimension of pandemic and the climate crisis. However, the Covid-19 outbreak and climate crisis affect the disadvantaged segments of the society more and deepen the existing inequalities. Likewise, disinformation is widespread due to the prevalence of conspiracy theories and denial policies in both areas. In addition, the solution of both requires changes in current socio-economic policies and priorities. This study intends to present an overview of the state of climate news, which can not be found places in the agenda of Turkey in "normal" times, in the Covid-19 pandemic period. For this purpose, content analysis was performed on the news in Google News search for a period of one year, including the dates of the Covid-19 outbreak. The news has been critically examined over whether it is linked to the Covid-19 outbreak, taking into account the principles of climate journalism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ütopik Kurgudan Distopik Gerçekliğe: Pandemi Yönetimi Perspektifinde Güney Kore ve Japon Sineması
Ütopik Kurgudan Distopik Gerçekliğe: Pandemi Yönetimi Perspektifinde Güney Kore ve Japon Sineması
(From Utopic Fiction to Dystopic Reality: South Korean and Japanese Cinema in the Pandemic Administration Perspective)
- Author(s):Sevil Zengin, Özlem Bapbacı
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:347-356
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:administration; COVID- 19 pandemic; cinema; South Korea; Japan
- Summary/Abstract:With the transition to the information age and digitalization, a significant change had occurred in social and administrative dynamics. Although policymakers often determine the direction of this change, the emergence of popular culture in the 21st century has positioned cinema as an art form that is involved in policymaking among the other actors. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought the cinema industry under discussion for its capacity to produce creative content. In this framework, the fact that films originated from South Korea and Japan widely based on the epidemic theme and the release of these films before the beginning of the epidemic has highlighted the relevant countries compared to others. This study aimed to handle four films; Fukkatsu no hi (1980), Kansen Retto (2009), Yeon-ga-si (2012) and Gamgi (2013) from the South Korean and Japanese cinema industry, in the context of pandemic administration.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mapping Alienation, Intimacy and Loneliness onto Cinematic Existence
Mapping Alienation, Intimacy and Loneliness onto Cinematic Existence
(Mapping Alienation, Intimacy and Loneliness onto Cinematic Existence)
- Author(s):Sweta Kushwaha
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Rural and urban sociology, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:357-371
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:alienation; urbanization; post-modern; intimacy; love; home;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper will be exploring the city of Istanbul and Tokyo as an entity, an existence that embodies the post-modern, alienated, and urban existence of the protagonists in the Turkish drama Fazilet Hanim ve Kizleri (Saraçoğlu 2017) and the Japanese film The Tokyo Night Sky is the Densest Shade of Blue (Ishii 2018). The navigation of the city and the home by the protagonists in these works are studied within the paper through the lens of urban theory and psychology to articulate their fragmentary urban experiences and the brief glimpses of intimacy within these texts. These texts are studied for the entrapment the characters feel, the claustrophobia of the urbanity of a city that has no place for vulnerable, human relationships and love. They are also studied against the background of the parental alienation the protagonists have faced and continue to feel in their life which contributes to their loneliness. Romantic love is studied as a revolutionary force and captures the “moments” theorized by Henri Lefebvre that is a response to the post-modern fragmentation and which reaffirms human existence. The domestic space of the house is theorized as a space of possibilities and human condition. So, while the space of the city often has negative connotations, the positive spaces like home and the streets are also studied to give voice to the urban experience of living in these cities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Eski İspanyol Nezlesinin Puslu Perdesinde Yeni Dünya Düzeni, Yeni Hayat ve Yeni Edebiyatın Yüz Yıllık “Yeni Normal” İzleri
Eski İspanyol Nezlesinin Puslu Perdesinde Yeni Dünya Düzeni, Yeni Hayat ve Yeni Edebiyatın Yüz Yıllık “Yeni Normal” İzleri
(The Centenarian “New Normal” Traces of New World Order, New Life and New Literature at the Hazy Curtain of the Old Spanish Flu)
- Author(s):Nuri Sağlam
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):History, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:373-394
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Spanish flu; coronavirus; new normal; new life; new literature;
- Summary/Abstract:It seems quite difficult to predict what kind of a new world order the term “new normal” used for the post-epidemic is today, when according to the latest data of the World Health Organization the number of people who died from the coronavirus pandemic all over the world is more than three million. Therefore, in this article, the very interesting similarity of the Spanish flu, which emerged exactly a century ago towards the end of the First World War and caused the death of millions of people over the next two years, with the current Coronavirus pandemic in terms of both the most obvious symptoms and the measures taken are mentioned and in parallel with this, it is pointed out that some geopolitical strategies produced during the Spanish flu period by the imperialist Western states to keep Turkey under control have been reopened intensively for the same purpose today, where the Coronavirus pandemic still continues. Afterwards, it is emphasized that some strategic pillars of the new world order that started to be established after the First World War, such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Health Organization -albeit under different names- emerged for the first time during the time of the Spanish flu and that the missions of these organizations, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic, may gain more clarity in the light of sociopolitical developments during the time of the Spanish flu. Finally, during the Spanish flu, the general appearance of the society, which was impoverished by the disasters one after the other since 1911 and therefore lost all its moral values rapidly, in the Turkish literature and some of the predictions of some well-known writers under the title of “tomorrow’s literature” are discussed and thus, it is aimed to give a more voluminous and deeper vision to the political, social and cultural speculations that can be made about how our lives will be shaped in the near but rather uncertain future, called the “new normal”, through a similar process we lived a hundred years ago.
- Price: 4.50 €