Küreselleşen Dünyada Kadın – IV: Güçlenme ve Zorluklar
Women in a Globalizing World – IV: Empowerment and Challenges
Contributor(s): Zeynep Banu Dalaman (Editor), Suat DÖNMEZ (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Civil Society, Sociology, Higher Education , Sociology of Politics
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: Gender; Society and Politics; Türkçe Seri; Feminist Hareket; kadin; Kadının Yoksullaşması; Modern Kadın Meddah; Turkey; Türkiye’de Kadın İstihdamı; Zeynep Banu Dalaman; gender equality; gender equality plan; gender equality in higher education
Summary/Abstract: The aim of this research is to discuss the key elements of the gender equality plan (GEP) development process in the universities and other research institutions, based on the experiences of the Gender Equality Plan preparation process at Yaşar University within the scope of the Horizon 2020 project titled “Linking Research and Innovation for Gender Equality (CALIPER)” from the perspective of the effects of the European Union financial supports on the institutional change process. The scope of the research includes the analysis process of the data obtained from the semi-structured interviews, focus groups and surveys conducted within the scope of internal and external current situation analysis, using qualitative and quantitative research methods. Through the research, main gaps in institutional processes, practices and procedures related to gender equality were identified under six key areas: human resources, institutional governance, research, teaching, institutional communication and gender-based harassment. The result of the research highlights the importance of evaluating the institutional factors and procedures with a multidimensional perspective in the planning and implementation of the institutional change process with respect to gender equality.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-221-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-220-8
- Page Count: 207
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Turkish
Yükseköğretim Kurumları için Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Planı Geliştirme: Caliper Projesi Deneyimi
Yükseköğretim Kurumları için Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Planı Geliştirme: Caliper Projesi Deneyimi
(Developing Gender Equality Plans for Higher Education Institutions: Caliper Project Experience)
- Author(s):Mehmet Gokay Özerim, Güldan Kalem, Burcu Kiper
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:7-18
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Cinsiyet eşitliği; cinsiyet eşitliği planı; yükseköğretimde cinsiyet eşitliği; Gender equality; gender equality plan; gender equality in higher education
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this research is to discuss the key elements of the gender equality plan (GEP) development process in the universities and other research institutions, based on the experiences of the Gender Equality Plan preparation process at Yaşar University within the scope of the Horizon 2020 project titled “Linking Research and Innovation for Gender Equality (CALIPER)” from the perspective of the effects of the European Union financial supports on the institutional change process. The scope of the research includes the analysis process of the data obtained from the semi-structured interviews, focus groups and surveys conducted within the scope of internal and external current situation analysis, using qualitative and quantitative research methods. Through the research, main gaps in institutional processes, practices and procedures related to gender equality were identified under six key areas: human resources, institutional governance, research, teaching, institutional communication and gender-based harassment. The result of the research highlights the importance of evaluating the institutional factors and procedures with a multidimensional perspective in the planning and implementation of the institutional change process with respect to gender equality.
- Price: 2.00 €
Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının Cam Tavan Algılarının İncelenmesi
Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının Cam Tavan Algılarının İncelenmesi
(Examining The Glass Ceiling Perceptions of Education Faculty Members)
- Author(s):Gülçin Terzi, Levent Deniz
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:19-39
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Cam tavan sendromu; öğretim elemanı; eğitim fakültesi; Glass ceiling syndrome; academician; faculty of education
- Summary/Abstract:Bu çalışmanın amacı eğitim fakültelerinde görev yapan öğretim elemanlarının cam tavan algılarının ilişkisel tarama modeli ile incelenmesidir. Bu genel amaç doğrultusunda öğretim elemanlarının cam tavan algılarının çeşitli değişkenlere göre farklılaşma durumlarının sınanması hedeflenmiştir. Araştırma örneklemini 7 coğrafi bölgeden yansız küme örnekleme yoluyla seçilmiş 14 devlet üniversitesinin eğitim fakültelerinde görev yapan ve çalışmaya gönüllü olarak katılan 495 öğretim elemanı oluşturmuştur. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre öğretim elemanlarının cam tavan algıları çoklu roller, kişisel tercih, mentorluk ve kalıplaşmış önyargılar alt boyutlarında düşük seviyede, informal iletişim ve mesleki ayırım alt boyutlarında orta seviyededir. Kadın ve erkek öğretim elemanları ile evli ve bekar öğretim elemanları farklı alt boyutların kadınların üst yönetim kademelerine gelmelerinin önündeki engeller olduğunu düşünmektedir. Yaşa dayalı olarak ulaşılan bulgulara göre 29 yaş ve altı öğretim elemanları informal iletişim ve mentorluk alt boyutlarının birer engel olduğu fikrine en yüksek düzeyde katılım göstermektedir. 60 yaş ve üzeri öğretim elemanlarına göre kalıplaşmış önyargılar alt boyutu kadınların yönetim kademelerine gelmelerinin önündeki engellerden biridir. Öğretim elemanlarının sahip oldukları çocuk sayısına göre çeşitli alt boyutlardaki algıları farklılaşmaktadır. Ulaşılan diğer bir bulguya göre profesör doktor unvanına sahip öğretim elemanları diğer unvanlara sahip öğretim elemanlarına kıyasla informal iletişim alt boyutunun kadınlar için bir engel olduğu fikrine daha az katılmaktadır. Öğretim elemanlarının mesleki tecrübelerine ve görev yaptıkları bölümlere göre de çeşitli boyutlarda cam tavan algılarının farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Bölgesel farklılıklara dayalı olarak Türkiye’nin doğu bölgelerinde cam tavan engellerinin daha yüksek algılandığı ulaşılan bulgular arasındadır. İdari görev almış öğretim elemanları kalıplaşmış önyargılar alt boyutunun bir engel olduğuna daha çok katılmaktadır.
- Price: 2.00 €
Kadının Yoksullaşması: Sağlık Hakkı Bağlamında Hijyen Ürünlerine Erişim
Kadının Yoksullaşması: Sağlık Hakkı Bağlamında Hijyen Ürünlerine Erişim
(Feminisation of Poverty: Access to Hygiene Products in The Context of The Right to Health)
- Author(s):Elif Demirbaş, Meryem Erol, Aleyna Yıldırım
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:41-52
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:The right to health; feminisation of poverty; access to hygiene; Sağlık hakkı; kadın yoksulluğu; hijyen ürünlerine erişim; The right to health; feminisation of poverty; access to hygiene products
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this study is to evaluate that women’s access to hygiene products within the scope of the right to health, in line with the titles of “no poverty”, “gender equality”, “good health and well-being”, “clean water and sanitation”, “reduced inequality”, which are among the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Poverty is the state of being deprived of economic, social, and cultural rights as well as being unable to have adequate living conditions. While this situation reduces quality of life, on the other hand, it threatens the right to life. In order to use the right to life, individuals must have a biopsychosocial well-being. While poverty enables access to the right to health, the state of illness also causes poverty. The right to health is under constitutional guarantee as a feature of being a social state. However, the accessibility of this right to all individuals in society is limited by “adequacy of financial resources” in the constitution. So, there is injustice in accessing the right to health. In this respect, the responsibility of coping with economic crises depends on personal effort. Due to gender inequality, women are not well represented in education, employment, and politics. This situation limits women’s access to constitutional rights by making their needs invisible. The impoverishment of these women, whose access to rights is restricted, deepens their already disadvantaged position. Changes in the social structure cause poverty to be experienced differently by men and women. They also change the social status of women, bringing the concept of feminisation of poverty to the agenda. When women’s poverty is evaluated with the awareness that women have special needs, access to protective, preventive, curative, and rehabilitation services and the rights such as maternity leave, breastfeeding leave, menstrual leave, and abortion should be provided. Also, it should be ensured that products such as intimate cleaning products, sanitary pads, tampons, washable and reusable pads, and menstrual cups are accessible. Disadvantaged women experience problems in accessing health services and hygiene products. This causes some diseases. The inability to access appropriate treatment and services due to poverty also causes these diseases to become chronic. Women’s poverty, which has increased in parallel with the decrease in purchasing power in recent years, and the problems experienced in the pricing policy of hygiene products have brought women’s adequate and appropriate access to menstrual products back on the agenda. In addition, sustainable development goals, which have been on the agenda since 2015, also encourage the end of poverty, reducing inequalities and providing access to products and services. Within the scope of the right to health, policies should be developed by considering menstrual equality in facilitating women’s access to hygiene products. Considering the increasing poverty of women, practices should be developed to enable disadvantaged women to access these products. In addition, alternative products that can reduce the consumption of disposable menstrual hygiene products should be expanded. Also, these products should be accessible to every woman.
- Price: 2.00 €
Türkiye’de Kalkınma Planlarının Yapılandırmasında Kadının Güçlen(diril)mesi Paradigması ve Arka Plan Analizi
Türkiye’de Kalkınma Planlarının Yapılandırmasında Kadının Güçlen(diril)mesi Paradigması ve Arka Plan Analizi
(Women’s Empowerment Paradigm and Background Analysis in Structuring Development Plans in Turkey)
- Author(s):Nuran H. Belet
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:53-69
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Kalkınma; kalkınma planı; kadının güçlenmesi; toplumsal cinsiyet; Development; development plan; empowerment of women; gender
- Summary/Abstract:The goal of the Development Plans is to develop targets and tools to ensure a balanced distribution of all resources, economic activities and human capital of countries for economic and social development. With the policy objectives prioritized in the context of Development Plans, it is aimed to ensure and maintain economic development by building high welfare societies across the country with egalitarian policies. In the process of creating Development Plans, some groups and special areas should be supported with effective tools, with policies defined in an equal and fair manner for all segments of the society. At the beginning of these groups is the title of women. Especially in the context of the place of women in development, discussions continue from many different perspectives from the 1970s. Within the framework of the study, first of all, theoretical and conceptual explanations will be given about which paradigms and Feminist tradition processes the title of “women’s empowerment” is handled. Afterwards, the development plan tradition and the perspectives and paradigms of women’s empowerment in the preparation process will be mentioned. In particular, in the topics of empowerment and women, the approach that evolves into empowerment, strengthening and participation will be discussed and the transformation of the paradigm will be included. In this study, in terms of form and content, the background of which goals and paradigms are discussed under the title of “women’s empowerment”, which is considered to be one of the special areas that should be supported in the process of preparing the current development plans in the tradition of the Development Plan in Turkey. In this context, the current paradigm and its effects will be evaluated by analyzing the development plans separately. In the last part of the study, the positive and deficient aspects of the women’s empowerment approach are also discussed within the framework of Turkey’s Development Plan perspective.
- Price: 2.00 €
Türkiye’de Kadın İstihdamı Üzerine Değerlendirmeler
Türkiye’de Kadın İstihdamı Üzerine Değerlendirmeler
(Considerations on Women Employment in Turkey)
- Author(s):Mukaddes Güler
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:71-83
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:İstihdam; kadın istihdamı; sorunlar; politikalar; Employment; women employment; problems; policies
- Summary/Abstract:In parallel with the developments in the world and the phenomenon of globalization, social, cultural and technological changes have occurred and societies have evolved. However, unfortunately, despite many changes, perceptions and perspectives towards women in a patriarchal society have not changed. Therefore, women could not take a step forward in society and were forced to live in the background. This situation also confronted women when they wanted to enter the labor market. Despite the importance of women in economic development and in the workforce, the perceptions that they are seen as a secondary workforce and that they should work only in case of economic difficulties are reflected in the rates in the workforce. However, economic development is one of the important problems for the welfare of a country. In order to solve this problem, it is a critical point to focus on women employment for countries. However, the rates in Turkey show that female employment is very low compared to male employment in every field. In this study, the employment status of women is evaluated according to education, sector, occupation, unregistered employment and marital status by using literature review and Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) data. In addition, the problems faced by women in employment, such as gendered perspective, occupational discrimination, inequality in remuneration, insufficient educational opportunities, lack of career development opportunities, mobbing (psychological harassment) and sexual harassment are included. In the results section, suggestions were made to increase women employment.
- Price: 2.00 €
Coğrafyaya Cinsiyet Temelinde Yeniden Bakmak: Kuramsal Bir Tartışma
Coğrafyaya Cinsiyet Temelinde Yeniden Bakmak: Kuramsal Bir Tartışma
(Rethinking Geography from Gender Perspective: A Theoretical Discussion)
- Author(s):Ceren Avcil
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:87-98
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Kadın; toplumsal cinsiyet; feminist coğrafya; mekân; Women; gender; feminist geography; space
- Summary/Abstract:The feminist theory essentially stands against the subordination of women vis-à-vis men, acknowledging that the lives of women and men, be it in the social, economic, political, or cultural sense, are shaped by the roles traditionally attributed to men and women and their distinct placements, positions, pursuits, etc. in society. Against this backdrop, the women’s movement, owing to its historically dynamic developments in scope and content, has urged authors to examine some long-neglected issues from the gender perspective. Among them is geography, which has been a topic of study for feminist theorists, researchers, and writers since the 1970s especially along with the advent of second-wave feminism. Owing to this background, building on the gender perspective to position women as the primary subject in geography has become a current, albeit long-hidden, pursuit in social sciences. In this context, criticisms of the classical restriction of women to certain spaces within the framework of the separation of public and private spaces have added visibility to discussions concerning the genders of geographies or spaces. The dynamic nature of geography in general and of spaces more specifically also points to how space and gender interact, shape, and transform each other. In fact, all interactions that guide women’s daily lives including actions, pursuits of existence, etc., happen within the confines of space and perceptions of such spaces also shape the role of women in society.
- Price: 2.00 €
Mekânsal Adaletin Ekofeminizm Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
Mekânsal Adaletin Ekofeminizm Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
(The Evaluation of Spatial Justice in The Context of Ecofeminism)
- Author(s):Sema Haritash Eroğlu, Duygu Koca
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:99-112
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Mekânsal adalet; ekofeminizm; sürdürülebilirlik; kolektif yaşam; Spatial justice; ecofeminism; sustainability; collective life
- Summary/Abstract:Today’s humanitarian and environmental crises have revealed how important the mind/nature opposition can be. Dualisms male/female, mind/body, public/private, production/reproduction, which are the cornerstones of male culture, legitimize the underestimation and domination of nature. Opposing these dualisms, which render the sustainability action thought as an optimistic way out for ecological problems unsustainable, revealed the struggle for ecofeminism. Generally, ecofeminism advocates a combination of all systems of oppression that marginalize communities in terms of class, gender and race throughout the definition of rights and responsibilities, access to ecological information and decision-making processes. Within this framework, the objective of this study is to focus on how gender affects ecological processes while underlining that the social sustainability is at least as important as building technologies in space production. Here, the domestic space is the basic research sample and gender refers to the processes where identities are produced rather than gender roles. The study recommends the idea of collective living which enables the reconstruction of gender identities by publicizing the care-related part of domestic labor. To this end, a qualitative analysis was made of four examples of collective living projects that meet the preconditions of sustainability-equal participation. These samples, which carefully consider the concepts of labor and care, aim to enable ecological reform as well as social, economic and political reform.
- Price: 2.00 €
Dönem Film Afişlerinde Yer Alan Kadın Giysilerinin Özellikleri ve Afişlerin Göstergebilim ile Analizi
Dönem Film Afişlerinde Yer Alan Kadın Giysilerinin Özellikleri ve Afişlerin Göstergebilim ile Analizi
(Characteristics of Women’s Clothing in Period Movie Posters and Analysis of Posters with Semiotics)
- Author(s):Şerife Gülcü Yıldız, Yasemin Yasa
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:113-128
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Sinema Filmleri; Film Afişi; Göstergebilim; Kadın Giysileri; Movies; Movie poster; Semiotics; Women’s Clothing
- Summary/Abstract:Posters are of great importance in the cinema industry all over the world. The posters on which the film markets itself and allows it to spread widely are also a for profit investment for the producers. In addition to being for profit, posters, which assume art and design value, also contain written and visual elements in their content and provide information transfer to the audience with the method of editing from an aesthetic point of view.It is possible to make out how this transmission contains messages and what meanings it contains with the method of indicative scientific solution.It is feasible to define semiotics as an interdisciplinary science based on the interpretation and interpretation of symbols, shapes and symbols. In this context, the aim of the research is to analyze the messages intended to be given on the posters by using semiotic analysis of movie posters.The universe of the research consists of movie posters. 5 movie posters with period costumes were included in the sampling by the method of judicial sampling from the universe and their analysis was carried out. In this context, the aim of the research is to analyze the messages intended to be given on the posters by using semiotic analysis of movie posters.It is also important to understand what is shown beyond what is seen in semiotics and to interpret those meanings. For this reason, in the study, the images shown in the poster are explained and the meanings attached to them are revealed. In the analysis of the posters, the method of straight meaning and side meaning, which is the method applied by Barthes in semiotics, was used.The research is qualitative research and has a scanning model.
- Price: 2.00 €
Sanat Pazarında Kadın Olmak ve Feminist Hareket
Sanat Pazarında Kadın Olmak ve Feminist Hareket
(Being A Woman in The Art Market and The Feminist Movement)
- Author(s):Merve Mehtap Bulut, Serkan İlden
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:129-137
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Feminizm; eril; sanat; Pazar; sanatçı; Feminism; masculine; art; market; artist
- Summary/Abstract:Creating a work of art from the past to the present has always been a challenging process. If we look at this situation from a social point of view, the accessibility of art materials and the sensitivity and interest of the society in the field of art have played a role as slowing factors in the development of art. Along with such negative situations, especially female artists have been forced to stay in the background more than male artists due to both social and political situations. Women have not been able to represent themselves and take important positions in the history of art for centuries. Because of income inequality, society’s masculine idea of power and women’s workload in their private lives, it took until the 1960s for women to make their name known in the art world. While the radical revolutions in the 19th century and the new currents of thought that emerged as a result of these revolutions deeply affected art, feminist art emerged that affected the place and role of women in art. This movement aimed to emphasize the concepts of equality and freedom. Feminist art, which is seen as a revolutionary rebellion rather than a certain style, emphasizes the political and social differences that women artists are exposed to, while aiming to get rid of any discrimination. Since the Renaissance period, while women have been used as materials in art with their bodies and sexuality, they have begun to worry about entering the world of art as an “artist” with feminist art. In other words, women embarked on the adventure of seeking their own individuality within the feminist movement, thus the transition process of women from the object position under the pressure of the masculine power to the woman as the subject began in the history of art. In this paper, within the scope of both gallerists and collectors, the position, importance and changing role of the female artist in the process are examined, and the differences of being a female artist in the art market are emphasized by emphasizing the female artists who make-produce and sell.
- Price: 2.00 €
Jeanette Winterson’ın Taş Tanrılar Romanında Ataerkil Düzene Yeşil Bir Başkaldırı
Jeanette Winterson’ın Taş Tanrılar Romanında Ataerkil Düzene Yeşil Bir Başkaldırı
(A Green Rebellion to Patriarchy in Jeanette Winterson’s Stone Gods)
- Author(s):Nazan Yıldız
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:141-146
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Ekofeminizm; Jeanette Winterson; Taş Tanrılar; Doğa; Ecofeminism; Jeanette Winterson; Stone Gods; Nature
- Summary/Abstract:Questioning traditional patriarchal reality and concept of gender in her versatile novels ranging from science fiction to ecology, fairy tales to postmodernism, Jeanette Winterson (1959-), one of the most prominent British writers of today, criticizes capitalism, totalitarian governments, colonialism, and consumer culture alongside patriarchal society which she regards as the main cause of these ideological systems. The concept of reality shaped by men, which is at the target of Winterson, famous for her feminist perspective, is kneaded with humor and examined in the context of historical reality, gender, sexuality, and identity. Winterson wrote The Stone Gods, the subject of this paper, in 2007, and produced a peerless work by amalgamating her stance against patriarchal discourse with a postmodern and ecocritical approach. Particularly in the second part of the novel, which takes place on Easter Island, Winterson depicts how the environment is destroyed through the power struggle among patriarchal tribes. Nature has become unable to give life to human beings due to the patriarchal administration. When two feuding tribal chiefs cut down the last tree on the island, ecological death on the island, that is the death of human beings in a symbolic sense, comes true. Women who want to prevent this destruction are met with violence by men. In other words, Winterson highlights a gender-driven and nature-destroying hierarchy of power. This hierarchy is directly related to ecofeminism and the social position of women. In this context, this paper aims to examine the nature, woman/man, and power relations in Winterson’s novel The Stone Gods with an ecofeminist lens.
- Price: 2.00 €
Tiyatromuzda Modern Kadın Meddah Uygulamalarından İki Örnek: Kadın Olmak - Zilli Şıh
Tiyatromuzda Modern Kadın Meddah Uygulamalarından İki Örnek: Kadın Olmak - Zilli Şıh
(Two Examples from Modern Female Meddah Applıcatıons in Our Theatre: “Kadın Olmak” – “Zilli Şıh”)
- Author(s):Nurhan Tekerek
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:147-157
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Tiyatro; Meddahlık; Eril, Kadın; İki Oyun; Çağdaşlaşma; Theatre; Meddah; Masculine; Woman; Two Plays; Modernisation
- Summary/Abstract:Meddah is a masculine tradition. This theatre tradition has emerged in the Ottoman period, from the 17th century onwards. It is a genre in which the meddah synthesises the skills of imitation and narration of a story. How can meddah, a masculine tradition, be modernised today? Or can meddah be shared with the audience by an actress? In societies where women are side by side with men in social life, the tradition of meddah, a masculine genre, can and should be undertaken by actresses. Based on this aim, after analysing meddah as a traditional genre, two plays were studied and shared with the audience as an application method. One of these plays is a one-person documentary play that Prof. Dr. Nurhan Tekerek edited-directed-performed from Zeynep Oral’s book “Kadın Olmak”: “Kadın Olmak- Being a Woman, the other is the text “Zilli Şıh- Shake with Bells” written by Haşmet Zeybek and directed and acted by Prof. Dr. Nurhan Tekerek. “Kadın Olmak” was created by blending the stories and poems of oppressed women from different cultures who participated in the “World Women’s Meeting” held in Nairobi in 1985. In the staging, the tradition of Meddah has been modernized. To highlight the documentary feature of the play, the play was coloured with images of war, productive women from inside and outside the book, and music. “Zilli Şıh,” a meddah story written by Haşmet Zeybek and directed and acted by Prof. Dr. Nurhan Tekerek, conceived in the eighties, has been presented to the audience since 2005. The narratives presented by male meddahs in the Ottoman period to an audience consisting solely of men were, this time, performed by an actress and shared with a heterogeneous audience. After both plays, it was concluded that the tradition of meddah, a masculine tradition, should not be approached from a sexist perspective today and that an actress can now exist in the world of theatre as a meddah. Therefore, meddah is an important source that we can benefit from today by modernising it without sexist discrimination.
- Price: 2.00 €
Atatürk Devri Türk Romanında Yeni Bir Mesleğin Yansıması Olarak Daktilo Kız Tipi
Atatürk Devri Türk Romanında Yeni Bir Mesleğin Yansıması Olarak Daktilo Kız Tipi
(Typing Girl Type As A Reflectıon of A New Professıon in The Atatürk Era Turkish Novel)
- Author(s):Bilâl Kas
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:159-178
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Atatürk Devri Türk Romanı; daktilo kız tipi; feminism; meslek; siyaset; Atatürk Era Türkish novel; typewriter girl; feminism; profession; politics
- Summary/Abstract:The Ottoman Empire, which started in the military field and came under the influence of the West in all cultural circles, lived its deepest area of influence in the economic field. While the Western states were turning to the Ottomans, the Ottomans, being aware of their backwardness, turned to the West. In this encounter, the Ottoman Empire entered into an economic order that changed over time, and the production-consumption relations were transformed as well as the changes in the fields of education, health, entertainment, science and art. The reasons such as the Ottoman entry into wars one after another, the decrease in the number of men, and the instability in the economy accelerated women’s entry into business life at the beginning of the twentieth century, when they began to show themselves. The modern Turkish woman, who successfully proved herself in the “men’s world” since 1908, continued to show her presence after 1923.The social truths of the period are also reflected in the novels. After 1923, the demand for female employees in banks and various companies led to the birth of “typewriter girls”. This type has found a great place in Atatürk Era novels. In this study, the reflections of the typewriter girls in the novels were compared with the realities of the period, and thus, the place of the women of the Atatürk Age in both literature and working life was seen, and where the Republican woman came from in her working life was determined.
- Price: 2.00 €
Netflix Türkiye “Orijinal” Dizilerindeki Cinsiyet Temsilleri Üzerine Feminist Bir Okuma
Netflix Türkiye “Orijinal” Dizilerindeki Cinsiyet Temsilleri Üzerine Feminist Bir Okuma
(A Feminist Reading on Gender Representatıons in Netflix Turkey “Original” Series)
- Author(s):Hasan Cem Çelik
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:181-191
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Netflix; medya temsili; stereotipler; içerik analizi; Netflix; media representation; stereotypes; content analysis
- Summary/Abstract:Numerous empirical studies on television, the most widely used mass media today, have shown that television viewing has a significant impact on viewers’ conceptualizations of social reality, gender role attitudes and gender-based behaviors. Therefore, the definition of women provided by television content has a social significance. However, in recent years, the increasing popularity of video-on-demand (VOD) platforms has threatened the long-standing dominance of television, and thus viewing habits are rapidly shifting towards these platforms. However, there are no studies in Turkey that address gender representations in the context of these platforms. In this context, the subject of this study is the gender representations in the “original” series of Netflix, which has the highest number of users among these platforms. Accordingly, the gender representations presented in 107 episodes, which constitute the entire first seasons of 14 original Turkish-made series released on Netflix from 2018 to 2023, were subjected to content analysis. The results obtained were compared with previous basic studies on this subject in the context of television series. The findings revealed that, just like in television series, women are significantly underrepresented compared to men, they are usually characterized in supporting roles, these characters, who are mostly positioned as housewives, are isolated from working life, and that the predominance of female actors such as producers/directors/screenwriters involved in the series production process does not have any effect on gender representations and positive stereotyping. In other words, although Netflix seems to be a carrier of democratic representation with its innovative and libertarian discourses, it continues to tell stories specific to television. The results obtained are discussed in the context of communication scientist George Gerbner’s upbringing theory and feminist theories.
- Price: 2.00 €
Ev İçi Emeğin Sinemadaki İmgeleri
Ev İçi Emeğin Sinemadaki İmgeleri
(The Images of Domestic Labor in The Cinema)
- Author(s):Selime Büyükgöze
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
- Page Range:193-199
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Toplumsal cinsiyet; ev içi emek; bakım emeği; Türkiye sineması; Gender; domestic labor; care work; cinema from Turkey
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most important steps toward devaluing domestic labor is to make it invisible. Women are seen as responsible for housework and care work due to the naturalization of gender roles, which is another reason why labor is devalued. Even when women do these jobs for money, they are still worthless. The discourse of love is the main reason why this relationship can continue despite the invisibility and devaluation of women’s labor. Because these jobs are done in the name of love in the family, it is difficult for women to refuse work and present it as a political issue. The appearance of domestic labor, which is divided unequally between men and women due to gender inequality, will be discussed in this study using examples from recent cinema from Turkey. In addition to domestic labor discussions on the unequal division of labor, materialist feminists’ analyses of patriarchal capitalism, and in this context, discussions on unpaid domestic labor, will be included. The form and possibilities of invisible labor becoming visible in cinema will be the primary focus of the research.
- Price: 2.00 €