On the Side. Writers as Literary Theorists?... Vol. 4 Cover Image
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Na boku. Pisarze teoretykami literatury?... T. 4
On the Side. Writers as Literary Theorists?... Vol. 4

Contributor(s): Józef Olejniczak (Editor), Anna Szawerna-Dyrszka (Editor)
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: literature; poetry; prose; theory of literature
Summary/Abstract: This volume is a continuation of a series Na boku (On the Side), which undertakes reflections on different ways of permeation of literary theory discourse with literary discourse in modern and postmodern Polish literature. In the following volume, the research area has been extended to the 19th century (represented by Henryk Sienkiewicz). The authors of these essays continue their search for writers’ statements about literature formulated beside strictly literary discourse (Zbigniew Herbert, Jacek Dukaj, and Henryk Sienkiewicz), but also subtly filtering into this discourse (Jan Zych, Stanisław Barańczak), or even engulfing it in its entirety (Joanna Bartoń, Piotr Goźliński, and Witold Gombrowicz). This volume also develops reflections initiated in the previous volume of this series concerning the literary output of career literary scholars, in which the theoretical language is being relocated from „on the side” to the center of literature (Zofia Mitosek). In the opening essay by Józef Olejniczak, a new understanding of the „on-the-sidedness” emerges, one which was absent from earlier volumes. It stems from the perception of change in the situation of theory-dominated literature. “Not longer than a few years ago, the standing of literature seemed to be unswerving. Today – if Olejniczak is to be believed – when theory rules, the position of literature is “on the side”. On the other hand, the works collected in this volume demonstrate that theoretical discourse still draws on literary discourse, albeit in the postmodern formation, it is the other way around – literary criticism discourse and literary theory discourse forerun literary texts” (from the editorial review by prof. dr hab. Anna Węgrzyniak).The following volume is addressed to the academia and post-middle school students interested in the humanities.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-963-4
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-962-7
  • Page Count: 214
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Polish
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