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Frontiers of the literary research

Author(s): Józef Olejniczak
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych - Wydział Filologiczny - Uniwersytet Śląski
Keywords: literary research; anthropology of body; homeland; poetry

Summary/Abstract: In this project, reader will come cross a few sketches, which are concerned about frontiers perception in the literature research. The Author starts his essay from the most famous piece of Zbigniew Herbert - Mr Cogito. He uses it, because as he has assured - this poem constitutes and introduces perfectly border definition in this mainstreaming. On the one hand, there is an emigrant reversal and from the second hand - there is a strand of crossing the border. The Author has described - the world, which presents Herbert’s poem is divided into two half, where in its centre is a border - monstrous tight and guarded. The Author thesis, that it is not poem wrote by emigrant poet, contrary - this is a poem, which is the most important in the polish modern lyrics, because it constitutes an emigrant experience. It means, above all it is experience border, the new sensation of space time, which shared some of the world - "here" (foreign lands) and "there" (homeland), "now" (foreign lands) and "before it" (homeland). The Emigrant has crossed the border only in one part and paradoxically this recital rarely casts in reviews, even in the reminiscent literature. The next volume of essay has spoken about the frontier consequences of an emigrant situation, as the Author has emphasized - it is all about imagine otherness of emigrant, in which the one of the most important consequences is the topic emigrant’s literature, but this is only the one context linked to the prevalence of the words ‘frontier’ in literary research. This issues makes a question - has the frontier of emigrant situation a link with frontier species in his discourse or expression ? The Author has motivates - at the end is yet one title the words ‘frontier’ in the contemporary literary research, it is about a presentation way the metaphysical issues in the literature, as the situation of the individual outlet an extreme experience. This means, that the whole problem of statement pain, suffering, delight, death, sexuality, violence, famine and madness - all, these are "crossing border". "The Frontier" in the contemporary literary research is such a key-word, a category, which we can use to describe a lot of different aspects of the literature.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 14-15
  • Page Range: 92-107
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Polish
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