Власт, управление и обществено развитие : Глобални, регионални и национални перспективи : Международна научно-практическа конференция, 7 юни 2017
Authority, governance and societal development : Global, regional and national perspectives : International scientific-applied conference, 7 June 2017
Contributor(s): Dimitar Panayotov (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Energy and Environmental Studies, Governance, Public Administration, Sociology, Economic policy, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Economic development, Accounting - Business Administration, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research, Geopolitics
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: Economics; Public administration; Business administration; Strategic management; Power
Summary/Abstract: The conference is addressing the following problematic issues:
- Supply of conceptual schemes, parameters and theoretical-applied models of different global risks – inequality and social cohesion, demographic crises, migration waves, employment;
- Discuss effective political, economic and governance approaches (models) for implementation into society -integration, human capital, business environment, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR);
- Draw global, regional, national priorities and trends with economic, political, social, cultural and environmental dimensions.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-233-007-1
- Page Count: 612
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Bulgarian
Откриване на Международна научно-практическа конференция "„Власт, управление и обществено развитие (глобални, регионални и национални перспективи)", 7 юни 2017 г.
Откриване на Международна научно-практическа
конференция "„Власт, управление и обществено развитие (глобални, регионални и национални перспективи)", 7 юни 2017 г.
(Opening of the International Scientific-applied Conference "Authority, governance and societal development (Global, regional and national perspectives)", 7 June 20017)
- Author(s):Kristiyan Hadzhiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:19-23
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Global and national economy; Sustainable development; Global risk; Inequality and social cohesion; Migration; Labor occupation; Demographic Crisis
- Summary/Abstract:Opening words of the Director of the New Bulgarian University Department of Administration and Management, Assoc. Prof. Kristiyan Hadzhiev to the Authority, governance and societal development; Global, regional and national perspectives International Scientific-applied Conference.
- Price: 4.50 €
Международна научно-практическа конференция "Власт, управление и обществено развитие"
Международна научно-практическа конференция "Власт, управление и обществено развитие"
(International Scientific-applied Conference "Authority, Governance and Societal Development")
- Author(s):Elena Kircheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:24-28
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Vienna Economic Forum address; 6th International Scientific-applied Conference"Authority, Governance and Societal Development" ;New Bulgarian University (NBU); Honorary sign award of Vienna Economic Forum;
- Summary/Abstract:Address from Mrs. Elena Kircheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum to the organizers and attendees of the International Scientific-applied Conference"Authority, Governance and Societal Development" and announcing the awarding of honorary sign to New Bulgarian University.
- Price: 4.50 €
Адрес на Регионално управление на образованието - София-град, Министерство на образованието и науката
Адрес на Регионално управление на образованието - София-град, Министерство на образованието и науката
(Address from the Regional Department of Education - Sofia-grad, Ministry of Education and Science)
- Author(s):Vanya Kastreva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:29-29
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:Regional Department of Education - Sofia-grad address; Ministry of Education and Science;New Bulgarian University (NBU); International Scientific-applied Conference
- Summary/Abstract:Vanya Kastreva, Director of RDE - Sofia-grad greets organizers and attendees at the International Scientific-applied Conference "Authority, Governance and Societal Development" and shares her expectations that this good initiative would continue.
- Price: 4.50 €
Основни тези на конференцията, тенденции, подходи и възможни алтернативи (основни акценти в дискусията)
Основни тези на конференцията, тенденции, подходи и възможни алтернативи (основни акценти в дискусията)
(Main theses of the Conference, trends, options and possible alternatives (Highlights of the discussion))
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Bosnian, English
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Governance, Economic development, Editorial, Public Finances, Socio-Economic Research, Geopolitics
- Page Range:32-33
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Power and Authority; Taxonomy of power; Inequality and impact on democracy; Fiscal policy comparative analysis; Theoretical-applied method of analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The compilation of papers strives to offer the reader a point of view, stepping on the solid ground of comparative analysis of the various aspect of power and authority toward building a sustainable change of policies in integrating society. The selected papers thus represent corrective actions in strategic visions and sustainability recommendations. A comprehensive overview of the ideas and ideologies in historical context and functioning practices with global, national and regional impact are carefully studied, revealing their paradoxes and application weaknesses.
- Price: 4.50 €
Фокус 1 :
Фокус 1 :
(Focus 1 :)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:145-147
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Governance mechanisms; Integration; Human capital
- Summary/Abstract:Highlight the main points of the discussion to be led in the next reports. The aspects of transfomation of orfanizational models, management practices for "aigle" management, responsible leadership; inclusion of risk groups, etc. are depicted.
- Price: 4.50 €
Фокус 2 :
Фокус 2 :
(Focus 2 :)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:319-321
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Global risks; Business environment; Ecology and sustainable development; Applied models
- Summary/Abstract:The relationship between economic, social, environmental, geopolitical and technological risks as well as the studied relationships is discussed: exogenous factors – systemic risks, economic inequalities – macroeconomic policies, public interests – economic priorities and analyzed opportunities (regional and national – Latin America, EU, Bulgaria) to correct any inconsistencies in this respect. A model for predicting bankruptcy risk for Bulgarian companies is proposed based on a linear multidimensional discriminatory analysis as well as studies of cluster initiatives with a comparative analysis of the structure and development of clusters in Bulgaria and EU-wide. The challenges and prospects for „green“ management of small and medium-sized businesses – comparatively in Bulgaria, France, Italy, Lithuania and Slovenia – and the impact of policies at different structural levels – local, territorial, national, integration communities – and the role of advisory services, the application of concrete approaches to the competitiveness of firms and international trade chains that are capable of offsetting risks.
- Price: 4.50 €
Фокус 3 :
Фокус 3 :
(Focus 3 :)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:437-439
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Strategic engagement; State authorities; Tourism; Tourism Management Organizations; Tourism businesses; Economic, social and cultural development; Conceptual model for tourism zoning
- Summary/Abstract:Different models of strategic engagements between state authorities, tourism management organizations and tourism businesses in leading tourist destinations are discussed. Different approaches are sought through which tourism can contribute not only to the economic and cultural development of the destinations, but also to the social development. The strategic guidelines in human capital management are highlighted, requiring multi-faceted tools and adequate motivating impacts on creative organizational behavior of those in the hospitality industry. A new conceptual model for tourism zoning in Bulgaria is proposed to act as a tool for the marketing of destinations but also for the creation of regional tourist products. Marketing and business development are becoming an important part of the top management of tourism that manages not only the organization of leisure time, ways to restore physical and mental performance, but also offers city management strategies as attractive tourist destinations – one of the major missions and policies for managing modern cities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Международно бизнес сътрудничество - уъркшоп „Нови форми на сътрудничество и подготовка за „Четвъртата индустриална революция““, съвместно с Университетите на Болоня и Урбино (Италия), Университет Париж 13 (Франция), Университет в Струга (Македония):
Международно бизнес сътрудничество - уъркшоп „Нови форми на сътрудничество и подготовка за „Четвъртата индустриална революция““, съвместно с Университетите на Болоня и Урбино (Италия), Университет Париж 13 (Франция), Университет в Струга (Македония):
(International business cooperation-„New forms of cooperation and preparation for the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, together with the Universities of Bologna and Urbino (Italy), Université Paris 13, Paris nord (France), University of Struga (MK))
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:515-517
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:ICT (Information and Communication Technologies); politics; higher education; Ъompetitiveness; Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Summary/Abstract:Discussing the main issues raised at the plenary session, but also defining the parameters of the vision, policies and goals of Industry 4.0 – by adapting the modern management models according to the state of the business environment in the European Union. The prerequisites are analyzed: competences in mathematics, trends and challenges in higher education and the competitiveness of the ICT industry; ecosystem management as an innovative approach and building intelligent cooperation for the functioning of the modern enterprise – defined by the flow architecture (information, material, etc.) between the different centers
- Price: 4.50 €
Архитектура на властта - алхимия или динамична трансформация
Архитектура на властта - алхимия или динамична трансформация
(Architecture of power - alchemy of dynamics of transformation (Introducing ideas, basic theses))
- Author(s):Dimitar Panayotov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Governance, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:34-69
- No. of Pages:36
- Keywords:Power; Transformations; Personification; Taxonomy; Impact tools; Management of "connectivity"
- Summary/Abstract:Power is analyzed as a fundamentally unifying concept and central explanatory category in the sciences of society, institutions and human behavior, taking into account: the unique gnoseology of bonds, combining objective and subjective reflections in the historical context; ideas, ideologies and functioning practices that have global, regional and national projections. Personal transformations in power: paradoxes and moral correctives in the strategic visions of the relationship "power-truth-leadership". Taxonomy of Power: Indicators of Manipulability; Compliance, and Managing Connectivity in the Changing Education System and the Transhumanitarian Revolution (Industry 4.0 5.0).
- Price: 4.50 €
Демокрация и неравенство
Демокрация и неравенство
(Democracy and inequality (Introductory presentation))
- Author(s):Antony Todorov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Civil Society, Governance, Social development, Rural and urban sociology, Geopolitics
- Page Range:70-82
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Democracy; Market; Inequality
- Summary/Abstract:Democracy as political regime since Antiquity is based on a fundamental principle - the equality of free citizens. On the other hand this regime coexists with economic system of the market, which is based on competition and therefore produces inequality. This inevitably creates tension between democracy and the market, which are governed differently. Most research so far has not found strong impact of the democratic regime on social inequalities. But the issue is the opposite impact of inequalities on democracies. The article argues that deepening social inequalities unavoidably undermine democracy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Критика на управлението на човешкия капитал в България
Критика на управлението на човешкия капитал в България
(Criticism of human capital management in Bulgaria (Introductory presentation))
- Author(s):Ivan Yordanov Kostov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Labor relations, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:83-108
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Management; Human Capital; Bulgaria; Criticism; Fiscal reforms 2001 and 2003-2008; Healthcare; Education; Social assistance
- Summary/Abstract:In this study are analyzed and evaluated quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the human capital as well as the factors on which they depend. It is made forecast of the quantitative characteristics dynamic by 2035 and a critical assessment of the demographic policy. It is made a comparative analysis of the budget policy after the fiscal reform of 2003-2008 and that from 2001. It is proved that this reform injury human capital. It is analyzed and critically evaluated results of the management of healthcare, education and social assistance as factors for human capital. The report ends with conclusions and recommendations for change in human capital policy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Управление на устойчивостта като част от интегрирания подход на управление
Управление на устойчивостта като част от интегрирания подход на управление
(Sustainability management as part of the integrated management approach (Introductory presentation))
- Author(s):Joachim Hentze
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Governance
- Page Range:109-120
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Sustainable development; Management; International standards; Entrepreneurial concept
- Summary/Abstract:The company policy that should meet requirements for sustainable development depends on the integrated management of sustainability. It includes, in particular, appropriate structures and staff with relevant skills capable of applying national and international standards as well as corporate guidelines for entrepreneurship. This report aims to contribute to defining and classifying the areas of sustainability management of entrepreneurial policy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Към ерата на равновластието и полицентричното управление
Към ерата на равновластието и полицентричното управление
(To an era of equal-governance and polycentric management)
- Author(s):Manol Ribov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Governance, Economic policy, Geopolitics
- Page Range:121-133
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Governance; Unequal-governance; Equal-governance; Convention and polycentric governance; Global connectivity; Decentralized technologies; Innovations in management
- Summary/Abstract:This paper examines today's historical and revolutionary transformations of the governance. Regarding this, researched are the changes that take place in governance, clarified is its position in geopolitics, traced is the transformation from unequal to equal-governance society. Study has been made on innovation in governance and particularly on the decentralized forms of management. Special attention is paid to the polycentric governance and the principles of good management.
- Price: 4.50 €
За маските на властта
За маските на властта
(For the masks of power)
- Author(s):Kamen Kamenov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Governance, Economic policy
- Page Range:134-144
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Masks of power; Facade solutions; Compromise solutions; Crowd behavior; Mobile favoritism
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines specific forms of power metamorphoses for self-preservation or serving political and corporate interests. They are called masks , because they represent some qualities of the rulers, but others are hiding behind them. Thus, through external representation, practically non-adversary parties are masked by the way power is applied. The definition of ten masks in the report is only part of the aspirations of the power to win supporters or to peruse politics in one's interests through external ostentation. With careful observation and analysis of the behavior of the authorities, it is certainly to show and show even few masks. But identifying power with masks is at least insensitive, but it also shows that it can resort to masks is necessary. The least that can be achieved in society is to avoid suggestions of masks if they know each other.
- Price: 4.50 €
Еволюция на организационно-структурните модели в управлението
Еволюция на организационно-структурните модели в управлението
(Evolution of orgaizational-structural models in management)
- Author(s):Kristian Hadjiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Social development, Management and complex organizations, Economic development
- Page Range:148-160
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Functional hierarchy; Divisional and project structure; Coordinated balanced and secondary matrix structures; New organizational forms - network organizational structure
- Summary/Abstract:The report's objects of analysis is the traditional (classical or hybrid) organizational structures.The report’s objects of analysis is the traditional (classical and hybrid) organizational structures. The focus is on the evolution and transformation of organizational models in a high uncertainty environment.The functional, the divisional, the design-matrix structures and the new network organizational forms has been explored. The conclusion is that in a turbulent VUCA environment andconstant pressure for change it is impossible to achieve a competitive advantage in a static organizational structure. The main characteristics, respectively the strengths and weaknesses of the functional, the divisional, the matrix and the network structure, are analyzed based on seven key criteria – the efficiency, adaptability, timeliness, reliability, accountability, adequate external environment and strategy. The research models synthesize different solutions applied in social practice. The organizational form does not guarantee high results at any cost, but it is a necessary means to ensure the realization of strategic corporate goals, to shape cultural attitudes, the motivation process, the rational use of resources, and the adequacy of change. The main thesis of the author is that in terms of specific research and applications of the organizational structure, there are processes of evolution of concepts and a reassessment of common accepted truths and accumulated knowledge.
- Price: 4.50 €
Промени в използването на властта и следствия за съвременните управленски практики
Промени в използването на властта и следствия за съвременните управленски практики
(Changes in power use and the Consequences for contemporary management practices)
- Author(s):Alexander Pozharliev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Social development, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy, Globalization
- Page Range:161-176
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Power; Hierarchy; Empowerment; Network; Self-management; Management practices; Agile
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the resolving of power issues in organizations through the prism of dilemma regarding hierarchy or empowerment. The empowerment is discussed in the context of managing increasingly sophisticated social systems, oriented towards innovation and creativity. Organizations with significant changes in the role of management or even without management are discussed as well as modern management practices for „agile“ management with multiple sources of power and work in self-organizing teams. Power issues are also addressed in the context of natural forms of inequality in teams. A conclusion is made that since the 1980s, there has been talk of decreasing and even the disappearance of management hierarchies, but thirty years later, there is no reason to conclude that this has occurred. Rather, questions are asked about how traditional management hierarchies can be transformed into accountable management leadership based on principles that are suited to the dynamics of modern society.
- Price: 4.50 €
Парадоксите на властта и свободата при мотивационния процес на човешкия капитал :
Парадоксите на властта и свободата при мотивационния процес на човешкия капитал :
(Paradoxes of authority and freedom in the motivational process of human capital :)
- Author(s):Tsanko Donkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Governance, Labor relations, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:177-189
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Authority; Freedom; Management; Motivation; Human capital
- Summary/Abstract:Would authority and freedom coexist under the same roof?Undoubtedly, power and freedom are one of the groundwork of the development of any society, including the world of business organization.
- Price: 4.50 €
Приложимост на подхода „четворната спирала“ за създаване на иновации за социално интегриране в обществото – практики в България
Приложимост на подхода „четворната спирала“ за създаване на иновации за социално интегриране в обществото – практики в България
(Relevance of Quadruple Helix Approcah for establishing innovations for social integration in society – practices in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Mariya Aleksandrova Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Economic policy, Rural and urban sociology, Welfare services, Economic development
- Page Range:190-203
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Quadruple spiral; Innovation; Social integration; Risk groups; Regional innovation system
- Summary/Abstract:This report explores the opportunities for a Quadruple Helix Approach where business, public sector, research/ academic centers and civil society organizations interact to accelerate the transfer of innovative social welfare solutions in regional chains. It analyzes the historical perspective and outlines the roles of the participants, creating and exchanging innovative practices for the social integration of the risk groups. Because of personal observations, participation in discussions, workshops and projects, the author presents summarized results of Bulgarian practices and provides guidance for strengthening cooperation in the regional innovation system.
- Price: 4.50 €
Преодоляване на пречките пред интегрирането на младите хора на пазара на труда в България
Преодоляване на пречките пред интегрирането на младите хора на пазара на труда в България
(Overcoming the obstacles in front of the integration of the young people on the labour market in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Mariana Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Labor relations, Social development
- Page Range:204-218
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Young people; Youth employment and unemployment; Labour market participation; NEETs
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is aimed at studying the obstacles facing the young persons in Bulgaria in their integration to the labor market. Bulgaria is one of the member countries of the European Union that has the greatest share of young persons that are neither employed, nor are involved in education and training (NEET). In the same time the young persons inthe country are confronted with obstacles of a different character and variety which ninder their intgration to the labor market. The leading groups of factors that prevent the participation of the young person in the economic life, have been analyzed. Conclusions are drawn on bettering and improving of the labor market policy in regards to ensuring of an adequate and flexible environment for a practical training of the young persons and of providing of opportunities for flexible employment and practices for professional orientations and carrier development.
- Price: 4.50 €
Внедряване на пилотен модел за младежка трудова интеграция
Внедряване на пилотен модел за младежка трудова интеграция
(Implementation of a pilot model for youth labor integration)
- Author(s):Tatyana Daskalova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Labor relations, Social development, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:219-228
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Youth unemployment; Youth labor integration; Active youth; Regional plan; Stakeholders
- Summary/Abstract:The integration of young people into the labor market is oneof the most serious problems of the modern society. Their inclusion insocial and economic life is essential for a number of strategies and programmesat European and national level. A transition from pan-Europeanto regional priorities is the creation, for the first time in our state,of specialized regional plans for prevention and reduction of youth unemploymentthrough cooperation and joint actions of the stakeholders.
- Price: 4.50 €
Делегирането като функция на управленския процес и условие за проактивно поведение
Делегирането като функция на управленския процес и условие за проактивно поведение
(Delegation as a function of the management process and condition of proactive behavior)
- Author(s):Diana Yovcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Labor relations, Economic policy, Social development, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:229-240
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Delegation; Empowerment; Proactive behavior; Entrepreneurship
- Summary/Abstract:In this report, the delegation of rights and responsibilities is seen as an increasingly applicable and effective management practice for empowering the human factor. The main purpose of this type of empowerment is to use the enormous human resources in the organization, so that more employees are able to be initiators and entrepreneurs thereby developing competitive advantages and achieving higher economic performance.
- Price: 4.50 €
Социалната отговорност на бизнеса като атестат за добро корпоративно управление
Социалната отговорност на бизнеса като атестат за добро корпоративно управление
(The social responsibility of business – an appraisal of sound corporate governance)
- Author(s):Galina Kurteva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Social development, Management and complex organizations, Rural and urban sociology, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:241-254
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Social responsibility; Corporate governance; Corporate governance practices
- Summary/Abstract:The social responsibility of small and medium-sized enterprises, regarded as the implementation of activities that benefit both business and society and help to maximize the positive impact of business on society, is a current and less explored topic. The article presents the results of the study of three aspects of the manifestation of corporate social responsibility in Bulgaria – the employment of young people and disabled persons and the training of employees. The author’s views of the impact of the social activities of companies on their competitiveness are revealed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Charity communication and corporate social responsibility – the Bulgarian case
Charity communication and corporate social responsibility – the Bulgarian case
(Charity communication and corporate social responsibility – the Bulgarian case)
- Author(s):Evelina Christova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Communication studies, Social development, Economic development, Business Ethics
- Page Range:255-261
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Corporate social responsibility; Communications; Charity; Philanthropy; CSR; Business strategy
- Summary/Abstract:Increasingly, companies operating on the Bulgarian marketare recognizing themselves as an active citizen and are seeking the realizationof social responsibility in their business strategies. Communicatingthat approach poses a number of challenges. This article presentsrelevant data acquired through a study of charity communication andCSR in the contemporary Bulgarian society. Experts with long-time experiencein the area were interviewed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Управление на рискове при инвестиционен портфейл
Управление на рискове при инвестиционен портфейл
(Management of risks in investment wallet)
- Author(s):Nadya Ivanova Marinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, International relations/trade, Economic development, Financial Markets
- Page Range:262-270
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Management; Risk; Power; Efficiency; Integration
- Summary/Abstract:Effective management models are limited to defining objectives, volume and resources, taking into account the two most important indicators – time and risk. Systemic risk is conditioned by the general state of the economy, which is related to factors such as war, inflation, global tax changes, and changes in monetary policy, changes in stock prices, their yields and general market fluctuations. The performance evaluation of a model is associated with determining the utility function of an option and selecting the most appropriate alternative. Management is looking for models that have minimal risk at a predefined minimum performance level or vice versa at a set level of risk is not lost efficiency.
- Price: 4.50 €
Възможности за растеж на организациите чрез иновационни бизнес мрежи
Възможности за растеж на организациите чрез иновационни бизнес мрежи
(Organizations growth capabilities through innovation business networks)
- Author(s):Tsvetana Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:271-279
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Innovations business networks; Management; Open innovations
- Summary/Abstract:With the purpose of overcoming the insecurity, originating from the rapid tempos of economy change, the institutional and the technological environment, the companies enter strategic networks and increase their production, management and marketing flexibility. The direct benefits of the innovation networks are the result of more efficient business transactions, more skillful investment and reduced expenses, which generate the profit and the employment. Indirect benefits are the ones obtained by education, comparison and exchange of experience, because of which knowledge gets larger and it leads to innovations, imitation and product/service improvement. The networks create economy of the scale, and through well-thought-through share of resources, expertise, or information. It refers to the connections between the companies within the network in the field of the industry structure, and how the companies interact with each other. In this relation, in this report are consequently revealed the peculiarities of the contemporary networking organizations, the dynamics of their connection with the elements of their environment, and the type of internal relation with the internal company resources.
- Price: 4.50 €
Причини и възможности за преодоляване на проблема с младежката безработица в България
Причини и възможности за преодоляване на проблема с младежката безработица в България
(Reasons and opportunities for treatment of the problem with young unemployment in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Tatyana Kicheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Labor relations, Social development, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:280-290
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Working attitude; Youth unemployment
- Summary/Abstract:Against the backdrop of the aging population of working age in Bulgaria and Europe, the problem of youth unemployment is becoming more and more serious. More and more young people find it difficult to make the transition from education to work. Job requirements and attitudes among youngsters up to 29 years of age prevent them from finding a job. The report will analyze data on youth unemployment in Bulgaria between 2014–2016 and the reasons for the low employment rates among young people. The prospects for tackling the problem will also be outlined.
- Price: 4.50 €
Предизвикателства пред мултинационалналните компании:
Предизвикателства пред мултинационалналните компании:
(Challenges for multinational companies:)
- Author(s):Martin Zafirov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy, Globalization
- Page Range:291-306
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Globalization; Leadership; Multinational companies; Specifics; Problems; Five determinants; Heerte Hofstede; Leadership approach; Talent management; Measurement, conclusions; Recommendations
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, the subject of research is the impact that globalization has on leadership in multinational companies. The main types of leadership that can be applied in a multinational company are defined with their specifics, benefits and problems – are defined. For this purpose, the model of five determinants (5-D model) by Heerte Hofstede for the measurement and comparison of national cultures and the leadership approach related to talent management is presented. On this basis, own assessments, conclusions and recommendations for enhancing the efficiency of management in a multicultural environment are formulated.
- Price: 4.50 €
Социалната отговорност като политика на устойчиво потребление
Социалната отговорност като политика на устойчиво потребление
(Social responsibility as a sustainable consumption policy)
- Author(s):Nadia Mironova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Social development, Family and social welfare, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Rural and urban sociology, Economic development
- Page Range:307-318
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Social responsibility; Stakeholders; Sustainable management; Sustainable consumption
- Summary/Abstract:Social responsibility as a policy of matching stakeholder interests has many dimensions. On the one hand, it is the social responsibility of the business. On the other hand, it is the policy of the government to promote sustainable production and sustainable consumption. A third party is the individual consumer behavior predetermined by the above two in addition to psychological, cultural and behavioral factors. The purpose of this report is to support the development of policies that promote sustainable consumer behavior.
- Price: 4.50 €
Глобални рискове и икономически тенденции в съвременния свят
Глобални рискове и икономически тенденции в съвременния свят
(Global risks and economic trends in the modern world)
- Author(s):Maria Marikina
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:322-329
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Global Risks; World Economic Forum; Probability Terms; Trends
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines global risks in today’s world economy based on the classification proposed by the WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos. The оbject is the economic, social, environmental, geopolitical and technological risks that are analyzed in interrelation. The subject is on the socio-economic situation in the world economy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Екзогенни фактори, детерминиращи рисковете пред системата за социална защита
Екзогенни фактори, детерминиращи рисковете пред системата за социална защита
(Excogenic factors determining the risks of social protection system)
- Author(s):Ivanka Daneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Social development, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy, Globalization
- Page Range:330-337
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Social protection; Globalization; Demographic changes; Labor market
- Summary/Abstract:The main exogenous factors that underlie the systematic risks to the systems of social protection of the population in modern countries are discussed. The coverage of these objective factors in the social security mechanisms predetermines the trends in their revision.
- Price: 4.50 €
Фактори за икономическо неравенство :
Фактори за икономическо неравенство :
(Factors for economic inequality :)
- Author(s):Elena Spasova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Economic development, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
- Page Range:338-350
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Economic inequality; Latin America; Liberalization; Economic policy
- Summary/Abstract:The region of Latin America is considered as one of the regions in the world with the highest degree of economic inequality. In the following report, the data on economic inequality in the region since the 90s of the 20th century is presented and analyzed. The aim of the data analysis is the identification of the interdependences between the degree of inequality, current macroeconomic policies and international economic processes in the last decades. Consequently, conclusions are drawn on the factors of economic inequality and the opportunities for contemporary governments to correct this problem characterizing a lot of national economies.
- Price: 4.50 €
Обществени интереси и икономически приоритети през XXI век :
Обществени интереси и икономически приоритети през XXI век :
(Public interests and economic priorities in 21st century :)
- Author(s):Diana Genkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic development, Globalization
- Page Range:351-370
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Public interests; Economic priorities; Globalization; Regional economic integration; National economic development
- Summary/Abstract:This paper discusses the greatest new trends in defining and upholding public interests through developing different kinds of national policies by different governmental institutions, under the circumstances of globalization and deglobalization, regional integration and disintegration of socio-economic life, and a tendency towards unifying political traditions. In brief, the relationship between public interests and economic priorities is under interpretation,based on analyzing the Bulgarian past experiences as a participant in the European economic and political integration. The aim is to specify an appropriate basis to drawing up national economic priorities to ensure the harmonization of public interests that arise at various levels of economic institutional structure – a local, territorial, national, and regional within a regional community
- Price: 4.50 €
Разработване на модел за прогнозиране на риска от изпадане в несъстоятелност на български компании
Разработване на модел за прогнозиране на риска от изпадане в несъстоятелност на български компании
(Developing a bankruptcy prediction model for Bulgarian companies)
- Author(s):Ekatherina Tzvetanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:371-379
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Model; Risk; Insolvency; Bankruptcy; Altman’s Z-score
- Summary/Abstract:Bankruptcy risk is a significant problem all over the world. Moreover, the availability of a tool that accurately predicts insolvency ensures people to make informed decisions. In this study is presented bankruptcy prediction model for Bulgarian companies. It is used a linear discriminant analysis and it is estimate the classification accuracy. In addition, it is presented the forecast ability of the model in long-term plan as well as it is drawn conclusions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Сравнителен анализ на структурата и развитието на клъстерите в България и Европейския съюз
Сравнителен анализ на структурата и развитието на клъстерите в България и Европейския съюз
(Comparative analysis of the structure and development of the clusters in Bulgaria and European Union)
- Author(s):Christo Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Economic policy
- Page Range:380-387
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Clusters; Cluster initiatives; European Union
- Summary/Abstract:During the last two decades, the European Union (EU) directed its energies to creation of economy based on intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth. Clusters and their development are important factor for the achievement of the goals. This paper attempts to investigate the applied cluster initiatives on EU level and to work out comparative analysis of the structure and development of clusters in Bulgaria and in EU.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Зелено“ управление на малкия бизнес – сравнителен анализ на европейски практики
„Зелено“ управление на малкия бизнес – сравнителен анализ на европейски практики
(Green small business management – comparative study of the European practices)
- Author(s):Elka Vasileva, Daniela Ivanova, Yuliya Hristova-Pesheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:388-398
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:“Green” management; Business practices; Small and medium enterprises; Environment
- Summary/Abstract:The report looks at the challenges and opportunities for green management of small and medium-sized enterprises, according to entrepreneurs in comparative terms in Bulgaria, France, Italy, Lithuania and Slovenia. The survey was conducted through focus groups among small and medium-sized enterprises in the above-mentioned EU Member States. The analysis takes into account both the common definitions of „green“ management and the differences in „green“ practices of participating firms in the relevant economic context.
- Price: 4.50 €
Възможни решения на проблемите в управлението на битови отпадъци в община Русе
Възможни решения на проблемите в управлението на битови отпадъци в община Русе
(Solutions of the problems in solid waste management in Rousse municipality)
- Author(s):Dessilava Blagoeva Kotcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:399-408
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Waste management; Local government; Rousse Municipality; Bulgarian regional development
- Summary/Abstract:The study is focusing the problems of local authorities in Bulgaria in achieving the goals of prevention, recycling, and reuse of household waste. A representative study of the municipality citizens’ opinion is performed. The aim of the study is to identify certain problems of the population and recommendations for their solution to be derived. The results show that the citizens are almost fully satisfied with the solid waste collection system, whereas that is not the case with the separate collection system. Based on these and the recommendations of the interviewed participants, a conclusion for certain measures which the municipality could take has been made.
- Price: 4.50 €
Консултантските услуги в публичния сектор
Консултантските услуги в публичния сектор
(Consultancy services in the public sector)
- Author(s):Hristo Sirashki
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Civil Society, International relations/trade
- Page Range:409-417
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Public sector; Consultancy; Public services; External consultants; Internal consultants
- Summary/Abstract:The public sector plays an important role in the supply of public services. This paper places an emphasis on the concept that citizens’ everyday activities are accompanied by all sorts of services in the public sector; it encompasses a wide range of problems related to peoples’ lives, their relationships with state and local institutions as well as administrative organs, etc. Consultancy services nowadays have started making a more significant contribution to both the business and the public sector. Therefore, the paper discusses the essence, types and significance of consultancy services.
- Price: 4.50 €
Подходи за пазарно развитие на фирми, действащи на индустриални пазари
Подходи за пазарно развитие на фирми, действащи на индустриални пазари
(Market development approaches for companies active in industrial market)
- Author(s):Veryana Todorova Boeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:418-428
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Industrial marketing; Industrial markets
- Summary/Abstract:It is known that buyers of industrial products are larger and much less buyers of consumer products. In some cases, even one or two major customers form the bulk of the sales of a manufacturer that supplies components for their production. This stakes the supplier at risk in the event of withdrawal or conversion of one of these large customers.On the other hand, the demand for the industrial market is secondary, i.e. the development and diversification of the company‘s production is determined by the development and market success of the firm – industrial buyer. This paper outlines some of the possible approaches for companies – industrial suppliers to reduce or offset these risks.
- Price: 4.50 €
Експанзията на чуждестранните търговски вериги на регионално и национално ниво и перспективите за развитието на вътрешния ни търговски пазар
Експанзията на чуждестранните търговски вериги на регионално и национално ниво и перспективите за развитието на вътрешния ни търговски пазар
(Regional and national expansion of foreign market chains and perspectives for development of our domestic market)
- Author(s):Vladimir Yolov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic development
- Page Range:429-436
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Global, regional and national perspectives; Foreign chains; Bulgarian market
- Summary/Abstract:A new phase of the retail trade development was initialized with the introduction of the international market chains. The process of examining the nature and the role of the international commercial chains competitiveness shall bring out numerous questions, both of theory and practical essence. In this sense, it is important for the commercial chains managers to be well introduced and to analyze the specific particularities of the specific Company.
- Price: 4.50 €
Модели на стратегическо партньорство в туризма
Модели на стратегическо партньорство в туризма
(Models of strategic partnership in tourism)
- Author(s):Irena Kirilova Emilova, Margarita Misheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic policy, Economic development, Tourism
- Page Range:440-451
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Strategic partnership; Tourism; Public-private sector
- Summary/Abstract:The report will look at different models of strategic partmentship between government, tourism management organizations and tourism businesses in leading tourist destinations. The theme of the strategic partnership between the subjects in tourism is quite current in the last years, given that a large number of international organizations (both governmental and non-governmental) in the field of tourism seek to integrate efforts and resources in order to develop sustainable industry. The majority of these models seek different approaches through which tourism contributes not only to the economic and cultural development of destinations but also to the general development of their inhabitantsas a whole.
- Price: 4.50 €
Стратегически насоки за управление на човешкия капитал в туризма
Стратегически насоки за управление на човешкия капитал в туризма
(Strategic directions for human capital management in tourism)
- Author(s):Milena Metodieva Karailieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Economic development, Tourism, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:452-467
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Human capital; Competitiveness; Strategic management; Vision; Directions
- Summary/Abstract:Under the conditions of global competition in world tourism industry contemporary trends in human capital management identifies good practices, simultaneously applying the advantages of traditional and the challenges of innovative management with multifunctional impact on their business, based on the specific experience in this sphere. In this context, this paper examines the role of human capital in Tourism and to outline the main strategic directions in term of the human capital, requiring expanse means of adequate motivating impacts for activating straight-forwarding initiative, purposeful and constructive organizational behavior of the people occupied in Hospitality Industry. Global Tourism surroundings defines the key role and new outlook of Human Capital Management and Human Potential Development in firm environment as most important factor for high quality and tourism competitiveness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Изграждане на нов концептуален модел за туристическо райониране в България – тенденции, критерии и подходи за управление
Изграждане на нов концептуален модел за туристическо райониране в България – тенденции, критерии и подходи за управление
(Building a new modeling model for tourism zoning in Bulgaria – trends, criteria and management approaches)
- Author(s):Teodora Rizova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic development, Environmental interactions, Tourism
- Page Range:468-476
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Tourist regions; Regional marketing; Specialization of tourist areas
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents the new conceptual model for tourism zoning, criteria for defining the tourist areas and the main approaches for their management. Based on existing experience in Bulgaria and some other countries, it is proposed that the concept of tourism zoning should serve as a tool for the marketing of destinations and the creation of regional tourist products.
- Price: 4.50 €
Маркетинг и бизнес развитие в туризма.
Маркетинг и бизнес развитие в туризма.
(Marketing and business development in tourism.)
- Author(s):Stefania Temelkova Temelkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Social development, Economic development, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
- Page Range:477-490
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Tourism; Sustainable development; Marketing; Business development
- Summary/Abstract:Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. Marketing and business development have become top management practices that focus on exploring new opportunities for growth, diversification and accelerated development in tourism. Both practices focus on strategic planning, flexibility and globalization of strategy management processes, as well as accelerating company growth, generating return on investment.
- Price: 4.50 €
Моделиране на свободното време, туризма и рекреацията
Моделиране на свободното време, туризма и рекреацията
(Modelling of leisure time, tourism and recreation)
- Author(s):Maya Tsoklinova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Sociology, Tourism
- Page Range:491-499
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Factors; Modelling; Leisure activities; Tourism; Recreation; Economic life
- Summary/Abstract:The main objective of the scientific report is to analyze and discuss the various factors that influence the organization of leisure time. The most important are those related to the practice of favorite activities that are opportunities for leisure utilization. Special emphasis is placed on diversity as one of the main advantages of leisure time. Research interest is focused on contemporary dynamic conditions; people increasingly pay attention to the lessons that separate them from everyday life, seeking ways to restore physical and mental performance. In the modern world, this issue is particularly relevant in view of the ongoing transformations in public thinking and perception, the emergence of new labor-related trends and the need for escape from reality.
- Price: 4.50 €
Тенденции в развитието на развлекателния туризъм в градовете
Тенденции в развитието на развлекателния туризъм в градовете
(Trends in the development of entertainment tourism in the cities)
- Author(s):Simon Valntinov Yankov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Rural and urban sociology, Tourism
- Page Range:500-513
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Recreation; City tourism; Trends; Opportunities; Perspectives; Management; Strategies
- Summary/Abstract:The report will reveal the opportunities for urban tourism, links and relations between creation and demand of entertainment services to help tourism development in cities as attractive tourist destinations through tour operator, hotel and restaurant products, transport accessibility and use of entertainment in urban environment. The trends, approaches and possible alternatives in the modern development of urban tourism, the entertainment industry and the need to offer new and different products will be outlined.It will be proven the thesis that tourism industry enables to satisfy tourist desires and needs, touch their searches and provoke their interests and experiences, by appropriately combining management strategies that will be part of the main goal and mission of the city management policies.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Индустрия 4.0“ - визия за бъдещето и революция в бизнеса, управленските парадигми и модели
„Индустрия 4.0“ - визия за бъдещето и революция в бизнеса, управленските парадигми и модели
(„Industry 4.0“ - vision for the future and revolution in business, management paradigms and models)
- Author(s):Kiril Radev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic development, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Globalization
- Page Range:518-530
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:„Industry 4.0“; Industrial revolution; Digitalization; Entrepreneurship; Globalization
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents the main aspects of building of the vision, politics and aims of „Industry 4.0“. Accent is placed on the adaptation to the modern paradigms and models for management in scope of the fourth „Industry 4.0“. The conclusions and suggestions are grounded in analysis of the state of the business environment in the European Union.
- Price: 4.50 €
Индустрия 4.0 – предизвикателства към развитието и управлението на човешкия капитал
Индустрия 4.0 – предизвикателства към развитието и управлението на човешкия капитал
(Industry 4.0 – challenges for the development and management of human capital)
- Author(s):Victor Avramov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:531-539
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Industry 4.0; Human Capital; Mathematics; Knowledge Infrastructure
- Summary/Abstract:This text analyzes the relationship between mathematical competency and the competitiveness of the ICT industry. The relationship between student math skills and the number of patents in the field of information and communication technologies is modeled. The trends in higher education related to the two key areas of Industry 4.0 are analyzed:1) Informatics; and 2) Mathematics and Statistics. I identify several challenges to the management of human capital development: the reduction of students’ interest in mathematics, lack of a strategic vision for the development of mathematical competences in secondary and tertiary education, lack of vision in business.
- Price: 4.50 €
Eкосистемното измерение на управлението, подход за изследване на глобалното представяне на предприятието
Eкосистемното измерение на управлението, подход за изследване на глобалното представяне на предприятието
(The ecosystemic dimension of the governance, an approach to study the global performance of the enterprise)
- Author(s):I. Chitou, Juliana Hadjitchoneva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:540-552
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Governance; Ecosystem; Interfaces; Global performance
- Summary/Abstract:The ecosystemic dimension of the governance, an approach to study the global performance of the enterprise. Ecosystem-based governance is an innovative approach to the collaborative functioning of the enterprise by being part of a “lean” culture (non-waste). It is the research for the global performance of the company by the structuring of a cooperative intelligence that makes it possible to better manage interfaces between the functions, generally sources of X-inefficiencies. The organizational ecosystem of the company is structured by the architecture of the flows (information, physical, etc.) between the different centers of activities coordinated and integrated by Information and Communication Technologies applied to the Enterprise (ICTE).
- Price: 4.50 €
The impact of growth rate of GDP on savings rate in the Republic of Macedonia
The impact of growth rate of GDP on savings rate in the Republic of Macedonia
(The impact of growth rate of GDP on savings rate in the Republic of Macedonia)
- Author(s):Armen Kadriu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Welfare services, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:553-564
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:GDP growth rate; Savings rate; Granger Causality test
- Summary/Abstract:Savings rate is one of the main factors that trigger the economic development. Economists agree that high savings rate is precondition for investments, and investments are the main driving forces for the economic growth. However, almost all developing and transition countries have low savings rate, and as a result have low domestic investments, which are far below the required level for stable and long term economic prosperity. The situation is similar with the Republic of Macedonia. The country faces low level of domestic accumulation and logically is trying to attract more foreign capital in order to overcome the gap between the domestic saving and the required capital for investments. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of growth rate of GDP on the savings rate in the Republic of Macedonia. We have explored the causality between two variables for the period 1996-2016 using Granger causality test, with the help of contemporary computer software Eviews 9.5. The results from the analysis have failed to reject the null hypothesis that GDP growth rate does not granger cause the savings rate. That means that in the case of Macedonia, GDP growth does not have any impact on the savings rate in the country. These results suggest that the savingsrate is determined by other factors, which have to be explored in details, in order to promote adequate measures for stimulating the increase in the savings rate.
- Price: 4.50 €
За нов поглед към устойчивото развитие
За нов поглед към устойчивото развитие
(For a new look at sustainable development)
- Author(s):Simeon Zdravkov Grigorov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Economic development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:565-573
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Sustainability development; Debate; Growth; Risk
- Summary/Abstract:Discussions on sustainable development form the theoretical framework in which some of the analysis models are developed. These models attempt to explain the phenomenon of today’s global conflicts – the degradation of the environment and its impact on human systems (economic, social, cultural and political). Difficulties arise from the concepts of sustainability and development on the one hand and the impossibility of defining sustainability on the one hand, and the fact that it is a complex and multidimensional problem that involves and combines concepts such as efficiency, fairness and equality between Generations on the basis of economic, social and environmental aspects.
- Price: 4.50 €
Дигитализация в публичния сектор
Дигитализация в публичния сектор
(Digitalization in public sector)
- Author(s):Maria Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:574-588
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Digital transformation; Management; Information technologies
- Summary/Abstract:The report discusses digitization in the public sector, illustrated by current projects and initiatives for digital transformation in governance. Citizens and businesses require online access to administrative information, also to find easy and free of charge this information. Improving administrative services is related to the use of information technologies, which contribute to lower costs in management and citizens’ satisfaction. Transformation occurs in the interaction between citizens and government. The change of management model in digital transformation is also discussed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Бългaрия – рeгиoнaлeн хъб нa Индустрия 4.0
Бългaрия – рeгиoнaлeн хъб нa Индустрия 4.0
(Bulgaria – regional Industry hub 4.0)
- Author(s):Evgenia Georgieva Duncheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Social development, Rural and urban sociology, Economic development, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Globalization
- Page Range:589-601
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Industry 4.0; Digital transformation; e-Infrastructure; e-Government; New business models; Intelligent economy; High technologies
- Summary/Abstract:The present is a Summary of the Report on the researching strengths and weakness of Bulgaria for Digital Transformation of Industry (Industry4.0) and the ambition to become a digital hub in The Balkans. The experience and successful policies of our and other countries are presented. The report contains the following parts: Analytical socio-economic analysis, capacity analysis for scientific research and analysis of ICT potential. SWOT analysis summarizes the findings; Strategic – the strategic and operational objectives for achieving the vision; Challenges.
- Price: 4.50 €
Има ли бъдеще концепция „Марс – икономика на интелекта, или за „Общество на пост-работата“?
Има ли бъдеще концепция „Марс – икономика на интелекта, или за „Общество на пост-работата“?
(Is there a future Concept “Mars - Economics of the Intellect or for a “Post-work Society”?)
- Author(s):Kostadin Nikolaev Koyuv
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:603-612
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Cognitive bias; Post-work society; Innovations; Fourth industrial revolution
- Summary/Abstract:The speed at which we achieve the innovations in our business and life is extremely high. The Internet has reduced the barriers of time and distance. Production innovations appear on a daily basis, the future of human and business relationships is changing. The largest hotel business – Airbnb, not an owner of one single bed, Uber does not own a single car, Facebook is the largest social media in the world, and it does not create content itself. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has four main physical manifestations of technical trends – autonomous cars, additive production or so called 3D printing, robotization and creation of new types of materials. The main purpose of the report is not to showing what are the possible innovations in the business, but the problems that prevent them from entering and operating in the world of business and the everyday life of the people.
- Price: 4.50 €