Стратегически визии : Ефективно управление за икономически, организационни и социални трансформации (иновации - институции - бизнес). Научно-практическа конференция
Strategic visions : Effective management for economic, organizational and social transformations (innovations - institutions - business). Scientific-applied conference
Contributor(s): Dimitar Panayotov (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Public Finances, Accounting - Business Administration, Tourism, Business Ethics
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: strategical vision; European Union; neoliberalism; socialism; strategy; geopolitics; geopolitical code; Cohesion policy; European funds; regulation; energy sector; human capital; strategic management; sustainable development; statistical methods; risk;
Summary/Abstract: The Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategic Visions: Effective Management for Economic, Organizational and Social Transformation (Innovation - Institutions - Business)" analyzes trends, approaches and possible alternatives to our present development. With a variety of perspectives, basic theoretical-applied comparative analyzes, models and tools, but also offering modern visions to integrate different sciences and a conglomerate of interpretations of strategic visions - key in making effective economic, management and policy decisions.Discussion and specific questions put in the international student aptitude for pluralism in economics, management, business and their projections on the demands of universities, geopolitical realities and ways of designing a world with a vision - taking into account the "codes" of national and regional features but also the possible alternatives for turning the EU into a self-evolving system.Studies and relatives are presented regarding the theoretical and applied models of strategic thinking and management for the different institutions, giving an account of the factors, parameters of the organizational and business environment, while offering not only management solutions for their effective interaction, influence, necessary incentives, but also possible criteria for competitiveness in administration, business and tourism.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-535-949-1
- Page Count: 476
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Bulgarian
- Contributor(s):Dimitar Panayotov (Editor)
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:6-12
- No. of Pages:7
- Price: 4.50 €
Стратегически визии: ефективно управление за икономически, организационни и социални трансформации (иновации — институции — бизнес), 7 юни 2016 г.
Стратегически визии: ефективно управление за икономически, организационни и социални трансформации (иновации — институции — бизнес), 7 юни 2016 г.
(Strategic visions : Effective management for economic, organizational and social transformations (innovations - institutions - business), 7 June 2016)
- Contributor(s):Lyudmil Georgiev (Editor), Kristian Hadjiev (Editor)
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:13-16
- No. of Pages:4
- Price: 4.50 €
Пленарна сесия - основни тези на конференцията, тенденции, подходи и възможни алтернативи на съвременното ни развитие
Пленарна сесия - основни тези на конференцията, тенденции, подходи и възможни алтернативи на съвременното ни развитие
(Plenary session - main thesis of the conference, trends, options and possible alternatives to our modern development)
- Contributor(s):Dimitar Panayotov (Editor)
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:17-17
- No. of Pages:1
- Price: 4.50 €
Рационалност / ирационалност - нови науки и управленски визии
Рационалност / ирационалност - нови науки и управленски визии
(Rationality / irrationality - new science and management visions)
- Author(s):Dimitar Panayotov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Economic policy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:18-48
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:behavioral economics; behavioral finance; cross-cultural management; strategic visions;
- Summary/Abstract:Analyzed the new modern visions to integrate the various sciences through the paradigms of multifactor behavioral perspective - key in making effective economic management and policy decisions. Based on studies are discussed prerequisites for "predictable irrational identity", decoded "mental mistakes" and classified tendencies in the formulation of strategies. Proposed model for the conversion of knowledge and interactive translation of cross-cultural technologies in multicultural teams and communities. Discussed theoretical and applied thesis, varieties and aspects of the analysis of strategic visions (parameters, dilemmas, discussions and alternatives in their 5 dimensions) needed for global leadership and management.
- Price: 4.50 €
Стратегическа визия: Студентите в реалността
Стратегическа визия: Студентите в реалността
(Strategical vision: the students into reality)
- Author(s):Ivan Popchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:49-59
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:strategical vision; student call for pluralism in economics; reality; risk; standards; enterprise wide risk management; ERM;
- Summary/Abstract:The focus in discussion is the International student call for pluralism in economics and the need for students to be ready to face the risks into reality, into the new paradigm enterprise - wide risk management (ERM) throughout the organization.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Визия“ за свят без обща визия
„Визия“ за свят без обща визия
(„Vision“ about a world without a common vision)
- Author(s):Boyan Durankev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Economic policy, Business Ethics
- Page Range:60-66
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:world; system; vision; European Union; neoliberalism; socialism;
- Summary/Abstract:The reasons concerning the changes in the world are analysed, that have occurred without a vision for development. It has been proven that negative changes are the product of neoliberism and not of the „ real socialism ”. The neoliberal capitalism is left out in the present but the dream about it has died in the past. We are witnesses of the end of the neoliberal determination. We are in a world without a vision of the future. The possible scenarios for this option of a „ world without common vision” are indeed apocalyptic: catastrophic demographic growth; ecological disaster; constant open and covered wars between groups of countries and individual countries for resources and „living areas”, weak economic growth. The outcome of this apocalyptic scenario can be found in the design of the world „vision“. A model for transforming the European Union into self-developing system is proposed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Балканският геополитически код
Балканският геополитически код
(The Balkan geopolitical code)
- Author(s):Dimitar Yonchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Governance, Government/Political systems, Geopolitics
- Page Range:67-71
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:presence; strategy; geopolitics; geopolitical code;
- Summary/Abstract:Strategic visions are located in the field of geopolitics. Every country has its geopolitical peculiarities. This is her geopolitical code. Task of politicians is to decipher this code. In the history of Bulgaria such politicians are very few
- Price: 4.50 €
Европейската политика за сближаване в България - нормативни намерения, стратегии и програми, регионални реалности
Европейската политика за сближаване в България - нормативни намерения, стратегии и програми, регионални реалности
(European cohesion policy in Bulgaria - normative intentions, strategies and programs, realities)
- Author(s):Yuliyana Galabinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economic policy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
- Page Range:72-82
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Cohesion policy; NUTS; regions; operational programs; European funds;
- Summary/Abstract:European cohesion policy is of exceptional importance for increasing employment, improving the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy, for constructing the transport, communication and energy networks, for research activities and improving education. EU funds may have big impact on the economic and social development of our country and its regions. The research questions to be answered are: What is the evolution of the European cohesion policy and which regions it supports predominantly? What is the main purpose of the Bulgarian regional policy and in which normative and strategic documents it is declared? Is there a balance in the development of the Bulgarian regions? Were the resources from the EU funds invested with priority in the less favoured Bulgarian NUTS 2 regions?
- Price: 4.50 €
Избор на методи за прогнозиране на риска от несъстоятелност в България
Избор на методи за прогнозиране на риска от несъстоятелност в България
(Selecting method for building a bankruptcy prediction model in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Ekatherina Tzvetanova, Ivan Yordanov Kostov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Economic policy, Political economy
- Page Range:83-94
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:bankruptcy prediction models; statistical methods; intelligent methods; discriminant analysis; neuron networks;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this study is to select the appropriate method for the creation of a model capable to forecast the likelihood of corporate bankruptcy in the Bulgarian economy. This paper examine 232 different models for forecasting the companies risk of bankruptcy elaborated in the period 1966-2014. All the sampled models were tested with a set of criteria and for each of them, analysis of inconsistencies were performed. This analysis supported the identification of the method to be applied in the development of bankruptcy prediction model for Bulgarian context.
- Price: 4.50 €
Оценка на въздействието на стратегическите инструменти в енергийния сектор на Eвропейския Съюз
Оценка на въздействието на стратегическите инструменти в енергийния сектор на Eвропейския Съюз
(A study of the impact of the policy instruments in the EU energy sector)
- Author(s):Victor Avramov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy
- Page Range:95-108
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:regulation; energy sector; impact assessment;
- Summary/Abstract:This discussion paper reviews the main regulatory instruments in energy sector: the three liberalization packages and the Energy - Climate Package. The effects of the regulation on consumption of energy, energy efficiency and carbon emissions are assessed. The text makes a critical analysis of the major weaknesses in the regulation up to date.
- Price: 4.50 €
Подходи за управление на промяната - нови критерии и изисквания
Подходи за управление на промяната - нови критерии и изисквания
(Approaches to the management of change - new criteria and requirements)
- Author(s):Kristian Hadjiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:110-118
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:change management; Model Crisis; human capital; strategies of organizational change; organizational transformation; goal-adaptive (high performance) organization;
- Summary/Abstract:The report’s objects of analysis аге the new criteria, requirements аnd management approaches to environmental changes with high level of uncertainty. The focus lies on the interaction research between internal and external resources and strengths for organizational change. It analyses the premises of organizational change in Model Crisis conditions. It identifies the challenges and tasks with which the business organizations have to manage in VUCA age. It researches the adaptive processes of human capital towards changes, by identifying the specific levers and instruments. The global change requires an application of complex approach simultaneously on all organizational levels. It imposes interventions in technical as well as in social dimensions of the system. The author’s main thesis, regarding the specific researches and applications of change management approaches, is that concepts of evolutionary processes occur and revaluation of general truths and accumulated knowledge is required.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ускорението, отличителна черта на трансформациите в организациите
Ускорението, отличителна черта на трансформациите в организациите
(The acceleration - a distinctive feature of the transformations in organizations)
- Author(s):Manol Ribov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:119-124
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:transformation; change; immediacy; management team; vision; strategy; communicate; empowerment; short-term accomplishments;
- Summary/Abstract:The traditional rules for carrying out transformations in organizations have tended to be too slow to cope with the cascade of novelties caused by the information and communication technologies. That requires those rules to be rethought as organizations move on to a regimen of continuous transformations related to the structural changes and cost reductions, to the change of the process and to the cultural change. To accomplish this, the organizations must respond appropriately to the signals of change sent by the external and internal environment. That refers to the technologies, customers, markets and competitors as well as to the key processes of organizations. Because of that special attention is paid to the projection and implementation of ransformations into the organizations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Визия за устойчиво бъдеще - глобална виртуалност/интерактивност, управленски парадигми и културни феномени
Визия за устойчиво бъдеще - глобална виртуалност/интерактивност, управленски парадигми и културни феномени
(Vision for sustainable future – global virtuality/interactivity, management paradigms, and cultural phenomena)
- Author(s):Kiril Radev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Accounting - Business Administration, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:125-135
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:global virtuality/interactivity; vision; organizational culture; strategic management; sustainable development;
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents the main aspects of building a modern vision of business organization. Accent is placed on global virtuality and application of modern management paradigms.The conclusions and suggestions are grounded in analysis of the logistics sector in Bulgaria.
- Price: 4.50 €
Стратегическо управление на човешките ресурси и човешки капитал - реторика и реалност
Стратегическо управление на човешките ресурси и човешки капитал - реторика и реалност
(Strategic human resource management and human capital - rhetoric and reality)
- Author(s):Elmira Bancheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:136-143
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:human capital; human resources management; rhetoric and reality; rationalization of rhetoric;
- Summary/Abstract:The concept of human capital thrives among the community of economists for decades before being gradually adopted and institutionalized at organizational level. While it appears that the literature focuses mainly on the debate around the concepts of human capital, there is no explicit theoretical framework and empirical evidence of the link (and lack of linkage) between the intentions of the management and practical implementation of human capital initiatives. The literature and research findings reveal that a number of key dimensions can distort the rhetoric of human capital, including corporate strategy, organizational structure and human resource management, through the cognitive frames of individuals. Each dimension contains several critical issues capable of determining the success or failure of human capital development.
- Price: 4.50 €
Дизайн мисленето като стратегически подход за иновации
Дизайн мисленето като стратегически подход за иновации
(Design thinking as a strategic approach to innovation)
- Author(s):Alexander Pozharliev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Visual Arts, Marketing / Advertising, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:144-154
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:design; design thinking; strategy; innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines design thinking as an ever increasing approach in addressing one of the main strategic questions that stand before every organization - how to build an internal capacity for innovation. It maps out the development of design thinking as an innovative human-centered approach which ever increasingly is used outside of the frame of the designer industry with the aim of innovation and transformation in all the spheres of business, as well as in the nonprofit fields. Presented are its main characteristics, oriented towards the systematic solving of complex problems in a dynamic and complex environment. Under discussion is the topical, in recent times, perception of design thinking not only as a methodology but also as a new way of thinking and attitude about strategic issues regarding how to do business. The development of its strategic role is mapped out as an innovative and transformative approach.
- Price: 4.50 €
Стратегии в развитите държави за намаляване на последиците от негативните демографски тенденции в публичната администрация
Стратегии в развитите държави за намаляване на последиците от негативните демографски тенденции в публичната администрация
(Strategies in developed countries for diminishing the impacts from the negative demographic trends in public administration)
- Author(s):Mariana Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Public Administration, Economic policy, Accounting - Business Administration, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:155-167
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:demographic changes; public administration; age conscious human resources management; flexible employment forms; knowledge management;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper studies the problems of the public administrations of countries with developed economies due to demographic changes. A special emphasis is put on the strategies that are designed and implemented in order to overcome the challenges associated with the increase of the average age in the civil service. A special attention has been paid to the strategies in the field of human resource management in the public administration which are connected to succession planning, knowledge management, flexible employment and the fight against age discrimination. The conclusions and recommendations in the report are a good basis for strategic management of demographic change in the public administration in Bulgaria.
- Price: 4.50 €
Иновативни технологии в управлението на градовете
Иновативни технологии в управлението на градовете
(Innovative technologies in city management)
- Author(s):Maria Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental Geography
- Page Range:168-178
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:smart city; government technologies; GIS;
- Summary/Abstract:Changes in modern city are significant and the management requires the use of technology. Smart city needs innovative technologies that will improve and automate processes in the city. The intelligence of the city is demonstrated in the city design, intelligent monitoring systems, sensors. The report examines the approaches for smart city research. Leading technologies used for management of smart city are analyzed - sensing, authentication, monitoring, control and cloud computing. Examples of intelligent embedded GIS solutions in the management of Bulgarian cities are published.
- Price: 4.50 €
Иновациите в инвестиционната политика при капиталовото осигуряване
Иновациите в инвестиционната политика при капиталовото осигуряване
(Investment policy innovation in funded pension insurance)
- Author(s):Ivanka Daneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:179-183
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:investment regulation; regulative principle; infrastructure projects; multi-fund organization risk profile;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines innovation in investment regulation of pension assets. Specific areas in which should expand opportunities for investments and overcome existing asymmetries in the legislation are indicated. Emphasis is placed on the strategies related to the human life cycle.
- Price: 4.50 €
Устойчиво потребителско поведение - подходи за насърчаване на промяната
Устойчиво потребителско поведение - подходи за насърчаване на промяната
(Sustainable consumer behavior - approaches to promotе change)
- Author(s):Elena Kostadinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy
- Page Range:184-194
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:sustainable consumer behavior; green consumption; sustainability;
- Summary/Abstract:Unsustainable levels of consumption are a problem of growing importance and complexity. There is a global consensus that urgent measures are needed to curb environmental degradation and negative effects on the environment. The era of unreasonable of random and unwise consumption is coming to an end and consumers increasingly understand that their individual behaviors have a direct effect on the environment and on the lives of future generations. This paper analyzes the role of the main parties concerned with promoting sustainable consumer behavior and possible approaches for succeeding in it.
- Price: 4.50 €
Приоритети и тенденции във външната търговия между Р. България и Р. Франция
Приоритети и тенденции във външната търговия между Р. България и Р. Франция
(Priorities and trends in foreign trade between Bulgaria and France)
- Author(s):Irena Nikolova, Ilyana Bahanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economic policy, International relations/trade, Financial Markets
- Page Range:195-202
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:import; export; foreign trade of Bulgaria; foreign trade of France; trade balance;
- Summary/Abstract:The foreign trade of Bulgaria with EU member states has developed, especially after the EU accession of the country. There are opportunities for Bulgarian companies for enlargement and entering new markets, such as France. The focus of the present paper is the foreign trade relations between Bulgaria and France after 2007. The priorities and trends in recent years between the two countries are presented as the strengths for Bulgaria and the opportunities for development of different sectors are discussed as well.
- Price: 4.50 €
Управление на риска в инвестиционните проекти
Управление на риска в инвестиционните проекти
(Risk management in the investment projects)
- Author(s):Nadya Ivanova Marinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Business Ethics
- Page Range:203-208
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:investment project risk - management; aggregate risk; risk management; business - project 'Country risk'; extrapolation listing aggregate risk;
- Summary/Abstract:The risk that a company can afford to take is based on pre-formed Manager strategy for risk management. The main activity it is carried out directly in the company, and legitimizing of the risks and developing on instructions (for each associate and type operations) are an important part of risk management. The risk assessment in practical activities reported eight points that should be subject of special attention - the resistance of employees against innovation, determining the optimal size of the structure in the department of risk management at big companies and those of medium size - determination of the criteria by which the existence of risk - manager is economically justified, awareness of the importance of risk management.
- Price: 4.50 €
Стратегии и практики за управление на таланти в организацията
Стратегии и практики за управление на таланти в организацията
(Strategies and practices for the management of talents in the organization)
- Author(s):Maria Tumbeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:209-212
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:management of talents;
- Summary/Abstract:The strategic approach to talent management is one of the main tasks of today's leaders. The degree of management of potential employees is a mirror of the capabilities of their managers. The priority for these employees and their management must be related to the commitment of their attention to various processes in the company, which in the future will give an adequate idea of the changes that are taking place. Change is an inevitable process and obviously employees must be prepared with knowledge, competence and a diverse palette of skills.
- Price: 4.50 €
Саморегулацията в маркетинговите комуникации: Стратегически взаимодействия между етични комисии и държавни институции
Саморегулацията в маркетинговите комуникации: Стратегически взаимодействия между етични комисии и държавни институции
(Self-regulation in the marketing communications: Strategic interactions between ethics commissions and state authorities)
- Author(s):Alexander Christov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:213-219
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:self-regulation; advertising; PR; marketing communications; strategic interactions;
- Summary/Abstract:In the practice of the marketing communications in the country the implementation of the rules for prevention of negative influences and protection of the rights of the consumers is being made on two levels - regulation by state authorities and self-regulation by professional associations and ethics commissions. The self-regulation covers more aspects, but has lower opportunities to influence on the restriction of the unethical activities in advertising and PR. Some of the activities are also subject of attention of both systems. This creates a need for development of strategic interactions between ethics commissions and state authorities, and this will also contribute to the cooperation between state institutions and the business. One of the opportunities for such cooperation is the co-regulation, which is also a point of attention in the article.
- Price: 4.50 €
Кабинетно проучване за стратегиите на българските земеделски стопанства
Кабинетно проучване за стратегиите на българските земеделски стопанства
(Office research of the strategies of Bulgarian farms)
- Author(s):Lyubomir Lyubenov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Agriculture, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:220-228
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:office research; farms; strategies;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the office research on the strategies of Bulgarian farms is to serve as a forerunner of empirical research on specific sub-sectors and regions of agriculture, for a more precise definition of the problems, methods, tools, resources, and time. It is established that online surveys are still not suitable for the Bulgarian agriculture due to significant distortion of information, poor IT infrastructure, and difficult internet access in rural areas. The majority of Bulgarian farms do not have well developed information systems - accounting, marketing, etc., for making adequate decisions. Identified is a typical marketing problem which farmers in Bulgaria are facing - hampered realization of production and low competitiveness. Proposed is a hypothesis for a relatively low practical application of business, respectively marketing, strategies of Bulgarian farms, despite the pressing need of such strategies.
- Price: 4.50 €
Корпоративното управление в български публични компании - практики по назначаване на изпълнителни директори
Корпоративното управление в български публични компании - практики по назначаване на изпълнителни директори
(The corporate governance of the bulgarian public companies - practices of appointing CEOs)
- Author(s):Petko Valkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:229-237
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:public companies; corporate management; CEO; shareholders;
- Summary/Abstract:The report analyses the corporate structure of the biggest public companies in Bulgaria participating in the SOFIX stock exchange index. The main goal of the report is to find whether to public companies prefer to appoint insiders or outsiders as their CEOs, and to investigate the reasons for such practices.
- Price: 4.50 €
Прогнозиране и планиране в междудържавните системи за разделение на труда
Прогнозиране и планиране в междудържавните системи за разделение на труда
(Forcasting and planning in interstate systems for division of labor)
- Author(s):Mitko Khitov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Labor relations, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade
- Page Range:238-244
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:forecasting and planning; interstate associations; systems for division of labor;
- Summary/Abstract:In conditions of deepening crisis in the global model for socio-economic development it will reinforce the role and importance of regional intergovernmental formations such as the EU, EvrAzES Mercosur, SCO and others. In this context it is particularly important in operating order to analyze and study the functioning of the governing authorities of the interstate unions, paying particular attention to the most important management function in every economic system - forecasting and planning of the activities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Фактори за избор на стратегия за комерсиализация на нови технологии
Фактори за избор на стратегия за комерсиализация на нови технологии
(Factors for selection of strategy commercialization of new technologies)
- Author(s):Roumiana Brestnichka
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:245-249
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:technology-based companies; commercialization of technology;
- Summary/Abstract:Small technology-based companies have different strategic decisions for the commercialization of its technology. The strategic choice depends on the strength of the rights on innovation, controls on complementary assets and the application of technology. The power of rights on innovation refers to the mechanism of removing potential user of the technology from the opportunity to develop its own technology or to imitate the original technology. Commercialization of innovation requires its connection with complementary assets. Specialized technologies are suitable for a particular application while general technologies can be used for many different applications. The combination of these factors explains some important aspects of technology commercialization strategies.
- Price: 4.50 €
Иновационни стратегии и иновации в туризма
Иновационни стратегии и иновации в туризма
(Innovation strategies and innovations in tourism)
- Author(s):Sonia Mileva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:250-260
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:innovations; types of innovations; tourism; Bulgaria;
- Summary/Abstract:The topic about innovations in Tourism is highly relevant and the different types of innovations poorly studied for Bulgaria. Innovations are pointed as main engines responsible for the changed face of contemporary tourism, competitive advantage and productivity growth. Simultaneously the main innovations in Tourism are external to the sector, which is dominated by SMEs. The current paper presents the results of the conducted surveys among hoteliers, tour operators and travel agencies and experts in Tourism about the evaluation of innovativeness of Bulgarian Tourism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Професионални потребности и очаквания от пазара на труда на поколение Z
Професионални потребности и очаквания от пазара на труда на поколение Z
(Professional needs and expectations of the labour market of generation Z)
- Author(s):Tatyana Kicheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Labor relations
- Page Range:261-267
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:generation Z; labour market; professional needs; professional expectations;
- Summary/Abstract:Every generation has its own attitudes, behavior, habits and ways of motivation, and different expectations of the workplace and the labor market as a whole. Generation Z, those born between 1995 and 2010, are tomorrow's candidates in the labor market. The aim of this report is to analyze professional preferences, strengths and weaknesses and expectations of future profession of today's youth generation Z. The findings, made from the analysis, would help employers to understand their tomorrow’s employees better and to be successful in managing them.
- Price: 4.50 €
Икономическата глобализация като необратим процес: Рискове и превенция за развиващите се страни
Икономическата глобализация като необратим процес: Рискове и превенция за развиващите се страни
(Economic globalization as irreversible process: Risks and prevention for developing countries)
- Author(s):Maya Tsoklinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy, International relations/trade, Developing nations, Financial Markets
- Page Range:268-274
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:economic globalization; risks; developing countries; international financial markets;
- Summary/Abstract:This research report aims to discuss and analyze the risks that arise under the influence of globalization on developing countries and to propose concrete measures to neutralize the negative effects that this difficult for control trend rises. As an irreversible political and economic process, it reflects the continuing expansion and mutual integration in the global market and is a dynamic direction for the development of economies internationally in the beginning of the new millennium. Fast growing importance of information and internationalization of all types of production activities are the two main driving forces of economic globalization. It concludes that the globalization of the financial sector has become the fastest growing and influential aspect of economic globalization. Special emphasis is placed on the role of international finance that serves the needs of international trade and investment activities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Корпоративно социално предприемачество
Корпоративно социално предприемачество
(Corporate social entrepreneurship)
- Author(s):Daniela Tzvetkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:275-281
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:corporate entrepreneurship; social entrepreneurship; corporate social entrepreneurship; corporate social responsibility;
- Summary/Abstract:An increasing number of companies face innovation challenges due to the fast-changing world, questions of the sustainability of the working business models are being raised as well as of their effect on society. Pressure from competitors is rising. This paper aims to identify the specific features of the corporate social entrepreneurship by looking at its foundations related to the corporate social responsibility and corporate entrepreneurship. What differentiates corporate social entrepreneurs from corporate entrepreneurs is their strive to initiate and successfully develop new ideas in the organization that will not only have a positive effect on the business but will solve social issues, too. The implementation of these new business possibilities aims at achieving not only economic but social sustainability as well.
- Price: 4.50 €
Социалното предприемачество в екологията като фасилитиране на положителни трансформации. Казусът на социалният предприемач в сферата на екологията Сергей Скоробогатов
Социалното предприемачество в екологията като фасилитиране на положителни трансформации. Казусът на социалният предприемач в сферата на екологията Сергей Скоробогатов
(Social entrepreneurship in ecology as facilitating positive transformations. Case of the social entrepreneur in the sphere ecology Sergey Skorobogatov)
- Author(s):Anna Atanasova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:282-288
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:social entrepreneurship in ecology; social entrepreneur; sustainable development; ecological and economical contradiction; people-facilitators; people-mediators;
- Summary/Abstract:Social entrepreneurs in ecology are an excellent example reflecting in their everyday actions evolutionary new value orientations and behavioral patterns. The social entrepreneurs act as facilitator in solving social and environmental problems. They find new ways of functioning of the green economy. Waste management and responsible consumption are critical environmental challenges of contemporary humanity and cases of social entrepreneurs emphasize solutions to these problems in the pursuit of the concept of sustainable development to address the environmental and economic contradiction.
- Price: 4.50 €
Стратегическо планиране в застрахователните компании
Стратегическо планиране в застрахователните компании
(Strategic planning of insurance operations)
- Author(s):Tzvetelina Andreeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:289-295
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:strategic planning; strategic planning process; insurance company;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the process of strategic planning of insurance companies. It outlines the methods used in the analysis of the business environment and the identification of key issues, as well as indicative plan for presentation of possible options for the company in the strategic planning process. The aim of the study is to outline the process of creating a strategy for future development of the company.
- Price: 4.50 €
Роля на ефективната държава за конкурентоспособността
Роля на ефективната държава за конкурентоспособността
(Role of the effective state for Bulgarian competitiveness)
- Author(s):Maria Marikina
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Governance, Government/Political systems, Political economy
- Page Range:297-306
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:competitiveness; effective state; criteria for effective state;
- Summary/Abstract:The effectiveness of economic policies for competitiveness is related to institutional efficiency and particularly that of the state. The State as one of the main institutions is a precondition for competitiveness. The aim of the report is to present the importance of the state for the development of our national competitiveness. In this sense, the object is competitiveness and subject is discovering of criteria that can assess the impact of effective state on it. In conclusion we would reach conclusions on these criteria and the importance of the state for Bulgarian competitiveness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Иновационната активност на туристическия бизнес - инвестиции в технологиите, образованието и креативността
Иновационната активност на туристическия бизнес - инвестиции в технологиите, образованието и креативността
(Innovation activity in the tourism business: investing in technology, education, and creativity)
- Author(s):Sonya Alexieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:307-316
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:innovation; tourism; hotel business; investment; technology; communications; education; сreativity;
- Summary/Abstract:The growing role of innovation in the tourism industry is the result of huge investment in technology, education, and creativity which are changing the hospitality business. The paper is focused on the challenges that sustainable tourism development is facing as a result of the emergence of new services and products that attract tourists by quality and innovation. It presents creative ideas and technology in the hotel and restaurant business and transportation which are changing the dynamics of international market competition and analyzes the results of commutations in innovation activity with impacts on company development, expert leadership potential and effective communications_ for tourism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Етиката при вземане на управленски решения като фактор за предотвратяване на дисфункционални организационни конфликти
Етиката при вземане на управленски решения като фактор за предотвратяване на дисфункционални организационни конфликти
(Ethics in decision making as a factor in preventing dysfunctional organizational conflict)
- Author(s):Tamara Kalistratova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Business Ethics
- Page Range:317-322
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management decisions; ethics; values; organizational climate; dysfunctional conflict;
- Summary/Abstract:Еthics as a system consists of virtues, morals, principles and values that govern human life. Values provide the priorities of the head regarding the evaluation of various alternatives. Since values are beliefs, not facts, it is difficult to embrace the concept of values in governance. It is therefore very important to have standards, requirements and procedures for assessing the impact of the value system of the head on organizational climate. They occur most heavily in decisions and thus are an essential factor in conflicts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Изследване и управление доходността на продажбите за постигане на конкурентоспособен бизнес
Изследване и управление доходността на продажбите за постигане на конкурентоспособен бизнес
(Research and management of sales profitability to achieve competitive business)
- Author(s):Emiliya Vaysilova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:323-331
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:competitiveness; profitability; management;
- Summary/Abstract:It is known that the competitiveness of the company depends on many factors. One of these factors is the effective management of the company and in particular of the production activity - regardless of the type of production - material or nonmaterial. In general, the implementation of whatever kind of business has one main goal - achieving positive financial result. Such a goal generates a striving for realization of maximum revenues, mostly through their main source - sales revenues. In this regard the study of the profitability of sales is an important and topical issue of the management. In the context of above mentioned thoughts, the main thesis of this paper outlines the study and management of the profitability of sales as a key factor to achieve high competitiveness of the company within the contemporary economic environment. The article presents a methodology for analysis of sales profitability which can be applied by the company management to achieve better competitiveness of the business activity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Възможности за групиране на изискванията към финансовите отчети през призмата на системния подход
Възможности за групиране на изискванията към финансовите отчети през призмата на системния подход
(Possibilities of grouping the financial statements requirements through the prism of systematic approach)
- Author(s):Stanislava Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:332-338
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:accounting; accounting information; financial statements; requirements; systematic approach;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the requirements regarding accounting and its product - accounting information, presented in the financial statements through the prism of systematic approach. For this purpose they are grouped into four areas: requirements for accounting dictated by the principles and methodicalactions of systemic approach; requirements of the legislator to accounting and accounting information, which are presented in the Accountancy Act as principles of accounting and requirements of the management team and the users of data to accounting and for the quality of its product - accounting information.
- Price: 4.50 €
Контролът като оперативен инструмент за въздействие върху институционалната и бизнес среда
Контролът като оперативен инструмент за въздействие върху институционалната и бизнес среда
(Control as a tool for operational impact institutional and business environment)
- Author(s):Natalia Nedelcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:339-345
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:control; control effects; institutions; tools and methods of control; human resources;
- Price: 4.50 €
Център по медиация - иновативен модел за разрешаване на конфликти
Център по медиация - иновативен модел за разрешаване на конфликти
(Mediation center - an innovative model for conflict resolution)
- Author(s):Mariya Aleksandrova Ivanova, Milena Georgieva Gurova - Guncheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:346-355
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:mediation; open innovation 2.0; an innovative organization;
- Summary/Abstract:Mediation is an innovative idea which formed a new culture of communication in society leads to improved human relations and always generate additional value. Resolving conflicts through mediation is an expression of human achievement, which meet the personal qualities of personal responsibility when they are at a high enough level, we can talk about personal and social development. Mediation centers are an innovative model for dispute resolution in extra-judicial environment where effective communication brings multiple benefits to all parties.
- Price: 4.50 €
Релации между бизнес среда и бизнес атмосфера и влиянието им върху човешкия капитал
Релации между бизнес среда и бизнес атмосфера и влиянието им върху човешкия капитал
(Relations between business environment and business atmosphere and their impact on human capital)
- Author(s):Tsanko Donkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Business Ethics
- Page Range:356-363
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:change; motivation; behavior; human capital;
- Summary/Abstract:In today's constantly changing world appears feeling of a need to change allmost all levels. The perposes of the report is to present certain innovations in management and motivation of human capital. This is capital that is characterized by its purely psychological complexity, have any impact on his behavior.
- Price: 4.50 €
Аспекти на оценяването на конкурентоспособността на фирмата
Аспекти на оценяването на конкурентоспособността на фирмата
(Aspects of company competitiveness evaluation)
- Author(s):Vyara Milusheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:364-369
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:company competitiveness; methods; evaluation; analysis; indicators;
- Summary/Abstract:Diagnosing the problematic areas of competitiveness is of a key importance. This requires an accurate and objective assessment of the achieved level of competitiveness and the potential for its improvement. The evaluation and the results obtained constitute a source of information about the performance of the company, about its strengths and weaknesses and, at the same time, are a starting point for discovering new opportunities for improving competitiveness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Промени в гавърнанса на земеделските кооперации в България
Промени в гавърнанса на земеделските кооперации в България
(Changes in the governance of agriculture cooperatives in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Angel Sarov, Ivan Boevsky
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Agriculture, Governance, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:370-375
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:agricultural cooperatives; governance; organizational changes;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyzes the changes in the governance of agriculture cooperatives in Bulgaria. The researcher team put focus on external and internal mechanisms that influence organizational design of the cooperatives: market turbulence; destructive competition; participation of members in decision-making process; abuse of power resource by the Chairman; professionalizing of governance bodies; a change the goals. The team summarizes the empirical findings and claimed that the governance of Bulgarian agricultural cooperatives increasingly changing from the traditional cooperative model.
- Price: 4.50 €
Управление на риска в транспортната дейност
Управление на риска в транспортната дейност
(Risk management in transport activity)
- Author(s):Iliya Gatovski
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:376-383
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; risk; innovation in transport; factors;
- Summary/Abstract:Over the last years the development of transport and the emerging high competition between various modes of transport and between various organisations in each transport sector define the need to analyse the questions regarding risk assessment and management. The changes in the structure and volume of shipments and the ever increasing number of transport businesses intensify the competition between them which threatens their existence. This creates conditions for risk growth in a new business environment, aging vehicles, low productivity and competitiveness and a number of other internal and external factors. The report also examines the risks arising from enterprise and innovation and accentuates the competent management and organisational control measures for mitigating the risk.
- Price: 4.50 €
Google културата - нови преспективи за развитие на туризма
Google културата - нови преспективи за развитие на туризма
(Google culture - new challenges for the tourism development)
- Author(s):Hristina Boycheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:384-390
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:organizational culture; tourism industry; innovative potential; employees; interactions;
- Summary/Abstract:Google culture is unique and changes the familiar forms of interaction by creating a number of opportunities to increase business competitiveness and for tourism development beyond the conventional boundaries. The main objectives of the paper are to highlight the specific features of Google culture, to analyze its effectiveness and primarily to identify tourism activities that currently are naturally integrated into the working process and form an integral part of it, which in turn requires rethinking and extending the notion of tourism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Осигуряване на конкурентно предимство в контекста на съвременните измерения на туроператорския бизнес
Осигуряване на конкурентно предимство в контекста на съвременните измерения на туроператорския бизнес
(Providing a competitive advantage in the context of contemporary dimensions of tour operator business)
- Author(s):Irena Kirilova Emilova, Margarita Misheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:391-399
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:competitive advantage, tour operators activity; business;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to identify opportunities for providing competitive advantage of travel agency in the contemporary business environment. Gives specific proposals for achieving them relating to diversify product offerings and adding additional consumer value; changes in management of this specific type of activity; automation of business processes; design of additional activities; image building and others.
- Price: 4.50 €
Биоразнообразието - фактор за развитието на туризма
Биоразнообразието - фактор за развитието на туризма
(Biodiversity - a factor for development of tourism)
- Author(s):Todorka Toncheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental Geography, Tourism
- Page Range:400-407
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:sustainable tourism; eco-tourism; biodiversity; environmental degradation; composite concept of tourism;
- Summary/Abstract:In the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century tourism plays a minor role in the development of biodiversity. However, after the adoption of the strategic document „Agenda 21 “, а very tangible progress in this regard has been аchieved as sustainable tourism is included as one of the structurally important sectors in the economy. The Committee on Sustainable Development at the UN is mandated to develop an international action program, oriented towards effective work in the field of conservation and expansion of biodiversity. A lot of other organizations like the World Tourism Organization (WTO), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and others have an active attitude to this international program.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ефективното маркетингово управление на дестинациите с цел икономически и социални трансформации в туризма
Ефективното маркетингово управление на дестинациите с цел икономически и социални трансформации в туризма
(Effective marketing destination management to economic and social transformation in tourism)
- Author(s):Nikolai Tsonev, Mariana Janeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
- Page Range:408-414
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:marketing management; transformations in business; tourism products;
- Summary/Abstract:In the contemporary dynamically changing environment the effectiveness of management decisions in the field of organization of the economy and in particular of the tourism in a highly extend determines the implementation of modern technologies in management, leading to transformations in business. The marketing concept and in particular the marketing management had been transformed long ago into a philosophy of business, defining the strategic directions in its development.
- Price: 4.50 €
Количествена оценка на туризма за ефективно управление на екосистемните услуги
Количествена оценка на туризма за ефективно управление на екосистемните услуги
(Quantitative assessment of tourism for the effective management of ecosystem services)
- Author(s):Rumen Draganov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Energy and Environmental Studies, Tourism
- Page Range:415-421
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:ecosystem services; quantitative assessment; average daily rate; average occupancy and average revenue per available room;
- Summary/Abstract:The study investigates the ecosystem services in terms of quantitative assessment of tourism in the tourist destination based on indicators as average daily rate, average occupancy and average revenue per available room selected according to the available data and respective services. Comparing quality evaluation and quantification of ecosystem is done to identify the problems and ensure efficient management.
- Price: 4.50 €
Позициониране на круизния продукт на туроператорите като възможност за повишаване на конкурентоспособността на българския туризъм
Позициониране на круизния продукт на туроператорите като възможност за повишаване на конкурентоспособността на българския туризъм
(Positioning of cruise products of the travel agencies as an oppurtunity for increasing the competitiveness of the bulga)
- Author(s):Stiliyana Basmadzhieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
- Page Range:422-428
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:cruise product; competitiveness; marketing strategies;
- Summary/Abstract:With the development of the Tourism Industry and the increasing volume of consumer’s needs, arises the necessity to create alternative ways for entertainment and recreation, including distinguished cruise products. In this specific niche tourism has great potential for development at national level and by applying the appropriate marketing strategy cruise products can be used as a lever to increase the competitiveness of the bulgarian tourism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Управленски практики за повишаване на конкурентоспособността на туроператорската и агентска дейност
Управленски практики за повишаване на конкурентоспособността на туроператорската и агентска дейност
(Management practices for enhancing the competitiveness of tour operator and travel agent activity)
- Author(s):Svetla Tagareva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:429-437
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:competition; management practices; tour operators; travel agents; human resources; technology; innovation; competences;
- Summary/Abstract:In conditions of globalization and intensifying development of new technologies, the competition in the tourism market is becoming increasingly fierce. These new conditions necessitate innovative management practices, creativity in marketing solutions, flexible pricing and attractive products. To be competitive in the ever-changing tourism market, companies must identify and work on eliminating their outdated practices. Dynamic changes in the sector require a rethinking corporate strategy and imposing new adapted solutions. Competencies and qualification of staff are key factor to the development of companies in the field of tourism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ефективно управление на взаимодействието между казино индустрията и туроператорския бизнес
Ефективно управление на взаимодействието между казино индустрията и туроператорския бизнес
(Effective management of the relationship between the casino industry and tour operators’ business)
- Author(s):Nikola Gaydarov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:438-446
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses the development of the gambling and casino industry in the overall framework of Experience economy, the underlying organizational and behavioral models and the impact of the industry on tourism related business models and attractiveness of tourist locations. The findings of the research will serve to monitor and assess in greater detail the possibilities for effective management of the relationship between the casino industry and tour operators' businesses, as well as the key factors that bring about this relationship.
- Price: 4.50 €
Трансформации, пораждащи икономическа ефективност, при използването на термални минерални извори в спа инвестициите
Трансформации, пораждащи икономическа ефективност, при използването на термални минерални извори в спа инвестициите
(Transformations, creating economic efficiency, using thermal mineral springs in spa establishments)
- Author(s):Elenita Velikova, Ivo Anev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:447-456
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:spa; economic efficiency; thermal waters;
- Summary/Abstract:Achieving economic efficiency through using thermal mineral springs in spa investments is a complex task, that needs economic, management and law transformations. This should be a process, that accounts for the interests of all stakeholders, but focus on the efficiency of usage of the waters in a way that wasting is minimized.
- Price: 4.50 €
Иновации и иновационни стратегии в семейното хотелиерство
Иновации и иновационни стратегии в семейното хотелиерство
(Innovations and innovation strategies in family hotels)
- Author(s):Konstantin Zankov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:457-463
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:family hotels; small hotels; innovation strategies; innovations; strategic management;
- Summary/Abstract:The study is related to the specifics, trends and opportunities for innovation and implementation of innovative strategies as part of strategic management in family hotels.
- Price: 4.50 €
Прилагане на crm-системите като ефективен метод за повишаване конкурентното предимство на туристическите организации
Прилагане на crm-системите като ефективен метод за повишаване конкурентното предимство на туристическите организации
(Application of crm-systems as an effective method of enhancing the competitive advantage of tourism organizations)
- Author(s):Ralitsa Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:464-469
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:methods of effective market positioning; CRM systems; information management;
- Summary/Abstract:To achieve better market positioning, organizations from the Touristic Sector should focus on those principles that provide a competitive advantage, such as the automation of the business processes. One of the successful methods to achieve this task is to implement Customer Relationship Management- system in order to manage customer relationships and maintaining effective communication.
- Price: 4.50 €
Минимизиране на риска за конкурентоспособността в хотелиерството чрез стратегическо управление на кадрите
Минимизиране на риска за конкурентоспособността в хотелиерството чрез стратегическо управление на кадрите
(Minimizing the risk for hotel competitiveness through a strategic management of the human factor)
- Author(s):Gergana Vasileva, Marina Raykova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:470-475
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:strategic management; risk; investment risk; competitiveness; hotels; tourism; HR management;
- Summary/Abstract:The human resourses factor is one of the key factors for the competitiveness of hotel industry, while being at the same time a major source of risk. In the recent years social transformations, along with the personnel shortcomings they incite, impose themselves as one of the leading risk fators for hotel competitiveness. Innovations and strategic management for securing the hotel compny with qualified, experienced and well motivated personnel is therefore to be analyzed along with other aspects of the external company environment at the investment planning stage.
- Price: 4.50 €