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Contributor(s): Barna Bodó (Editor), Márton Tonk (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Translation Studies
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: European Union; national minorities;education;labour market;national identities;national language;cross- border cooperation;
Summary/Abstract: The present volume of essays and studies includes the presentations of the international scientific conference organised between 27-29 March 2008 by the European Studies and International Relations Department of the Faculty in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. The co-organisers of the session entitled „European Union, Nations and National Minorities” were the Hungarian section of the Political Science Department of the Babeş-Bolyai University, the Centre for Ethno-Regional Studies of the Institute for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, while among the participants there were internationally recognised experts from several countries (Romania, Hungary, Italy). Our institution started its BSc-programme on European Studies and International relations in the autumn of 2006, thus trying to address the expectations of a new segment appearing on the labour market in European and domestic institutions, in the civil sphere or the political parties, as a consequence of Romania’s accession to the European Union. During the three years that have passed since then, the European Studies programme has proven to be equal to our expectations and – both from the point of view of the educational process and the scientific research – it has become a successful study programme of our university.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-973-197-022-6
  • Page Count: 262
  • Publication Year: 2009
  • Language: English, German
Die Minderheitenfrage in der Europäischen Union

Die Minderheitenfrage in der Europäischen Union
(The Minority Problem in the European Union)

  • Price: 4.50 €
European Organizations and the Issue of National Minorities

European Organizations and the Issue of National Minorities
(European Organizations and the Issue of National Minorities)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Regional and Ethnic Minority Political Movements in Europe

Regional and Ethnic Minority Political Movements in Europe
(Regional and Ethnic Minority Political Movements in Europe)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Post-National European Minorities – Chance or Condition?

Post-National European Minorities – Chance or Condition?
(Post-National European Minorities – Chance or Condition?)

  • Price: 4.50 €
From Monolingualism to Multilingualism in the EU – through Bilingual Minorities (Status Report on Central-Eastern Europe)

From Monolingualism to Multilingualism in the EU – through Bilingual Minorities (Status Report on Central-Eastern Europe)
(From Monolingualism to Multilingualism in the EU – through Bilingual Minorities (Status Report on Central-Eastern Europe))

  • Price: 4.50 €
Ethnische Identität und geschichtliche Erklärung über die Konstruktion unterschiedlicher Bilder der Stadt Temeswar

Ethnische Identität und geschichtliche Erklärung über die Konstruktion unterschiedlicher Bilder der Stadt Temeswar
(Ethnic Identity and Historiographical Discourse)

  • Price: 4.50 €
“Three-fold Identity?” The Ethnical and National Identity of the Hungarian Boyash Gypsies

“Three-fold Identity?” The Ethnical and National Identity of the Hungarian Boyash Gypsies
(“Three-fold Identity?” The Ethnical and National Identity of the Hungarian Boyash Gypsies)

  • Price: 4.50 €
The Problems of Translating Official Documents (in the context of Romanian and Hungarian official translations)

The Problems of Translating Official Documents (in the context of Romanian and Hungarian official translations)
(The Problems of Translating Official Documents (in the context of Romanian and Hungarian official translations))

  • Price: 4.50 €
Will Hungarian Become a Lingua Franca in the Carpathian Basin?

Will Hungarian Become a Lingua Franca in the Carpathian Basin?
(Will Hungarian Become a Lingua Franca in the Carpathian Basin?)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Liberal Legal Approach, Liberalisation in European Minority Politics

Liberal Legal Approach, Liberalisation in European Minority Politics
(Liberal Legal Approach, Liberalisation in European Minority Politics)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Europe’s Active Regional Autonomies – A Comparative Analysis

Europe’s Active Regional Autonomies – A Comparative Analysis
(Europe’s Active Regional Autonomies – A Comparative Analysis)

  • Price: 4.50 €
The Bolyai University as a Political Project

The Bolyai University as a Political Project
(The Bolyai University as a Political Project)

  • Price: 4.50 €
National Groups, Contact Systems and Linguistic Scenes of a Western Small Region

National Groups, Contact Systems and Linguistic Scenes of a Western Small Region
(National Groups, Contact Systems and Linguistic Scenes of a Western Small Region)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Responsibility for Each Other. Cross-Border Discourses on National Constellation (Transylvanian-Hungarian, Hungarian-Transylvanian)

Responsibility for Each Other. Cross-Border Discourses on National Constellation (Transylvanian-Hungarian, Hungarian-Transylvanian)
(Responsibility for Each Other. Cross-Border Discourses on National Constellation (Transylvanian-Hungarian, Hungarian-Transylvanian))

  • Price: 4.50 €
The Institutional Forms of Cross-Border Co-operation and the Possibility to Build Up Autonomous Entities through CBC

The Institutional Forms of Cross-Border Co-operation and the Possibility to Build Up Autonomous Entities through CBC
(The Institutional Forms of Cross-Border Co-operation and the Possibility to Build Up Autonomous Entities through CBC)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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