• Price: 87.00 €


Contributor(s): István Horváth (Editor), Márton Tonk (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Scientia Kiadó

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-927-444-6
  • Page Count: 664
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: English
“New” Nations in “Old” Europe: Ethnogenesis and Ethnopolitical Mobilisation in the Shetland and Orkney Islands of Scotland

“New” Nations in “Old” Europe: Ethnogenesis and Ethnopolitical Mobilisation in the Shetland and Orkney Islands of Scotland
(“New” Nations in “Old” Europe: Ethnogenesis and Ethnopolitical Mobilisation in the Shetland and Orkney Islands of Scotland.)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Minority Rights and the Dynamics of Europeanisation: Convergence in the Regional Governance of the Danish-German Border Region or What One Preaches, the Other Practises

Minority Rights and the Dynamics of Europeanisation: Convergence in the Regional Governance of the Danish-German Border Region or What One Preaches, the Other Practises
(Minority Rights and the Dynamics of Europeanisation: Convergence in the Regional Governance of the Danish-German Border Region or What One Preaches, the Other Practises.)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Between “Independence in Europe”, a “Europe with a Hundred Flags”, and a “Europe of” or “with the Regions”. Conceptualising the Relation between Stateless Nations and European Integration in Western Europe (1945–2010)

Between “Independence in Europe”, a “Europe with a Hundred Flags”, and a “Europe of” or “with the Regions”. Conceptualising the Relation between Stateless Nations and European Integration in Western Europe (1945–2010)
(Between “Independence in Europe”, a “Europe with a Hundred Flags”, and a “Europe of” or “with the Regions”. Conceptualising the Relation between Stateless Nations and European Integration in Western Europe (1945–2010))

  • Price: 4.50 €
Constitutional Preferences, National Identity and Electoral Behaviour: The Three Circles of Nationalism

Constitutional Preferences, National Identity and Electoral Behaviour: The Three Circles of Nationalism
(Constitutional Preferences, National Identity and Electoral Behaviour: The Three Circles of Nationalism)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Spain: from the Autonomy Model to the Federalism. The Case of Catalonia

Spain: from the Autonomy Model to the Federalism. The Case of Catalonia
(Spain: from the Autonomy Model to the Federalism. The Case of Catalonia)

  • Price: 4.50 €
The Protection of the Mother Tongue of National and Ethnic Minority Communities in the Republic of Croatia

The Protection of the Mother Tongue of National and Ethnic Minority Communities in the Republic of Croatia
(The Protection of the Mother Tongue of National and Ethnic Minority Communities in the Republic of Croatia)

  • Price: 4.50 €
To Be or Not to Be (A Minority)? The Case of the Kashubians in Poland

To Be or Not to Be (A Minority)? The Case of the Kashubians in Poland
(To Be or Not to Be (A Minority)? The Case of the Kashubians in Poland)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Language Policies in Central and East European States with Hungarian Minorities: Implications for Linguistic Rights Protection of National Minorities in the EU

Language Policies in Central and East European States with Hungarian Minorities: Implications for Linguistic Rights Protection of National Minorities in the EU
(Language Policies in Central and East European States with Hungarian Minorities: Implications for Linguistic Rights Protection of National Minorities in the EU)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Making Sense of Ambiguity: Redefining Minority-Majority Relations in a Post-Soviet Country

Making Sense of Ambiguity: Redefining Minority-Majority Relations in a Post-Soviet Country
(Making Sense of Ambiguity: Redefining Minority-Majority Relations in a Post-Soviet Country)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Territorial Autonomy of the Gagauz in the Republic of Moldova: a Case Study

Territorial Autonomy of the Gagauz in the Republic of Moldova: a Case Study
(Territorial Autonomy of the Gagauz in the Republic of Moldova: a Case Study)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Contemporary Minority Protection in Europe: Collision and Harmony between National and International Law

Contemporary Minority Protection in Europe: Collision and Harmony between National and International Law
(Contemporary Minority Protection in Europe: Collision and Harmony between National and International Law)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Personal Autonomy and/or National Councils in Vojvodina

Personal Autonomy and/or National Councils in Vojvodina
(Personal Autonomy and/or National Councils in Vojvodina)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Friend, Foe or Simply Indifferent? EU Conditionality in the Field of Minority Protection in the Light of the Demands of Ethnic Minority Parties

Friend, Foe or Simply Indifferent? EU Conditionality in the Field of Minority Protection in the Light of the Demands of Ethnic Minority Parties
(Friend, Foe or Simply Indifferent? EU Conditionality in the Field of Minority Protection in the Light of the Demands of Ethnic Minority Parties)

  • Price: 4.50 €
The Szekler Autonomy Initiatives

The Szekler Autonomy Initiatives
(The Szekler Autonomy Initiatives)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Deconstructing a Region: the Banat/Bánság.

Deconstructing a Region: the Banat/Bánság.
(Deconstructing a Region: the Banat/Bánság.)

  • Price: 4.50 €
The Backstage of a Success Story. Minority Protection in Lithuania

The Backstage of a Success Story. Minority Protection in Lithuania
(The Backstage of a Success Story. Minority Protection in Lithuania)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Minority Regimes at Work – Hungarian Experiences on the Interrelated Complexities of Data Protection and Minority Protection

Minority Regimes at Work – Hungarian Experiences on the Interrelated Complexities of Data Protection and Minority Protection
(Minority Regimes at Work – Hungarian Experiences on the Interrelated Complexities of Data Protection and Minority Protection)

  • Price: 4.50 €
A History of Collective Minority Rights in the European Historical Context

A History of Collective Minority Rights in the European Historical Context
(A History of Collective Minority Rights in the European Historical Context)

  • Price: 4.50 €
The Treatment of Minorities in Religious Perspective: the Catholic Church and the German Minority in Upper Silesia between 1922 and 2010

The Treatment of Minorities in Religious Perspective: the Catholic Church and the German Minority in Upper Silesia between 1922 and 2010
(The Treatment of Minorities in Religious Perspective: the Catholic Church and the German Minority in Upper Silesia between 1922 and 2010)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Recognition/Registration Policies towards Religious Minorities: A Comparative Legal Analysis and a Human Rights-Based Analysis

Recognition/Registration Policies towards Religious Minorities: A Comparative Legal Analysis and a Human Rights-Based Analysis
(Recognition/Registration Policies towards Religious Minorities: A Comparative Legal Analysis and a Human Rights-Based Analysis)

  • Price: 4.50 €
The Historical and the Present Status of the Turkish Minority in Bulgaria

The Historical and the Present Status of the Turkish Minority in Bulgaria
(The Historical and the Present Status of the Turkish Minority in Bulgaria)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Accommodating Religious Pluralities: the Case of Greece

Accommodating Religious Pluralities: the Case of Greece
(Accommodating Religious Pluralities: the Case of Greece)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Minorities, Minority Protection in Romania

Minorities, Minority Protection in Romania
(Minorities, Minority Protection in Romania)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Recommencement without Prospects

Recommencement without Prospects
(Recommencement without Prospects)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Szeklerland: the Touristic Way to Autonomy

Szeklerland: the Touristic Way to Autonomy
(Szeklerland: the Touristic Way to Autonomy)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Present and Future of Higher Education in the Hungarian Language in Romania

Present and Future of Higher Education in the Hungarian Language in Romania
(Present and Future of Higher Education in the Hungarian Language in Romania)

  • Price: 4.50 €


  • Price: 4.50 €
About the Authors

About the Authors
(About the Authors)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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