Anyanyelvoktatás ─ Nyelvi horizontok
Mother Tongue Education ─ Linguistic Horizons
Contributor(s): Rita Pletl (Editor)
Subject(s): Language acquisition, School education
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: mother tongue education; reading comprehension; Hungarian students in Transylvania; educational policy;
Summary/Abstract: Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the book presents the results of the national survey regarding the level of students' reading comprehension in the period of 2009─2010. The volume provides a realistic picture based on empirical data with regard to text reading and comprehension skills of Hungarian students in Transylvania, making it useful not only for teachers of Hungarian language and literature but also for experts in elaborating a more efficient educational policy.
Series: Sapientia Könyvek
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-8178-51-6
- Page Count: 228
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: Hungarian
Az olvasási és szövegértési képesség színvonalának alakulása az elemitől az érettségiig
Az olvasási és szövegértési képesség színvonalának alakulása az elemitől az érettségiig
(Developing Reading and Text Comprehension Abilities of Hungarian Students within the Romanian School System)
- Author(s):Rita Pletl
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language acquisition, School education
- Page Range:13-76
- No. of Pages:64
- Keywords:text comprehension; reading comprehension; Hungarian students;
- Summary/Abstract:This research tries to present the development of reading and text comprehension abilities of the Hungarian students based on a national research made in 2009-2010. The study was conducted in all school grades, beginning from primary school up to high school. This study presents the planification and the method of the evaluation, the processing and systematization of the material and data, then based on the results it describes the general level of the students’ reading and text comprehension abilities based on school sections, regions and years of study.
Személyiségtulajdonságok felismerése adott szöveg értelmezése alapján – általános iskolások szövegértés vizsgálata
Személyiségtulajdonságok felismerése adott szöveg értelmezése alapján – általános iskolások szövegértés vizsgálata
(Text Interpretation Based Analysis of Personality Traits among Pupils)
- Author(s):Zsófia Irén Horváth
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:77-92
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:text interpretation; personality traits; autonomous thinking; drawing skills;
- Summary/Abstract:Our research aims to approach the issue of the way in which pupils react to texts, and the way their answers reflect their subjective reactions to these. We wish to measure their autonomous thinking skills, by studying their capacities of expressing opinions, argumenting and defending their views. The answers they have offered make it possible for us to deduce their attitude towards learning, towards humour and human values. Learning appears to be a value that should stick to, an objective to follow, and they seem to prefer the personages or characters who are witty, hardworking, talented, humorous and who have outstanding drawing skills or rich imagination.
Az elemisták és általános iskolások tanulási technikái és szövegértési eredményei közötti összefüggések
Az elemisták és általános iskolások tanulási technikái és szövegértési eredményei közötti összefüggések
(The Correlation Between the Learning Startegy and Text Comprehension Accomplishment at Primary School Children)
- Author(s):Zolna Katinka Kővári
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:93-107
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:learning strategy; text comprehension; primary school;
- Summary/Abstract:Being a school psychologist I find interesting to search the correlation between the way of thinking of the primary school children, cognition skills, learning strategies and text comprehension accomplishment in the three different region. I would like to found out, how the primary school children can recognize and name their learning strategy, which strategies do they use when they learn new concepts, and how they apply it every day. In which way does their text comprehension skill contribute for reading could become a resource in gaining experience and forming their personality and individuality.
Szövegértés és mikrokörnyezet az erdélyi magyar diákok körében
Szövegértés és mikrokörnyezet az erdélyi magyar diákok körében
(Text Comprehension and Microenvironment of Transylvanian Hungarian Students)
- Author(s):Erzsébet-Emese Gergely
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:109-134
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:text comprehension; microenvironment; learning/teaching process; ethno-linguistic minority community;
- Summary/Abstract:The learning/teaching process never goes on amid perfect circumstances with ideal teachers and students, but with a certain social background, that influences both the process of learning and its institutional conditions. The success of learning is highly influenced by the “language” – as the one taught and asked by teachers, as a skill to be learned by students. Our researching work focuses on the reading- and text understanding skills of Transylvanian Hungarian students from Romania, who are learning in Hungarian language, in mostly because they are not the part of national and international evaluations, being underrepresented in the Romanian PISA-researches and their data gets lost between Romanian students data. My essay studies the classical variables of the social background(as sex, parents education, reading habits) and also the connections between the lingual environment and learning achievements (bilingual environment being a special condition of students living as members of a ethno-linguistic minority community).
Pályaválasztás és pályakép vizsgálata a XI. osztályosok körében
Pályaválasztás és pályakép vizsgálata a XI. osztályosok körében
(An Analysis of Career Options and Career Representations of 9th Graders)
- Author(s):Erzsébet Szentes
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Sociology of Education
- Page Range:135-147
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:career options; 9th graders;
- Summary/Abstract:In the national research regarding 9th graders’ reading and text interpretation skills, we have included questions that referred to their future career options and representations. Based on the answers provided by pupils we attempt to analyse their views upon different professions, their representations of different careers and occupations, their future options. We also study the degree to which they know the in-depth features of different professions, approaching issues of successful career options.
A vizsgálati minta és statisztikai elemzése
A vizsgálati minta és statisztikai elemzése
(Analysis and Interpretation of a Statistical Sample)
- Author(s):Katalin Harangus
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Education, Sociology
- Page Range:149-169
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:statistical sample; reading comprehension; contingency table;
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of the study is the statistical analysis of the data referring to reading comprehension. Creating the database is to identify the research variables and introduce the data into computer generally derived from the questionnaires. To facilitate data entry and limit the likelihood of errors in data encoding is done usually by associating numerical symbols for each choice. This coding depends much on the type of scale used. For these reasons, the coding of responses in this work is approached in parallel with the input into the computer. After the data were collected they should be organized. These procedures can be done in numerical form, or tabular form. Absolute frequency distribution tables allows us to identify shared values as a variable. After mathematical-statistical processing the data, the focus was on research by analysis on contingency tables. This paper describes the basics of theory and practical applications of contingency table.
Melléklet - szövegértés
Melléklet - szövegértés
(Annexes ─ Reading Comprehension)
- Contributor(s):Rita Pletl (Editor)
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:171-217
- No. of Pages:47
A kötet szerzői
A kötet szerzői
(About the Authors)
- Contributor(s):Rita Pletl (Editor)
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:227-228
- No. of Pages:2