Soknyelvűség és többnyelvűség Európában. 2017. május 25–27., Marosvásárhely
Multilingualism and Plurilingualism in Europe. 25-27 May 2017, Târgu Mureş
Contributor(s): Rita Pletl (Editor), Gabriella Kovács (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: Multilingualism; Plurilingualism; Europe; Transylvania
Summary/Abstract: Multilingualism and Plurilingualism in Europe is the fourth event (TRANS-LINGUISTICA 4.) of a series of international conferences started in 2011. Consistency and variety can be observed in this sequence of conferences. Consistency is reflected in the main concept which has not changed along the years: we believe that in a plurilingual and multicultural Europe cultural interaction and multilingualism are values worth preserving and cultivating. By organizing four language sections, we intended to offer participants the opportunity to hold their presentation in one of the languages spoken in Transylvania (Romanian, Hungarian, and German), or in English, which made it possible for them to join the European academic discourse. The topics of the conference try to ensure a consistent but also dynamic frame for presenting and discussing various subjects. The permanent topics (mother-tongue language pedagogy and foreign language teaching, the theory and practice of translation) represent consistency, while the new ones (the tradition of multilingualism in the European culture, language use, and language contact) bring current issues, allowing the presentation of research topics from different academic disciplines, new research methods and practices, and the discussion of practical experience.The conference proceedings volume entitled Multilingualism and Plurilingualism in Europe contains the written versions of selected contributions presented during the conference with the same title, held in May 2017. The structure of this volume replicates the plurality of the languages involved; its four large chapters have been designed on the criteria of the languages of presentations: English, Romanian, Hungarian, and German. The papers reflect the methodological and thematic variety of the conference presentations related to the announced topics. The volume does not include all the presentations either because some of the presenters targeted only the participants or because some papers did not fit our editorial policies.The conference was organized by the Department of Applied Linguistics, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Târgu-Mureș.
Series: Műhely
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-975-028-5
- Page Count: 310
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Romanian, Hungarian
Kontaktusjelenségek vizsgálata a külső régiók magyar nyelvváltozataiban és a Termini magyar–magyar szótár
Kontaktusjelenségek vizsgálata a külső régiók magyar nyelvváltozataiban és a Termini magyar–magyar szótár
(Researching Issues of Language Contact in the Hungarian Variants Spoken in Countries Neighbouring Hungary Using the Termini Online Dictionary and Database)
- Author(s):Attila Benő
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:15-25
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:language contact; Termini online dictionary and database;
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the possibilities for researching phenomena of language contact in Hungarian variants spoken in the states neighbouring Hungary, focusing on the Termini online dictionary and database. The lexicographical database is edited online in 7 countries, and it makes possible the study of direct and indirect linguistic influences in context, as they can be noted in the Hungarian variants spoken in bilingual contexts. As the lexicographical items of the dictionary contain abundant information about stylistic value, meaning, usage, and etymological issues, the database can also be used efficiently in sociolinguistic, lexical, descriptive linguistic, and stylistic studies.
Román eredetű kicsinyítő képzős származékok az Erdélyi Magyar Szótörténeti Tárban
Román eredetű kicsinyítő képzős származékok az Erdélyi Magyar Szótörténeti Tárban
(Diminutive Suffixes Of Romanian Origin in the Historical Dictionary of the Hungarian Language in Transylvania)
- Author(s):Borbála Zsemlyei
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:27-33
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Historical Dictionary of the Hungarian Language in Transylvania;
- Summary/Abstract:Diminutive suffixes form a special category within the system of denominal suffixes. Their function is not primarily the formation of a new word but to suggest some semantic nuances, wherefore diminutives are not typical suffixes. As a result, diminutives are wide-spread in various languages; however, their occurrence, productivity, and structuredness varies. The analyses of such nouns that contain a -ka morpheme but their meaning has nothing in common from a historic point of view with the notion of smallness (and are not lexicalized), is so problematic that one might come to the conclusion that this suffix (due to foreign influence) is a simple denominal suffix, it is only homonymous with the diminutive. In the Hungarian language used in Transylvania, the ending of some Romanian loanwords is considered to be a diminutive, although in the source language it has no such function. A good example for this are the entry words subica, subika of The Historical Dictionary of the Hungarian Language in Transylvania, as their meaning is “small fur coat”, whereas in the source language it has the meaning of “short fur coat”. So, a group of phonemes is attributed the function of a morpheme that is absent in Romanian.
Egy nyelvjárássziget jellegének vizsgálata hangstatisztikai módszerrel
Egy nyelvjárássziget jellegének vizsgálata hangstatisztikai módszerrel
(A Study of the Aspects of a Language Enclave Using the Method of Sound Statistics)
- Author(s):Csaba Attila Both
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:35-49
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:European plurilingualism; sound statistics method;
- Summary/Abstract:European plurilingualism is multifaceted, and it includes a wide range of language varieties as well. One such type of language variety is represented by dialects as the most basic, collective form of speech. The Hungarian language lists several dialectal varieties: the ones that differ from others not only linguistically but in the aspects of settlement and social history are the most interesting.In my paper, I discuss Hungarian-language enclaves using the method of sound statistics to see how it can be shown that a particular settlement or research point (in our case, Magyardécse from the Mezőség region) differs significantly from the language varieties spoken around it, and thus it can be considered an enclave.
Automatikus szótárépítés kisebbségi finnugor nyelvekre
Automatikus szótárépítés kisebbségi finnugor nyelvekre
(Creating Automatic Dictionaries for Finno-Ugric Minority Languages)
- Author(s):Eszter Simon, Iván Mittelholcz, Zsanett Ferenczi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:53-64
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Finno-Ugric minority languages; automatic dictionaries
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, we present a project whose objective is to provide linguistically-based support for several Finno-Ugric digital communities in generating online content. By applying automatic dictionary-creating methods, we created bilingual dictionaries for six small Finno-Ugric languages (Udmurt, Komi-Permyak, Komi-Zyrian, Hill Mari, Meadow Mari, and Northern Sami) paired with four thriving languages which are important for these small communities (English, Finnish, Hungarian, and Russian). Since these minority languages are under-resourced languages, and standard dictionary-building methods require a large amount of pre-processed data, we had to find alternative methods. In a thorough evaluation, we compare the results for each method, focusing on the language pairs where Northern Sami is the source language. By generating online content, we aim to promote multilingualism and help revitalize the digital functions of these Finno-Ugric languages.
A tolmácsolás sötét oldala
A tolmácsolás sötét oldala
(The Dark Side of Interpreting)
- Author(s):Krisztina Sárosi-Márdirosz
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:65-75
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:escort interpreting
- Summary/Abstract:The paper intends to deal with one of the major issues of escort interpreting. The paper presents the possibilities of interpreting words and phrases belonging to the vulgar register of the source language and the interpretation of non-verbal elements. The study would like to put this issue into a short theoretical framework, paying attention to these specific aspects of the work of interpreters during escort and liaison interpreting.
Az oktatás nyelvisége a romániai magyar tannyelvű szakképzésben
Az oktatás nyelvisége a romániai magyar tannyelvű szakképzésben
(The Language of Instruction in Hungarian-Language Vocational Training in Romania)
- Author(s):Rita Pletl
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:79-87
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:ungarian-Language Vocational Training in Romania
- Summary/Abstract:In my paper, I follow the development of the relationship between the language of instruction, the mother tongue, and the state language in Hungarian-language vocational training in Romania from the point of view of minority expectations (the possibility to learn in one’s mother tongue) within the objective conditions of the Romanian public education system. The issue of the language of instruction in the mother-tongue vocational training within the bilingual educational system can be emphasized for two reasons. On the one hand, the choice of the language of instruction (mother tongue or the state language) becomes a factor of career choice for Transylvanian students, while the mother-tongue acquisition of the different special languages can curb or stop the functional loss of language, on the other.
Pragmatikai jelölők stilisztikai funkciói
Pragmatikai jelölők stilisztikai funkciói
(Stylistic functions of elements with pragmatic content)
- Author(s):Réka Suba
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:89-96
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:pragmatic content;linguistic signs
- Summary/Abstract:The relationship between linguistic signs and users, the communicative approach to language, the fundamental link between text and its interpreter, the role of linguistic elements that contribute to the connection between text and its cognitive structure are all issues that have an important role in the description, analysis, and interpretation of texts and the delimitation of all kinds of textual features. This becomes even more evident with informative media texts, where referential function and text informativity are realized by the correct positioning and identification of the recipient of the new elements, in opposition to the background elements, both with regard to theme and rheme relationship and to textual topic–textual focus relations.
Gulyás József költői nyelve az összegyűjtött versek negyedik kötetének1 szerkesztői konklúziói
Gulyás József költői nyelve az összegyűjtött versek negyedik kötetének1 szerkesztői konklúziói
(The Poetic Language of József Gulyás)
- Author(s):Erika Bence, Renáta Romoda
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:97-109
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:József Gulyás; Vojvodina
- Summary/Abstract:József Gulyás (1937–2014) was a Hungarian poet from Vojvodina; his collected works were published by Életjel Publishing House. The poetic opus of 1,252 manuscript pages was published in four volumes, which ended a major and inspiring, half-a-decade long work. The author actively participated in the preparation of the first volume; unfortunately, he did not live to see its publication. The release of the subsequent volumes was ensured by the caretaker of his heritage (the first co-author of this study). The completion of the editing process presented an overall picture of Gulyás’s poetic world. The study examines the poet’s unique language and verse-constructing processes based on his polemics titled Arról miért nem tudok itt ma élni [On Why I Can Not Live Here Nowadays]. It is “a poem with a story”, a grand and unparalleled “reckoning” under the aegis of Hungarian poetry (from Vojvodina); a verse about poetry and poetic existence, while at the same time it is a fierce polemic, a kind of disassociation from current cultural politics, which in the 20th century can only be found in Attila József’s poetry. This study aims to explore and clarify the principles of these poetical and linguistic dictions.
Privire retrospectivă asupra funcţiilor limbii: interacţiunea
Privire retrospectivă asupra funcţiilor limbii: interacţiunea
(Retrospective View on Language Functions)
- Author(s):Doina Butiurcă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:113-117
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:interaction;language functions
- Summary/Abstract:The assertion we start from is that the origin of language was determined by its functions, manifested at the level of ontological reality and the relationship with society, thinking, and human spiritual life. In order to exchange information about the surrounding reality, reflected at the level of conscience, in order to communicate, humans instrumentalized language. The research objectives are: to carry out a retrospective study of the functions of language, especially of the phatic function, from the perspective of the process of communication and knowledge. The research method is descriptive-linguistic and analytical. The general conclusion of the research is that, through language, nature itself was removed from under the sign of the instinctive and placed under the kingdom of reason, judgement, and, foremost, of human communication.
Elemente lingvistice maghiare în prima carte de bucate românească
Elemente lingvistice maghiare în prima carte de bucate românească
(Hungarian Lingustic Elements in the First Romanian Cookbook)
- Author(s):Imola Katalin Nagy
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:119-141
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Romanian cookbook
- Summary/Abstract:In this research, we analyse the language of the first Romanian cookbook, Mihail Kogălniceanu’s and Costache Negruzzi’s 200 de reţete cercate de bucate, prăjituri şi alte trebi gospodăreşti, printed in Iași in 1841. This is the very first volume of gastronomy written in Romanian. Our research has revealed a number of Hungarian loanwords, such as caralab (karalábé), puhav (puha), mai de gâscă (libamáj), hagimă (hagyma), etc. We attempt to find the cause of their occurrence, and we also try to identify the reasons for which this 1841 volume displays a large network of intertextual relations with a Hungarian cookbook, István Czifray’s Magyar nemzeti szakács könyv (Budapest, 1816).
A ierta e a iubi sau două verbe şi implicaţiile lor trans-culturale
A ierta e a iubi sau două verbe şi implicaţiile lor trans-culturale
(To Forgive Is to Love or Two Verbs and Their Trans-Cultural Implications)
- Author(s):Sorin Gheorghe Suciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:143-156
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:communion; forgiveness
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from one of Emanuil Gojdu’s affirmation, our paper tries to point out our humanity’s chronic need for communion by avoiding the false intercultural dialogue which is, in fact, a monologue of the one who, temporarily, holds a bit of power in this world which seems to be set on the way to self-destruction. In order to reach this noble goal, we are invoking inspiration, trying to ask – as Parsifal did – the right question, because its necessity and stringency are obvious nowadays. Thus, we are building our foundation on Paul Ricœur’s insights into the Golden Rule, trying to underline the way in which Europe’s actual problems could be mediated and solved through translation. We are also using Mihai Șora’s vision of the communication purpose’s fulfilment through true dialogue, which is communion.
Translating Caragiale – A utopian Endeavour? Case Study – Translating “Două Loturi” by I. L. Caragiale
Translating Caragiale – A utopian Endeavour? Case Study – Translating “Două Loturi” by I. L. Caragiale
(Translating Caragiale – A utopian Endeavour? Case Study – Translating “Două Loturi” by I. L. Caragiale)
- Author(s):Bianca Oana Han
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:159-166
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Caragiale; translation
- Summary/Abstract:It is widely accepted that the literary works most difficult to translate are the ones considered to embrace, to encompass the cultural essence of a people. This is one of the reasons why it seems to be fairly difficult, if not altogether impossible, to provide translated versions of certain authors in any language since translating them would imply altering, or shifting to a lesser or greater extent, the intended meaning implied by the author of the original. Together with the students of Applied Modern Languages at the Petru Maior University of Târgu-Mureș, we will try to render a reasonable “transdaptation” of a very difficult to translate literary work, i.e. “Două loturi” by I. L. Caragiale, in order to underline the challenges found upon translation.
The Difficulties of Translating the Specialized Language of Pyrotechnics from English into Hungarian
The Difficulties of Translating the Specialized Language of Pyrotechnics from English into Hungarian
(The Difficulties of Translating the Specialized Language of Pyrotechnics from English into Hungarian)
- Author(s):Balázs Rappert
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:167-183
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:specialized language; pyrotechnics
- Summary/Abstract:Our paper discusses the various difficulties a translator may encounter while trying to translate technical texts, especially those dealing with pyrotechnics and the manufacture of artisanal firework products. Such texts have a complex system of terms and expressions, which may prove difficult to understand, let alone translate without a deep understanding of the way these pyrotechnic devices function – even for a professional translator.The first (theoretical) part of our paper focuses on the linguistic characteristics of Languages Used for Special Purposes (frequently used as LSP in the paper) and certain methods and strategies of translation which may help make the translator’s work easier, such as corpus-translation, for example. Furthermore, we discuss frequent issues which arise in such specific scenarios, such as lack of terms of untranslatability.The second (practical) part of the paper is an analysis of a translated sample-text from George W. Weingart’s Pyrotechnics (a comprehensive guide/manual for professional firework-makers and pyrotechnicians). The translation of the 7-page document was done by a professional translator, and during our research we corrected and analysed the different terminological, grammatical, or contextual mistakes that were connected to the technical nature of the text; furthermore, we provided possible solutions for the correction of these mistakes.
An Analysis of Bilingual Interpreter Training
An Analysis of Bilingual Interpreter Training
(An Analysis Of Bilingual Interpreter Training)
- Author(s):Maria Augusta Szasz, Maria Cristina Olt
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:185-195
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:bilingual interpreter training
- Summary/Abstract:This paper shall focus on the general issues of bilingualism. It shall deal with the several definitions of bilingualism, present the types of bilingualisms as well as the ways and contexts in which one can become a bilingual. Stress will be laid on the sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic factors that determine bilingualism. Furthermore, it shall dwell on several theoretical aspects of interpreting the approach of the European institutions has on the matter and make the connection between bilingualism and interpreting. Both issues shall then be addressed from the perspective of an analysis of interpreter training and of both the local and the European professional market.
Language Technology Resources and Tools for Mansi
Language Technology Resources and Tools for Mansi
(Language Technology Resources And Tools For Mansi)
- Author(s):Csilla Horváth, Ágoston Nagy, Norbert Szilágyi, Veronika Vincze
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:199-208
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Mansi;Finno-Ugric;
- Summary/Abstract:In our paper, we offer an overview of language technology tools and resources (being) developed for an endangered minority language, Mansi, a Finno-Ugric language spoken in Western Siberia, Russia. We pay special attention to lexical resources and morphological analysers, and we also briefly present our efforts to contribute to the field of Mansi language technology. Instead of starting from the larger dictionaries compiled by European researchers, we decided to begin our work with the smaller but more actively used dictionaries published by Mansi researchers. The beta version of the online Mansi dictionary now contains approximately 15,000 entries, while another lexical resource, a wordnet is also being constructed for Mansi. We chose to create a new morphological analyser for Mansi from scratch. From among the many currently available finite-state transducers, the HFST standard was chosen in order that the analyser could be integrated into the framework which is used at the GiellaTekno website. In order to test our morphological tools, we have started to create a Mansi corpus which consists of the articles published in the Mansi newspaper Luima Seripos from 2013.
Pitfalls and Perils of the Subtitle Translations in Some Slavic Languages
Pitfalls and Perils of the Subtitle Translations in Some Slavic Languages
(Pitfalls and Perils of the Subtitle Translations in Some Slavic Languages)
- Author(s):Kristýna Dufková
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:209-216
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Slavic Languages; subtitle translations
- Summary/Abstract:The issue of subtitle translation has received considerable critical attention in recent years. Thus, we deal in our article with the issue of subtitle translation from the Macedonian language into the Czech language. The methodological approach taken in this study is based on the well-known Skopos Theory. We focus on the linguistic areas that arise during the process of the translation from South Slavic to West Slavic languages. The key topics to be considered are as follows: firstly, translating the pronoun “You”, then how to translate not identical cultural reference of the words, how to cope with intentionally “non-understandable” dialogues, and the preservation of the language ridiculousness. The main aim of this paper is to explain some of the cross-cultural linguistic difficulties using the examples of the official Czech subtitles in Macedonian films, e.g. Mountain of Wrath, Punk’s Not Dead, Three Days in September, The Piano Room and To the Hilt.
Linguasap Language Centre – Results and Perspectives
Linguasap Language Centre – Results and Perspectives
(Linguasap Language Centre – Results and Perspectives)
- Author(s):Gabriella Kovács
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:219-227
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:LinguaSap Language Centre
- Summary/Abstract:The LinguaSap Language Centre is the language assessment centre of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. Its main purpose is to offer examinations and language courses in English and German languages and certificates required for the bachelor state examinations and master’s studies. The centre aims to ensure a reliable and modern assessment of examinees’ language skills (listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking). The purpose of this study is a comparative analysis and evaluation of the test results of different departments achieved in English language examinations between 2012 and 2017. Test results can be regarded as much an assessment of the teaching process as of the learning outcomes. Therefore, we believe that they can help teachers to decide whether their work has been effective, and they might help to highlight what needs to be reviewed or reorganized regarding curriculum development for different departments.
Teaching the Present Perfect to Native Hungarian Learners
Teaching the Present Perfect to Native Hungarian Learners
(Teaching the Present Perfect to Native Hungarian Learners)
- Author(s):Tünde Nagy
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:229-240
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Present Perfect; Native Hungarian Learners
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper focuses on the challenges native Hungarian speakers face during the acquisition of the Present Perfect, and at the same time it reflects on the methods that would be suitable for teaching the Present Perfect to them. Taking into consideration the fact that in Hungarian one and the same verb form can have different aspectual values (perfect, perfective, or imperfective) depending on several segmental and suprasegmental factors (such as the presence of verb particles, the type of the direct object, or the use of adverbials but also focus, stress, and word order) and that there is no specific verb form that would correspond to the Present Perfect, the struggle of native Hungarian learners with this tense-aspectual form is not difficult to understand. After briefly presenting the values of the Present Perfect and the way they are expressed in Hungarian, the paper presents the results of a questionnaire on the uses of the Present Perfect filled out by native Hungarian speakers, students at Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. The paper stresses the importance of combining deductive and inductive methods when teaching the values of the Present Perfect to native Hungarian learners.
A Logical Approach to English Hypothetical Constructions
A Logical Approach to English Hypothetical Constructions
(A Logical Approach to English Hypothetical Constructions)
- Author(s):Attila Imre
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:241-261
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:English Hypothetical Constructions
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper deals with English hypothetical constructions starting from a non-native perspective, highlighting Hungarian suffixes that may lead to hypotheticals in translation. As results show, the understanding and correct use of English hypotheticals is below expectations among non-native speakers (intermediate to advanced level), and we would like to offer a more logical approach to them by applying the description of Michael Lewis on English verbs and the concept of remoteness. We tend to think that reconsidering English verb forms and functions is necessary, which leads to the close relationship between verbs, tenses, conditional structures, hypothetical constructions, and modal verbs. The conclusion focuses on the importance of hypotheticals in present-day English, offering samples from authentic multimedia sources.
Responsible for success? Schoolscape tales about teaching different languages in Hungarian minority schools in Romania
Responsible for success? Schoolscape tales about teaching different languages in Hungarian minority schools in Romania
(Responsible for success? Schoolscape tales about teaching different languages in Hungarian minority schools in Romania)
- Author(s):Enikő Biró
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:265-278
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Schoolscape tale; Hungarian minority school
- Summary/Abstract:The study of linguistic landscape becomes important in societies where communities with different linguistic-cultural background live together. The linguistic landscape of a school, the schoolscape, is determined by the presence of many languages in a minority setting. The present research investigates the relationships between language teaching, language teaching ideologies, and teachers’ beliefs within the linguistic landscape of Hungarian medium and Romanian-Hungarian mixed medium schools in three towns in the middle of Romania, Covasna County, collecting qualitative data through interviews with language teachers and taking photos. In this study, the examination of schoolscape element varieties and of their reflection of language ideologies through the different examples of teaching languages has been the main aim. Schoolscapes outline a multilingual environment (Hungarian-Romanian-English) which has been building up lately. One important outcome of this study is the demonstration of different language ideologies and language policies present in schoolscapes. The study also presents the role of these schoolscapes in the successful process of learning languages.
On Shifting Languages and Moving Ideologies in Migrant Code-Switching
On Shifting Languages and Moving Ideologies in Migrant Code-Switching
(On Shifting Languages and Moving Ideologies in Migrant Code-Switching)
- Author(s):Mustapha Aabi, Lalla Asmae Karama
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:279-292
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Migrant Code-Switching
- Summary/Abstract:As a form of social behaviour, migrant code-switching (MCS) accommodates a variety of discourses that are imbued with the ideology of the social, cultural and institutional systems. The argument goes that MCS is a socio-ideologically determined process of cross-cultural encounter of different languages, cultures, social, political, and moral systems. We will argue that the prospect of a culturally determined view of language is considerably useful to the understanding of this contact phenomenon. It enables us to relate the mass of knowledge we possess under the heading of cultural studies to the MCS occurrence itself. This study aims to trace the socio-ideological manifestations of this type of language negotiation, particularly in the act of greeting, whereby switching occurs between Moroccan Arabic (MA) and English among the Moroccan migrant community in London. In the process, we will describe and explain how greetings are constituted in the MCS context.
A kötet szerzői
A kötet szerzői
(About the Authors)
- Contributor(s):Rita Pletl (Editor), Gabriella Kovács (Editor)
- Language:English, Romanian, Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:303-308
- No. of Pages:6