Studia Theologica Doctoralia vol. XIV.
De la lumina rugăciunii la teologia luminii. Aspecte ale cercetării doctorale actuale
Studia Theologica Doctoralia vol. XIV.
From the light of prayer to the theology of light. Aspects of Current Doctoral Research
Contributor(s): Viorel Sava (Editor), Pablo Argárate (Editor), Jack Khalil (Editor), Vantsos Miltiadis (Editor), Gabriel-Alin Piștea (Editor)
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Religion and science , Sociology of Religion, History of Religion, Psychology of Religion
Published by: Editura Doxologia
Keywords: International Symposium "Studia Theologica Doctoralia"; the light of theology; faith; salvation; Theology and Religion;
Summary/Abstract: Part of the works in this volume were presented at the 14th edition of the "Studia Theologica Doctoralia" International Symposium, organized by the Doctoral School of the "Dumitru Staniloae" Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the "Alexandru Ion Cuza" University from Iași, in partnership with the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Graz, Austria, with the "Saint John Damascene" Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the Balamand University, Lebanon, and with the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the "Aristotle" University Thessaloniki, Greece, under the patronage and blessing of the Metropolitanate of Moldova and Bucovina, Ia, May 9-10, 2022.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-9746-
- Print-ISBN-10: 978-606-9746-
- Page Count: 734
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English, Romanian, French
A Textual-Critical Study and Interpretation of the Liturgical Response
A Textual-Critical Study and Interpretation of the Liturgical Response
(A Textual-Critical Study and Interpretation of the Liturgical Response)
- Author(s):Jack Khalil
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies, Hermeneutics, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:11-25
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Byzantine Liturgy; Eucharistic Anaphora; Sacrifices; Textual Criticism; Old Testament Theology; Liturgy and Bible;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper explores the hermeneutical background of the response to the final diaconal acclamation prior to the initiatory dialogue of the Eucharistic anaphora currently used in both Eucharistic formularies of the Orthodox Church, those of St Basil and St John Chrysostom. Specifically, this study examines the response, «Ἔλεον εἰρήνης, θυσίαναἰνέσεως», to diaconal command, «Στῶμεν καλῶς· στῶμεν μετὰ φόβου· πρόσχωμεν τὴν ἁγίανἀναφορὰν ἐν εἰρήνῃ προσφέρειν». After presenting the historical data and variants of the above response (as found in patristic quotes, liturgical commentaries, manuscript variants, ancient Latin translations and other Eucharistic formularies such as the Hagiopolite Liturgy of St James), this study provides an outline of the way in which contemporary experts in the field of liturgiology have understood this phrase. To follow, this paper explores the syntactical structure of the response in relation to the preceding acclamation. Particular analysis will be made of the grammatical and syntactical use of the present, active, infinitive«προσφέρειν». Finally, this paper demonstrates that the response in its current form offers a specific biblical hermeneutical understanding of the Eucharistic oblation (anaphora) in relation to the Old Testament sacrificial offerings.
- Price: 4.50 €
Patterns of Repentance in Luke’s Gospel, underlined in Prayers of Preparation to receive Holy Communion
Patterns of Repentance in Luke’s Gospel, underlined in Prayers of Preparation to receive Holy Communion
(Patterns of Repentance in Luke’s Gospel, underlined in Prayers of Preparation to receive Holy Communion)
- Author(s):Ilie Melniciuc-Puică
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies
- Page Range:26-41
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Luke’s Gospel; Sinful woman; prodigal son; publicain; good thief;
- Summary/Abstract:The Gospel of Luke, with its universal message addressed to Jews and Gentiles alike, has been an “invitation” to Christian introspection and fortification. Christian cultic ministry has recorded the reception of the biblical text in its most condensed form, the history of the reception of the biblical text being carefully filtered. This study traces how events recorded in the Gospel of Luke have become paradigms of repentance over time in the preparation of the believer for Holy Communion. We have, therefore, the 24 chapters of St. Luke's Gospel and the 12 prayers preceding Holy Communion. Word-marks introduce the reader to the state of mind of the sinful woman, the prodigal son, the tax collector Zacchaeus and the robber (κακοῦργος) who has “repented”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Un demers exegetic contemporan: analiza expresiei „sânul lui Avraam”
Un demers exegetic contemporan: analiza expresiei „sânul lui Avraam”
(A contemporary exegetical approach: analysis of the expression "Abraham's bosom")
- Author(s):Cezar-Paul Hârlăoanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Theology and Religion, Lexis, Biblical studies
- Page Range:42-54
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Abraham’s bossom; eternal life; parable; cheq; sonship;
- Summary/Abstract:In the Orthodox funeral service is used the expression „Abraham’s bossom”. Borrowed from Luke’s gospel, mainly the parable of rich man and Lazarus, the expression itself speaks about eternal life. Actually, the entire parable the opposition between good and bad, between rich and poor, between believers and non-believers. But above all this, this expression comes with a very powerful meaning: the eternal life means being hold, being tight to the chest by God the Father.
- Price: 4.50 €
Coordonate exegetice pe marginea unui text controversat: Iezechiel 20, 25
Coordonate exegetice pe marginea unui text controversat: Iezechiel 20, 25
(Exegetical coordinates on a controversial text: Jezekiel 20, 25)
- Author(s):Marius Magherca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies, History of Religion
- Page Range:55-64
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:the prophet Ezekiel; Law of Moses; traditions of the nations; idolatry; blessing;
- Summary/Abstract:Dans cette étude j’ai essayé de déchiffrer l’un des plus difficiles textes du livre duprophète Ezéchiel (20,25), qui a soulevé de nombreuses controverses dans le groupe desexégètes juifs, mais aussi parmi les exégètes chrétiens. Le verset fait partie d’un amplediscours où le prophète expose une véritable « théologie de l’histoire » du peuple d’Israël, secondé de moments de chute de celui-ci qui sont gravement sanctionnés. Le message de Dieu transmis par l’intermédiaire d’Ezéchiel ne peut être déchiffré que dans la lumière de lacompréhension exacte de la Loi mosaïque qui est « pédagogue vers le Christ » (Gal. 3,24).
- Price: 4.50 €
Modul de raportare al Sfântului Grigorie Palama la Sfânta Scriptură
Modul de raportare al Sfântului Grigorie Palama la Sfânta Scriptură
(How St. Gregory Palamas relates to Holy Scripture)
- Author(s):Sofian Gaman
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies
- Page Range:65-75
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Saint Gregory Palamas; Holy Scripture; biblical quotations; revelation; personal aproach;
- Summary/Abstract:Regarding the way Saint Gregory Palamas interacts with the Holy Scripture we notice that he is similar to other Great Fathers of the Church before him, for the reason that, when he refers to the word of God expressed in the Scriptures, he constantly seeks the correct exposition of the dogmas or the spiritual benefit of his readers; and he is not concerned about doing critical exegesis on the text. This study presents some particular aspects which reveal the mode Saint Gregory Palamas approaches the Holy Scripture: the view on the corpus of the writings contained in the Holy Scripture as a unitary whole, the adjectives used for describing the Scripture, the quotation from the text or the simple references to a certain passage, the revealing character of the Bible and the authority of its content and the personal interaction of Saint Gregory Palamas with the truth expressed by the Holy Scripture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Călătoria Sf. Pavel în Arabia (Gal. 1, 15-17): scop, durată, importanță
Călătoria Sf. Pavel în Arabia (Gal. 1, 15-17): scop, durată, importanță
(St. Paul's journey to Arabia (Gal. 1, 15-17): purpose, duration, importance)
- Author(s):Andrei Zlăvog
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies
- Page Range:76-82
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Acts of the Apostles; Arabia; conversion; Damascus; Epistle to the Galatians; Jesus; Paul; revelation;
- Summary/Abstract:The call of Paul by Christ to the apostolate, but also the reception of this call, are essential moments in the complex process of transforming a candidate into an apostle. Stating that “...the most important ones did not add anything to my Gospel” Gal. 2: 6b, it is necessary to find out the way in which Paul came into possession of the evangelical truths, after the moment of conversion, which is also the moment of his call to the apostolate. By other means and under other conditions, Paul enjoyed a training similar to that of the Twelve. Considering that the Apostle's training took place over a longer period of time,beginning with the time of revelation on the road to Damascus, a period omitted entirely byLuke in Acts 9, but mentioned by Paul in Gal. 1:17b, this research seeks to determine thepurpose, duration and significance of Paul's journey to Arabia.Comparative analysis of the comments on the Acts of the Apostles by Craig Keener,N.T. Wright, Ajith Fernando and the comments on the Epistle to the Galatians by VasileMihoc and Mihai Ciurea, provide pertinent answers to the unknown aspects of St. Paul'spresence in Arabia, proving through indisputable testimonies the divine origin of theapostolate and the evangelical message.
- Price: 4.50 €
Symeon. The “New Theologian”. A Sign of Contradiction
Symeon. The “New Theologian”. A Sign of Contradiction
(Symeon. The “New Theologian”. A Sign of Contradiction)
- Author(s):Pablo Argárate
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies
- Page Range:83-90
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Holy Spirit; Symeon the “New Theologian”; prayer; vision of light; possession of the Spirit; transformation;
- Summary/Abstract:Symeon is representative of Christian maximalism, which makes no concessions to human weakness. Preacher of the μετάνοια, in love with Christ, he directs himself entirely to the vision of God or the vision of light. Therefore, on every page of his writing, he never tires of asking his readers and listeners to renounce everything in order to receive the Holy Spirit. Only through the possession of the Spirit is the perfect transformation to be achieved, which makes us into gods.
- Price: 4.50 €
Man as co-creator Theological presuppositions of the ethics of reproduction
Man as co-creator Theological presuppositions of the ethics of reproduction
(Man as co-creator Theological presuppositions of the ethics of reproduction)
- Author(s):Vantsos Miltiadis
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Philosophy, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Biblical studies, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:91-98
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:human reproduction; creation of life; marriage; abortion; infertility; assisted reproduction; orthodox ethics;
- Summary/Abstract:While God is the creator and giver of life, man can become co-creator in having offspring by following His command to “increase and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen 1: 28). Man's synergy in the creation of life is expressed by the free will of the future parents and is reflected in the resemblance between the parents and the child, due to the laws of heredity. Parenthood is therefore not determined solely by God, but it is also shaped by man based on his personal desires and goals. At the same time the notion of man as a cocreator indicates that his reproductive freedom should be in accordance with divine providence and wisdom. Therefore, procreation should not only be understood as a personal right, but also as a significant responsibility, both towards God and the child who comes into existence. The theological understanding of man as co-creator allow us to come to some conclusions regarding the ethics of termination of the unborn human life through abortion, and the human desire to overcome the obstacle of infertility through the methods of assisted reproduction.
- Price: 4.50 €
Saint Syméon le nouveau théologien et Saint Grégoire Palamas, les Pères fondateurs de l’hésychasme
Saint Syméon le nouveau théologien et Saint Grégoire Palamas, les Pères fondateurs de l’hésychasme
(Saint Symeon the New Theologian and Saint Gregory Palamas, the Founding Fathers of Hesychasm)
- Author(s):Fadi Giorgi Porphyrios
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Theology and Religion, Religion and science , Biblical studies, History of Religion
- Page Range:99-117
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Hesychasm; Pray; Uncreated Light; Eternal life; Christology; Kingdom of God; Glory of God; Anthropology;
- Summary/Abstract:Two saints, Symeon the New Theologian and Gregory Palamas, played a crucial role in reviving Patristic theology during the period preceding the Great Captivity of Constantinople. Both monastic writers are known as the theologians of the Uncreated Light and they remain among the most prominent spokesmen for Orthodox theology until our times. Even though three hundred years separate them, one finds in the writings of Saint Gregory an organic continuity of Saint Symeon’s teaching. This text explores Palamas’ reception of the New Theologian’s theology and the continuity between the teachings of these two leading figures of Christian spirituality which results in shaping the self-consciousness of Hesychasm.
- Price: 4.50 €
Church and Change with a Special Focus on the Romanian Institutional Ecclesiology
Church and Change with a Special Focus on the Romanian Institutional Ecclesiology
(Church and Change with a Special Focus on the Romanian Institutional Ecclesiology)
- Author(s):Dan Sandu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, History of Church(es), Special Historiographies:, Theology and Religion, History of Communism, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:118-141
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Orthodox Church; change; theology; Romanian history; Church history; communism; secularisation;
- Summary/Abstract:Pre present context views the Church as a construct of human mind, promoting religiosity and a certain ritual (mostly needed by the people with no reference to a living God) whose main role is to provide social services in a given society, or, in a more plastic exposure, "the club of Christ". And this is in general accurate given that she passed through history making use of the same means and instruments of any human organisation. Her transcendent dimension was entrusted to the mystical minds and liturgists who defined her as a boat of salvation and the foretasting of the Kingdom. Is such an institution subject to change? If yes, what can be changed and when, in what extent and for what length? The study aims at a few attempts to accept change as a form of subsistence. The faithful have their own expectations from the main Church, the experiences of the Romanian Church members abroad bring new challenges facing this conservative institution. One cannot speak of real change, but rather an adaptation to the new context where the mythical approach of religion leaves more room for the rational approach and even to the pluralistic one. This is presented as the normal evolution of the future religion which expects to be more spiritual than institutional, in line with the new discoveries of neuroscience, evolution and hard sciences, towards an integral (even super-integral) approach.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rugăciunea și comuniunea omului cu Dumnezeu
Rugăciunea și comuniunea omului cu Dumnezeu
(Prayer and human communion with God)
- Author(s):Ilche Micevski-Ignat
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:142-153
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:prayer; communion; God; Justin Popovich; Dumitru Stăniloae; Christ; Church;
- Summary/Abstract:Man is created for communion with God. Communion with God is essential to man's spiritual life and salvation. If man does not maintain his communion with God, he moves away not only from God but also from those close to him. Removal from God creates a meaningless life, and man is left with only the meaning and purpose of material and transient things. In addition to the many virtues that the Christian has as a means of salvation, prayer is one of them through which man returns to God or remains in constant communion with Him. Prayer is the virtue that keeps man close to God. Through prayer, man is in a dialogue with God and is always close to God. Prayer to God and communion with God are not excluded, but are an essential part of the relationship between God and man.
- Price: 4.50 €
Youakim Moubarak: Vers Une Libération De La Théologie Du Salut
Youakim Moubarak: Vers Une Libération De La Théologie Du Salut
(Youakim Mubarak: Towards a Liberation from the Theology of Salvation)
- Author(s):Rita Faraj
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Islam studies
- Page Range:154-174
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Christianity; Islam; Dialogue; Vatican II; Abrahamic; Theology of Salvation; Religious Pluralism;
- Summary/Abstract:The present study sheds light on priest Youakim Moubarak, as an important theologian and islamologist, in the Maronite church as well as in the Arab world and Europe. This study presents two angles: first, the Christian - Muslim dialogue in the Moubarak’s theory. Second, his thoughts on freedom from “theology of salvation” and the openness to theology of “religious pluralism”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Invocarea numelui divinității în rugăciune. Isihasm vs. mistica Bhakti
Invocarea numelui divinității în rugăciune. Isihasm vs. mistica Bhakti
(Invoking the name of the deity in prayer. Isihasm vs. Bhakti mysticism)
- Author(s):Gheorghe Mihalache
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, Other Christian Denominations
- Page Range:175-186
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:prayer; divine name; hesychasm; mysticism; Bakhti Mysticism; Christianity;
- Summary/Abstract:The divine name or the name of the divinity represents a cardinal element of particular importance for a religious system. The invocation of the divine name legitimizes the relationship that the Divinity has with the one who recognizes it as the source and target of his spiritual becoming. Hesychasm, characterized by withdrawal and the practice of prayer of the heart, can be for contemporary man a testimony of the presence of divine grace in the life of the world. As for Eastern Christianity, hesychasm created a school of spiritual vision, by saying the name of the Named Son of God, in the Far East, a testimony of the relationship with the divine, by saying his name in chants, is Bakhti Mysticism. Our approach aims to identify the differences and similarities between the practice of uttering the name of Jesus Christ, as an essential element in Hesychasm, and the practice of invoking the name of divinities promoted within Bakhti Mysticism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Implicații bioetice în intervențiile medicale specifice persoanelor transgender
Implicații bioetice în intervențiile medicale specifice persoanelor transgender
(Bioethical implications of transgender-specific medical interventions)
- Author(s):Ionuț-Paul Anea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Sociology, Theology and Religion, Health and medicine and law, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:187-200
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:transgender people; hormone therapies; genital surgeries; specific psychotherapies; sexual integrity;
- Summary/Abstract:In the desire for an anatomical conformation to the gender that certain transgender people claim to have, they resort to modern medical technology. These interventions mainly refer to hormone therapies, genital surgeries and specific psychotherapies. The principles of Christian bioethics that aim at the uniqueness and integrity of the human person, his dichotomous structure, his psycho-physical well-being are the basis for accepting or not any medical intervention on the human person. Mainly, Christian bioethics considers a few references: the cause, the way and especially the purpose for which a person requests or requires a certain medical act. Christianity has always viewed with aversion and canonically sanctioned any mutilation of the person's body, the famous case of the castration of Origen being well known. Preserving bodily sexual integrity is a Christian bioethical principle, given the sacredness of the human body, "the temple of the Holy Spirit" (I Cor. 6:19). Interventions that can be accepted aim at the same principles that reject unnatural medical interventions. The cause that determines the desire for such an intervention is pursued, if this cause is a just one and in accordance with Christian ethics; likewise, the way in which it is intervened, as well as the purpose for which it is intervened, being accepted only the therapeutic medical interventions, those interventions that seek to restore the affected psycho-physical health (for example, reparative surgery of genital malformations).
- Price: 4.50 €
Rugăciunea în educația religioasă act de cunoaștere a lui Dumnezeu și sfințire a elevilor
Rugăciunea în educația religioasă act de cunoaștere a lui Dumnezeu și sfințire a elevilor
(Prayer in religious education as an act of knowledge of God and sanctification of students)
- Author(s):Camelia-Maria Angheluș
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Theology and Religion, Adult Education, Sociology of Religion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:201-210
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:prayer; religious education; practical dimension of faith; the crisis of icons in school; functional religious culture;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article I tried to present the prayer as the rising of the soul to God and also as a secret conversation between man and God, representing the practical dimension of faith because in that moment you are in front of God, sharing his presence. The prayer as a formal act, even in the educational context, only makes sense when we see it as a preliminary stage of honest, hear felt prayer. For the religious education teacher, the prayer represents calling God among them, it is the help he asks for from the One he serves. Without praying, the religious education class would be as any other class, remaining strictly limited to the informative dimension. Without our personal relationship with God through praying, faith remains at the level of theoretical knowledge and conviction. The prayer adds a plus of religious depth to morality, which attracts the manifestation of God’s love in the life of the believer.
- Price: 4.50 €
Întrebarea cu privire la sensul vieții ca prilej de a ne întâlni cu noi înșine, cu Dumnezeu, și cu semenii. Analiza unor reflecții filosofice din perspectiva teologiei ortodoxe
Întrebarea cu privire la sensul vieții ca prilej de a ne întâlni cu noi înșine, cu Dumnezeu, și cu semenii. Analiza unor reflecții filosofice din perspectiva teologiei ortodoxe
(The question of the meaning of life as an opportunity to encounter ourselves, God, and our fellow human beings. Analysis of philosophical reflections from the perspective of Orthodox theology)
- Author(s):Ciprian Apostol
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Special Branches of Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Philosophy of Religion
- Page Range:211-223
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:meaning of life; indifference to life; philosophical interrogation; sceptical attitude; Christian interrogation; threefold-meetin;
- Summary/Abstract:Today, when questioning the meaning of life, we identify certain attitudes. In the following lines, I propose to specify some of these attitudes, which I will later analyse from a theological point of view, highlighting the specifics of Christian thought regarding the aforementioned question. On the one hand, the inspiration for such an approach came after reading the first part of the last paper published by the Member of the Romanian Academy Ștefan Afloroaei, Despre simțul vieții [‘On the meaning of life’], entitled, „Din nou întrebarea cu privire la sensul vieții” [‘Again the question of the meaning of life’], in particular, the chapter, „Un reflex al acestui timp: chestionarea sceptică a întrebării” [‘A Reflection of This Time: The Sceptical Questioning of the Question’]. We have identified some arguments on which such an attitude of the authors is based, such as: David E. Cooper, John Wisdom, Kai Nielsen, Tim. J. Mawson, Constantin Noica, Jean Grondin. On the other hand, in the theological reflections we had as source of inspiration, first of all, an explanatory note of Father Dumitru Stăniloae to the apology of Saint Athanasius the Great regarding the fact that Christ asked questions humanly, highlighting at the same time that He humbled Himself by becoming a Man to such an extent that He assumed all that was proper to this nature, including the question of asking questions, but not the sin that entered into this nature through disobedience. The explanatory note (in which Father Stăniloae deepens what does the fact of asking ourselves questions represents from a theological point of view, together with another text from the Homilies and speeches of Saint Basil the Great) is in fact the foundation of the theological reflections I develop in these pages on the question of the meaning of life. At the end of this study, I will conclude that, from a theological point of view, the question of the meaning of life provides an opportunity to meet ourselves, God, and others.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pnevmatic experience in prayer from the perspective of Orthodox theology and Pentecostal theology. Missiological evaluation
Pnevmatic experience in prayer from the perspective of Orthodox theology and Pentecostal theology. Missiological evaluation
(Pnevmatic experience in prayer from the perspective of Orthodox theology and Pentecostal theology. Missiological evaluation)
- Author(s):Alexandru Baciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Other Christian Denominations
- Page Range:224-234
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:prayer; experience; penticostalism; pnevmatic; orthodox;
- Summary/Abstract:Man, created by God in His image, is by excellence a Eucharistic and liturgical being, and his purpose is to glorify God in prayer. Prayer, from the perspective of Orthodox theology, is not only a form of dialogue with God, it is also a spiritual union with Him. It is a work of the Holy Trinity in man (Revelation 3: 20). Philocalic parents say that it is a gift, a spiritual food for the mind, a way of existence of the new man reborn by grace, the sight of the unseen, trust in what is desired, the feast of angels, the fruit of joy and thanksgiving, the appearance of God and for His work is one, the work of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, who worketh all in Jesus Christ. It is, after all, an act of faith, but especially of love. From the perspective of Pentecostal theology, prayer is the most important spiritual activity of the congregation, but also of the believer alone. It encompasses and captures any other activity and expresses the emotional richness of the Christian. According to Steven Jack Land, “Pentecostal prayer” is exalted (performed) in three forms, modeling and expressing “Pentecostal affections” (gratitude, compassion, and courage) each in its own way. These forms are: with understood words, often articulated, expressing gratitude, without words concretized in sighs, sighs showing compassion, and with misunderstood words as an expression of the acquisition of the gift of speaking in tongues, often emphasizing courage, confidence and hope.
- Price: 4.50 €
Contemporanii Sfântului Grigorie Palama. Perspectivă istorică și teologică
Contemporanii Sfântului Grigorie Palama. Perspectivă istorică și teologică
(Contemporaries of St. Gregory Palamas. Historical and theological perspective)
- Author(s):Cristian-Alexandru Barnea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies, History of Religion
- Page Range:235-244
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:spirituality; theology; hesychasm; education; deification; holiness;
- Summary/Abstract:He who delves into the writings of St. Gregory Palamas and strives to understand the meaning of his theology, cannot fail to remain, at one point, amazed by the beauty of such inspired and enlightened thinking, contemplating the richness of Godʼs work through the people who are opening themselves to him with all their being. Meeting Saint Gregory Palamas through his writings and knowing his life will always raise the question: how did a man manage to reach such an experience of spiritual life? How did he enlarge his heart to accommodate so much light of divine grace? What were the important moments in his life that brought him so close to God, but, above all, who were the people who shaped the personality of the great Thessalonian hierarch throughout his life?
- Price: 4.50 €
Virtutea curajului în filosofia antică și la Părinții filocalici
Virtutea curajului în filosofia antică și la Părinții filocalici
(The Virtue of Courage in Ancient Philosophy and the Philocalic Fathers)
- Author(s):Bogdan-Vlăduț Brînză
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Philosophy of Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:245-254
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:virtue; courage; philocaly; philosophy; Christian life;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article is to present in short the vision over the virtue of courage in the Classical Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle in comparison with some Philokalic Fathers as Peter of Damascus, Elder Barsanuphius, Nikitas Stithatos and others, in order to prove the superiority of the Christianity, showing that the courage is more a quality of the soul, is at the base of all virtues and it leads to salvation, the goal of the Christian life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Creștinul, între viața lăuntrică și implicarea socială. Angajarea în dezbaterile despre statutul copilului nenăscut
Creștinul, între viața lăuntrică și implicarea socială. Angajarea în dezbaterile despre statutul copilului nenăscut
(The Christian, between inner life and social involvement. Engaging in the debate on the status of the unborn child)
- Author(s):Emanuel Buta
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:255-266
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Christians; spiritual life; social involvement; unborn child; dignity;
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to explore the place of the Christians in society, especially regarding their involvement in the debates about the status of the unborn child. The paper assesses two opposing ways of understanding the Christian life – one of them being that of focusing only on the inner life and repenting for the personal sins, and the other one being that of active involvement in social issues, without counting the progress in personal life. It is argued that the best way is the middle one, the way of equilibrium, which appeals to discernment and which unites the spiritual inner life with social participation, particularly on the problem of denying the unborn child’s dignity from our society.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Asaltul Cerului” – Søren Kierkegaard și Ioan Scărarul. O analiză asupra pseudonimiei filosofului danez
„Asaltul Cerului” – Søren Kierkegaard și Ioan Scărarul. O analiză asupra pseudonimiei filosofului danez
("The Assault of Heaven" - Søren Kierkegaard and John Climacus. An analysis of the pseudonym of the Danish philosopher)
- Author(s):Vlăduț Cârlan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Existentialism, Philosophy of Religion
- Page Range:267-278
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Søren Kierkegaard; John of the Ladder; christian existentialism; eastern mystical tradition;
- Summary/Abstract:Four of the pseudonyms under which Søren Kierkegaard wrote his work reflect the mystical dimension and emphasis on interiority, and two of them have the equivalent in historical figuers: (1) Johannes Climacus - St. John of The Ladder, 7th century and (2)Johannes de Silentio – John the Silent or John the Hesychast, 5th-6th century. Given this aspect, in this article I will analyze the first pseudonym, more precisely the relationship between Johannes Climacus and his historical analogue, Ioannes Klimakos. What is the reason why Kierkegaard chose the name of the one of the most important mystical writers of the first christian millenium as his main pseudonym? Is this choice purely arbitrary? Is this similarity between the idea of spiritual ascension encountered in John of the Ladder and the ascending pattern that Johannes Climacus applies to his philosophical ”system” a mere coincidence? Starting from this questions, I will prove that the danish philosopher has precise reasons when he chooses his pseudonym. This reasons are centered on the „archetype of the spiritual ascent” manifested by the biblical metaphor of the „Ladder of Paradise”. Both Johannes Climacus and John of the Ladder aim the „assault of Heaven”; the first, through an investigative-intellectual approach (as a „thought project” of „poetic experiment”), from outside Christianity, but guided by a passionate interest in finding out the truth of this teaching; the second, by the radical ascetic-mystical method specific to the monastic life. One seeks the truth of Christianity in order to assume it at the existential level, the other seeks to unite with God, but both have the same goal - the attainment of spiritual perfection.
- Price: 4.50 €
Două practici ale vieții duhovnicești: atenția asupra propriei vieți și starea de priveghere. Importanța lor în viața duhovnicească
Două practici ale vieții duhovnicești: atenția asupra propriei vieți și starea de priveghere. Importanța lor în viața duhovnicească
(Two practices of the spiritual life: attention to one's own life and the state of vigil. Their importance in the spiritual life)
- Author(s):Alexandru Crețu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:279-289
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:wakefulness; vigilance; paying attention; spiritual life; Holy Scripture;
- Summary/Abstract:The importance of paying attention to one's life is important because it is meant to keep the believer more and more from remaining in the way of the Lord. In the writings of the New Testament, the phrase „remembering yourself” is used at least eight times, and in three of these places it is used by the Savior Jesus Christ. In the writings of the New Testament, the call to vigilance refers, on the one hand, to the vigilance or wakefulness of the body (to dedicate that time to prayer), and, on the other hand, to the vigilance of the soul, mind, or conscience. to be prepared for the battle with the enemy and always ready to leave this world). This exhortation was used by the Savior in His tenfold speeches, and in the rest of the New Testament writings we find it used at least ten more times. By the exhortations to watch over the body, the Savior did not mean a permanent deprivation of sleep, but the prolongation of the waking state of the body in order to to dedicate that time to prayer.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Sacramental Mission of the Orthodox Church in Contemporary Europe
The Sacramental Mission of the Orthodox Church in Contemporary Europe
(The Sacramental Mission of the Orthodox Church in Contemporary Europe)
- Author(s):Mihai Hirt
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Contemporary Islamic Thought, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:290-300
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Islam; islamophobia; tolerance; Islamism; religious conflict;
- Summary/Abstract:In order to establish correctly the present context of the Church's testimony, it is necessary to establish briefly the pluralism and tolerance within modernism and the dialectic between modernism and post-modernism. For this reason, this issue can be addressed by referring to the contrast between pre-modernism, modernism and post-modernism. If we keep talking about a new economy, we will soon be able to talk about a new Christianity. Not so much from a dogmatic point of view, but rather from a racial distribution. By superimposing this reality on the effects of globalization and the rise of Islam, we will be able to witness the return to that system of transnational order in the Middle Ages, which disappeared with the advent of the nation-state system and the rise of secularism Under the current conditions, political affiliation will become less and less relevant, and religious affiliation will become much more important. The concept of the national state is extremely vulnerable. Likewise, the connection between a certain political entity and a certain denomination will become irrelevant. From this point of view, it is very interesting to speculate on the evolution of the Orthodox Churches, which identify extremely much with the national village. Given the universal vocation of Christianity, this formula is somewhat unfortunate and gives rise to unnecessary antagonisms.
- Price: 4.50 €
L'expérience de la rencontre de Dieu: convergences entre la théologie patristique et la spiritualité pentecôtiste
L'expérience de la rencontre de Dieu: convergences entre la théologie patristique et la spiritualité pentecôtiste
(The experience of encountering God: convergences between patristic theology and Pentecostal spirituality)
- Author(s):Adrian Leș
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Other Christian Denominations
- Page Range:301-311
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:spiritual experiences; the Holy Spirit; Church Fathers; the Pentecostal movement;
- Summary/Abstract:La ressemblance entre les expériences spirituelles décrites par de nombreux Pères de l'Église et la manifestation du Saint-Esprit dans les nouveaux mouvements charismatiques a déjà été remarquée par certains théologiens. Cette étude vise à découvrir et analyser les congruences que l'on peut remarquer entreles écrits concernant la théologie de la déification de trois Pères qui sont représentatifs pour trois périodes marcantes de l'histoire de l'Église et les spécificités de la manifestation spirituelle pentecôtiste. L'importance de vivre en Dieu et avec Dieu, le salut compris comme relation decommunion entre l'homme et Dieu, l'oeuvre de l'Esprit Saint dans la personne humaine et les expériences qui peuvent découler de cette synergie (diverses formes d'extase mystique) nesont que quelques thèmes communs aux deux théologies que cette étude développera. Même s'il y a des caractéristiques très difficiles à conjuguer avec la théologie et la pensée patristique, dans son processus d'auto-définition théologique, en l'occurrencedans la compréhension de sa propre théologie expérientielle ou mystique, il semble que le pentecôtisme semble plus proche de la théologie patristique qu'il ne l'aurait imaginé luimême.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rugăciunea pentru cei adormiţi, legătura iubirii între cer şi pământ, exprimată în Sfânta Scriptură şi Sfânta Tradiţie
Rugăciunea pentru cei adormiţi, legătura iubirii între cer şi pământ, exprimată în Sfânta Scriptură şi Sfânta Tradiţie
(Prayer for the departed, the bond of love between heaven and earth expressed in Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition)
- Author(s):Cristin-Ioan Loghin
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
- Page Range:312-322
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:prayer; soul; eternity; heaven; hell; worship; mercy; requiem;
- Summary/Abstract:In Orthodoxy, the cult of the deceaseds has a special importance and scope. After the death of a person, the soul, by being eternal, remains in touch with the Church. The foundations of prayer and worship for those who passed are the following: a) Christian love; b) the example of practicing the prayers ones for each other, especially in difficult times of trial; c) man's dialogical relationship with God; d) the command received to pray for one another; e) the pedagogy of God's sacrificial love for us and f) heaven and hell are states and places of good and evil. The duty of the living to pray for the deceased is a constant mark in the life of the Church. This teaching has always existed and has been transposed into the practice of the Church. Patristic literature confirms not only the existence but also the practice of prayers for the passed ones. Also, the Holy Scriptures, both of the Old Testament and of the New Testament, often speak of prayers and almsgiving for the deceaseds. The Holy Church, through the worship of the deceased, realizes an extraordinary spiritual connection between the living members and the deceased members, united by love for Christ and living in Christ. At the same time, this practice is a real school, where all Christians have learned generation after generation, which no one and nothing could tear down, but over the centuries, it has become stronger.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sfântul Paisie Velicikovski revigorator al monahismului și părinte al rugăciunii lui Iisus
Sfântul Paisie Velicikovski revigorator al monahismului și părinte al rugăciunii lui Iisus
(St. Paisie Velicikovski, the reinvigorator of monasticism and father of Jesus' prayer)
- Author(s):Ioan Micu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, 18th Century, Pastoral Theology, History of Religion
- Page Range:323-334
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Saint Paisius Velichkovsky; Jesus Prayer; revival of monasticism; spirituality; monastic rule;
- Summary/Abstract:Saint Paisius Velichkovsky, one of the most accomplished figures of the Romanian spiritual ife in the 18th century, was among the most prominent teachers of large monastic communities and of the Jesus Prayer. His spiritual teachings have left an indelible mark on the spiritual revival of monastic life in Romania at the time. Astute organiser of monasteries, founder of monastic settlements and rules, Saint Paisius worked relentlessly to enrich the soul with Virtues as he found the right balance between prayer, reading and everyday administrative work. A man of unbelievable insight, highly experienced in spiritual matters, and a very gifted teacher, his life in Christ, the fulfilment of commandments and monastic duties attracted hundreds of disciples who received his guidance on the royal path to salvation. Saint Paisius also painstakingly collected and translating the writings of the Holy Fathers, an endeavour started on Mount Athos but completed by the translation schools that he founded in the monasteries of Dragomirna, Secu and Neamț, in particular. On the basis of these translations Philokalia that was later published in Romania, of the one printed in1793 at Moscow, Dobrotoliube, but also helped revive the monastic life in Romania, Russia and Ukraine based on the communal living rules that Saint Paisius established and his disciples, settled in other places and monasteries across these countries pursued. In this study, the author aims to highlight the new elements brought by Saint Paisius in the chinovial life and how they contributed to the spiritual revival of monasticism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Babai cel Mare și sistematizarea doctrinei hristologice în Biserica Siro-Orientală (sec. VI-VII)
Babai cel Mare și sistematizarea doctrinei hristologice în Biserica Siro-Orientală (sec. VI-VII)
(Babai the Great and the Systematization of Christological Doctrine in the Syro-Eastern Church (6th-7th century))
- Author(s):Justinian Mîndrilă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, Eastern Orthodoxy, History of Religion
- Page Range:335-347
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Church of the East; Syriac Christianity; Christology; Babai the Great; neo- Chalcedonism; Nestorianism;
- Summary/Abstract:The Church of the East, or the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, as it is officially called, was known for a long time in the Church History books of the Eastern Orthodox Christianity as well as of all Western Churches as the „Nestorian” Church. The reason that stays behind this label – and thus behind the schism between the Church of the East and the Church within the Roman Empire was represented by the different views regarding the Christological doctrine. Since this remains until today the bone of contention between these churches it is needed to have a precise knowledge of the East-Syriac Christology. As the systematizer of this teaching in the Church of the East, the study of Babai the Great’s theology is a suitable starting point for this purpose. Until present times, the interest for his writings and teachings in the Romanian theology was quite low, if at all. Therefore, the present study aims to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the Christology promoted by Babai the Great and the Church of the East, by providing the context of its formulation, and explaining and evaluating his main theological concepts based on Babai’s writings, considering the latest research on this topic.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rugăciunea și creștinismul românesc în viziunea lui Simeon Mehedinți
Rugăciunea și creștinismul românesc în viziunea lui Simeon Mehedinți
(Prayer and Romanian Christianity in the vision of Simeon Mehedinți)
- Author(s):Ioan Puiu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History of Church(es), Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
- Page Range:348-359
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:prayer; Romanian Christianity; Simeon Mehedinți; people; Orthodoxy; Romanian village;
- Summary/Abstract:How the prayer and the work of the Church was seen at the beginning of the XX century by the great researcher and teacher Simeon Mehedinți, the one that said “the value of one people, and also of every human in part, can be measured by how much one understood from the Gospels and how much he can follow Christ” and which were the experiences that led him to this conclusion? Which were the role and the place of the Church among the public institutions from Simeon Mehedinți point of view, who considered Christianity “the safest background for both individual and national progress”? Which are the differences between Catholics, other nations of Cristian-orthodox and Romanian Orthodoxy, “the one that do not know the narrow sight of pharisees” and whose beliefs are “appropriate for a healthy man, who enjoys the gifts of life (which is far from both the intolerance and decadence of other peoples)”? This study presents Simeon Mehedinți vision upon prayer and identifies, compares and makes an analyses of Romanian Christian orthodoxy traits, considering other Christian peoples and other religions.
- Price: 4.50 €
A missionary perspective of the importance that spiritual growth has in the lives of the faithful in accordance to the writings of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
A missionary perspective of the importance that spiritual growth has in the lives of the faithful in accordance to the writings of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
(A missionary perspective of the importance that spiritual growth has in the lives of the faithful in accordance to the writings of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian)
- Author(s):Simeon Purice
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies, Pastoral Theology
- Page Range:360-373
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:testimony; the spiritual quality of life; laity; missionary activity; ecclesial community; imitating Christ; communicate the love of God;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyses from a missionary perspective, in accordance to the writings of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the importance that spiritual growth has in the lives of the faithful. The growth of the Church can be explained through the synergic collaboration of God with man, through the appropriation of the gospel by the faithful, who were models of Christ to the people of the world. Thus, the mission was fulfilled through the exemplary lives of Christians, the love of God being made accessible to them for the ones of the world. Expressing their faith through an authentic spirituality, Christians taught there neighbours righteousness, simplicity and innocence. They showed the world a certain way of living, but also of dying. They were present and in solidarity with their society, but also harmonizing their lives with the exigence of the gospel. The height of the spiritual lives of the faithful is a historical permanentization of the reality of the incarnation of the Son of God in the world, making possible the mission of the Church by the Grace of the Holy Spirit.
- Price: 4.50 €
«As an Angel of Light», Imagination and Discernment at Prayer. An Essay in Comparison between Diadochus of Photike and Symeon the New Theologian
«As an Angel of Light», Imagination and Discernment at Prayer. An Essay in Comparison between Diadochus of Photike and Symeon the New Theologian
(«As an Angel of Light», Imagination and Discernment at Prayer. An Essay in Comparison between Diadochus of Photike and Symeon the New Theologian)
- Author(s):Marcelo Singh
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Biblical studies
- Page Range:374-386
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Diadochus of Photike; Symeon the New Theologian; imagination; prayer; visions;
- Summary/Abstract:In 2 Corinthians 11: 14 Saint Paul warns us about the tricks of Satan that can disguise himself as an angel of light. The exegesis of this text raises in some authors a reflection about the necessity of discernment during prayer. Imagination could bring confusion and misunderstanding, and could particularly become an open door for the bad spirit into the human soul. This is the problem that Diadochus of Photike points out. In his One Hundred practical texts, he explicitly refers to the Angel of Light (chapter 40). First, I intend to read this expression in the context of the same work, including a fundamental study of “imagination” (φαντασία) and “discernment” (διάκρισις). For the second part, I will introduce the exegesis of 2 Corinthians in Symeon the New Theologian, taking his teaching of Ethics XV, 89 as a basis: «Taste and see that who is darkness, presents himself to the imagination in the form of an angel of light» (ἄγγελον φωτός).
- Price: 4.50 €
Mintea și inima la Sfântul Luca al Crimeei. Perspective filocalice și fiziologice
Mintea și inima la Sfântul Luca al Crimeei. Perspective filocalice și fiziologice
(Mind and heart in St. Luke of the Crimea. Philocalic and physiological perspectives)
- Author(s):Marian Ursu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Biblical studies, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:387-399
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:mind; heart; communion; physiology; interdisciplinary approach;
- Summary/Abstract:In this study I will show the mystical content of the notions of mind and heart, as well as the relationship between them, presenting some physiological-medical approaches that confirm the spiritual doctrine of the union of mind and heart. An exponent of this interdisciplinary approach, living in the twentieth century, was St. Luke of Crimea. This author presents the traditional philokalic spirituality of the relationship between mind and heart through a physiological-medical discourse. Thus, this author confirms in scientific terms the spirituality of uniting the mind with the heart. At the same time, I will complete this interdisciplinary approach with some contemporary scientific studies that show that there is a real communication between mind and heart.
- Price: 4.50 €
Preocupări asupra dezvoltării personale în contextul actual. O evaluare misiologică
Preocupări asupra dezvoltării personale în contextul actual. O evaluare misiologică
(Concerns about personal development in the current context. A missiological assessment)
- Author(s):Iulian Vrabie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:400-411
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:the deification of man; personal development; life in Christ; communion; discernment;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to present some aspects related to the concept of personal development as understood in the context of contemporary society, in a critical analysis from the perspective of Eastern theology. The importance and meaning of human development as a person aiming at deification has always been the focus of the theological anthropology and the writings of the Holy Fathers, developing a vision of man who can grow in his quality only by cultivating communion with his fellow men and with God, and in God with the whole creation. The issue of personal development has also been an object of reflection in various fields of research such as philosophy or psychology in one aspect or another. However, Eastern Christianity brings an important complement to all such attempts, showing today’s christian that the Church offers man the necessary condition for authentic personal growth which is fulfilled in the acquisition of deification through full communion with the eternal God, the Source of Life.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Benefit of the Patient in the Hippocratic Oath and the Golden Rule of Christian Ethics
The Benefit of the Patient in the Hippocratic Oath and the Golden Rule of Christian Ethics
(The Benefit of the Patient in the Hippocratic Oath and the Golden Rule of Christian Ethics)
- Author(s):Marlena Zerva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Sciences, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Sociology, Theology and Religion, Religion and science , Philosophy of Religion, Health and medicine and law, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:412-422
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Bioethics; Golden Rule of Christian Ethics; Hippocratic Oath; Benefit of the Patient; Beneficence and Non-maleficence;
- Summary/Abstract:Modern medical science aims at the benefit of the patient which is achieved through the treatment of the patient. The physician must act in the best interest of the patient and consequently his health. In an ideal world every doctor besides treating a patient would also love him. In this text, there will be examined two fundamental ethical imperatives that can be applied in the doctor – patient relationship. On the one hand the position, do not do unto others as you would not like to do unto you, on the other hand the positive formulation of that sentence which is, do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. The first of those two positions can be found in the ancient oath of Hippocrates, whereas the second position is the basis of the Golden Rule of Christian ethics. These two ethical imperatives will be examined in the context of modern bioethics as well, since the benefit of the patient is the major concern of two of its basic principles, namely the principle of beneficence and that of non-maleficence. The oath of Hippocrates moves in the realm of the moral idea that you should not do to others what you do not want to be done to yourself. The above position is based on the affirmative propositions that are imprinted within the oath. On the other hand, the Golden Rule of Christian ethics consists of a positive exhortation, to do to the other what you would like to happen to you. Each Christian is called to love his fellowman as he loves himself, since the supreme good in Christian morality is the love of God and fellowman that fulfills the purpose of man’s existence, which is the communion with God. Both positions examined in the text have relevant content, aiming at the benefit of the patient, the patients good, either by a direct positive obligation, or by preventing the doctor from harming the patient.
- Price: 4.50 €
The ascetic dimensions of the prayer within the theology of Saint Simeon the New Theologian
The ascetic dimensions of the prayer within the theology of Saint Simeon the New Theologian
(The ascetic dimensions of the prayer within the theology of Saint Simeon the New Theologian)
- Author(s):Cristian Petcu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies
- Page Range:423-438
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:prayer; asceticism; humility; tears; communion;
- Summary/Abstract:For Saint Simeon the New Theologian, the prayer is a spiritual path by means of which the one who chooses to follow this path destroys the passions of the body. In the thoughts of the holy father, the prayer is not a work that belongs to the human mind or that pertains to reason by which man intuitively follows the path of life received as a gift from God, as it is neither just an expression of the heart that expresses the need to be in dialogue with God, but represents a whole range of manifestations of light by means of which the soul of the believer unites with God in holy communion. The prayer, in the vision of Saint Simeon, is the path that bestows upon man the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit, with the aid of which the feeling of solitude is banished and the certainty of the divine omnipresence is acquired. As such, the prayer remains a model of conscientiousness and uplifting of life, as well as the virtuous way of living, which spiritually nourishes the faith and the love as well as for God as for all fellow human beings. Therefore, for Saint Simeon the New Theologian, the prayer is the best argument for taking the path of Jesus Christ, the One Who enlightens by means of prayer the reason of man, which helps him to delve into the depths of scriptural and church teachings and which becomes the source of all spiritual joys. In this study, we aim to highlight the importance of the ascetic model of Saint Simeon the New Theologian, a model by means of which this Father of the Holy Church put prayer in a whole new light from the perspective of seeing God within light.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sfântul Cuvios Paisie Velicicovschi, promotor al isihasmului neamțean
Sfântul Cuvios Paisie Velicicovschi, promotor al isihasmului neamțean
(Saint Paisie Velicicovschi, promoter of the Neamt isihasm)
- Author(s):Benedict Sauciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology, History of Religion
- Page Range:439-449
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Saint Paisie; Mount Athos; hesychastic way; Neamt Monastery; spirituality;
- Summary/Abstract:The life of Saint Paisie is very well known and he dedicated himself to God from his youth. During his time in Mount Athos he discovered the work and thoughts of Saint Gregory Palamas and decided to adopt the hesychastic way of life. His coming to Neamt Monastery as a abbot gave him the possibility to practice Lord’s Prayer and the hesychastic spirituality. The paper underlines much of his work done during his abbacy at Neamt Monastery.
- Price: 4.50 €
Activitatea social-umanitară a societăților de binefacere în vreme de război
Activitatea social-umanitară a societăților de binefacere în vreme de război
(Social and humanitarian work of charitable societies in wartime)
- Author(s):Ema Bogdan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Christian Theology and Religion, Politics, Social Sciences, Sociology, Theology and Religion, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Sociology of Religion, Peace and Conflict Studies, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:450-460
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:wartime; charity societies; orphanages; war invalids;
- Summary/Abstract:Metropolitan Pimen Georgescu shepherded at a time when the Romanian Orthodox Church and our country have crossed a tense period through the prism of the First World War. During the Wars, the Church accompanied the military troops on the battlefield. In monasteries have been established orphanages, hospitals and charity societies that provided both, spiritual and material aid. Romanian priests contributed to the creation of the Romanian National State offering hope to the soldiers to obtain the Glory of our country.
- Price: 4.50 €
Protopopii Protopopiatului Chișineu-Criș (1919-1968)
Protopopii Protopopiatului Chișineu-Criș (1919-1968)
(The deaneries of the Deanery of Chișineu-Criș (1919-1968))
- Author(s):Alin-Florin Ciotea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:461-470
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Archpriest; episcopate; priest; mission; culture; parish; document; nation; activity;
- Summary/Abstract:In the second half of the 18th century, the Diocese of Arad consisted of a number of eleven archdioceses. Among them was the Chisinau-Cris Archdiocese, based in the homonymous town. For 200 years, the history of the Diocese of Arad has been marked at the level of all sectors, by this archdiocese. Although little known even locally, medallions of archpriests from 1919-1968 drawn in this study, capture people and celebrities who, through their work, managed to impress the upper forums. With a special activity in the missionary and cultural field, the six archpriests prove to be providential people, who kept the flame of faith and culture burning in difficult times such as: the interwar period, World War Il or the great challenge of the communist regime, which 20 years after its establishment, in 1968,abolished the mentioned archdiocese. The series of archpriests from Chisinau-Cris shows the importance of this archdiocese among the others of the Arad diocese, as well as the essential role played by the archdiocese, through its leaders, in key moments of church, cultural or national-political life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Aspecte din activitatea pastorală a mitropolitului Gurie Grosu al Basarabiei (1928-1936)
Aspecte din activitatea pastorală a mitropolitului Gurie Grosu al Basarabiei (1928-1936)
(Aspects of the pastoral activity of Metropolitan Gurie Grosu of Bessarabia (1928-1936))
- Author(s):Lucian Corduneanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History, Recent History (1900 till today), Theology and Religion, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), History of Religion
- Page Range:471-482
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Metropolitan; Gurie; Bessarabia; Chisinau; mission; Romanian Patriarchate; calendar; Congress; Faculty; professor;
- Summary/Abstract:This study covers the period of years 1928-1936, of the activity of Metropolitan Gurie of Bessarabia, under several aspects: pastoral, missionary, cultural, ecclesiastical, social and even political. Analysing the writings, speeches, sermons, documents signed by the great Bessarabian bishop within the church administration, we will see Gurie Grosu as a person deeply rooted in the realities of time, aware about the difficulties faced by his own believers, trying during his pastorate to respond and help them spiritually and materially in order to overcame the difficulties. As a pastor of souls, Bishop Gurie constantly emphasized in the holy services and speeches, the importance of living the authentic Christian life, keeping in touch with God and helping others. The church, in the opinion of the great metropolitan, provides support and blessing, confidence and strength in facing evil, despair and helplessness. By concrete social actions, Metropolitan Gurie permanently raised collections that he donated to needy people, important amounts of money to charities (it is known in detail the care he had for the Society of Disabled, Orphans and War Widows - I.O.V ) and many other deeds by which the Saviour’s command to do alms was materialized. During his pastorate, Bishop Gurie issued several circulars condemning societal vices (theft, alcoholism, deception), in which he demonstrated the harm these sins cause to Christians and society and the need to constantly fight against them. His pastoral activity included, also, visits to hospitals, orphanages, asylums, participation to conferences, meetings and discussions of several professional categories: physicians, psychologists, culture people etc. In the year 1928, the professional Congress of physicians held at Chisinau proposed as honorific president metropolitan Gurie, together with other personalities. But the metropolitan Gurie’s activity involved another important area, the cultural one. In his vision, raising the cultural level of the Bessarabian people involved a direct commitment on behalf of Bessarabian clergy and his own, personally. In this mean, he granted scholarships and amounts of money for the students and pupils with reduced material possibilities, he donated other important amounts for purchasing books to some educational institutions (especially those attached to churches) and for a better training of the clergy, he founded the Faculty of Theology from Chisinau in the year 1926, his merit in the establishment of this higher education institution, being indisputable.
- Price: 4.50 €
Viziunea lui Clement Alexandrinul despre rugăciune
Viziunea lui Clement Alexandrinul despre rugăciune
(Clement Alexandrinus' vision of prayer)
- Author(s):Mărioara Drăgan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
- Page Range:483-495
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Clement of Alexandria; prayer; contemplation; divine light; gnosis; divine pedagogy;
- Summary/Abstract:The endeavour of Clement of Alexandria to weave the power of the graceful unity between theology as a prayer experienced in personal life, as a spiritual exercise in the complex process of contemplation, as evidenced by his writings, and theology as a science he strives to argue using the tools offered by the existing tools of his time, philosophy and science. The connection between the two comes from a theoretical contemplative and visionary practice, as one may say. Clement passes from knowledge as science to knowledge as mystery, from an external theology to an inner theology, namely to mystical theology. The spiritual union of man with God, through the view of uncreated light, will be identified in the context of hesychastic theology by Saint Simeon the New Theologian, a few centuries later. Clement's influence on the evolution of the later Christian spirituality, especially on the Eastern one, has been proved especially in the treatises of prayer by Origen and Evagrius Ponticus.
- Price: 4.50 €
Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă în spațiul baltic între anii 1836-1848
Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă în spațiul baltic între anii 1836-1848
(The Russian Orthodox Church in the Baltic area between 1836 and 1848)
- Author(s):Andrei Gaju
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Theology and Religion, 19th Century, Eastern Orthodoxy, History of Religion
- Page Range:496-508
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Russian Orthodox Church; Russian Empire; Baltic region; Conversions to Orthodoxy;
- Summary/Abstract:In the first half of the 18th century Russia enlarged its borders and became an empire stretching from the steppes of Central Asia to the Baltic Sea. As a result, along with the territories and different ethnic groups, the religious traditions of these countries are incorporated into the Russian Empire. By extending its borders to the North-West, the Russian Empire is subjugating several peoples who traditionally profess Protestantism. Like any empire, Russia tries to merge the annexed peoples and territories by building a single state with a single political centre. Thus, in the mid-19th century, the political issue was not only the Russification of these peoples, but also their conversion to the majority confession of the empire - Orthodoxy. Therefore, this paper aims to give a brief historical account of the events of 1836-1848, when a massive process of accession to the Russian Orthodox Church of the Protestant population of the Baltic region took place.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dezvoltarea curentului isihast prin lucrarea misionară pan-ortodoxă din secolul al XVIII-lea. Sfântului Nicodim Aghioritul, continuator al lucrării misionare inițiate de Sfântul Paisie Velicicovschi
Dezvoltarea curentului isihast prin lucrarea misionară pan-ortodoxă din secolul al XVIII-lea. Sfântului Nicodim Aghioritul, continuator al lucrării misionare inițiate de Sfântul Paisie Velicicovschi
(The development of the hesychast movement through pan-Orthodox missionary work in the 18th century. St. Nicodemus Aghiorite, continuer of the missionary work initiated by St. Paisie Velicicovschi)
- Author(s):Vasile-Lucian Goldan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Modern Age, Theology and Religion, 18th Century, History of Religion
- Page Range:509-518
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:St. Nicodemus; Holy Mount Athos; alms; orthodoxy; 18th century;
- Summary/Abstract:Nicholas, the future monk Nicodemus, arrives in the Holy Mount Athos at the moment of the public conviction of “alms”. A situation not exactly favorable for prayer and meditation, given the fact that at that time more and more monks were leaving Athos due to the dispute of the "alms". Despite all these shortcomings, Saint Nicodemus is the one who, together with Saint Metropolitan Macarius of Corinth, manages to start a cultural-religious project, focused on the rediscovery of Orthodox church spirituality, on the spiritual and national rebirth of the Greeks. His work was recognized and appreciated during his life, in Athos, in the pan-Orthodox and in the Western space, but he was also valued by the entire Greek people after the 1921 revolution, being the basis of national and spiritual emancipation of the Greeks.
- Price: 4.50 €
The contribution of the Patriarchate of Romania at the beginning of preparation of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (1902-1932)
The contribution of the Patriarchate of Romania at the beginning of preparation of the Holy and Great Council
of the Orthodox Church (1902-1932)
(The contribution of the Patriarchate of Romania at the beginning of preparation of the Holy and Great Council
of the Orthodox Church (1902-1932))
- Author(s):Ioannis Ladas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, History of Church(es), Recent History (1900 till today), Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), History of Religion
- Page Range:519-531
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Holy and Great Council; Ecumenical Patriarchate; Patriarchate of Romania; Inter-Orthodox Relations;
- Summary/Abstract:The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church is admittedly one of the most important Orthodox ecclesiastical events of the 21st cent. The Council’s 2016 convening was finally made possible after a very long and arduous preparatory process of circa 93 years, in which process the Patriarchate of Romania appears to have played an important and constructive role. In fact, the Church of Romania, in 1920, shortly before the official preparation begins, dispatched Prof. Dragomir Demetrescu to the Ecumenical Patriarchate with the mandate to exchange views on the possibility of convoking a “Council of the Orthodox Churches”, and to propose potential issues to be considered in such a Council. Since then, the Church of Romania has responded positively to all the relevant invitations of the Great Church of Constantinople and participated constructively in all the preparatory bodies and phases of the Holy and Great Council, while the Romanian Primates - from Patriarch Myron to Patriarch Daniel - demonstrated a profound synodical awareness and fought devotedly for the unity and cooperation of the Orthodox Churches. The current article has a double scope: on the one hand, it presents the historical contribution of the Patriarchate of Romania at the beginning of preparation of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, and on the other hand, it attempts to evaluate it.
- Price: 4.50 €
An East Syriac Patriarch of the late 6th century and his Christians in Eastern Arabia. Contextualization and Preliminary Remarks on the Letter of Ishoyahb I to Jacob of Dirin
An East Syriac Patriarch of the late 6th century and his Christians in Eastern Arabia. Contextualization and Preliminary Remarks on the Letter of Ishoyahb I to Jacob of Dirin
(An East Syriac Patriarch of the late 6th century and his Christians in Eastern Arabia. Contextualization and Preliminary Remarks on the Letter of Ishoyahb I to Jacob of Dirin)
- Author(s):Andrei Macar
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, History of Religion
- Page Range:532-544
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Ishoyahb I; Jacob of Dirin; Christianity in Beth Qatraye; East Syriac Liturgical Tradition; Synodicon Orientale; Eastern Arabia;
- Summary/Abstract:Ishoyahb I was Catholicos-Patriarch of the Church of the East (the so called “Nestorian Church”) in a time of significant liturgical changes. These started with the patriarchate of Mar Aba (540-552) and continued till the 7th century. In this context, Bishop Jacob of Dirin (an island in the Persian Gulf, near Bahrain) had a couple of questions on liturgical, moral and disciplinary matters and addressed the Catholicos in a letter for clarification. The letter of Bishop Jacob is not preserved, but we have available the response letter of the Catholicos Ishoyahb I. Scholars remarked the importance of this Syriac response letter in that it was placed in “Synodicon Orientale”, one important canonical collection of the Church of the East. In their view, the letter of Ishoyahb I is a pastoral-liturgical compendium and an important source for the East Syriac liturgical tradition at the end of the6th century. Despite the appreciation that scholars have shown for this text in the past, it has so far been little analysed, except for its contribution to the history of the East Syrian Anaphora. In my opinion, the importance of Ishoyahb's letter goes beyond liturgical studies, being relevant also for the field of Church History, because it provides valuable information on the life of the Christians in the region of nowadays Bahrain and Qatar, at the end of the6th century. Furthermore, the letter contributes to the history of East Syriac Patriarchs because it plays a significant role in establishing the intellectual profile of Catholicos-Patriarch Ishoyahb I and the sources of his theological thought. The objectives of this paper are to place the letter in its historical context and to offer some remarks on its textual transmission and on its value for the liturgical and historical research.
- Price: 4.50 €
Vederea luminii dumnezeiești la Sfinții Isihaști Simeon Noul Teolog și Grigore Palama
Vederea luminii dumnezeiești la Sfinții Isihaști Simeon Noul Teolog și Grigore Palama
(Seeing God's Light in the Jesuit Saints Simeon the New Theologian and Gregory Palamas)
- Author(s):Ilarion Mâță
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies
- Page Range:545-554
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Divine light; hesychasm; hesychastic saints; prayer;
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of the Homage Year of prayer in the life of the Church and of the christian and of the Commemorative Year dedicated to the Hesychast saints Simeon the New Theologian, Grigore Palama and Paisie from Neamț Monastery dedicated by the Romanian Patriarchate, the sight of divine light is an essential theme, both to the hesychastic saints. The hesychastic saints' concern for man's intimate encounter with God through prayer is so obvious that their life, work, and social work confirm that the spiritual life of the Orthodox Christian cannot be lived without aspiring to the sight of divine light.
- Price: 4.50 €
Un Sfânt isihast român, puțin cunoscut Cuviosul Antipa de la Calapodești
Un Sfânt isihast român, puțin cunoscut Cuviosul Antipa de la Calapodești
(A little-known Romanian Isichast Saint, the Abbot Antipas of Calapodesti)
- Author(s):Lucian Mihail Moisei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:555-564
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:hermits; Antipas; Calapodești; saint; prayer;
- Summary/Abstract:The uninterrupted existence of thousands of hermits and hundreds of hermitages with monastic life in the Romanian Lands, since the 14th century, was the reason why, monks from neighbouring countries, such as Vasile de la Poiana Mărului (1692-1767), Onufrie de la Vorona (1700-1789), or Paisie Velicicovschi (1722-1794), chose to settle in these places, contributing to the renewal of Orthodox monasticism, by translating and printing the philocalic writings. Father Antipas of Calapodesti (1816-1882), follows the path trodden in the Romanian Lands by prominent hesychast monks. He received from God the gift of unceasing prayer, about which he spoke and advised with great ease, of long fasting, of simplicity, of tears of humility and of foreknowledge, managing to make himself loved both by simple people and by those in positions of leadership, metropolitans, bishops, abbots of monasteries, priests, or simple monks, some of whom even became his spiritual sons. The genuinely Christian life of the Father Antipas, his wonderful and exemplary life, was unanimously recognized by all, and he was honored as a saint in the Monastery of "Saint Panteleimon" in Mount Athos since 1906, shortly after his death, and was officially canonized in 1992 by the Romanian Orthodox Church and introduced into the Calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.
- Price: 4.50 €
Semnificații teologico-duhovnicești ale spațiului liturgic – înțelesuri de altǎdatǎ pentru omul de azi
Semnificații teologico-duhovnicești ale spațiului liturgic – înțelesuri de altǎdatǎ pentru omul de azi
(Theological and spiritual meanings of the liturgical space - old meanings for today's man)
- Author(s):Viorel Sava
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History of Church(es), Theology and Religion
- Page Range:565-579
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:church; liturgical space; theological meanings; Service of consacration; House of the Liturgy;
- Summary/Abstract:Our article is concentrated on the main significances of the liturgical space. The idea to concentrate on such a topic was inspirated by the Prayer year as 2022 was dedicated in Romanian Patriarchate. Speaking about prayer we need to refer to the place which is built to be the place of prayer. That is the church. Through the Service of consacration a newbuilding church becomes the House of the Eucharistic Liturgy an the House of The Holy Trinity. The architecture of the church has to be done in the spirit of the main service which is celebrated in it. It means that the church has to be constructed in the spirit of the Liturgy. Being dedicated exclusevely to the Liturgy the church is a liturgical space. In our article we pointed out some theological significances of the liturgical space as they are reflected in the Service of consacration of a new church and in the liturgical interpretation of St. Simeon of Thessalonika. Concluding, we focused on the need of liturgical catechesis which has to be addressed to our contemporary society.
- Price: 4.50 €
Credința ortodoxă și rugăciunea în viața și opera părintelui profesor Ilarion V. Felea
Credința ortodoxă și rugăciunea în viața și opera părintelui
profesor Ilarion V. Felea
(Orthodox faith and prayer in the life and work of Father Professor Ilarion V. Felea)
- Author(s):Emilian Crisanul Nica
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:580-584
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Ilarion Felea; faith; prayer; martyr; Arad; Valea-Bradului;
- Summary/Abstract:The life of Father Ilarion V. Felea's life, in its various aspects, sacramentally, in the parishes in which he served, academically-scientifically, as a teacher at the Theological Academies of Sibiu and Arad, but especially the ordeal of imprisonment in Gherla and Aiud and his martyrdom in the Communist dungeon on September 18, 1961, places him among the great fathers of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the 20th century. From his writings, as from his life, emanates the authentic living of Orthodoxy, with full faith, even if in a hostile time and environment, both politically and confessionally. The present study aims, in a brief presentation based on the writings of Father Ilarion V. Felea, to reveal him, in the " Year of Prayer in the Church’s life and the Christian’s life", as a worthy example to follow in the confession of faith and in the practice of prayer.
- Price: 4.50 €
From the Light of Prayer to Pastoral Theology: Aspects of Episcopal Ministry in the Writings of Saint Ephrem the Syrian
From the Light of Prayer to Pastoral Theology: Aspects of Episcopal Ministry in the Writings of Saint Ephrem the Syrian
(From the Light of Prayer to Pastoral Theology: Aspects of Episcopal Ministry in the Writings of Saint Ephrem the Syrian)
- Author(s):Bassam Nassif
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
- Page Range:585-595
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Ephrem the Syrian; Prayer; Pastoral Theology; Episcopacy; Symbolism; Hymns on Nisibis; Hymn to the Light;
- Summary/Abstract:Saint Ephrem the Syrian has a special message to offer to theology today. The model he gives in opening the spiritual eyes for the light of Christ to radiate in his body, leads to radiating this light into pastoral action. Thus, pastoral theology ought to be based on this experience of light, practiced in spiritual words and actions. Saint Ephrem wrote teaching hymns, defending the faith against heresies, and fighting social injustice. As an enlightened man of God, he became a master of both spirituality and pastoral ministry. This research aims to analyze how Saint Ephrem translates his personal experience of light into pastoral work, by examining how he expresses his theological thought, interprets pastoral theology, and presents the ministry of episcopacy in particular. For this Antiochian saint, theology is a hymn to the Light, translated into genuine acts of love, faith, and life.
- Price: 4.50 €
De „mistique ordonnance” du prêtre (I): les prières au cours de l’Office de Matines et leurs significations théologiques, liturgiques et spirituels
De „mistique ordonnance” du prêtre (I): les prières au cours de l’Office de Matines et leurs significations théologiques, liturgiques et spirituels
(From the „mistic ordinance” of the priest (I): the prayers during the Office of Matins and their theological, liturgical and spiritual meanings)
- Author(s):Lucian Vasile Petroaia
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
- Page Range:596-614
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:priest; prayer; canon; typical; Matins;
- Summary/Abstract:Few Christians know that, apart from what it is seen in the church (movements, gestures or small liturgical rituals), the priest also performs unseen ordinances, required by his status as a sanctified person and by the liturgical services. Some of these „secret ordinances” are prayers that the priest says in the Holy Altar, in parallel with the service that takes place in the church, without them being heard by the faithful. Of these, in the present study, I have chosen to make a theological, liturgical, and spiritual analysis of the text of the prayers which the priest reads „in secret”, while the six Psalms from the beginning of Matins are read aloud at the pew. Apart from a few brief references by the priest professors Petre Vintilescu, Ene Branişte and Dumitru Stăniloae, in Romanian theology there is, so far, no analytical study on this topic.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prima anafora antiohiană a celor doisprezece apostoli. Sursă liturgică primară cvasicunoscută în spațiul românesc
Prima anafora antiohiană a celor doisprezece apostoli. Sursă liturgică primară cvasicunoscută în spațiul românesc
(The first Antiochene anaphora of the Twelve Apostles. A primary liturgical source that is almost unknown in Romania)
- Author(s):Ammar Awad
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies, History of Religion
- Page Range:615-628
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles; Antioch; Syriac liturgy; St. John Chrysostom;
- Summary/Abstract:Since the twenties of the last century, the Anaphora of the Apostles, which is the subject of this study, has been the focus of attention of liturgical scholars. This is due to Patriarch Rahmani's discovery of the striking similarity between it and the Byzantine anaphora of St. John Chrysostom. Throughout all these years, this anaphora has been considered a primary tool for researching the history of the anaphora of St. John Chrysostom, especially in the absence of historical evidence supporting the authenticity of this well-known Byzantine liturgy. This article is concerned with presenting the role of the Apostles' anaphora, not merely as a research tool, as just mentioned, but rather as a basic liturgical source that rises in value to the importance of the earliest Christian liturgical sources, and which has played a crucial role in the history of Christian worship, and which deserves to be studied in greater depth. This study also provides the Romanian theological academic circles with the translation of the anaphora from Syriac, the language in which the text has been preserved and has been handed to us; it also helps those who wish to deepen this research process and reach new discoveries.
- Price: 4.50 €
Caracterul mariologic al Sfeștaniei
Caracterul mariologic al Sfeștaniei
(The Mariological Character of the Confession)
- Author(s):Daniel Duca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:629-639
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:The service of the Lesser Sanctification of the Water; Vlacherne monastery; mariological character; hymnography;
- Summary/Abstract:The service of the Sanctification of the Water has a clear mariological character. The hymnography proper to the liturgical service consists of numerous prayers dedicated to the Mother of God. Although originally the current service was served as a specific liturgical ritual of the Vlacherne monastery, over time the service changed its focus to become known in the Orthodox Church as the service of the Lesser Sanctification of the Water, a service with a dual character: therapeutic but also mariological.
- Price: 4.50 €
Cântărețul bisericesc – analiză cantitativă și calitativă a ocupației
Cântărețul bisericesc – analiză cantitativă și calitativă a ocupației
(Church singer - quantitative and qualitative analysis of the occupation)
- Author(s):Lucian-Mihăiță Filip
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Social Sciences, Education, Music, Theology and Religion, Vocational Education
- Page Range:640-650
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:church singer; byzantine music; quantitative; qualitative; research; occupation; profession;
- Summary/Abstract:The church singer is a trained person with musical abilities who sings and reads in and out of the church, along with the priest, in religious services, and who deals with the training of believers to learn religious songs. The church singer, in addition to faith in God, shows musical sense and the ability to correctly reproduce church songs using hearing, rhythmic sense, ability to consciously control breathing and artistic sound emission, resistance to continuous physical exertion, ability to concentrate, sensitivity, artistic expressiveness, naturalness, ease, interpretive intelligence and spontaneity, creativity and the ability to improvise, self-control, personal balance and the ability to overcome emotions and adaptability in various contexts. This study will present the perspective that the church singers in the Archdiocese of Iasi have on the profession called church singer.
- Price: 4.50 €
Măreția Preoției, preocuparea pentru predică și grija pentru sănătatea trupească și sufletească a păstoriților observate în activitatea și opera Mitropolitului Pimen Georgescu (1909-1934)
Măreția Preoției, preocuparea pentru predică și grija pentru sănătatea trupească și sufletească a păstoriților observate în activitatea și opera Mitropolitului Pimen Georgescu (1909-1934)
(The greatness of the priesthood, the concern for preaching and the care for the physical and spiritual health of pastors observed in the activity and work of Metropolitan Pimen Georgescu (1909-1934))
- Author(s):Petru-Ionuț Irimia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:651-661
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:fasting; priesthood; dispensation; sermon; metropolitan;
- Summary/Abstract:The Hierarch Pimen Georgescu, also known as the “Metropolitan of War”, in his activity of 25 years as Metropolitan of Iasi, was careful to intervene not only in healing the aftermath of the war - the wounded, sick, orphans, widows, poverty, fear and the list may goon - but was also concerned with the cultural-educational and moral upbringing of the priests and believers of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova. Among the concerns of Metropolitan Pimen, related to the field of Liturgical Theology, I mentioned only a few: the care to have priests ready and aware of the mission to which they have been called, the concern for them to preach on Sundays and holidays, as well as for the fasting of every believer according to their strength, giving dispensation from its keeping when hard times imposed it.
- Price: 4.50 €
Înmormântarea mirenilor în Molitfelnicele Sinodale – studiu istorico-liturgic
Înmormântarea mirenilor în Molitfelnicele Sinodale – studiu istorico-liturgic
(The burial of lay people in the Synodal Euchologion - a historical-liturgical study)
- Author(s):Dănuț-Bogdan Palcău
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:662-673
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:funeral rites; funeral of laity; romanian Euchologion;
- Summary/Abstract:The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Romanian Church has came up with 17 editions of the Euchologion after received the autocephaly. From the rites presented in this book, without a doubt, the one which is mostly used is the funeral of the laity. Analysing it, indifferent editions of the Euchologion, I observed that we can find some differences. On one hand, we can observe a series of differences in regards to the structure on which this rites is build, and on the other hand, the changes can be observed on the content of particular elements. The proposed study contains an inventory of all the differences, highlighting them in a systematical way. At the same time, a question related to the root-cause of these differences is born. The secondary purpose of this study, having the same value as the one above, is to show the origin of all these differences. With this approach, we propose to present the way in which the desire for correcting and improving the writings has been born, in regards to the funeral of laity, in the synodal Euchologions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Primul Arhieraticon românesc tipărit cu binecuvântarea Sfântului Sinod (1890)
Primul Arhieraticon românesc tipărit cu binecuvântarea
Sfântului Sinod (1890)
(The first Romanian Archieraticon printed with the blessing of the Holy Synod (1890))
- Author(s):Iulian-Ciprian Rusu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Theology and Religion, 19th Century, History of Religion
- Page Range:674-686
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Archieratikon; Manuscripts; Holy Synod; Typikon; Hierarch service;
- Summary/Abstract:Within the complex process of appearance, development and crystallization of the service book called Arhieraticon in Romanian, the role and importance of the 1890 edition is a fundamental one. In a period characterized by a great variety and diversity of liturgical practices determined by the influences coming, on the one hand from the Greeks, in Wallachia, and on the other hand from the Slavs, in Moldova, this edition is the expression of the unity and uniformity of service. At the same time, the lack of liturgical uniformity until1890 was also due to the subjective and discretionary character of the manuscripts of the Romanian Arhieraticon - the main form of existence of this service book in Romanian until then. First of all, the present study exposes the historical, religious and liturgical context of the 1890 edition of the Arhieraticon, dominated by events such as the Union of Romanian Principalities in 1859, the consecration of the Holy and Great Myrrh in 1882, and the autocephaly of the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1885. The process of writing and publishing the Arhieraticon of 1890 can be analysed in detail, thanks to the access to the Minutes of the Holy Synod, the spring session of 1890. These documents describe in great detail the discussions occasioned by the turmoil related to the conciliation of the two spheres of influence - Greek and Russian. The presentation of three models of the service for the bishop's ordination shows that the process of liturgical uniformity was at the beginning of the road. Also, the presence of a Typikon for the service of the hierarch at the end of the Arhieraticon, which contains the details related to the attire, attitude, place, and liturgical movements when concelebrating, shows the concern of the Holy Synod for achieving liturgical uniformity. Located at the intersection of two Orthodox worlds - Greek and Russian, the 1890edition of the Arhieraticon represents the expression of temperance, balance and moderation in the rigor of typiconal details. Subsequent editions continued and completed the process of crystallization and standardization of the liturgical practices of the bishop. This process is a living and dynamic one, the last printed edition of the Romanian Arhieraticon - Bucharest,2012, added new services of ordination and blessing: of the cantor (psaltes), of the church painter, of the acolyte (altar boy) etc.
- Price: 4.50 €
Manuscrise ale Arhieraticoanelor românești din Biblioteca Academiei Române
Manuscrise ale Arhieraticoanelor românești din Biblioteca
Academiei Române
(Manuscripts of the Romanian Archpriestesses in the Romanian Academy Library)
- Author(s):Iulian-Ciprian Rusu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Library and Information Science, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
- Page Range:687-702
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Archieratikon; Manuscripts; Slujebnik; Romanian Academy Library; cheirotonia; cheirothesia; copyist;
- Summary/Abstract:Archieratikon (slav. Chinovnik, eng. Bishop's Service Book) is the name for the service book that includes on one hand the liturgical guide (gr. typikon), together with the content of the services officiated only by the bishops: like cheirotonia and cheirothesia, The Holy Myrrh sanctification, consecration for churches and antimensions and, on the other hand, typikonal rubrics for services with bishop participation: Vespers, Mattins and Holy Liturgy. In the following study we shall use term Archieratikon also with meaning correlated with those fascicle – excerpts from Bishop's Service Book – containing one or more rubrics for bishop liturgical services. The reasoning for this use consists in the following ascertainment: a book named Archieratikon with his properly individuality, with a similar extent or table of contents and an identical name did not existed until 1890, when the first Archieratikon was printed, with the Holy Romanian Orthodox Church Synod approval and blessing. That's why Archieratikon - manuscripts dated before this event have a permissive, discretionary and subjective character. The Romanian Archieratikon books could not afford the expensive luxury of typography, since the book was used, theoretically, by the archiereus only. Every bishop used to extract only what he subjectively considered necessary, and he was paying a copyist to make his own Archieratikon. Although the uniformity of services and typicon order has suffered in this context, there was a very high positive impact on ecclesial culture, consisting of manuscripts with ornaments, miniatures, frontispieces – real pieces of art, Romanian treasures of culture and spirituality. Therewith, studying these manuscripts, we can affirm that their development was an essential factor in Romanian language evolution and maturation.
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Réjouis-toi, «la divine Source du Paradis». La Mère de Dieu dans l’hymnographie du Pentecostaire
Réjouis-toi, «la divine Source du Paradis». La Mère de Dieu
dans l’hymnographie du Pentecostaire
(Rejoice, "the divine Source of Paradise." The Mother of God in the Pentecostal Hymnography)
- Author(s):Gherasim Soca
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Other Christian Denominations
- Page Range:703-717
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:the Life-Giving Spring; Theotokos; hymnography; Resurrection; healing;
- Summary/Abstract:In the theology and hymnography of the liturgical period of the Pentecostarion, the Theotokos holds a prominent place as the one chosen by God the Father to offer human nature to His Incarnate Son and, therefore, as the first one to see her Resurrected Son. God granted her the fullness of spiritual gifts, so that she may personify the highest state which can be reached by a human united with God. Possessing Full of divine gifts and love, the Holy Virgin imparts these gifts to people and becomes a divine source of blessings and healings. The hymnography of Pentecostarion abounds in metaphors and epithets expressing the attributes of the Theotokos, far outnumbering those describing her Son, Jesus Christ. Which is the spiritual and theological significance of these qualifiers of the Theotokos? What place does she hold in the mystagogy of the Pentecostarion? What occasioned a feast dedicated to Our Lady, at the end of the Bright Week, and what do the hymns of this feast convey? What is the significance of healing, in this mystagogical context? The present paper addresses these questions, aiming to provide better understanding and experience of the services during this liturgical period.
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Istoricul și dezvoltarea liturgică a Praznicului Întâmpinării Domnului în Răsărit. Celebrare și integrare în cult
Istoricul și dezvoltarea liturgică a Praznicului Întâmpinării Domnului în Răsărit. Celebrare și integrare în cult
(History and liturgical development of the Feast of the Welcoming of the Lord in the East. Celebration and integration into worship)
- Author(s):Iuliana Timofti
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies, History of Religion
- Page Range:718-728
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Presentation of the Lord at the Temple; Hypapante; liturgical year; festal history; primary typikon;
- Summary/Abstract:This study aims to present the history of the feast celebrating the Presentation of the Lord at the Temple (otherwise called the Hypapante feast, from the Gr. Ὑπαπαντή - meeting) in the Eastern part of the Christendom from a theological and a liturgical perspective, until its official adoption in the Church calendar. At the beginning, the Hypapante feast was merely known as the „fortieth day after the Epiphany”, as Egeria notes in the oldest record of this celebration, marked – from the first moment – by great joy and solemnity as on any of the dominical feasts. Later, the date of the celebration will be established by imperial decree and the festal hymnography will be fixed.
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Interesul Sfântului Paisie Velicikovski pentru scrierile filocalice
Interesul Sfântului Paisie Velicikovski pentru scrierile filocalice
(Saint Paisie Velicikovski's interest in the philocalic writings)
- Author(s):Hrisant Tsachakis
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
- Page Range:729-733
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Paisie Velicikovski; filokalie; textele patristice;
- Summary/Abstract:It is very well known in the orthodox balkan world that the holy Abbot Paisie Velicikofski from Neamts, is one of the greatest ascetic and spiritual father of our Orthodox Church and represents an example for all Christians. For those who are living in monasteries, he is a model of ascetic effort and spiritual living. He fully fulfills the quality of Christian, monk, abbot and man of culture, being the initiator of an important translation work of patristic, liturgical and canonical writings, a work that he liked very much. Regarding the philolocal activity and the concern of Saint Paisius for the writings of the great mystical and ascetic fathers of the Church, shows him, without a doubt, as the first Russian, renewer of the monastic life in the Balkans, following the Athonite way of life, thus renewing the ascetic tradition and restoring the practice of heart-mental prayer, which had been almost forgotten.
- Price: 4.50 €