John Chrysostom’s Catechesis on Baptism in context of the late Fourth-Century Mystagogies Cover Image

John Chrysostom’s Catechesis on Baptism in context of the late Fourth-Century Mystagogies
John Chrysostom’s Catechesis on Baptism in context of the late Fourth-Century Mystagogies

Author(s): Pablo Argárate
Subject(s): Theology and Religion
Published by: Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association
Keywords: Saint John Chrysostom; catechumenate; mystagogical method; catechesis;

Summary/Abstract: In the use of the united Church from the late forth century was developed thecatechumenate, meaning a long and profound preparation for Christian Initiation,usually received in the Easter Vigil. However, candidates would receive explanationof the rites only after they were performed, namely during the Easter week. Thispractice was based on the so-called mystagogical method, the conviction that ritesspeak by themselves in a powerful manner. The Catechesis of Jerusalem (of Cyril orJohn, his successor), the Catechetical Homilies of Theodore of Mopsuestia along withthe Baptismal Homilies of John Chrysostom in the East, but also both treatises (Demysteriis and De sacramentis) of Ambrose of Milan witness with different nuances tothe mystagogical approach, namely the introduction into the mysteries and theMystery itself by means of ritual actions. In the present study, I will focus on JohnChrysostom’s Baptismal Homilies, underlining some aspects: their timely framework,their connection with other similar texts and the general structure of the preparationfor the Christian Initiation.

  • Issue Year: 3/2017
  • Issue No: 05
  • Page Range: 19-25
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: English
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