Sigismund II Augustus and the Culture of His Times Cover Image
  • Price: 42.00 €

Zygmunt II August i kultura jego czasów
Sigismund II Augustus and the Culture of His Times

Commemorating the 500 th Birthday of the Last Jagiellonian on the Polish-Lithuanian Throne

Contributor(s): Radosław Rusnak (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, History of Art
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Sigismund II Augustus; Renaissance; Elizabeth of Austria; Barbara Radziwiłł; Jan Kochanowski; humanism
Summary/Abstract: The publication, commemorating the 500 th birthday of Sigismund II Augustus, contains several essays on the last Jagiellonian, his artistic patronage and the flourishing of culture, visual arts and literature among others, at the time.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5666-4
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5658-9
  • Page Count: 438
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English, Polish
Strategies of Early Modern Royal Representation

Strategies of Early Modern Royal Representation
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Poetyckie funeralia żegnające królową Elżbietę Habsburżankę – uwagi bibliograficzne i historycznoliterackie
(Funerary Pieces in Memory of Queen Elizabeth of Austria – Bibliographical and Historical-Literary Comments)

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Marcus Ambrosius jako wysłannik króla Zygmunta Augusta do Antwerpii około roku 1560
(Marcus Ambrosius as an Envoy of Sigismund II Augustus to Antwerp around 1560)

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„Ku pospolitej potrzebie” – testament Zygmunta Augusta i pierwsza polska publiczna kolekcja sztuki
(“For the Common Good” – Last Will and Testament of Sigismund Augustus and the First Public Art Collection in Poland)

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