A few more words on the notion of ”fraszka” Cover Image

Jeszcze w sprawie genezy terminu „fraszka”
A few more words on the notion of ”fraszka”

Author(s): Radosław Rusnak
Subject(s): Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: fraszka; epigram; Fraszki ; Satyr; Jan Kochanowski; Stanisław Orzechowski; Historyja trojańska

Summary/Abstract: Author, pondering over various meanings of “fraszka” in the work of Jan Kochanowski, expresses his doubts in regards of Sante Graciotti’s thesis, claiming there is no one single case of its genological use in it. Sufficient enough to prove it wrong is the fact of him naming his epigrammatic collection – simultaneously to the process of putting in proper order his output – with the use of nothing other but this exact notion. The impending appropriation of such a use in Polish language has been shortly after confirmed by Melchior Pudłowski’s Fraszek księga pierwsza (1586). In further part of the article author tries to establish the precise moment of the first ever use of the word “fraszka” in print. As it turns out, although Kochanowski makes a use of it for the first time in his Satyr (1564), he was slightly preceded by both Stanisław Orzechowski’s Rozmowa albo dyjalog około egzekucyjej (1563) and anonymous Historyja trojańska (1563).

  • Issue Year: 53/2019
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 213-227
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish
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