On the planimetry of Gumelnița settlement Taraclia I in old and new research Cover Image

Despre planimetria așezării gumelnițene Taraclia I în cercetări vechi și noi
On the planimetry of Gumelnița settlement Taraclia I in old and new research

Author(s): Eugen Mistreanu, Marcin M. Przybyła
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei
Keywords: interfluviul pruto-nistrean; nord-vestul Mării Negre; Eneolitic; așezarea Taraclia I; complexul cultural Gumelniţa-Kodjadermen-Karanovo VI; Bolgrad-Aldeni; așezare fortificată;

Summary/Abstract: In the present article, the authors present the archaeological research carried out in the settlement of Taraclia I during 1979-1985, as well as the geophysical investigations undertaken in 2019. It presents the plan of archaeological excavations as well and a preliminary analysis of the results of the magnetometric scan. It highlights the layout of the settlement, confirming the existence of the ditch a defensive type structure, discovered in 1985. It also calls attention to a fortification model, quadrilateral with rounded corners, composed of two rows of ditches, with four entrances, arranged approximately in the middle of artificial fortifications, and surrounding the central area of housing. By type and shape, the highlighted structure has analogies both in the immediate vicinity, the settlements Chioselia Mare I and Cialîc, as well as in Romania at Suceveni-Stoborăni, but especially in the Eneolithic settlements of the cultural complex Gumelniţa-Kodjadermen-Karanovo VI, in Bulgaria; the similarities being representative of the settlements from Poljanica, Radingrad, Goljamo Delčevo, Ovčarovo. Considering the new information, we can say that one of the arguments for trying to individualize the settlements in the Bugeac steppe and namely the lack of fortifi- cation / delimitation systems is no longer fully valid nowadays.

  • Issue Year: XVI/2020
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 5-20
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Romanian
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