Archaeological Magazine Cover Image

Revista Arheologică
Archaeological Magazine

Publishing House: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei
Subject(s): Archaeology
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 1857-016X
Online-ISSN: 2537-6144
Status: Active

  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • Issue No. 1-2/12
  • Issue No. 1-2/XIII
  • Issue No. 1/XIV
  • Issue No. 2/XIV
  • Issue No. 1/XV
  • Issue No. 2/XV
  • Issue No. 1/XVI
  • Issue No. 2/XVI
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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Short Description

Archaeology Magazine is the scientific journal published by the Archaeology Centre of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the ASM.

The mission of the Magazine is the publication of scientific papers. Typically, materials are in Romanian, but also in other languages of international circulation and have a specific structure for such publications. It contains the following basic compartments: Studies; Papers and Surveys; Discussions; in which novel materials, synthesis, new approaches and directions in research are included, as well as materials generating new theories or supplementing the existing ones. The compartment Interdisciplinary Surveys occupies a special place containing materials and research in related sciences but feasible to archaeology, such as Anthropology, Archaeozoology (Zooarchaeology), Pedo-archaeology, Archaeobotany, etc. Latest editorial publications in the field can be found in the compartment Paper and Book Reviews. The Archaeology Magazine also contains rubrics In Honorem devoted to paying homage to distinguished archaeologists, and In Memoriam, where passed-away colleagues are commemorated. Scientific life compartment can also be found in the Journal, which presents information on the scientific events organized by the Archaeology Centre. In addition, we mention the good quality of the graphics support, which aims at illustrating and complementing the presented information. Thematically, the submitted materials are quite extensive both in chronological – from prehistory to the Middle Ages, and regional terms – reflecting the archaeology of the current territory of the Republic of Moldova and the neighbouring areas. The studies are carried out not only by renowned specialists, but also by young researchers from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, etc.

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