Songs authorized by Serbian poets in the melographic notations of well known and lesser-known Croatian melographers (2) Cover Image

Песме српских песника у мелографским записима познатих и мање познатих хрватских мелографа (2)
Songs authorized by Serbian poets in the melographic notations of well known and lesser-known Croatian melographers (2)

Author(s): Đorđe Perić
Subject(s): Music
Published by: Српска академија наука и уметности

Summary/Abstract: Based on the voluminous Croatian melographic literature, both published and in manuscript form, the author of this essay traces in a number of instalments the popular songs authorized by Serbian poets, which used to be sung across minor Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia and Lika according to transcribed melodies of Croatian melographers. This essay contains poetry set to music of twentytwo (22) Serbian poets from the age of romanticism, ten (10) of which have never been mentioned in the earlier works of the same author; then, seven (7) poets whose names have been cited before, but we now included some other popular songs of theirs, and five (5) poets whose songs have already been analyzed, which now contain additional melographic notations. Every song is followed by names of Croatian melographers with basic data regarding the publication of their collections, such as the title, place and year of publication as well as the number of the song in question. In the examples of notation we selected and appended eight most significant melographic notations that are not to be found anywhere else. Th e author presented extracts from several polemical pieces which gave a critical treatment of the appropriation of Serbian songs and falsification in the form of corrupted and modified lyrics of the Serbian poets, whose songs were considered to be Croatian traditional folk songs.

  • Issue Year: 2019
  • Issue No: 12
  • Page Range: 135-178
  • Page Count: 44
  • Language: Serbian
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