Poems of Serbian Poets in Melographic Notations of Known and Less Known Croatian Melographers (1) [Baroque and Pre-Romanticism] Cover Image

Песме српских песника у мелографским записимапознатих и мање познатих хрватских мелографа (барок и предромантизам)
Poems of Serbian Poets in Melographic Notations of Known and Less Known Croatian Melographers (1) [Baroque and Pre-Romanticism]

Author(s): Đorđe Perić
Subject(s): Cultural history, Serbian Literature
Published by: Српска академија наука и уметности

Summary/Abstract: Drawing on his research into Serbian topics in Croatian melography, the author has identified, singled out and authorised a new group of popular poems of Serbian poets (of Baroque and Pre-Romanticism), recorded in notation by less known Croatian melographers. Information is presented for popular poems of sixteen Serbian poets, who were generally unknown in Serbian melography and ethnomusicology. The paper contains seven rare examples of Serbian poems from Croatian melographic literature which are discussed in the author’s text. Each text of the poem contains exhaustive information both on the poet and the poem and the Croatian melographic source that the author refers to. A separate section in Serbian melography, known as “old-town songs” of Serbian poets, has thus received another element which complements it with newly explored examples of Serbian artistic town folklore in the past.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 11
  • Page Range: 151-184
  • Page Count: 34
  • Language: Serbian
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