The issue of using German language in the party authorities of the Opole Province perspective (1950 – 1956)  Cover Image

Kwestia używania języka niemieckiego w ujęciu władz partyjnych województwa opolskiego (1950 – 1956)
The issue of using German language in the party authorities of the Opole Province perspective (1950 – 1956)

Author(s): Adriana Dawid
Subject(s): History
Published by: Instytut Śląski
Keywords: 1950-1956; popularization of Polish language; dismissal of German language; Opole; language propaganda

Summary/Abstract: Between 1950 and 1956 Provincial Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party in Opole focused on the issue of using German language by native inhabitants. The actions of authorities were aimed at popularisation of Polish and dismissal for German speech and writing which was divided to „democratic” German language (from the German Democratic Republic) and “Adenauer-like” (from the federal Republic of Germany). The popularity of German language was big, not only among old people, but also among the younger natives. In the party’s perception, the poor knowledge of Polish language decreased the chances of social and professional advancement of local people. The group responsible for promoting German language according to propositions of the Polish United Workers’ Party was consisted of past members of The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, supporters of Nazism. The increase of German language popularity was explained as an effect of hostile and revisionist propaganda that was to be promoted, i. a. via west radio stations, through correspondence from abroad, contacts with families staying in Germany, as well as, via clergy and church that allowed to practices and rituals with the use of German language. A special anxiety was raised by the cases of using German military commands or Hitler greetings, and singing German songs. The educational and propaganda actions conducted by the Polish United Workers’ Party, that often supported by Office of Public Security and Citizen’s Militia turned out to be of little effectiveness and did not influence on limiting the popularity of German language among native inhabitants of Opole Province.

  • Issue Year: 2013
  • Issue No: 72
  • Page Range: 141-160
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Polish
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