The anti-German propaganda in the activity of the Regional Board of the Society for the Development of the Western Lands in Opole (1957–1971) Cover Image
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Propaganda antyniemiecka w działalności Zarządu Wojewódzkiego Towarzystwa Rozwoju Ziem Zachodnich w Opolu (1957–1971)
The anti-German propaganda in the activity of the Regional Board of the Society for the Development of the Western Lands in Opole (1957–1971)

Author(s): Adriana Dawid
Subject(s): History
Published by: Instytut Śląski
Keywords: Towarzystwo Rozwoju Ziem Zachodnich; (Society for the Development of the Western Lands); West-German revisionism; anti-German propaganda

Summary/Abstract: The aim behind the activity of Towarzystwo Rozwoju Ziem Zachodnich (Society for the Development of the Western Lands) /SDWL/ which functioned in the years 1957–1971 was, beside popularizing the Polish past of the areas annexed to Poland in 1945, to carry out a campaign against the west-German militarism and revisionism. These ideas found particular support among the Polish activists before the war, who dominated the active body of the Opole branch of the Society. The program-related aims of the SDWL were realized through various forms of activity, among others, lectures, seminars, meetings with Polish activists, exhibitions, competitions, concerts, sports events, excursions. Together with party-based and social institutions there were organized conferences and trainings devoted to anti-German and anti-revisionist subjects. The anti-west-German campaign was also run on the basis of editing activity: books and information bulletins were published, „Kalendarz Opolski” (The Opole Calendar) was issued on a regular basis, as well as the quarterly „Wczoraj Dzisiaj Jutro” (yesterday today tomorrow). By propagating a negative picture of the republic of West Germany, its positive counterbalance, i.e. The republic of East Germany, was readily created. The Opole branch of the SDWL severely criticized the program of the so-called connecting families and accused the catholic clergy of popularizing the pro-German option among the inhabitants of Opole Silesia. The activity of the SDWL was in line with the state propagandist trend established in the People’s republic of Poland and developed in the spirit of utmost loyalty to the communist party authorities.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 70
  • Page Range: 53-72
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Polish
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