Modernizational instruments of institutional support of industry ecologization Cover Image

Модернізаційні інструменти інституціонального забезпечення екологізації промисловості
Modernizational instruments of institutional support of industry ecologization

Author(s): Ella Sheludko
Subject(s): National Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Methodology and research technology
Published by: Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі
Keywords: potentially dangerous production; modernization; ecotransformation of the industry;

Summary/Abstract: Relevance of research topic. The development of a resource-efficient economy has become a natural trend for the development of many developed countries, even those that are rich in natural resources. Ukraine has also started transforming its economic system in response to growing challenges from resource constraints, climate change and competition in international markets. An important push in this direction was the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, according to which there should be an implementation of the substantive provisions of the EU Directives concerning the "greening" of industry, and in particular those affecting the activity and development of potentially dangerous industries. Hence, there is a need for monitoring of implementation of institutional instruments for ecologization of industrial production and analysis of the implementation of economic reforms, which are provided with a number of strategic state documents in the field of “greening” of the industry. Formulation of the problem. Today there is a need for reforming the existing system of air quality management, water and wastewater management, waste management, since the current one does not allow full implementation of the policy provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. Comprehensive solution of urgent environmental problems requires coordinated actions of various government institutions and the adoption of managerial decisions on the assessment of technogenic and environmental risks and the monitoring of the environmental impact of industrial enterprises; there is also a need for the introduction of new effective levers of state policy on the management of hazardous production on the basis of the concept of "greening" of the industry. Analysis of recent research and publications. The problems of the disclosure of the transformational changes in the industry in the direction of its "greening" and the role of the state in the modernization of potentially hazardous productions have been given considerable attention in the scientific works of Berzina S., Burkinskyi B., Veklych O., Galushkina T., Ilyashenko I., Kvasha T., Kozachenko T., Kupinets L., Musina L., Omelchenko A., Potapenko V., Harichkov S., Khlobistov Y. and others. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. The new environmental policy is the control of pollution of the environment, primarily, the control of industrial pollution. In this context, the environmental modernization of industrial enterprises is conditioned by changing the state's environmental policy towards polluting enterprises, which will improve the quality of life for modern and future generations, will provide "green" industrial growth, form effective mechanisms for the preservation and restoration of the natural environment. The introduction of new instruments of state policy in the environmental sphere is a large-scale reform that will affect the entire Ukrainian industry, while the formation of a systematic vision of major achievements in the implementation of international requirements for the eco transformation of industrial enterprises is still an insufficiently researched issue in the scientific literature. Setting the task and the purpose of the study. The main task of the publication is the development of effective measures to improve institutional instruments for managing the ecological development of industrial enterprises in order to support the implementation of the Agreement with the EU in the field of greening the Ukrainian economy and assessing the implementation of the EU Directives, the implementation of other international instruments in Ukrainian legislation, including management of hazardous enterprises, which will help minimize the risks of environmental aspects in the process of production, effective prevention and control of industrial pollution, raising the level of environmental safety. Method or methodology for conducting research. The research uses the following methods of scientific knowledge: dialectical method, methods of comparison and observation, methods of economic analysis, analysis and synthesis, ascension from abstract to concrete, system-structural method. Presentation of the main material (results of work). The current state and trends of the development of potentially dangerous industrial enterprises in Ukraine are characterized and the features of their functioning are characterized, which are connected in a certain way with the significant use of potentially dangerous technologies, the growth of environmental problems and territories where there is a high probability of natural and man-made disasters; the analysis of strategic documents of the state in the field of hazardous production management has been carried out; new approaches to environmental modernization of potentially hazardous industries, determined by the priority of environmental safety and subordination of the goals of the development of industrial production to the technology of environmental and ecological safety with the coordination of interests of the ecology and economy, are grounded; recommendations on ecological adaptation of economic growth related to the development of industry have been developed. The field of application of results. Realization of measures of influence of state ecological policy on activity of industrial enterprises. Conclusions according to the article. The proposed measures on ecological adaptation of economic growth in industry allow to improve the mechanism of prevention, reduction and control of industrial pollution in accordance with international environmental requirements and promote the industrialists and entrepreneurs in ensuring the proper level of "greening" of technological processes.

  • Issue Year: 2019
  • Issue No: 42
  • Page Range: 136-149
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Ukrainian
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