Engineering development industrial complex a key requirement for modernization of industrial enterprises Cover Image

Розвиток промислового інжинірингу як ключова умова комплексної модернізації промислових підприємств
Engineering development industrial complex a key requirement for modernization of industrial enterprises

Author(s): Ella Sheludko
Subject(s): Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, International relations/trade, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі
Keywords: industry; industrial engineering; engineering services; export of services; industry 4.0; competitiveness;

Summary/Abstract: The object is to study the experience of using industrial engineering in Ukraine and the development of export opportunities in engineering. The purpose of writing is to study the characteristics of industrial engineering related capabilities in the integration of business processes with international chains of value creation, and changing culture of cooperation in the context of the problem of industry. Methodology of work. In the study the dialectical method, time series, methods of comparison and measurement, analysis and synthesis were applied. The results: the estimation of the current state of competitiveness of domestic industries by analyzing data on the volume of sales, innovation of industrial enterprises, import and export products of processing industry; the basic trends in the development of Ukrainian engineering were studied, the technical assistance tools to promote engineering services in Ukraine and abroad were investigated; the priorities in the development of the IT industry are reasoned, which are able to improve the structure and quality of production as well as improve the management system of professional training. Scope of results application: implementation of measures of state industrial policy on the economy. Conclusions. Among the priorities of industrial policy today one should definitely put the use of new technologies in a prominent place, as well as techniques and methods, engineering services contributing to the development of high-tech sector in industry. This approach, combined with high educational and professional level of workers in the sector, is to ensure the creation and implementation of innovative software products and new technologies. For the intensive development of the engineering activities it is necessary to primarily focus on export markets (start-UPS, brainpower, semi-finished and final products), the development of export potential and supporting the development in Ukraine of high-tech centers in industrial engineering. For Ukraine it is advisable to develop a strategy for participation in global chains of value creation, the state target program of technological modernization of industrial production based on new technologies, both domestic and «borrowed», that will allow for a comprehensive renovation and modernization of the technological base of industrial enterprises.

  • Issue Year: 1/2017
  • Issue No: 34
  • Page Range: 112-122
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Ukrainian
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