The Impact of the Migration on the Understanding the Identity and Approach towards Citizenship in the EU Member States Cover Image

Vplyv imigrácie na zmeny v chápaní identity a v prístupe k občianstvu v členských štátoch Európskej únie
The Impact of the Migration on the Understanding the Identity and Approach towards Citizenship in the EU Member States

Author(s): Martina Bolečeková
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Univerzita Mateja Bela
Keywords: immigration; European Union; national identity; integration policy; nationality; citizenship; naturalization

Summary/Abstract: Immigration flows transform receiving societies in many directions. Some of the changes are evident at first sight; other changes need time to get visible in all their impacts. Post-war labour migrations changed significantly national structure in many West European states. But there were only few countries which were really opened to accept foreign elements. The failure of multicultural approach has showed that there is no universally applicable model for dealing with the integration of immigrant groups of different cultures. Each particular state has its own approach to the integration of immigrants which varies throughout the history and reflects individual experience. Despite restrictions in the European Union against unwanted immigration, there is still a need for labour force, which can be (partly) saturated by immigrants. Such economic and social aspects are closely connected to cultural aspect in form of co-existence with different cultural entities. This study deals with the questions, if international migration may have any impact on redefinition of the role of the nation-state and if national identity construction influences the attitude to immigrants in the Member States of the European Union. The attitude toward immigrants is also reflected in legal arrangement of citizenship. Our analysis will demonstrate that naturalization policies and citizenship laws in all European Union’s Member States have become more inclusive, which means that access to citizenship has been opened to long-term residents and their children.

  • Issue Year: 14/2011
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 6-29
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Slovak
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