Politické vedy
Political Sciences
Publishing House: Univerzita Mateja Bela
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Frequency: 4 issues
Print ISSN: 1335-2741
Status: Active
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- Issue No. 1/26
Articles list
Národný záujem v Európskom parlamente: homogénnosť hlasovania slovenských poslancov Európskeho parlamentu
Národný záujem v Európskom parlamente: homogénnosť hlasovania slovenských poslancov Európskeho parlamentu
(National Interest in the European Parliament: Voting Homogeneity of Slovak Members of the European Parliament)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Vladimír Müller
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Politics, Political Theory, Political Sciences
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 8-25
- No. of Pages: 18
- Keywords: European Parliament;Slovak MEPs;Roll-call Vote; Agreement Index
- Summary/Abstract: This paper analyses the voting behavior of all Slovak members of the European Parliament since 2004 when Slovakia entered the EU until June 2022. Scholarly work has shown that MEP’s voting behavior is traditionally driven mainly by political party group membership and not by national origin. Nationality still has its importance, however only a secondary one in MEP’s voting decisions. Our aim is to identify policy areas where Slovak MEPs tend to vote similarly on a national basis. We applied the agreement index formula on every roll-call vote of the European Parliament during 2004 - 2022 for Slovak MEPs and sort them into policy area categories. Results showed the highest voting cohesion in international trade, budget, and regional development. The lowest voting cohesion was demonstrated in gender equality, petitions, and development. In general, the economic policy areas tend to have higher voting cohesion of Slovak MEPs than other policy areas. This paper opens up a set of questions for further research about the causes of the voting behavior of Slovak MEPs.
Sektorové kolektívne vyjednávanie na Slovensku: benefity a limity
Sektorové kolektívne vyjednávanie na Slovensku: benefity a limity
(Sectoral Collective Bargaining in Slovakia: Benefits and Limits)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Monika Benedeková, Monika Čambáliková
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Politics, Political Theory, Political Sciences
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 26-38
- No. of Pages: 13
- Keywords: Sectoral Collective Bargaining;Sectoral Collective Agreements;Extension;Coverage by Collective Agreements;Wage and Labour Rights of Employees;Slovakia
- Summary/Abstract: The main goal of the study is to analyse the sectoral social dialogue in the system of social dialogue, with an emphasis on its practical functioning and the extension of sectoral collective agreements (KZVS) in Slovakia. The main research method is content analysis of sectoral collective agreements in Slovakia, analysis of the process of their extension, including changes in the relevant legislation. The paper analyses the causes of stagnation and limitations of sectoral negotiations in Slovakia and points to possible solutions that, through sectoral collective agreements and their extension, could contribute to fulfilling the potential and benefits of the effective functioning of social dialogue in Slovakia.
Šírenie noriem a hodnôt Európskej únie za hranicami európskeho integračného priestoru
Šírenie noriem a hodnôt Európskej únie za hranicami európskeho integračného priestoru
(Spreading the Standards and Values of the European
Union beyond the Borders of the European Integration Area)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Tomáš Žipaj
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Politics, Political Theory, Political Sciences
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 39-62
- No. of Pages: 24
- Keywords: European Union;External Governance;Inter-regionalism;Candidate Countries;European Neighbourhood Policy;Regional Integration Organizations
- Summary/Abstract: The globalizing world has forced various actors to look beyond their borders and establish relationships with other actors, in order to reflect the current demands of society. The European Union (EU) was able to reflect on this situation very effectively, since the impact of the European integration process does not end only at the external borders of its member states. The main objective of the article was to define the European Union as an important geopolitical actor that can effectively spread its values and norms across the entire political map of the world. The scope of the EU's external impact beyond the borders of the European integration area was identified through the theoretical approaches of inter-regionalism and External Governance. The author analysed how the EU can spread values and standards towards selected groups of actors, namely candidate countries, countries of EU neighbourhood and other regional integration organizations. The emphasis was not only on the process of how the EU can spread its norms and values, but also on how they are accepted by the affected actors. The large scale and institutionalized form of the EU's external impact documents the effort to actively act beyond its external borders. The spread of values and norms towards external actors contributes to the strengthening of the geopolitical position, where the EU represents an actor with a wide global reach. In addition, the article offered a prognosis of which actors will likely to be exposed to stronger external influence from the EU in the coming years.
Nástroje detekce radikalizace v kontextu ochrany demokracie
Nástroje detekce radikalizace v kontextu ochrany demokracie
(Radicalization Detection Tools in the Context of Democracy Protection)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Štěpán Strnad
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Czech
- Subject(s): Politics, Political Theory, Political Sciences
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 63-94
- No. of Pages: 32
- Keywords: Radicalization;Extremism;Militant Democracy;Detection Tools
- Summary/Abstract: The article tries to evaluate the state of professional development and conceptualization of the issue of violent radicalization with the use of used diagnostic tools for detection of the process of violent radicalization. The author compares the selected models of radicalization and selected tools of radicalization detection used in prisons, while evaluating their application positives and negatives and drawing attention to their specific aspects of practical applicability of security practices. The theoretical framing of the chosen phenomenon of radicalization is based on the political-legal concept of militant democracy, the elements of which are applied to varying degrees in the anti-extremist and anti-radicalization policy of the states of Central Europe, including the Czech Republic. The aim of the contribution is a comparative analysis of the selected detection tools at the micro level, specifically the so-called structured protocols for assessing the risk of extremist violence. The author aims to provide a comprehensive and comparative overview of selected tools used in risk assessment through three dimensions: (1) the purpose of the tools; 2) basic methodology and structure of tools; and (3) the practical results of using these tools. Despite the use of radicalization identification tools, this method of evaluating predispositions to violent extremism is still in its infancy. Reflecting on the research questions raised, we can summarize that the purpose of the compared detection tools is the detection of risk levels that have led or could lead to violent extremism or terrorism in a person serving a sentence.
Aktuálne výzvy azylovej a migračnej politiky Slovenska
Aktuálne výzvy azylovej a migračnej politiky Slovenska
(Current Challenges of Asylum and Migration Policy of Slovakia)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Monika Práznovská
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Politics, Political Theory, Political Sciences
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 95-117
- No. of Pages: 23
- Keywords: Migration;Migration Policy;Asylum Policy;War;Conflict;Ukraine;Europeanization
- Summary/Abstract: Migration as such is currently an evolutionary phenomenon, which is most pronounced in recent decades. Political, security and socio-economic aspects are one of the causes of migration. The reason is also climate change and therefore it can be ranked among the current challenges of civilization. The issue of migration became known after the outbreak of the migration crisis in 2015. Currently, after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, it has again become known to the public as well as the academic community. Following Russia's attack on Ukraine, EU member states began to face a new wave of migration. The onslaught on the borders is visible in Slovakia, and for this reason the country had to adapt legislation in this area. The aim of the article is to examine the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on Slovakia's migration and asylum policy as a result of changes at the European level after the outbreak of the military conflict in Ukraine. By analyzing documents, we examine changes in the legislative migration and asylum policy of Slovakia. Through qualitative research using the empirical-analytical method, it identifies the shortcomings of Slovakia's migration and asylum policy, which appeared after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.
Humanitárne intervencie po roku 1945: multilateralizmus, úspešnosť a dosah intervencií na demokratizačný proces dotknutých štátov
Humanitárne intervencie po roku 1945: multilateralizmus, úspešnosť a dosah intervencií na demokratizačný proces dotknutých štátov
(Humanitarian Interventions after 1945: Multilateralism, Success Rate and the Impact of the Intervention on the Democratization Process of the Impacted States)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Radoslav Packa
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Politics, Political Theory, Political Sciences
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 118-135
- No. of Pages: 18
- Keywords: Humanitarian Intervention;Democratization;Sovereignty;Multilateralism
- Summary/Abstract: Humanitarian interventions have long formed a controversial topic: they represent a violation of the nation-state’s sovereignty to fulfil a humanitarian mission. Intervening countries have always had to deal with suspicion of using humanitarian motives as cover for imperialism. Since 1945 it has become the international norm that the international community may act to prevent the most egregious acts of human rights violations. Modern developments and the UN’s acceptance of the Responsibility to Protect have advanced humanitarian intervention as a legitimate instrument to correct the most striking failures of states to uphold their responsibilities to their citizens. This study attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of humanitarian interventions. The goal of the study is to answer what impact an intervention has on the stability and democratization processes of the affected country. For this purpose, a quantitative analysis was performed using the publicly available data from the Humanitarian intervention dataset. This dataset contains data on 41 humanitarian interventions between 1945 and 2014. These were grouped based on whether there was a single or group intervening countries and whether the intervening side had the approval of relevant international organizations. The groups were then compared in terms of success in achieving a cessation of hostilities in a shorter and longer horizon as well as whether the intervention left behind a functional democratic state. The results indicate that a short-term, unilateral approach to intervention seems more effective than an immediate attempt at violence reduction. The countries targeted by humanitarian intervention almost universally fail to create lasting democratic institutions, however the multilateral approach has produced better results in terms of creating lasting peace.
Paradoxy preferenčného hlasovania a možnosti posilnenia voličského hlasu v podmienkach SR
Paradoxy preferenčného hlasovania a možnosti posilnenia voličského hlasu v podmienkach SR
(The Paradoxes of Preferential Voting and the Possibility of Strengthening the Electoral Vote in the Slovak Republic)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Natália Kováčová, František Prášil
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Politics, Political Theory, Political Sciences
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 136-155
- No. of Pages: 20
- Keywords: Voter's Voice;Elections;Proportional Electoral System;Preferential Vote;Electoral District
- Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this contribution is to generally highlight the power potential of the voter's voice in the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic (NR SR), resulting from the proportional electoral system. The specific focus is on selected determinants of the voting power, including the number of preferential votes, the established percentage threshold for preferential marking, the size, and the existence of a single electoral district. At the center of attention is the voter's voice with the attribute "preferential," and the examination of its potential and real impact on the composition of the parliament. By analyzing the central issue of preferential votes, we will gradually uncover weaknesses and imperfections arising from the electoral system setup. The purpose of this contribution is to present selected possible solutions and proposals that would strengthen the weight of preferential votes in the proportional electoral system. To achieve a comprehensive concept of the contribution, descriptive, comparative, and primarily the methods of analysis and synthesis of knowledge, as well as statistical data methods, were utilized. As it was not possible to obtain all the comprehensive data from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic within the researched problem, we formulated conclusions based on our own calculations derived from respecting the data of the 2020 parliamentary elections, through mathematical statistics, data collection, and analysis. The aim of this contribution is to contribute to the awareness of deeper connections between the electoral system setup and the actual impact of the voter's voice in the decision-making process in the elections to the NR SR. It also aims to demonstrate certain weaknesses arising from the electoral system setup and stimulate a professional discussion about possible proposals that would fundamentally contribute to increasing the weight of the voter's voice and reflecting the will of the voters to a higher degree in the composition of the parliament.
Recenzia na knihu: Ukrajina (rozhovory, mýty a fakta)
Recenzia na knihu: Ukrajina (rozhovory, mýty a fakta)
(Book Review: Ukraine (Interviews, Myths and Facts))
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Patrícia Balcová
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Book-Review
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 156-160
- No. of Pages: 5
- Keywords: book review
- Summary/Abstract: HORKÝ, P. a kol.: Ukrajina (rozhovory, mýty a fakta) [Ukraine (Interviews, Myths, Facts)]. Brno: CPress, 2022. 234 s. ISBN 978-80-264-4395-7.
Recenze na knihu: Terorismus a radikalizace v České republice: možnosti detekce rizikových osob
Recenze na knihu: Terorismus a radikalizace v České republice: možnosti detekce rizikových osob
(Book Review: Terrorism and radicalization in the Czech Republic: options for detecting risky persons)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Josef Smolík
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Czech
- Subject(s): Book-Review
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 161-166
- No. of Pages: 6
- Keywords: book review
- Summary/Abstract: VEGRICHTOVÁ, B. a kol.: Terorismus a radikalizace v České republice: možnosti detekce rizikových osob [Terrorism and radicalization in the Czech Republic: options for detecting risky persons]. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2022. 275 s. ISBN 978-80-271-3126-6.
Recenzia na knihu: Problémové ženy. Dejiny feminizmu v 11 bojoch
Recenzia na knihu: Problémové ženy. Dejiny feminizmu v 11 bojoch
(Book Review: Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Veronika Gašková
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Book-Review
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 167-170
- No. of Pages: 4
- Keywords: book review
- Summary/Abstract: LEWIS, H.: Problémové ženy. Dejiny feminizmu v 11 bojoch. [Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights]. N Press, s. r. o. Bratislava, 2021. 374 s. ISBN 9788082300249.
Uprchlická krize a kognitivní rámcování
Uprchlická krize a kognitivní rámcování
(Refugee Crisis and Cognitive Frames)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Ondřej Hynek, Peter Juza
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Czech
- Subject(s): Conference Report
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 171-175
- No. of Pages: 5
- Keywords:
- Summary/Abstract:
Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia: „INTERPOLIS 2022“
Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia: „INTERPOLIS 2022“
(: International Scientific Conference: “INTERPOLIS 2022”)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Eleonóra Kováčová
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Conference Report
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 176-180
- No. of Pages: 5
- Keywords: INTERPOLIS 2022
- Summary/Abstract:
Medzinárodná ľudsko-právna konferencia: „HUMAN FORUM 2022“
Medzinárodná ľudsko-právna konferencia: „HUMAN FORUM 2022“
(International Conference on Human Rights: “HUMAN FORUM 2022”)
- Publication: (1/26/2023)
- Author(s): Róbert Vancel
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Slovak
- Subject(s): Conference Report
- Issue: 1/26/2023
- Page Range: 181-185
- No. of Pages: 5
- Keywords: HUMAN FORUM 2022
- Summary/Abstract:
Short Description
The Journal Political Sciences has been released since 1998. The aim of the academically reviewed journal is to publish original articles of Slovak and foreign authors, concerning different fields of social sciences, concentrating primarily on topics from political science, international relations, modern history and security studies. The journal brings as well actual reviews of recently published scientific literature from Slovak and foreign publishers. An emphasis is also placed on the evaluation on scientific activities, social events and a wide spectrum of other activities, which are interesting for the academic community. The content of the present journal on political sciences has the ambition to accommodate the needs of scientific workers, professors, students, activists, politicians and other qualified authors and university academics. However, the journal also keeps in mind the interests of the public and published articles can also serve in favour of those, who care about the topics of political sciences and the newest questions in research. The journal Political Science is released by the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. The journal is released four times a year – twice in English and twice in Slovak. The contributions go through a double anonymous reviewing procedure. At present, the journal is being rated in an evaluating procedure in various international abstract, bibliographical and citation databases.