Dimensions of the Teachers’ Role in Higher Education from the Students’ Perspective Cover Image

Dimenzije uloge nastavnika u visokoškolskoj nastavi iz perspektive studenata
Dimensions of the Teachers’ Role in Higher Education from the Students’ Perspective

Author(s): Borka Malčić, Nataša Tančić, Svetlana Kostović
Subject(s): Higher Education , Sociology of Education
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: students; university; evaluation; teaching process; teacher’s role

Summary/Abstract: In the modern society throughout the world, universities have become a part of industry, whose priorities are student satisfaction and competition for better ranking among a variety of available faculties and student programmes in our country and abroad. In the learning paradigm, the teacher’s role has been changed. Teachers have become collaborators, partners and mentors in conceptualizing teaching activities mainly based on students as major actors, who express their subject position in the teaching process through student evaluation of teaching. The aim of this paper was students’ evaluation of teaching performance in higher education, evaluation of the teaching process in regard to gender differences of the respondents and evaluation of the teaching process in correlation with the academic achievement of the respondents. The respondents were the third-year students (N=200) enrolled at seven study programmes at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, 53 of whom were male. The respondents have filled in a two part questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire refers to the student's gender, study programmes and the student's achievement data from the previous year, while the second part consists of the Evaluation of Teaching Performance questionnaire (CEID, Moreno Murcia-Torregrosa & Belando Pedreno, 2015). The instrument items are grouped into 3 factors. The first refers to the planning phase, the second to the teaching process phase, while the third refers to the result phase of the teaching process. The analysis data has been carried out in SPSS 22.0 programme package, and besides the descriptive statistics, Sheffe’s test, T-test and Pearson Correlation have also been used. The analysis data have shown that the questionnaire used for our respondents had one factor. Student achievement does not significantly make a positive correlation with the perception of teaching quality performance. However, the data have shown statistically significant difference in the student evaluation of teaching performance of university teachers in regard to student gender. Students’ evaluation is necessary, but not enough for a multidimensional construct in the evaluation of teaching performance in higher education. Although student evaluation of teachers should have an important role in the evaluation of teaching performance, at the same time it should be only a part of teaching and teacher quality data. It’s obvious that an estimation of objective characteristics of the teaching process has been filtered through their perceptual system and other factors involved. Therefore, the modern pedagogical evaluation concept must also include various types of evaluation, while the teacher's self-evaluation must be its priority.

  • Issue Year: 42/2017
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 259-273
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Serbian
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