A teacher professional development through the horizontal learning concept and teachers’ forums Cover Image

Profesionalni razvoj nastavnika kroz koncept horizontalnog učenja i nastavničkih foruma
A teacher professional development through the horizontal learning concept and teachers’ forums

Author(s): Nataša Tančić, Lela Vuković, Borka Malčić
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: teacher professional development; horizontal learning; in service teacher professional development; teacher's forums.

Summary/Abstract: The vision of lifelong learning and a continuous professional development requires a teacher who is a critical thinker, a reflective practitioner, a teacher capable for self-evaluation, a teacher who knows how to find out and provide the prerequisites needed for the development of every individual student. In short, it should be a teacher who encourages and supports his/her students in both processes of learning and development. Teachers are expected to undertake a continuous professional development and a responsible participation in all segments of the school activities. The authors of this paper have theoretically analyzed the contemporary concept of teacher professional development through teachers’ forums as a specific kind of horizontal learning. Teachers’ forums, as a possibility for gaining new knowledge and establishing cooperation with the colleagues, are slowly becoming a part of the school practice.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 26
  • Page Range: 109-121
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Serbian
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