Changes in number of population, population density and households in the settlements of Goc mountain Cover Image

Промене броја становника, густине насељености и домаћинстава у насељима планине Гоч
Changes in number of population, population density and households in the settlements of Goc mountain

Author(s): Tamara Kovačević, Milka Bubalo-Živković, Saša Kicošev
Subject(s): Social history, Demography and human biology, Rural and urban sociology, Economic development, Migration Studies
Published by: Српско географско друштво
Keywords: Goč; Stanišinci; population; households;

Summary/Abstract: Bad quality of infrastructure and slow economic development, which is damaged by emigration, made bad influence on the number of inhabitants of the Goc Mountain. According depopulation, population density was reduced too. Tendencies in the changes of number of households and tendencies in the changes of number of population are different. Disappearing of patriarchal family is the evident on the Goc Mountain. Verification of that fact is in the decreasing in number of members in the households. Regional road (R-222) was built in 1939. It was set up through Stanisinci. Because of that, life quality in village Stanisinci was better than Goc. It was the good solution for slowdown of emigration and decreasing of population number in the second half of XX century. Precondition for development promotion of the Goc Mountain is in work on infrastructure quality. Municipality of Vrnjacka Banja plans to use tourism industry for revitalization of settlements on the Goc Mountain.

  • Issue Year: 87/2007
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 97-106
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Serbian
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