Tourist And Cartographic Visualization Of European Walking Route Through Serbia - Section E7 On Mountain Tara Cover Image

Туристичко-картографска визуелизација европског пешачког пута кроз Србију - деонице Е7 на планини Тари
Tourist And Cartographic Visualization Of European Walking Route Through Serbia - Section E7 On Mountain Tara

Author(s): Boban Milojković, Velimir Aleksić, Saša Kicošev
Subject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
Published by: Универзитет у Нишу
Keywords: European Walking Route; marked hiking pathways and transversals; Mountaineering Association of Serbia; standard of cartographic modeling of hiking maps for tourists

Summary/Abstract: Owing to efforts of volunteers and minimal financial support by the Ministry of Economy and Regional Prosperity in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Mountaineering Association of Serbia managed to realize a large portion of the European Walking Route (EWR) Project in 2010 by designing and marking sections E 7 and E 4 through Serbia. The mountaineering organization and tourism on the national level have thus been given significant and almost free development opportunity. The paper focuses, firstly, on certain aspects of marked hiking routes and transversals which served as a basis for designing and marking the EWR and, secondly, on the EWR standards illustrated by example from Denmark. This is followed by elements of the standards and procedures for creating EWR through Serbia, as well as a critical survey of the existing mountaineering and hiking maps. The example of section E 7 on Mt. Tara has been given as being representative of the practice of cartographic modeling. The closing part contains concise suggestions for a future standard in the field of tourist and cartographic visualization of mountaineering centres through which the EWR goes in the territory of Serbia.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 101-117
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Serbian
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