An investigation of the expectations and perceptions of consumers about the quality of services in the spa hotels of West Morava region Cover Image

Испитивање очекиваног и перцепираног квалитета услуге у хотелима Западноморавске бањске зоне
An investigation of the expectations and perceptions of consumers about the quality of services in the spa hotels of West Morava region

Author(s): Vuk Garača, Jovan Romelić, Ivana Blešić
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
Published by: Српско географско друштво
Keywords: service quality; spa hotels; SERVQUAL;

Summary/Abstract: The paper examines the concept and measurement of quality of service in the hotel sector. The results of research survey that relate to the expectations and perceptions of consumers about the quality of services in the spa hotels are represented here. The survey was conducted in five Serbian spas (West Morava region) in August and September 2008. A model for measuring the quality of services is developed based on the SERVQUAL model. Statistical methods used here are descriptive statistical analysis and analysis of variance ANOVA, which is used for analyzing whether there is a statistically significant link between the dependent variables (questions in the domain of expectations and perceptions) and the independent variables (age structure of respondents). The results may be important to the providers of hotel services and contribute to the advancement of business through the adjustment of the product to the needs of the guest.

  • Issue Year: 89/2009
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 103-114
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Serbian
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