Inter-Destination Functional Dependence: Belgrade And Novi Sad Case Cover Image

Интердестинацијска функционална зависност: случај Београда и Новог Сада
Inter-Destination Functional Dependence: Belgrade And Novi Sad Case

Author(s): Lolita Zakić, Gordana Jovanović, Vuk Garača
Subject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
Published by: Универзитет у Нишу
Keywords: destination region; functional dependence; correlation; Novi Sad; Belgrade.

Summary/Abstract: Significant tourist centers are inevitably connected to their gravitation zone, with which they together make a destination region. with. Very often, that dependence is called a relationship of primary and secondary tourist destinations. That relationship actually represents a base for tourism in every big tourist region. Destination region is a complex spatial entity consisting of a number of elements, such as primary, secondary and tertiary tourist centers, gates of tourist flows, intraregional road networks, as well as the directions that tourist flows take when reaching destinations. That is why the creation of the model of the destination region, based upon previous and existing elements and ideas, must represent the foundation for the development of tourism in every tourist center that has predispositions to become a primary one. Novi Sad as a second largest city in Serbia and the second center of city tourism, when taking into consideration the number of tourists and overnight stays, could have such predispositions, based upon its tourist-geographical setting, natural and culturalhistorical characteristics. However, it is important to answer question if Novi Sad is really a primary tourist destination or it represents a part of Belgrade destination region, as a secondary tourist destination. The objective of this work is interdestination functional dependence on the example of Belgrade and Novi Sad. The aim of this work is, depending on objective preconditions, to determine hierarchical roles in the development of tourism between Novi Sad and Belgrade, i.e. determine whether Novi Sad represent a secondary tourist destination in the Belgrade destination region. The tasks of this work are the following: to determine the direction, level and quality of correlation and dependence of tourism on Belgrade-Novi Sad relation, Methods used in the research process are indoor research, statistical method of the Pearson correlation, synthetical, comparative, critical and descriptive method.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 119-132
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Serbian
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