Newly Discovered Iron Age Sites Near the Village of Stohnaia, Rezina District, Republic of Moldova Cover Image

Noi situri din epoca fierului descoperite în preajma satului Stohnaia, raionul Rezina, Republica Moldova
Newly Discovered Iron Age Sites Near the Village of Stohnaia, Rezina District, Republic of Moldova

Author(s): Ion Niculiţă, Aurel Zanoci, Mihail Băţ
Subject(s): History
Published by: Editura Istros - Muzeul Brailei
Keywords: Saharna micro-zone; Iron Age; Thraco-Getae; fortifications; civil settlements.

Summary/Abstract: In the Saharna micro-zone of the Middle Dniester basin as a result of archaeological investigations and surface research there have been certified 13 fortifications and 14 civilian settlements, which were assigned to the Thraco-Getic communities. Of these are of interest two fortresses (Stohnaia III, Stohnaia IV) and two civilian settlements (Stohnaia V, Stohnaia VI) recently discovered near the village of Stohnaia. The fortifications were located on the high sides of a canyon that comes from the Dniester riverbed inland. For their consolidation, in addition to natural factors, artificial defensive elements of the type “wooden wall with earth and stone filling” were used. Civil settlements were located in the vicinity of the fortifications, forming together an “agglomeration” of sites.

  • Issue Year: 21/2015
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 153-176
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: English, Romanian
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