Texte arabe creştine tipărite cu ajutor din Ţările Române în secolul al XVIII-lea – repertoriu comentat –
Christian Arabic texts printed with help from the Romanian Principalities in the 18th century – An annotated record –
Author(s): Ioana FeodorovSubject(s): History
Published by: Editura Istros - Muzeul Brailei
Keywords: Arabic printing; Antim the Iberian; Athanasius Dabbās; Patriarchate of Antioch; Christian Arabs.
Summary/Abstract: Christian Arabic texts printed with help from the Romanian Principalities in the 18th century – An annotated record –. This paper presents the history of the first books printed in Arabic types for the Arab Christians of the Ottoman Empire, owing to the teamwork of Antim the Iberian and Athanasius Dabbās (former and future Patriarch of Antioch). It evokes the chief moments in the beginnings of printing in the Near East, focusing on the Romanian contribution and its outcome: books printed in Arabic types in Snagov, Bucharest (1701, 1702), Iaşi (1745–1747), and Aleppo, starting in 1706, in a printing workshop founded with knowhow and implements transferred from Wallachia. The contribution comprises the first comprehensive annotated inventory of all Arabic books printed with Romanian help, established by bringing together the existing historical data and new research on Arabic material, based on texts comprised in these books and works written by Syrian and Lebanese historians of the Christian Arab culture.
Journal: ISTROS
- Issue Year: 20/2014
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 651-729
- Page Count: 78