Early Iron Age Settlement from Ţibrinu - „La Lac” (Mircea Vodă, Constanţa County) Cover Image

Aşezarea din perioada timpurie a epocii fierului de la Ţibrinu - „La Lac” (com. Mircea Vodă, jud. Constanţa)
Early Iron Age Settlement from Ţibrinu - „La Lac” (Mircea Vodă, Constanţa County)

Author(s): Cătălin Dobrinescu, Sorin Cristian Ailincăi
Subject(s): History
Published by: Editura Istros - Muzeul Brailei

Summary/Abstract: On 24th – 30th of September 2003, surface investigations were made on the shore of Tibrinu Lake. These investigations resulted in discovering various pottery fragments characteristic for the Babadag culture, the Getic culture (4th -3rd century B.C.), the Roman-Byzantine period and early medieval period (9th-11th century BC). In order to verify the existence of a settlement, two sondages were drilled: H1 (1x4m) and H2 (1x4m), situated at 50m and respectively 300m from the shore, in a large bay, on the southern shore of the lake. The purpose of this article is to analyze the material attributed to the First Iron Age. Most of the fragments were discovered on the shore of the artificial lake Tibrinu that covered the Babadag type settlement, as the currents of the lake bring to the shore impressive amounts of pottery. In 2002, the Museum of National History and Archeology from Constanţa acquired a large lot of artifacts from Ţibrinu Lake. “Primele menţiuni referitoare la vestigiile arheologice de pe teritoriul localităţii Ţibrinu (com. Mircea Vodă, jud. Constanţa) au fost făcute de E. Comşa, care meţionează descoperiri din epocă romană şi medievală1. Ulterior informaţiile se îmbogăţesc prin identificarea şi cercetarea mai multor locuiri paleolitice2. În perioada 24 – 30 septembrie 2003 au fost efectuate cercetări de suprafaţă pe malul lacului Ţibrinu3. Acestea au evidenţiat existenţa a numeroase fragmente ceramice caracteristice culturii Babadag, culturii getice (sec. IV-III a.Chr), perioadei romano - bizantine şi celei medievale timpurii (sec. IX-XI p.Chr). Pentru a verifica existenţa unei aşezări au fost efectuate două sondaje, S 1 (1 x 4m) şi S 2 (1 x 4m), situate la cca. 50 m, respectiv 300 m de mal, într-un golf larg, pe ţărmul de S al lacului. În sondajul 1, ne-am oprit la adâncimea de 1,80 m fără a atinge solul steril”[…]

  • Issue Year: 13/2006
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 135-157
  • Page Count: 23
  • Language: Romanian
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