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Iranian society underwent various transformations influenced by Western culture as part of its process of modernisation. This was driven by the state's, intellectuals’ and the emergent middle class’s efforts to push cultural change. However, despite a century of such modernisation, a populist backlash accelerated the rise of religious leaders and the Shiʿite tradition before, during and after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. For this important reason, the link between cultural change and modernisation need further examination in the Iranian context. This paper posits the preliminary hypothesis that modernisation as a means of cultural change did not transform Iranian culture in large measure due to the lack of nationwide education. A majority of Iranians remained devoted to the Shiʿite faith and traditions of Islam. This paper examines the importance of education in cultural change in the Qajar and Pahlavi eras, deploying aspects of Riane Eisler's cultural transformation model to evaluate cultural change influenced by Western culture in Iran.
The Covid-19 pandemic has a negative impact on all sectors of the economy, and the provision of healthcare is no different. Providing dental and medical care in an outpatient setting is considered high-risk in terms of the possible transmission and spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus. In several European countries, it was recommended or ordered to close the dental practice. The article describes patient management in a dental clinic during the Covid-19 pandemic. It concerns the provision of preventive and curative procedures in dental clinics before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data processing analyzes the impact of measures against the spread of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus in order to provide preventive and therapeutic activities in dental clinics. Based on statistical indicators, the authors’ intention is to know what impact the pandemic of respiratory diseases and restrictions on the operations of dental clinics has on dental care. The article points out which procedures in dental clinics were most affected and to what extent.
This paper highlights the particular challenges faced by academics when providing social work practice a scientific foundation. This discipline and profession deals with the nature and problems of social relations which are complex, context and culture specific and yet relate to universal regularities. By tracing key historical developments in social work theory, it can be shown that the political context in which theories emerge and to which they take position matters considerably so that principles like self-help or attention to diversity and personal identity can be interpreted quite differently. The paper focuses on the tension between objectivity and subjectivity as constitutive of social work epistemology, a theme that finds increasingly echoes in other disciplines, and concludes from latest ‘post-humanist’ theorising that in view of current global crises this tension needs to be maintained constructively in the interest of seeing individual social needs in comprehensive interactive perspectives.
Evropská komise již mnoho let upozorňuje na demografické změny a s nimi se zvyšující potřebu dlouhodobé péče a také na problematiku stáří, která bude vyžadovat lepší koordinaci služeb. Jednou z efektivních cest k dosažení tohoto cíle může být case management, který se bude šířeji využívat vzhledem k rozpoznání a uznání nezbytnosti koordinované pomoci v situacích dlouhodobé péče, včetně dlouhodobě pečujících osob a rodin. Předkládaný text je souhrnem výzkumných zjištění s experty na case management, s odbornou veřejností a praktických poznatků získaných během přípravy vzdělávacích modulů s odborníky na danou problematiku1 . Ocitáme se na rozcestí a musíme se rozhodnout, jakým způsobem dále posílit systém integrovaných zdravotně sociálních služeb, abychom dokázali zajistit dostupnost služeb pro seniory v místě jejich bydliště a v co nejkratší možné době. Jejich počet rychlým tempem narůstá, aniž by ČR měla jednu společnou koncepci zdravotně sociálních služeb, která by strategicky stavěla na podpoře stárnutí doma a v komunitě. Case management jako profesionální metoda zlepšuje kvalitu života seniorů i rodinných pečujících, oddaluje dobu institucionalizace, vede k lepšímu využití zdrojů celkově a redukcím u neindikovaných hospitalizací. Case manager zvyšuje efektivitu celého případu s ohledem na hodnoty, potřeby a přání klienta a jeho blízkého okolí při hospodárném využívání zdrojů pomoci a podpory.
The studies deal with the importance of identifying the parenting style for social workers. The aim is to verify the connection between the identified parenting styles and the loneliness in the targeted group of adolescents. The authors derive from three premises: adolescents — targeted group of social work; loneliness — risk phenomenon, like occurence of other negative phenomena in lives of adolescents; parenting style — process of interaction and communication parent-child — as a predictor/protector in the extent of loneliness. Quantitative design of research using the UCLA methodology, author’s questionnaire of the parenting style, family typology and subjective evaluation of the relationship with parents, sample of 157 high school students. The positive relationships between the authoritarian educational style and the loneliness have been confirmed.
This text describes the findings of the project “Parenting groups to support parenting skills” from the perspective of social workers providing support to families from socio-economically disadvantaged background over the last two years. We build on the long-standing evidence stemming from the principles of positive parenting described in Dobrý začátek and Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH). These principles aim to increase parenting skills, behaviour, improve children’s behaviour and enhance their well-being. Our findings are based on the qualitative methods of the process evaluation — focus groups, social workers’ evaluation of their engagement with clients, and fidelity of the implementation. Regarding the parenting groups intervention, social workers were particularly successful in appreciating and responding to clients’ needs. On the other hand, they were less successful in practicing specific skills or resolving conflict situations. Social workers valued their own improvement in working with groups or fulfilling their interest in continual work on the topic. In terms of families, parenting groups led to newly acquired parenting skills. Parents were more likely to understand that parenting can be approached in a different way than they were used to. There was a change in their approach manifested in giving more specific and achievable instructions, as well as in change of the children’s behaviour. Considering the importance of the role of social workers in the whole process, it seems important to focus on fostering social workers’ skills. Setting up long term facilitator pairs, providing space to work on the topic of parenting skills, or a greater gender balance of social workers seem desirable.
The aim of this study was to obtain a more profound understanding of the inner world of individuals contending with fibromyalgia that might contribute to the development of more effective intervention strategies on various levels. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain-inducing illness that affects both physical functioning and emotional wellbeing. Society’s lack of recognition of the illness and its ramifications make coping with it even harder. The standard medical treatment consists of analgesics, but studies have found that adding individual or group psychological intervention contributes greatly to alleviating the symptoms. A group intervention at a hospital in central Israel that used skills based on the person-in-environment approach provided not only a test of the intervention’s efficacy but also a close view of the inner world of people with fibromyalgia. Content analysis of the summaries of the group meetings revealed a great difference between what the individuals felt and what others, including family members, saw or heard. Not being heard may intensify the individual’s suffering and prevent recognition by others of the illness. The article describes these issues, which were discussed in the group intervention. This added knowledge may narrow the gap between the inside and the outside and may amplify the voices of individuals contending with fibromyalgia, thus contributing to increased recognition of their condition, more efficacious interventions, and improvement of their quality of life.
In this paper, we describe the results of our empirical research, which focused on the experience and behaviour of professionals in one particular social services facility during the time of the Covid-19 epidemic. We tried to show how this situation influenced the psychic areas mentioned above and how it affected the lives of the professionals, their clients, and their family members. We chose the way of qualitative research design and spoke to 31 strategic communication partners. We processed the interviews through open, axial and selective coding. The principal category was uncertainty. The communication partners have lived in uncertainty for a long time; they also miss clear cognitive structures and some intentional steps in such a situation. We suggest preventing such issues in the future through crisis management. This tool can help control and hold some order, reducing uncertainty and strengthening quality.
The research aims to find out how workers and clients of a retirement home understand the boundaries in relationships and how they attach importance to the boundaries. Moreover, the process of a boundary formation and workers´ reflections on their boundaries will be described. The qualitative research is designed as a case study of a small retirement home. The sources of primary data were semi-structured interviews with workers and clients and participatory observation. Documents describing the rules of the retirement home are the source of secondary data. The results showed that despite the fact, that workers keep professional boundaries, the relationships are very close in the retirement home. According to the clients, workers should keep a professional distance from them. Both workers and clients are satisfied with the relationships within the organization.
The article is based on a bachelor’s thesis that was defended in September 2022 at the Department of Social Work of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. The subject of the contribution is a summary of the results of the conducted research, which focused on the one hand on finding certain similarities and differences in the setting of the social housing system of the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and Sweden, on the other hand on the identification of functional elements in foreign systems that could help to improve the practice of social housing in the Czech Republic.
Changes in speech may be the only evidence of neurological disease in the early stages of its evolution and sometimes the only significant symptom in a progressive neurological condition. The relationship between speech and motor control of speech is complex and two-way, and systematic research into the nature of these interactive processes has the potential to deepen our understanding of the typical as well as pathological development of speech. The aim of this paper is to present the basic diagnostic characteristics of motor speech disorders in the early period based on a review of the relevant literature, with an emphasis on diagnosis and early intervention. The literature search was performed through the Google Scholar Advanced Search search engine and the Consortium of Libraries of Serbia for Unified Procurement – KoBSON. The multifactorial nature of motor speech disorders indicates that effective diagnosis and treatment planning require a dynamic, process-oriented approach aimed at describing the underlying deficits that characterize these disorders. A review of previous studies shows that recognizing and understanding motor speech disorders contributes to a more complete clinical understanding of other conditions related to motor speech disorders, allowing us a better insight into the treatment of motor speech disorders. Accurate diagnostic methods and effective early intervention programs are crucial to limit the short-term and long-term negative impact of motor speech disorders on an individual’s quality of life.