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In memoriam to Ain Kaalep (4. VI 1926 - 9. VI 2020)
In memoriam to Paul Kokla (17. VIII 1929 - 16. V 2020)
In memoriam to Mati Hint (28 August 1937 - 5 December 2019)
In memoriam to Ellen Heek (19. IV 1927 - 7. VII 2019)
In memoriam to Hellar Grabbit (22. IX 1929 - 28. VII 2018)
In memoriam to Isidor Levin (20. IX 1919 – 24. VII 2018)
In memoriam to Mai Bereczki (27. II 1929 – 31. VII 2018)
In memoriam to Endel Nirk (15. XII 1925 - 15. IV 2018)
Wspomnienie o Andrzeju Busiu (zm. 2003 r.), dziennikarzu i publicyście, znawcy historii regionu wadowickiego i działaczu kultury.
On July 2, 2022, prominent historian and archaeologist Dr. Milan Kruhek, former director and long-time employee of the Croatian Institute of History and one of the leading experts on Croatian medieval and early modern history, died. Although in his works he relatively rarely dealt directly with the area of Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja, his scientific results and his overall activity also influenced the development of historical research in this area.
The literary scholar Viktor Žmegač (Slatina, March 21, 1929 – Zagreb, July 20, 2022) held the Chair of German Literature at the Department of German Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy / University of Zagreb from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s contributed significantly to the international reputation of Zagreb German Studies. Viktor Žmegač was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Zagreb German Studies Contributions. We thank Dieter Borchmeyer (Munich/Heidelberg) for kindly allowing us to publish his speech delivered at the commemoration on November 21, 2022 in Zagreb.