Tumular Necropolis of the Roman Period near Straldzha, Yambol Region Data One
Могилен некропол от римската епоха край град Стралджа, Ямболско Data One
Keywords: Roman period; necropolis; cremation burial; inhumation burial; tumular cemetery.
The volume presents the results of the archaeological survey of a Roman age tumular necropolis in the administrative territory of the town of Straldzha, Yambol region. The investigation was carried out as a rescue excavation due to the construction of the “Trakia” highway. Five tumuli of the necropolis have been thoroughly researched. A total of thirty one graves have been discovered, of which nineteen are cremations and twelve are inhumations. Nineteen complexes related to commemoration practices have been surveyed. There are two horse burials. Eight of the studied inhumations are secondary, and one grave is from the Bronze age and predates the necropolis. The excavation of the necropolis has revealed the skeletal remains of thirty-four individuals, and for twenty-two of them age and sex have been determined. The entire ceramic material and all small finds discovered at the site have been investigated in detail. The date of the researched necropolis near Straldzha is based on the coins found and the various objects put as grave goods. The period of its initial heaping and use is the early 2nd until the first decades of the 3rd century.