Publishing House: AV ČR - Akademie věd České republiky - Slovanský ústav and Euroslavica
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 1210-9029
Status: Active
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- Issue No. 1/XIX
- Issue No. 2/XIX
- Issue No. 1/XX
- Issue No. 2/XX
- Issue No. 1-2/XXI
- Issue No. 1/XXII
- Issue No. 2/XXII
- Issue No. 1/XXIII
- Issue No. 2/XXIII
- Issue No. 1/XXIV
- Issue No. 2/XXIV
- Issue No. 1/XXV
- Issue No. 2/XXV
- Issue No. 1/XXVI
- Issue No. 2/XXVI
- Issue No. 1/XXVII
- Issue No. 2/XXVII
- Issue No. 1-2/XXVIII
- Issue No. 1/XXIX
- Issue No. 2/XXIX
- Issue No. Sondernr./XXIX
- Issue No. 1/XXX
- Issue No. 2/XXX
- Issue No. 1-2/XXXI
- Issue No. 1/XXXII
- Issue No. 2/XXXII
- Issue No. 1/XXXIII
Articles list
Walther und Helgunde – deutsch-slawische Kontexte der Geschichte vom Ehebruch
Walther und Helgunde – deutsch-slawische Kontexte der Geschichte vom Ehebruch
(Walther and Helgunde – German-Slavic Contects of the Story of Adultery)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Joanna Godlewicz-Adamiec
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): Studies of Literature
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 5-16
- No. of Pages: 12
- Keywords: German-Polish-encounters; real topography; literary topography; meeting places;
- Summary/Abstract: The article analyzes an untitled story about the “Polish Walter”, which was part of the Wielkopolska Chronicle (Kronika wielkopolska) from the second half of the 13th century. Until now the research focused mainly on the sources of the story, i.e. on the origin of the material (including relations between the “Polish” and Latin Waltharius and/or the German Waltharius-versions), while the content and form were almost unnoticed by Polish and German researchers. The article aims to address both the sources and the content of the story and to analyze the German-Slavic background of the story and focus on places, where the two cultures meet. These German-Slavic encounters are subjected to literary analysis in the context of the biography of the author, of the sources, and of the literary topographies.
Die Rolle des Inputs bei der Produktion stimmloser Plosive bei russisch-deutschen und polnisch-deutschen bilingualen Jugendlichen
Die Rolle des Inputs bei der Produktion stimmloser Plosive bei russisch-deutschen und polnisch-deutschen bilingualen Jugendlichen
(The Impact of Input on the Production of Voiceless Stops in Russian and Polish as Heritage Languages in Germany)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Tatiana Kurbangulova
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): Phonetics / Phonology, Western Slavic Languages, Eastern Slavic Languages
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 17-32
- No. of Pages: 16
- Keywords: VOT; voiceless stops; input; heritage Russian; heritage Polish
- Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the impact of heritage language input on the production of voiceless stops in Russian and Polish by second-generation speakers in Germany. On the basis of data collected from 39 families, we investigate the realization of Voice Onset Time (VOT) in Russian and Polish by both school-age bilingual children and their parents. Our main findings show that there are significant differences between children who receive input only or mainly in their heritage language and children who get mainly input in German: The children who receive only or mainly input in their heritage language realize the stops with the lowest VOT values, which are also the closest to the values of the first generation. In contrast, the children with more input in German realize the stops with longer VOT and show a stronger convergence towards German VOT measures.
Ansätze zum Deutschlehren in Gymnasien der Stadt Osijek (Kroatien) bis zum 2. Weltkrieg
Ansätze zum Deutschlehren in Gymnasien der Stadt Osijek (Kroatien) bis zum 2. Weltkrieg
(Methodological Approach to German Language Teaching in High Schools of the City of Osijek (Croatia) until World War II)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Ljubica Kordić
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): Language studies
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 33-50
- No. of Pages: 18
- Keywords: the city of Osijek; multilingualism; German language; teaching approach; the Classical High School of Osijek; grammar schools
- Summary/Abstract: The goal of this paper is to explore the position of the German language in the history of the multilingual city of Osijek, Croatia, and to present the specific role of that language throughout the history of Croatian secondary school system. Historical overview of the position of German language with reference to other (foreign) languages that were instructed in the classical High School of Osijek and its two grammar schools (Realschulen) offers an insight into cultural and political contacts of Croatia with German speaking countries and peoples. This exploration is based on various historical sources and documents, primarily those available in the Museum of Slavonia and in the State Archives of Osijek. In both institutions, a huge contingent of original files and documents of the three schools from their foundation to World War II was investigated and analyzed. Apart from the language policy and the specific position of the German language, the author especially deals with the methodological approach to teaching discourse of German in the high schools of Osijek at specific historical periods. In that way the paper gives evidence on educational and political changes as well as on interference of different languages and cultures throughout the history in the multicultural city of Osijek.
Erinnerungen an Begegnungsorte in Prag in den Autobiographien von Else Kornis und Charlotte Herder
Erinnerungen an Begegnungsorte in Prag in den Autobiographien von Else Kornis und Charlotte Herder
(Memories of Contact Zones in Prague in Autobiographies of Else Kornis and Charlotte Herder)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Gudrun Wedel
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): Cultural history
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 51-68
- No. of Pages: 18
- Keywords: autobiography; contact zones; Prague circle; language skills; contexts of publishing;
- Summary/Abstract: This paper explores the autobiographies of Else Kornis (1889-1983), daughter of a Jewish merchant, and Charlotte Herder (1872-1959), daughter of a Catholic professor, both living in Prague in the years around 1900. Based on a larger concept of the construction of space, the focus lies on contact zones. At first, the biographical background of the authors is presented, and their different contexts of publishing are described. Both factors influence the representation and selection of recollections. Then it is shown, how the authors used the Czech language for constructing social contacts. The analysis shows where these contacts took place in daily life by three types of contact zones, i.e. flats, a public school, and cafés. The autobiographies show the complexity and multifunctionality of these spaces.
„Auf Deutsch kann ich mich nicht belügen“ Schreiben in einer fremden Sprache: Katja Petrowskaja und Tanja Maljartschuk
„Auf Deutsch kann ich mich nicht belügen“ Schreiben in einer fremden Sprache: Katja Petrowskaja und Tanja Maljartschuk
(“I can’t fool myself in German”. Writing in a Foreign Language: Katja Petrowskaja and Tanja Maljartschuk)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Francisca Roca Arañó
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): Studies of Literature, Psycholinguistics
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 69-85
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: Katja Petrowskaja; Tanja Maljartschuk; exophony; emigration; identity;
- Summary/Abstract: Katja Petrowskaja, born in Kiev in 1970, won the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize in 2013 with an excerpt from her book Vielleicht Esther. Five years later, it is again a young woman from Ukraine, Tanja Maljartschuk, born in 1983 in Ivano-Frankivsk, who wins the prestigious prize with the text Frösche im Meer. The two writers also have in common their late learning of the German language. “My German remained somehow inaccessible and saved me from routine” (Petrowskaja). “I can fool myself in Ukrainian” (Maljartschuk). Why two Ukrainian women made the choice to write in a foreign language and how their attempts have influenced their literary work is discussed in the article.
Migration als Krise – Radek Knapps Der Gipfeldieb (2015) und Der Mann, der Luft zum Frühstück aß (2017)
Migration als Krise – Radek Knapps Der Gipfeldieb (2015) und Der Mann, der Luft zum Frühstück aß (2017)
(Migration as a Crisis - Der Gipfeldieb (2015) and Der Mann, der Luft zum Frühstück aß (2017)by Radek Knapp)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Eliza Szymańska
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): Studies of Literature
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 86-96
- No. of Pages: 11
- Keywords: migration; identity crisis; intercultural literature; Radek Knapp;
- Summary/Abstract: In this article two latest novels by Radek Knapp have been analysed. In spite of still domineering tendency in intercultural studies that migration experience should be treated as some enrichment and containing creative potential, I have focused on problems connected with adapting to a new place and the lack of belonging presented in both of the texts. Starting with the thesis of Danuta Mostwin, who proves that migration experience may be perceived as a personal crisis of a migrating person, I have focused on those elements which allow to prove that this is the case of the heroes of the two texts which have been analysed. When it comes to the question of effects of migration, I focus on the trauma which makes the novels’ characters remain in the state of permanent crisis. I have also tried to answer the question how the heroes try to overcome this state of crisis and whether the undertaken attempt will end with a success or a failure.
Geteiltes Gedächtnis. Die transkulturelle Kontaktzone Schlesien im deutschen und polnischen Generationenroman der Gegenwart
Geteiltes Gedächtnis. Die transkulturelle Kontaktzone Schlesien im deutschen und polnischen Generationenroman der Gegenwart
(Shared Memory. Silesia as a Transcultural Contactzone in Contemporary German and Polish Generation Novels)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Sofie Friederike Mevissen
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): German Literature, Polish Literature, Culture and social structure
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 97-109
- No. of Pages: 13
- Keywords: cultural memory studies; postmemory; transculturality; generation novel; Silesian history;
- Summary/Abstract: In contemporary German and Polish novels the social structure of the family serves as a key medium to track the national history and to unfold the collective past on the basis of a diverse range of individual conflicts of identity. This article analyses acts of transgenerational transmitting and remembering collective history in literary settings on the backdrop of the border region of Silesia as a contactzone of a common German and Polish history and memory culture. Based on the example of two novels, Sieben Sprünge vom Rand der Welt (2014) by the German author Ulrike Draesner and Drach (2014) by the Polish author Szczepan Twardoch the aim is to show how effects of the European history of the 20th century are represented in contemporary literature and to what extent generational novels contribute to a transcultural approach in memory studies.
Naturalismus. Eine Provinzluft aus Schlesien
Naturalismus. Eine Provinzluft aus Schlesien
(Naturalism. Under the Silesian Impact)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Jana Tunková
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Cultural history, Western Slavic Languages
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 110-126
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: naturalism; province; Silesia; slavic; drama; theatre;
- Summary/Abstract: The article deals with the influence of the Silesian impact on German naturalism. It concentrates on the theatre, especially in Berlin, not only on drama and the playwrights such as the later Nobel Prize winner Gerhart Hauptmann but also for example on the leading actor and playwright Rudolf Rittner.
Die Internationale Ausstellung neuer Theatertechnik in Wien 1924 im Spiegel der polnischen Theaterkritik
Die Internationale Ausstellung neuer Theatertechnik in Wien 1924 im Spiegel der polnischen Theaterkritik
(Dreams of Spaces. The International Exhibition of New Theatre Techniques in Vienna 1924 in the Mirror of Polish Theatre Criticism)
- Publication: (1/XXXIII/2022)
- Author(s): Monika Wąsik Linder
- Contributor(s):
- Language: German
- Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Issue: 1/XXXIII/2022
- Page Range: 127-138
- No. of Pages: 12
- Keywords: Friedrich Kiesler; space stage; Railway Theatre; theatre techniques
- Summary/Abstract: The article presents the reception of the International Exhibition of New Theatre Technique, organized by Friedrich Kiesler in 1924, among Polish critics and reviewers. Polish observers represent a skeptical attitude towards spatial experiments shown at the exhibition – they accuse the authors of avant-garde projects of utopianism and aesthetic chaos. Favorable Poles evaluated only the designs of Russian artists and the model of the stage by Oskar Strnad. This critical evaluation of the exhibition may seem surprising. Kiesler‘s exhibitions brought together theater artists from all over Europe for the first time and presented designs and models on a large scale. Kiesler, who invoked the idea of a theatrical exhibition, made the stage a place of exchange and inspiration, especially for European futurists and expressionists. The importance of these concepts for the development of stage design, technology and theater architecture in the 20th century is undisputed. What’s more, many of them are crucial to modern stage design. The projects also had an impact on Polish theater avant-garde, exemplifying the design of the Simultaneous Theatre of Andrzej Pronaszko and Szymon Syrkus, which is clearly inspired by the Oskar Strnad project.
Short Description
Germanoslavica is an international recognized scientific periodical. It has been founded in 1931. Later on political circumstances have prevented the ongoing publication of the journal. However in 1994 – thanks to the efforts of Professor Antonín Mešťan, at that time director of the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the ASCR – the periodical Germanoslavica has been reestablished. The articles cover the recent research results in the fileds of history of literature, theory of literature, linguistics as well as history, ethnography with special focus on the Slavic-German and German-Czech Relations. Germanoslavica is included in CEEOL beginning with Issue 1/2008. ---------------------------------------------------- Germanoslavica ist eine international anerkannte wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die im Jahre 1931 gegründet wurde. Später verhinderten jedoch die politischen Umstände ihre weitere Herausgabe; 1994 kam es – dank des damaligen Leiters des Slavischen Instituts, Herrn Prof. Antonín Mešťan, – zu einer Neugründung der Zeitschrift. Auf ihren Seiten sind die neuesten Ergebnisse vergleichender Forschung auf dem Gebiet der slavisch-germanischen und vor allem der deutsch-tschechischen Beziehungen vertreten. Die Studien behandeln literaturhistorische, literaturtheoretische und linguistische Fragestellungen; die Beiträge befassen sich allerdings auch mit Themen zur Kulturologie, Geschichte und Ethnographie. Die einzelnen Bände gliedern sich in theoretische Beiträge und Materialien, Rezensionen, Berichte und Nekrologe. Die Artikel sind in deutscher und zuweilen in englischer Sprache abgefasst. Die Zeitschrift ist eine wichtige Quelle zum Studium der Beziehungen der slavischen und nichtslavischen Länder auf breiter wissenschaftlicher Basis.