Modern Management Systems Cover Image

Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania
Modern Management Systems

Publishing House: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Frequency: 4 issues
Print ISSN: 1896-9380
Online-ISSN: 2719-860X
Status: Active

  • 2022
  • Issue No. 1/17
  • Issue No. 2/17
  • Issue No. 3/17
  • Issue No. 4/17
17/2022 Cover
  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 17
  • Number: 4

Articles list
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and firms’ financial performance: A semi-structured literature review, through the lens of sustainable development

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and firms’ financial performance: A semi-structured literature review, through the lens of sustainable development
(Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and firms’ financial performance: A semi-structured literature review, through the lens of sustainable development)

Diagnosis of the organizational culture of multicultural enterprises – introduction to in-depth research

Diagnosis of the organizational culture of multicultural enterprises – introduction to in-depth research
(Diagnosis of the organizational culture of multicultural enterprises – introduction to in-depth research)

Exploring the effect of intellectual capital management on innovativeness in an R&D institute

Exploring the effect of intellectual capital management on innovativeness in an R&D institute
(Exploring the effect of intellectual capital management on innovativeness in an R&D institute)

Postrzeganie współczesnego bezpieczeństwa – wybrane aspekty

Postrzeganie współczesnego bezpieczeństwa – wybrane aspekty
(Perception of contemporary security – selected aspects)

Ocena klasyfikacji i typologii benchmarkingu z wykorzystaniem warunków poprawności podziału logicznego pojęć

Ocena klasyfikacji i typologii benchmarkingu z wykorzystaniem warunków poprawności podziału logicznego pojęć
(Assessment of the classification and typology of benchmarking using the conditions of correct logical division of concepts)

World Class Manufacturing a Toyota Production System: porównanie systemów produkcyjnych w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju

World Class Manufacturing a Toyota Production System: porównanie systemów produkcyjnych w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju
(World Class Manufacturing, Toyota Manufacturing System: production system comparison in sustainability context)

Globalne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania systemu energetycznego

Globalne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania systemu energetycznego
(Global determinants of the energy system)

Short Description

„Modern Management Systems” is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Organization and Management which operates under the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. The Management Systems Department is responsible for the journal. The first issue of the journal was released in 2006.

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