Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania
Modern Management Systems
Publishing House: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Frequency: 4 issues
Print ISSN: 1896-9380
Online-ISSN: 2719-860X
Status: Active
- 2022
- Issue No. 1/17
- Issue No. 2/17
- Issue No. 3/17
- Issue No. 4/17

- Year: 2022
- Volume: 17
- Number: 4
Articles list
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and firms’ financial performance: A semi-structured literature review, through the lens of sustainable development
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and firms’ financial performance: A semi-structured literature review, through the lens of sustainable development
(Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and firms’ financial performance: A semi-structured literature review, through the lens of sustainable development)
- Publication: (4/17/2022)
- Author(s): Ioana Simona Ermis, Victor-Emanuel Ciuciuc
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Business Economy / Management
- Issue: 4/17/2022
- Page Range: 13-36
- No. of Pages: 24
- Keywords: Environmental; Social and Corporate Governance; financial performance; sustainable development; socially responsible companies;
- Summary/Abstract: The object of this article is to present a concise study of the state of scientific literature regarding the relationship between the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) factors and the financial performance at a company-based level, taking into account the sustainable paradigm. According to scientific literature, we expect that the more socially responsible companies are interested in the well-being of the stakeholders (customers, employees, members of the supply chain, and the community) as much as in that of their shareholders.
Diagnosis of the organizational culture of multicultural enterprises – introduction to in-depth research
Diagnosis of the organizational culture of multicultural enterprises – introduction to in-depth research
(Diagnosis of the organizational culture of multicultural enterprises – introduction to in-depth research)
- Publication: (4/17/2022)
- Author(s): Beata Domańska-Szaruga, Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Business Economy / Management
- Issue: 4/17/2022
- Page Range: 37-48
- No. of Pages: 12
- Keywords: organizational culture; multicultural enterprise; management;
- Summary/Abstract: Based on the research carried out, the article presents the results of the diagnosis of the organizational culture of selected multicultural enterprises from Poland, Spain and Portugal. The research carried out by the authors of this article is a pilot study, conducted as an introduction to more extensive and in-depth research in the field of human resource management in conditions of cultural differences. Research on the role and significance of organizational culture in a multicultural work environment was carried out, inter alia, using Cameron and Quinn's competing value model, which the authors also refer to in this publication. The article presents in a graphic form only partial results of the research carried out in 2022. In this publication, they concern the types of organizational cultures in the surveyed enterprises. The authors also indicated differences in organizational culture between Polish enterprises and Spanish and Portuguese enterprises.
Exploring the effect of intellectual capital management on innovativeness in an R&D institute
Exploring the effect of intellectual capital management on innovativeness in an R&D institute
(Exploring the effect of intellectual capital management on innovativeness in an R&D institute)
- Publication: (4/17/2022)
- Author(s): Elena Dinu
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Business Economy / Management
- Issue: 4/17/2022
- Page Range: 49-66
- No. of Pages: 18
- Keywords: Intellectual Capital Management; innovativeness; technological orientation; R&D sector;
- Summary/Abstract: The literature that empirically investigates the relationship between intellectual capital management and innovativeness in R&D institutions is scarce. In addition, no sources have been found to extend the analysis to include the technological orientation as a strategic approach to developing innovative capabilities. This study builds on the theoretical premises of the intellectual capital-based view of the firm and the dynamic capabilities view. This paper addresses a research gap, by setting out to study the impact of intellectual capital management on innovativeness in an R&D institute, while also considering the relationship with technological orientation. It is proposed that intellectual capital management, through its components human, structural and relational capital positively affect innovativeness in an R&D institute. Moreover, it is hypothesized that human capital and innovativeness positively affect innovativeness in an R&D institute. The research employs PLS-SEM analysis on data collected from a sample of (N = 61) employees of an R&D institute. Data has been acquired by means of a questionnaire measuring intellectual capital management through human, structural and relational capital components, as well as innovativeness and technological orientation. Findings confirm significant direct effects of structural and relational capital on innovativeness, as well as the positive direct effect of human capital and innovativeness on technological orientation. This research represents an original contribution to the academic literature, by bringing new evidence concerning the relationships between intellectual capital management, innovativeness and technological orientation in an R&D institute in Eastern Europe.
Postrzeganie współczesnego bezpieczeństwa – wybrane aspekty
Postrzeganie współczesnego bezpieczeństwa – wybrane aspekty
(Perception of contemporary security – selected aspects)
- Publication: (4/17/2022)
- Author(s): Anetta Supel, Przemysław Przybylski, Piotr Domżał, Zbigniew Domalik
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Polish
- Subject(s): Security and defense
- Issue: 4/17/2022
- Page Range: 67-78
- No. of Pages: 12
- Keywords: state security; national security; determinants of state security; modern security; threats;
- Summary/Abstract: The concept of security is one of those topics that often appear on the international forum and national discussion panels. This is partly due to the impermanence of the already achieved security state. An argument in favor of the need to raise this subject are also the components of modern security, which change with technological progress, globalization and civilizational development. Security is defined in many ways, where its context depends on the considerations, conditions and threats that occur. However, regardless of the subjectively proclaimed views, security is and will be a fundamental need, the fulfillment of which determines the proper functioning of man, the state and international communities. The aim of this study is to analyze selected aspects that seem to have a significant impact on the perception of modern security. Attention was also focused on the concept of cybersecurity and the importance of information for an ever-evolving civilization. The achievement of the abovementioned objective was possible on the basis of an analysis of the available literature on the subject and the expertise already possessed, on the basis of which important assessments and conclusions were made for this publication. On the basis of the conducted analyses, it can be concluded that the shape of modern security is influenced not only by its threat, but also by progress in many areas and changing technological conditions. The presented results and considerations in this publication may prove helpful for further divagations attempting to comprehensively understand changes in security and attempts to make estimates of its future shape.
Ocena klasyfikacji i typologii benchmarkingu z wykorzystaniem warunków poprawności podziału logicznego pojęć
Ocena klasyfikacji i typologii benchmarkingu z wykorzystaniem warunków poprawności podziału logicznego pojęć
(Assessment of the classification and typology of benchmarking using the conditions of correct logical division of concepts)
- Publication: (4/17/2022)
- Author(s): Magdalena Szydełko
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Polish
- Subject(s): Business Economy / Management
- Issue: 4/17/2022
- Page Range: 79-90
- No. of Pages: 12
- Keywords: benchmarking; logical division; classification; typology;
- Summary/Abstract: The number of types and classes of benchmarking cited in the literature proves not only the great interest of researchers in this issue, but also the lack of systematization of theoretical issues in the area of benchmarking classification and typology. The divisions of benchmarking are characterized by a certain inconsistency and violation of the applicable logical rules. As a result, a large number of its classifications and typologies make it difficult to properly understand the essence of its particular types and the use of benchmarking theory in practice. The purpose of this article was to sort out the classification and typology of benchmarking with the use of the principles of correct logical division of concepts. Deductive methods of scientific work were used, which allowed for the reconstruction of knowledge derived from the studied literature and for drawing conclusions relevant to achieving the objective. Due to the article volume limitations, the mechanism of creating correct logical divisions has been shown. The simplest division of benchmarking that ensures correctness ex definitione is a dichotomous one. Dichotomous logical divisions of benchmarking were developed according to selected criteria, i.e. object, industry, subject, type of data, degree of formalization, external support, frequency and relations between partners in benchmarking. Taking into account the large number of benchmarking classifications and typologies in the literature, it was considered appropriate to distinguish internal and external benchmarking as two basic classes. The other types of benchmarking fall into these two categories. Internal and external benchmarking (sub-ranges obtained as a result of a logical division according to the criterion of the object), can be subdivided according to subsequent division criteria, obtaining a multi-level classification or typology of benchmarking. The presented proposals to sort out the issues related to the benchmarking classification and typology may contribute to the development of the benchmarking theory by forming the correct knowledge in this area.
World Class Manufacturing a Toyota Production System: porównanie systemów produkcyjnych w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju
World Class Manufacturing a Toyota Production System: porównanie systemów produkcyjnych w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju
(World Class Manufacturing, Toyota Manufacturing System: production system comparison in sustainability context)
- Publication: (4/17/2022)
- Author(s): Radosław Piątek
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Polish
- Subject(s): Business Economy / Management
- Issue: 4/17/2022
- Page Range: 91-110
- No. of Pages: 20
- Keywords: production system; WCM; TPS; World Class Manufacturing; Toyota Production System; comparison;
- Summary/Abstract: Production systems are one of the main pillars of the enterprises. Their efficiency and principles of func-tioning determine the final quality of products, which recipients are institutions and end consumers. However, nowadays, in addition to the previously mentioned issues, new requirements related to the concept of sustainability have appeared. Production methods, impact on the natural environment, or respect for the human being have become as important aspects as durability or product price. The aim of the following paper is to present a comparison of two production systems which are very popular, especially in the automotive industry: Toyota Production System and World Class Manufacturing in the context of sustainable development. For this purpose, a comparative analysis based on four categories: system complexity, popularity, universality and connections with suitability. The collected material is diverse in nature, which allows for a wide spectrum of research and comparison of both solutions. As a result of the analysis, differences in the level of complication of both production solutions can be noticed. The Toyota Production System structure is less complicated than World Class Manufacturing. The model representation of the TPS system shows all the main components along with their most important features and applications. WCM is a system with a more complicated structure, specifying more aspects necessary for implementation and maintenance. In the case of the popularity of both solutions, the study showed that the most frequently searched phrase is Toyota Production System, but World Class Manufacturing has more publications and materials. Both systems are highly versatile production solutions. The analyzed case studies show successful implementations in manufacturing and service companies in industries not related to the automotive industry. Referring to compliance with the determinants of suitability, it can be stated that both systems contain elements responsible for the implementation of the abovementioned provisions, but they implement them in different ways. TPS does not refer to the concept of sustainable development, but the system itself has issues focused on the reduction of losses, savings, production of only the components needed at a given moment, or respect for people. WCM, on the other hand, has a dedicated element re-sponsible for meeting the requirements of the ISO 14000 standard, relating to environmental impact management. Finally, it can be assumed that both systems have many common features, e.g. in the case of functional assumptions, but the implementation is of a different nature. TPS is a simpler system that allows you to easily adapt to the specifics of the organization. WCM is a more complicated system with a high degree of formalization. The analysis performed is of a review nature, showing the possibly wide spectrum of both production systems. Research can be further pursued through more detailed analyzes of each aspect of the systems or comparisons with other manufacturing solutions.
Globalne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania systemu energetycznego
Globalne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania systemu energetycznego
(Global determinants of the energy system)
- Publication: (4/17/2022)
- Author(s): Aneta Nowakowska-Krystman, Marek Sośnicki, Beata Burchert-Perlińska
- Contributor(s):
- Language: Polish
- Subject(s): Energy and Environmental Studies
- Issue: 4/17/2022
- Page Range: 111-130
- No. of Pages: 20
- Keywords: energy system; global environment; economic-social value; M.E. Porter’s value chain; PEST;
- Summary/Abstract: The dynamics of changes in political, economic, social and technological aspects affect the formation of business models in all sectors of the economy and it was the PEST method that was used to describe the global determinants of energy system performance. Currently, these changes in the described sector are occurring in an exponential process. It is assumed that the business model is the result of a process that emerges from the environment evolution affecting the image of the sector. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to present the global determinants affecting the shape of the new business model presented on the basis of M. Porter’s value chain method. The essence of such an organized process is the creation of economic and social value. This is becoming the dominant approach in the creation of a new business model of the energy system around the world.
Short Description
„Modern Management Systems” is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Organization and Management which operates under the Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. The Management Systems Department is responsible for the journal. The first issue of the journal was released in 2006.