Studies in African Languages and Cultures
Studies in African Languages and Cultures
Publishing House: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Christian Theology and Religion, History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Language studies, Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Language and Literature Studies, Archaeology, Literary Texts, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Foreign languages learning, Semiotics / Semiology, Customs / Folklore, Media studies, Music, Photography, Architecture, History of Church(es), Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Library and Information Science, Historical Geography, Civil Law, Archiving, Cataloguing, Classification, Preservation, Electronic information storage and retrieval, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Communication studies, Sociology, Diplomatic history, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Oral history, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Comparative Studies of Religion, Phonetics / Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Language acquisition, Pragmatics, Historical Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Other Language Literature, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Theory of Communication, School education, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Rural and urban sociology, Sociology of Culture, Period(s) of Nation Building, Cold-War History, Biblical studies, Eastern Orthodoxy, Other Christian Denominations, History of Islam, Contemporary Islamic Thought, Obituary, Editorial, Scientific Life, Conference Report, Book-Review, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Philology, Canon Law / Church Law, Social Norms / Social Control, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion, Phraseology, Stylistics, Sharia Law
Frequency: 1 issues
Print ISSN: 2545-2134
Online-ISSN: 2657-4187
Status: Active
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- Issue No. 43
- Issue No. 44
- Issue No. 45
- Issue No. 46
- Issue No. 47
- Issue No. 48
- Issue No. 49
- Issue No. 50
- Issue No. 51
- Issue No. 52
- Issue No. 53
- Issue No. 54
- Issue No. 55
- Issue No. 56
Articles list
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{{ article.TitleOriginalLanguage }}
({{ article.TitleEnglish }})
- Publication: {{ article.Publisher }} ({{ article.Issue }})
- Author(s): {{ article.Authors }}
- Contributor(s): {{ article.Contributors }}
- Language: {{ article.Language }}
- Subject(s): {{ article.Subjects }}
- Issue: {{ article.Issue }}
- Page Range: {{ article.PageRange }}
- No. of Pages: {{ article.NumberOfPages }}
- Keywords: {{ article.Keywords }}
- Summary/Abstract: {{ article.SummaryAbstract }}
- Price: {{common.currency(calcSubTotal(article.Price))}}
Short Description
Studies in African Languages and Cultures (until 2018 known as Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures) founded in 1984, is owned by the University of Warsaw. The Journal is a forum for the publication of original works in various fields of African studies. Primarily focusing on African linguistics, including ethno- and sociolinguistics, it also covers African literature, African culture and history of Africa. It promotes research based on sources in African languages.
The Journal comprises articles, monographs, and reviews, as well as bibliographies, lexicographic studies and other source materials. Some issues are devoted to specialized topics or events.
Studies in African Languages and Cultures is an international, peer-reviewed, both printed and, since 2009, online BOAI-compliant open-access journal that is published once a year in December. Issues available on this website are exactly the same as their printed copies.
All issues of the Journal are archived on the current website which is stored on the servers of University of Warsaw and will be always accessible for free in academic resources.
The Journal invites to submit the original and unpublished articles. No fees or any other charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time but note that only manuscripts submitted before 31st of March will be considered for publication in the issue scheduled for December the same year. The working language of the Journal is English.
Editorial board
Chief Editor
Prof. Nina Pawlak, Department of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw, Poland
Editorial Board
Dr. Felix K. Ameka, Universiteit Leiden (Leiden University), Centre for Linguistics, Netherlands
Prof. Sergio Baldi, Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy
Dr. habil. Katrin Bromber, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Zygmunt Frajzyngier, University of Colorado, Boulder, United States
Prof. Iwona Kraska-Szlenk, Department of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Marcin Krawczuk, Department of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Zelealem Leyew, Department of Linguistics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Prof. Iribe Mwangi, University of Nairobi, Department of Kiswahili, Kenya
Dr. habil. Helma Pasch, Universität zu Köln, Afrikanistik, Institut für Afrikanistik und Ägyptologie, Germany
Dr. habil. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł, Department of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr. Andrey Shluinsky, Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Russian Federation
Prof. Elsabé Taljard, Department of African Languages, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Dr hab. Beata Wójtowicz, Department of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Hafizu Miko Yakasai, Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
Dr. Izabela Will, Department of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw, Poland
Indexing information
The Journal is indexed and abstracted by:
- Scopus
- The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH Plus)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Index Copernicus International (ICI)
- Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
- Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)
- Linguistic Bibliography Online (Brill)
- Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS) by EBSCO
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- InfoBase Index
- Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR)
Submission guidelines
Only original works, not submitted elsewhere, which are related to the thematic framework of the Studies in African languages and cultures will be accepted for publication. They should not be resubmitted elsewhere while the review process is ongoing. Contributions are expected to be in English, exceptionally we accept manuscripts in French and German. Authors should obtain permission to publish any material under copyright. Manuscripts can be submited at any time but note that only manuscripts submited before 31st of March will be considered for publication in the issue scheduled for December the same year.
The Authors are recommended to send their papers via a submission form accessible at after registration of a User’s account in which their affiliation, the orcid number, and e-mail address are placed separately from the text. The name and institution should be given in the form in which Author wishes it to appear on the first page of the article. For any editorial questions you can also contact us via e-mail
The Authors will recieve the final version of the article in PDF format. All articles published have Digital Object Idetifier (DOI) and are available for free at our website.
Formatting requirements
The manuscript file sent should be in .doc or .dox (or other format supported by Microsoft Word). It should be prepared in the way that allows to keep the anonymity of the Author, i.e. Author’s personal data such us name, initials, etc. must not appear in any part of the text (including references and footnotes) nor in the file’s metadata.
The Authors are requested to keep the rules of formatting accepted for the Journal. The total length of the article does not exceed 12 000 words, including footnotes and references. Please do not use any automatic formatting except for the footnotes.