Analysis and Metaphysics
Analysis and Metaphysics
Publishing House: Addleton Academic Publishers
Subject(s): Philosophy
Frequency: 1 issues
Print ISSN: 1584-0778
Status: Active
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
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- 2021
- 2022
- Issue No. 08
- Issue No. 09
- Issue No. 10
- Issue No. 11
- Issue No. 12
- Issue No. 13
- Issue No. 14
- Issue No. 15
- Issue No. 16
- Issue No. 17
- Issue No. 18
- Issue No. 19
- Issue No. 20
- Issue No. 21
Articles list
A Post-Marxist Reading of the Knowledge Economy: Open Knowledge Production, Cognitive Capitalism, and Knowledge Socialism
A Post-Marxist Reading of the Knowledge Economy: Open Knowledge Production, Cognitive Capitalism, and Knowledge Socialism
(A Post-Marxist Reading of the Knowledge Economy: Open Knowledge Production, Cognitive Capitalism, and Knowledge Socialism)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Michael A. Peters
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 7-23
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: knowledge economy; endogenous growth theory; creative knowledge economy; open science economy; cognitive capitalism; knowledge socialism
- Summary/Abstract: This paper starts from Marx’s “Fragment on Machines” in the Grund- risse, that sees workers as linkages in the “automatic system of machines” of “intelligent capitalism.” The paper provides a brief characterization of the concept of knowledge economy as it first developed in the sociological accounts of post- industrial society in the 1960s by Touraine (1969) and Bell (1972). The OECD’s (1996a) influential formulation of the “knowledge-based economy” developed as a combination human capital theory (Becker, 1962), “the economics of ideas” based on endogenous growth theory (Romer, 1990), and national innovation (Lundvall, 1992). In the second part, the paper focuses diverging forms of the knowledge economy, including (i) the creative knowledge economy and the learning economy, (ii) open knowledge production and open science economy, and (iii) cognitive capitalism and (iv) knowledge socialism.
Humanity-Centered Leadership: Servant Leadership with a Worldview
Humanity-Centered Leadership: Servant Leadership with a Worldview
(Humanity-Centered Leadership: Servant Leadership with a Worldview)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Hershey H. Friedman, Murray Mizrachi
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 25-41
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: leadership; servant leadership; Greenleaf; biblical ethics; conscious leadership; ESG; Moses
- Summary/Abstract: The authors show how the concept of servant leadership can be enhanced by combining it with the notion of making the world a better place. Capitalism is under attack, and several organizations are positing that companies have to demonstrate how it is possible to make a profit and at the same time improve the world. Authentic servant leadership is about elevating all of humanity, not just one’s employees. Indeed, this is precisely what the servant leaders of the Bible stressed.
Big Data Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Cloud-based Accounting Information Systems
Big Data Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Cloud-based Accounting Information Systems
(Big Data Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Cloud-based Accounting Information Systems)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Luminiţa Ionescu
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 42-57
- No. of Pages: 16
- Keywords: big data algorithms; artificial intelligence technologies; cloud; accounting information systems
- Summary/Abstract: Based on an in-depth survey of the literature, the purpose of the paper is to explore big data algorithms shaping management accounting and business decision-making. In this research, previous findings were cumulated showing that data mining algorithms and cloud-based big data analytics can configure enterprise intelligent accounting systems, and we contribute to the literature by indicating that cloud-based accounting and finance infrastructure shapes the business operations of small and medium-sized enterprises. Throughout July 2022, a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases was performed, with search terms including “cloud” + “big data algorithms,” “artificial intelligence technologies,” and “accounting information systems.” As research published between 2016 and 2022 was inspected, only 134 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By taking out controversial or ambiguous findings (insufficient/irrelevant data), outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too general material, or studies with nearly identical titles, I selected 22 mainly empirical sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AMSTAR, Dedoose, Distiller SR, and SRDR.
Smart Contracts in Blockchain-based Accounting Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence-enabled Auditing Techniques
Smart Contracts in Blockchain-based Accounting Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence-enabled Auditing Techniques
(Smart Contracts in Blockchain-based Accounting Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence-enabled Auditing Techniques)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Rafaela Cazazian
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 58-73
- No. of Pages: 16
- Keywords: smart contracts; blockchain; accounting information systems; artificial intelligence; auditing techniques
- Summary/Abstract: In this article, I cumulate previous research findings indicating that blockchain technology can articulate a real-time, valid, and transparent accounting environment, while reconfiguring auditing practices. I contribute to the literature on blockchain technology in financial accounting and corporate governance by showing that blockchain technology can increase unambiguousness, traceability, and convenience. Throughout June 2022, I performed a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases, with search terms including “smart contracts” + “blockchain-based accounting information systems,” “artificial intelligence-enabled auditing techniques,” and “accounting and auditing processes.” As I inspected research published between 2017 and 2022, only 133 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By eliminating controversial findings, outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too imprecise material, or having similar titles, I decided upon 11, generally empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, Dedoose, ROBIS, and SRDR.
Immersive 3D Technologies, Spatial Computing and Visual Perception Algorithms, and Event Modeling and Forecasting Tools on Blockchain-based Metaverse Platforms
Immersive 3D Technologies, Spatial Computing and Visual Perception Algorithms, and Event Modeling and Forecasting Tools on Blockchain-based Metaverse Platforms
(Immersive 3D Technologies, Spatial Computing and Visual Perception Algorithms, and Event Modeling and Forecasting Tools on Blockchain-based Metaverse Platforms)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Katarína Valášková, Marek Vochozka, George Lăzăroiu
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 74-90
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: immersive 3D technologies; spatial computing; visual perception; event modeling and forecasting; blockchain; metaverse
- Summary/Abstract: This paper provides a systematic literature review of studies investigating consumer behavior data, cyber-physical cognitive systems, and geospatial mapping and dynamic routing technologies. The analysis highlights that 3D modeling and geospatial mapping tools, metaverse assets, and cognitive artificial intelligence algorithms further virtual retail experiences. Throughout May 2022, we performed a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases, with search terms including “blockchain-based metaverse platforms” + “immersive 3D technologies,” “spatial computing and visual perception algorithms,” and “event modeling and forecasting tools.” As we inspected research published in 2022, only 143 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By eliminating controversial findings, outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too imprecise material, or having similar titles, we decided upon 30, generally empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AMSTAR, Distiller SR, MMAT, and ROBIS.
Spatial Cognition and Context Awareness Algorithms, Virtual Modeling and Remote Sensing Technologies, and Visual Perception and Data Mining Tools across the Economic Infrastructure of the Metaverse
Spatial Cognition and Context Awareness Algorithms, Virtual Modeling and Remote Sensing Technologies, and Visual Perception and Data Mining Tools across the Economic Infrastructure of the Metaverse
(Spatial Cognition and Context Awareness Algorithms, Virtual Modeling and Remote Sensing Technologies, and Visual Perception and Data Mining Tools across the Economic Infrastructure of the Metaverse)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Mark Newell
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 91-107
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: spatial cognition; context awareness; virtual modeling; remote sensing; visual perception; metaverse
- Summary/Abstract: The present study systematically reviews the existing research on decision support and augmented reality shopping tools, biometric authentication features, and cognitive enhancement technologies in the retail metaverse. My findings clarify that shopping and spending habits integrate behavior analysis and prediction tools in immersive interconnected virtual worlds and across intelligent simulation environments, and I contribute to the literature by indicating that decentralized data analytics and biometric authentication features are pivotal in artificial intelligence-powered live shopping and virtual retail experiences in relation to digital assets. Throughout July 2022, a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases was performed, with search terms including “metaverse” + “spatial cognition and context awareness algorithms,” “virtual modeling and remote sensing technologies,” and “visual perception and data mining tools.” As research published between 2021 and 2022 was inspected, only 166 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By taking out controversial or ambiguous findings (insufficient/irrelevant data), outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too general material, or studies with nearly identical titles, I selected 32 mainly empirical sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AMSTAR, Dedoose, Distiller SR, and SRDR.
Deep Learning-based Ambient Sound Processing and Visual Imagery Tools, Spatial Computing and Immersive Technologies, and Decision and Control Algorithms in the Metaverse Interactive Environment
Deep Learning-based Ambient Sound Processing and Visual Imagery Tools, Spatial Computing and Immersive Technologies, and Decision and Control Algorithms in the Metaverse Interactive Environment
(Deep Learning-based Ambient Sound Processing and Visual Imagery Tools, Spatial Computing and Immersive Technologies, and Decision and Control Algorithms in the Metaverse Interactive Environment)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Brian Carey
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 108-124
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: deep learning; ambient sound processing; visual imagery; spatial computing; immersive technologies; metaverse
- Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine metaverse assets and services developing on customer traffic analytics, smart environment modeling and autonomous visual object detection tools, and voice recognition software. In this article, I cumulate previous research findings indicating that data sharing and immersive technologies, context awareness tools, and path planning algorithms are pivotal in metaverse live shopping across virtual retail stores. I contribute to the literature on livestream shopping events in the metaverse interactive environment by showing that computational intelligence tools and captured image data enable technology-enabled logistics optimization in the virtual retail market. Throughout June 2022, I performed a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases, with search terms including “metaverse” + “deep learning-based ambient sound processing and visual imagery tools,” “spatial computing and immersive technologies,” and “decision and control algorithms.” As I inspected research published in 2022, only 148 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By removing controversial findings, outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too imprecise material, or having similar titles, I decided upon 27, generally empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, Dedoose, MMAT, and SRDR.
Multisensor Fusion and Dynamic Routing Technologies, Virtual Navigation and Simulation Modeling Tools, and Image Processing Computational and Visual Cognitive Algorithms across Web3-powered Metaverse Worlds
Multisensor Fusion and Dynamic Routing Technologies, Virtual Navigation and Simulation Modeling Tools, and Image Processing Computational and Visual Cognitive Algorithms across Web3-powered Metaverse Worlds
(Multisensor Fusion and Dynamic Routing Technologies, Virtual Navigation and Simulation Modeling Tools, and Image Processing Computational and Visual Cognitive Algorithms across Web3-powered Metaverse Worlds)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Katarina Zvarikova, Zuzana Rowland, Elvira Nica
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 125-141
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: multisensor fusion; dynamic routing; virtual navigation; simulation modeling; visual cognitive algorithms; metaverse
- Summary/Abstract: We draw on a substantial body of theoretical and empirical research on spatial computing technology, immersive decentralized networking and virtual navigation tools, and biometric authentication features. With increasing evidence of metaverse engagement metrics, movement and behavior tracking tools, and sentiment analytics, there is an essential demand for comprehending whether customer data analytics deploys 3D modeling tools and immersive visualization systems as regards live shopping events in the digital asset-based virtual economy. We carried out a quantitative literature review of ProQuest, Scopus, and the Web of Science throughout May 2022, with search terms including “metaverse” + “multisensor fusion and dynamic routing technologies,” “virtual navigation and simulation modeling tools,” and “image processing computational and visual cognitive algorithms.” As we analyzed research published in 2022, only 134 papers met the eligibility criteria. By removing controversial or unclear findings (scanty/unimportant data), results unsup- ported by replication, undetailed content, or papers having quite similar titles, we decided on 28, chiefly empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bib- liometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AMSTAR, Distiller SR, ROBIS, and SRDR.
Object Recognition and Virtual Retail Algorithms, Metaverse and Immersive Technologies, and Simulation Modeling and Spatial Data Acquisition Tools in Extended Reality Environments
Object Recognition and Virtual Retail Algorithms, Metaverse and Immersive Technologies, and Simulation Modeling and Spatial Data Acquisition Tools in Extended Reality Environments
(Object Recognition and Virtual Retail Algorithms, Metaverse and Immersive Technologies, and Simulation Modeling and Spatial Data Acquisition Tools in Extended Reality Environments)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): James Perkins
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 142-158
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: object recognition; virtual retail; metaverse; immersive technologies; simulation modeling; spatial data
- Summary/Abstract: The objective of this paper is to systematically review predictive maintenance and spatial data acquisition tools, metaverse technologies, and vision and navigation systems. The findings and analyses highlight that metaverse live shopping develops on behavior analysis and prediction tools, data stream clustering algorithms, and mobile geofencing technology in virtual mall environments. Through- out July 2022, a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases was performed, with search terms including “metaverse” + “object recognition and virtual retail algorithms,” “immersive technologies,” and “simulation modeling and spatial data acquisition tools.” As research published between 2021 and 2022 was inspected, only 139 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By taking out controversial or ambiguous findings (insufficient/irrelevant data), outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too general material, or studies with nearly identical titles, I selected 27 mainly empirical sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AMSTAR, Dedoose, Distiller SR, and SRDR.
Ambient Sound Recognition and Processing Tools, Object Perception and Motion Control Algorithms, and Behavioral Predictive Analytics in the Virtual Economy of the Metaverse
Ambient Sound Recognition and Processing Tools, Object Perception and Motion Control Algorithms, and Behavioral Predictive Analytics in the Virtual Economy of the Metaverse
(Ambient Sound Recognition and Processing Tools, Object Perception and Motion Control Algorithms, and Behavioral Predictive Analytics in the Virtual Economy of the Metaverse)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Robert Barnes
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 159-175
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: ambient sound recognition; object perception; motion control; behavioral predictive analytics; virtual economy; metaverse
- Summary/Abstract: The aim of this systematic review is to synthesize and analyze immersive shopping experiences and metaverse operations management across interconnected digital spaces. With increasing evidence of immersive virtual experiences and livestream shopping events, there is an essential demand for comprehending whether operational modeling and real-time data visualization tools further immersive virtual shopping and multisensory customer experiences, influencing digital product purchase intentions. In this research, prior findings were cumulated indicating that digital twin simulation tools and data tracking apps optimize frictionless metaverse purchase experiences and customer response sentiment in virtual retail stores. I carried out a quantitative literature review of ProQuest, Scopus, and the Web of Science throughout June 2022, with search terms including “metaverse” + “ambient sound recognition and processing tools,” “object perception and motion control algorithms,” and “behavioral predictive analytics.” As I analyzed research published in 2022, only 144 papers met the eligibility criteria. By removing controversial or unclear findings (scanty/unimportant data), results unsupported by replication, undetailed content, or papers having quite similar titles, I decided on 29, chiefly empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, Distiller SR, ROBIS, and SRDR.
Haptic and Biometric Sensor Technologies, Deep Learning-based Image Classification Algorithms, and Movement and Behavior Tracking Tools in the Metaverse Economy
Haptic and Biometric Sensor Technologies, Deep Learning-based Image Classification Algorithms, and Movement and Behavior Tracking Tools in the Metaverse Economy
(Haptic and Biometric Sensor Technologies, Deep Learning-based Image Classification Algorithms, and Movement and Behavior Tracking Tools in the Metaverse Economy)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Mária Kováčová, Jakub Horák, Gheorghe H. Popescu
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 176-192
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: haptic and biometric sensor technologies; deep learning; image classification; movement and behavior tracking; metaverse
- Summary/Abstract: Despite the relevance of immersive shopping experiences in the blockchain-based virtual economy, only limited research has been conducted on this topic. In this article, we cumulate previous research findings indicating that machine vision algorithms, immersive technologies, and customer personalization tools enable personalized digital shopping experiences in the virtual commerce. Throughout May 2022, we performed a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases, with search terms including “metaverse” + “haptic and biometric sensor technologies,” “deep learning-based image classification algorithms,” and “movement and behavior tracking tools.” As we inspected research published between 2021 and 2022, only 152 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By eliminating controversial findings, outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too imprecise material, or having similar titles, we decided upon 27, generally empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, Dedoose, Distiller SR, and MMAT.
Motion Planning and Remote Sensing Algorithms, Predictive Geospatial Modeling and Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Tools, and Machine Perception and Image Recognition Technologies in the Blockchain-based Virtual Economy
Motion Planning and Remote Sensing Algorithms, Predictive Geospatial Modeling and Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Tools, and Machine Perception and Image Recognition Technologies in the Blockchain-based Virtual Economy
(Motion Planning and Remote Sensing Algorithms, Predictive Geospatial Modeling and Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Tools, and Machine Perception and Image Recognition Technologies in the Blockchain-based Virtual Economy)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): George Duncan
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 193-209
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: motion planning; remote sensing; predictive geospatial modeling; deep learning; machine perception; blockchain
- Summary/Abstract: In this article, I cumulate previous research findings indicating that Predictive algorithms, behavioral and demographic analytics, and augmented reality shopping tools assist product customization services across real-time immersive 3D worlds and in the virtual economy. I contribute to the literature on metaverse technologies, simulation modeling tools, and object recognition algorithms by showing that digital twin technology, behavioral and demographic analytics, and predictive modeling algorithms further immersive virtual shopping in the metaverse economy. Throughout July 2022, I performed a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases, with search terms including “blockchain-based virtual economy” + “motion planning and remote sensing algorithms,” “predictive geospatial modeling and deep learning artificial intelligence tools,” and “machine perception and image recognition technologies.” As I inspected research published between 2021 and 2022, only 154 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By eliminating controversial findings, outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too imprecise material, or having similar titles, I decided upon 34, generally empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, Dedoose, ROBIS, and SRDR.
Virtual Navigation and Augmented Reality Shopping Tools, Immersive and Cognitive Technologies, and Image Processing Computational and Object Tracking Algorithms in the Metaverse Commerce
Virtual Navigation and Augmented Reality Shopping Tools, Immersive and Cognitive Technologies, and Image Processing Computational and Object Tracking Algorithms in the Metaverse Commerce
(Virtual Navigation and Augmented Reality Shopping Tools, Immersive and Cognitive Technologies, and Image Processing Computational and Object Tracking Algorithms in the Metaverse Commerce)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Marián Grupač, Kristina Husakova, Raluca-Stefania Balica
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 210-226
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: virtual navigation; augmented reality; immersive and cognitive technologies; image processing; object tracking algorithms; metaverse commerce
- Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine multisensory customer experiences and entertaining metaverse events across interconnected virtual worlds. In this article, we cumulate previous research findings indicating that digital assets integrate augmented reality shopping tools across digital marketplaces in the virtual economy of the metaverse. Throughout June 2022, we performed a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases, with search terms including “metaverse” + “virtual navigation and augmented reality shopping tools,” “immersive and cognitive technologies,” and “image processing computational and object tracking algorithms.” As we inspected research published in 2022, only 148 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By removing controversial findings, outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too imprecise material, or having similar titles, we decided upon 31, generally empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, Dedoose, MMAT, and SRDR.
Geospatial Mapping and Remote Sensing Technologies, Spatial Cognition and Visual Perception Algorithms, and Virtual Navigation and Ambient Scene Detection Tools across the Blockchain-based Metaverse
Geospatial Mapping and Remote Sensing Technologies, Spatial Cognition and Visual Perception Algorithms, and Virtual Navigation and Ambient Scene Detection Tools across the Blockchain-based Metaverse
(Geospatial Mapping and Remote Sensing Technologies, Spatial Cognition and Visual Perception Algorithms, and Virtual Navigation and Ambient Scene Detection Tools across the Blockchain-based Metaverse)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Kimberly Hancock
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 227-243
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: geospatial mapping; remote sensing; spatial cognition; visual perception; virtual navigation; metaverse
- Summary/Abstract: This article reviews and advances existing literature concerning movement and behavior tracking tools and consumer retail data assisting frictionless virtual shopping experiences. In this research, previous findings were cumulated showing that immersive virtual experiences develop on customer behavior and retail business analytics in the metaverse economy, and I contribute to the literature by indicating that virtual retail experiences necessitate cognitive decision-making and spatial mapping algorithms, data mining and computer vision tools, and metaverse technologies across interconnected digital realms. Throughout July 2022, a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases was performed, with search terms including “metaverse” + “geospatial mapping and remote sensing technologies,” “spatial cognition and visual perception algorithms,” and “virtual navigation and ambient scene detection tools.” As research published between 2021 and 2022 was inspected, only 157 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By taking out controversial or ambiguous findings (insufficient/irrelevant data), outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too general material, or studies with nearly identical titles, I selected 33 mainly empirical sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, MMAT, ROBIS, and SRDR.
Perception and Cognition Algorithms, Simulation Modeling and Data Visualization Tools, and Spatial Computing and Immersive Technologies in the Metaverse Interactive Environment
Perception and Cognition Algorithms, Simulation Modeling and Data Visualization Tools, and Spatial Computing and Immersive Technologies in the Metaverse Interactive Environment
(Perception and Cognition Algorithms, Simulation Modeling and Data Visualization Tools, and Spatial Computing and Immersive Technologies in the Metaverse Interactive Environment)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Nancy Morley
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 244-260
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: perception and cognition algorithms; simulation modeling; data visualization; spatial computing; immersive technologies; metaverse
- Summary/Abstract: I draw on a substantial body of theoretical and empirical research on 3D immersive content in the metaverse economy. With increasing evidence of immersive virtual experiences developing on deep learning artificial intelligence tools, biometrics data fusion, and natural language processing algorithms, there is an essential demand for comprehending whether immersive shopping experiences and metaverse customer engagement integrate geospatial mapping tools throughout virtual marketplaces. In this research, prior findings were cumulated indicating that User biometric data shape personalized customer shopping behavior in relation to 3D immersive content across virtual marketplaces. I carried out a quantitative literature review of ProQuest, Scopus, and the Web of Science throughout May 2022, with search terms including “metaverse” + “perception and cognition algorithms,” “simulation modeling and data visualization tools,” and “spatial computing and immersive technologies.” As I analyzed research published in 2022, only 146 papers met the eligibility criteria. By removing controversial or unclear findings (scanty/ unimportant data), results unsupported by replication, undetailed content, or papers having quite similar titles, I decided on 34, chiefly empirical, sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AMSTAR, Distiller SR, ROBIS, and SRDR.
Digital Twin Modeling and Spatial Awareness Tools, Acoustic Environment Recognition and Visual Tracking Algorithms, and Deep Neural Network and Vision Sensing Technologies in Blockchain-based Virtual Worlds
Digital Twin Modeling and Spatial Awareness Tools, Acoustic Environment Recognition and Visual Tracking Algorithms, and Deep Neural Network and Vision Sensing Technologies in Blockchain-based Virtual Worlds
(Digital Twin Modeling and Spatial Awareness Tools, Acoustic Environment Recognition and Visual Tracking Algorithms, and Deep Neural Network and Vision Sensing Technologies in Blockchain-based Virtual Worlds)
- Publication: (21/2022)
- Author(s): Pavol Durana, Zdenka Musová, Adela-Claudia Cuțitoi
- Contributor(s):
- Language: English
- Subject(s): Management and complex organizations
- Issue: 21/2022
- Page Range: 261-277
- No. of Pages: 17
- Keywords: digital twin modeling; spatial awareness; acoustic environment recognition; visual tracking; vision sensing; blockchain
- Summary/Abstract: Based on an in-depth survey of the literature, the purpose of the paper is to explore virtual twin modeling, computer-generated images, and biometric authentication features enabling metaverse brand experiences. In this research, previous findings were cumulated showing that immersive visualization systems require virtual navigation tools, computer-generated images, and text mining techniques in retail livestreaming. Throughout July 2022, a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases was performed, with search terms including “blockchain-based virtual worlds” + “digital twin modeling and spatial awareness tools,” “acoustic environment recognition and visual tracking algorithms,” and “deep neural network and vision sensing technologies.” As research published in 2022 was inspected, only 131 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By taking out controversial or ambiguous findings (insufficient/irrelevant data), outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too general material, or studies with nearly identical titles, we selected 27 mainly empirical sources. Data visualization tools: Dimensions (bibliometric mapping) and VOSviewer (layout algorithms). Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AMSTAR, Dedoose, Distiller SR, and SRDR.
Short Description
Analysis and Metaphysics is an international journal in scope, submissions and readership. The journal publishes contributions fitting within various philosophical traditions, but manifests a preference of the analytic tradition in the broad sense of commitment to clarity and responsibility. Analysis and Metaphysics will serve both as a forum for and as a liaison among those who are dedicated to advancing the basic principles of philosophy as a constructive permeative reflective force in our culture rather than to restricting them to the advantage of a limited and closed society of professional philosophers. In accordance with these aims, we welcome papers which may best develop and sustain a philosophical continuum between philosophers and professionals of other academic disciplines.